pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
00:03 vel left 00:05 theorb joined 00:11 vel joined 00:14 weinig joined 00:18 theorbtwo left 00:50 nipotaway is now known as nipotan 00:55 devogon left 00:58 weinig left 01:05 kanru left 01:07 lyokato joined 01:08 polettix left 01:09 Limbic_Region left 01:34 vel left 01:35 [particle1 joined 01:36 weinig joined 01:39 daxim_ joined 01:42 [particle] left 01:52 Greenn joined 01:53 daxim left 01:55 amnesiac joined 01:57 Schwern left 02:11 Greenn left 02:36 drupek1226 left 02:44 Lunchy left 02:46 Lunchy joined 02:56 Lunchy left 02:58 vel joined 03:08 drupek1226 joined 03:13 vel left 03:19 vel joined 03:50 silug left 03:59 penk joined, ruoso left 04:02 hkb_zz is now known as hakobe 04:04 sunnavy left 04:05 sunnavy joined 04:07 baest left, baest joined 04:11 araujo joined 04:17 drupek1266 joined 04:31 finchely joined, drupek1226 left 04:40 finchely left 04:42 ruoso joined 04:54 mncharity left, ruz left 04:55 ruz joined 05:00 weinig left 05:07 lyokato left 05:16 ahmadz left 05:19 penk left 05:23 dduncan joined
pugs_svnbot r17781 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/Muldis-DB/ : Removed the file Copying.pod; it isn't particularly useful anymore. 05:27
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17781
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17781 - Pugs - Trac
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pugs_svnbot r17782 | ruoso++ | [kp6] changing kp6-kp6 to emit with a different runtime where needed 09:28
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17782
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17782 - Pugs - Trac
09:31 flokuehn left 09:33 beppu left 09:35 f0rth joined 09:40 fglock joined
pugs_svnbot r17783 | ruoso++ | [kp6] new environment more consistent 09:46
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17783
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17783 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r17784 | ruoso++ | [kp6] lib-modules needs two target compilations too; 09:52
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17784
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17784 - Pugs - Trac
09:53 dolmans joined, buetow joined 09:56 dolmans left
pugs_svnbot r17785 | ruoso++ | [kp6] using correctly the new lib-modules target compilation 10:07
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17785
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17785 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso fglock, kp6-mp6 and kp6-kp6 runtimes now have the exact same results in tests ;)
fglock :) 10:08
szbalint does anyone know how pugscode.org's architecture looks like? Is it run by Jifty? I'm planning to put some content on to perl.hu and I'm wondering what to use for it, and whether I can use the same style/css as perl.org/pugscode.org for it 10:19
10:25 beppu joined
Juerd szbalint: Do you want an account on feather to peek at the source? :) 10:30
szbalint I got a feather account already I think, where is it on feather? 10:31
Juerd szbalint: I have no idea, but it's somewhere
szbalint ok I'll look, ta 10:32
Juerd Probably /var/www/pugscode.org
Looks like it's pretty static
szbalint yeah 10:34
ruoso fglock, 'a' | 'b' against an empty string is the case of failure for one of the tests
pugs_svnbot r17786 | fglock++ | [kp6] fixed hash interpolation 10:37
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17786
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17786 - Pugs - Trac
10:41 Ashizawa left
moritz_ kp6: my %a = (foo => 3); say "%a" 10:43
exp_evalbot r17786: OUTPUT[%aā¤]
moritz_ kp6: my %a = (foo => 3); say "%a{}"
exp_evalbot r17786: OUTPUT[foo 3ā¤]
10:46 rindolf joined
knewt so, just curios, do we think that perl6 might be completed and released within a year? 10:47
moritz_ yes, within a year... but I don't know which year ;-) 10:48
presumably 2008
knewt heh. was just wondering because i noticed that python3 is apparently supposed to be about a year away 10:49
moritz_ and so is duke nukem forever ;-)
knewt hehe 10:51
moritz_ nobody is more impatient to see Perl 6 released than we are, that's why we're working on it
wolverian knewt, note that python 3k is not a complete reimplementation and respecification of the language 10:52
(unlike perl 6)
moritz_ but it's a language with quite a complex grammar and many nifty features, that's not so easy to tackle
knewt what's the current status? have to admit i haven't been paying much attention just lately
moritz_ knewt: status of what? specs or the implementations?
knewt specs 10:53
moritz_ "we're done with the first 80% and well into the second 80%"
most things are specced, but a few things like concurrency and a few builtins are still missing 10:54
knewt cool
moritz_ and the POD specs are currently pending
knewt: perlcabal.org/syn/ <-- offical specs, annotated with tests and test results from pugs 10:55
lambdabot Title: Official Perl 6 Documentation
knewt oooh, that embedded tests with results is rather neat 10:57
moritz_ aye ;) 11:00
11:03 buetow left 11:12 Schwern joined
masak how does async blocks work? do they spawn their own threads and do stuff in that thread? 11:37
11:39 vel joined
masak is there a way to know when an async block has finished? 11:40
11:41 chris2 left 11:42 vel left
agentzh masak: in Perl 6? 11:52
masak: in Perl 5, i think there's a threads->join or something like that :) 11:53
masak: in Perl 5, Thread::Queue is handly as well :)
masak agentzh: yes, in Perl 6? 11:54
agentzh masak: i knew little about Perl 6's multithread API...
masak I notice it's still in the unspecced folder
so maybe there's no answer
agentzh heh
maybe larry and audreyt have the answers in their head...
masak I'm a fan of the async {} syntax
agentzh or some random docs in their local machines..
agentzh too. 11:55
masak but it's not immediately obvious to me how one would do a thread->join with it
of course, there's always polling a shared variable... but that hardly sounds sanitary 12:01
12:02 fglock left 12:11 drrho left 12:22 flokuehn joined 12:35 cmarcelo joined 12:38 rindolf left 13:02 Lunchy joined 13:15 kanru joined
lumi $foo = async { blah }; f($foo) # waits? Maybe? 13:18
Is this what join does? 13:19
masak lumi: that's what I had in mind, at least 13:21
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pugs_svnbot r17787 | ruoso++ | [kp6] added length, >=, <. constant or match agains empty string still fails 14:04
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17787
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17787 - Pugs - Trac
14:08 cognominal_ joined 14:09 Partizx left, hkb_lab is now known as hakobe
pugs_svnbot r17788 | ruoso++ | [kp6] kp6-kp6 recompiled 14:13
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17788
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pugs_svnbot r17789 | ruoso++ | [kp6] reverting changes of constant match 14:25
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17789
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14:31 [particle1 left 14:35 rindolf joined 14:40 [particle] joined 14:41 arguile_ left
pugs_svnbot r17790 | fglock++ | [kp6] smaller Term.pm 14:44
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17790
14:45 elmex left 14:47 agentzh left
pugs_svnbot r17791 | ruoso++ | [kp6] fixed "a | b" against empty string 14:50
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17791
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17791 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r17792 | ruoso++ | [kp6] infix<<> fixed. only three tests failing now 14:59
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17792
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17792 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso fglock, take a look at the test grammar/05 15:00
say is outputting HASH(0x8414dd8)
fglock fixing 15:01
pugs_svnbot r17793 | fglock++ | [kp6] arrow blocks 15:08
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17793
r17794 | lwall++ | [STD] captures distinguished from mere lexical bindings 15:11
r17794 | lwall++ | [Cursor] Original $_ now stored in the $._ attribute
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17794
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17794 - Pugs - Trac
15:16 rgs_ joined
pugs_svnbot r17795 | fglock++ | [kp6] fixed Str-to-native and Int-to-native 15:17
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17795
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17795 - Pugs - Trac
avar fglock: sial.org/pbot/27475 :) 15:23
pugs_svnbot r17796 | ruoso++ | [kp6] a fix in 09
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17796
lambdabot Title: Paste #27475 from Someone at
Title: Changeset 17796 - Pugs - Trac
avar was looking through the kp6 code and made some nits 15:24
constant.pm was faster than I recalled:)
moritz_ avar: why don't you just commit them?
avar does lib-kp6-kp6-p5 work for anything?
ruoso avar, it's kp6 compiled to use pure kp6 runtime 15:25
pugs_svnbot r17797 | ruoso++ | [kp6] left test grammar/09 with a different syntax from 08
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17797
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17797 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso the other one still uses mp6 runtime at some points
fglock avar: you can commit nits directly :)
ruoso avar, basically the kp6-kp6 is compiled by kp6, while kp6-mp6 is compiled in part by mp6 15:26
avar Yeah I figured that, I guess I'm asking how the bootstrapping is going:)
pugs_svnbot r17800 | avar++ | r63361@t: avar | 2007-09-13 15:26:02 +0000 15:28
r17800 | avar++ | Don't load Data::Dumper unless ->perl is called ; don't import blessed from Scalar::Util
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17800
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17800 - Pugs - Trac
15:29 rgs left
avar mm, make test works now, Was broken for some reason yesterday 15:29
pugs_svnbot r17801 | fglock++ | [kp6] map() can now use arrow blocks
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17801
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17801 - Pugs - Trac
15:30 kanru joined
avar gives fglock more amphetamines 15:30
moritz_ fglock: I think they are called 'pointy blocks' 15:31
fglock avar: last commit was on bootstrapped code (uses a feature implemented in r17793)
ruoso avar, I'm writing a little more of kp6.p6
fglock moritz_: thanks :)
ruoso the libraries already load without syntax errors
avar ruoso: WHEE:)
ruoso fglock, is there already any way to load STDIN? 15:32
pugs_svnbot r17802 | ruoso++ | [kp6] some more code in kp6.p6, included GLOBAL::require
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17802
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17802 - Pugs - Trac
fglock ruoso: you can implement it in IO
15:33 chris2 joined
ruoso hmm... the visitors still don't load without syntax errors... 15:34
pugs_svnbot r17803 | ruoso++ | [kp6] require dies if eval require died... 15:35
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17803
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17803 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso wheeeeeee.... kp6 loads all the visitors without syntax errors... 15:38
moritz_ kp6++
ruoso hmm... attribute bind fails in kp6-mp6 too.... 15:39
pugs_svnbot r17804 | ruoso++ | [kp6] attribute binding not working in kp6-kp6
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17804
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17804 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r17805 | fglock++ | [kp6] cleanup fixed workarounds 15:42
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17805
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17805 - Pugs - Trac
fglock can this file be published in pugs? if not, does someone have an alternate? www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=485885 15:47
lambdabot Title: PBP's .perltidyrc file, was Re: Perl Best Practices
fglock we need this in order to fix the unnecessary diffs
avar you can publish it, a bunch of command line options don't have very strong copyright and I don't think anyone would care:) 15:48
ruoso fglock, why did you re-created lib-kp6-kp6?
fglock ruoso: i don't know - it must be some Makefile difference 15:49
avar: ok
15:50 rindolf left
pugs_svnbot r17806 | ruoso++ | [kp6] removing lib-kp6-kp6 again 15:51
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17806
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17806 - Pugs - Trac
15:53 flokuehn left
pugs_svnbot r17807 | fglock++ | [kp6] added a perltidy configuration in order to have smaller diffs 16:00
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17807
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17807 - Pugs - Trac
fglock i set perltidy line width to 250, let's see how it works 16:01
16:05 mr_ank joined
pugs_svnbot r17808 | ruoso++ | [kp6] implemented a prototype slurp 16:05
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17808
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17808 - Pugs - Trac
avar those traq diffs look really crappy in a text browser 16:12
moritz_ in the command line you can use svn diff ;-) 16:20
avar where is the ::DISPATCH sub defined? 16:23
moritz_ in MOP.pm iirc
avar ah, yes 16:24
calls to the runtime library
16:25 justatheory joined 16:26 justatheory left, justatheory joined 16:36 masak left
avar kp6 dies at $Test::ALWAYS_CALLER = %*ENV<TEST_ALWAYS_CALLER> in Test.pm 16:37
of course it then dies later if you comment that out..
fglock avar: it's not meant to run Test.pm yet; we are meaning to run STD first in order to fix the grammar 16:39
pugs_svnbot r17809 | fglock++ | [kp6] moved most of COMPILER.pm to Pad.pm
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17809
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17809 - Pugs - Trac
16:48 pmurias left
pugs_svnbot r17810 | ruoso++ | [kp6] more work on kp6.p6 16:51
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17810
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17810 - Pugs - Trac
16:52 vel joined 16:53 TJCRI left
pugs_svnbot r17811 | avar++ | r63377@t: avar | 2007-09-13 16:50:48 +0000 16:53
r17811 | avar++ | Report the line, column and position the syntax error occured at instead of just screaming error
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17811
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17811 - Pugs - Trac
16:53 franck___ left
avar lots of copy pasting for the different .pl files:) 16:53
pugs_svnbot r17812 | ruoso++ | [kp6] one more failing test... "while" is not supported by kp6
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17812
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17812 - Pugs - Trac
avar sh-3.1$ perl kp6-kp6-perl5.pl ../../ext/Test/lib/Test.pm > /dev/null
syntax error at position 190, line 10 column 48
fglock avar++ 16:54
16:56 andara left
avar after that it mostly fails because it doesn't support advanced param syntax and attributes 16:57
like <is Export>, <returns Bool> <(*@fleh)> 16:58
16:58 ahmadz joined
avar supports (@fleh) though 16:58
16:58 vel left, vel joined
fglock the infrastructure is mostly in place, but parameter handling is hard 16:59
pugs_svnbot r17813 | ruoso++ | [kp6] implemented "while" 17:05
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17813
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17813 - Pugs - Trac 17:06
17:08 Psyche^ joined 17:09 rgs_ left
avar I wonder if while (state $don't_calculate_this_again = ::DISPATCH(....)) will work in 5.10 17:10
17:10 weinig left
pugs_svnbot r17814 | pmurias++ | [kp6] prints out the line where the syntax error occured 17:10
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17814
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17814 - Pugs - Trac
17:10 TJCRI joined
avar that prints out the rest of the file 17:11
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pugs_svnbot r17815 | ruoso++ | [kp6] yet more work in kp6.p6... a simple say string causes a deep recursion... hmmm 17:12
r17816 | ruoso++ | [kp6] yet more work in kp6.p6... a simple say string causes a deep recursion... hmmm
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17816
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17816 - Pugs - Trac
avar my $error = %*ENV<HERE>; 17:13
and then ^ on the line below would be nice:)
17:13 zomgb00bie_ is now known as zomgb00bie
ruoso pmurias? 17:14
avar fixes it 17:17
17:19 rgs joined
ruoso hmmmm 17:22
maybe it isn't an infinite loop
[particle] counts to * 17:23
moritz_ starts to laugh when [particle] is finished 17:24
17:24 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
avar sh-3.1$ perl kp6-perl5.pl ../../ext/Test/lib/Test.pm > /dev/null 17:25
syntax error at position 957, line 45 column 8:
sub ok (Bool $cond, Str $desc?, :$todo, :$depends) {
pugs_svnbot r17818 | avar++ | r63389@t: avar | 2007-09-13 17:24:33 +0000
r17818 | avar++ | Print out the line that the error occured at and indicate the column
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17818
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17818 - Pugs - Trac
avar sh-3.1$ perl kp6-perl5.pl ../../ext/Test/lib/Test.pm > /dev/null
syntax error at position 957, line 45 column 8:
sub ok (Bool $cond, Str $desc?, :$todo, :$depends) {
urr mixed pastes
17:27 drupek1295 joined
pugs_svnbot r17819 | fglock++ | [kp6] say %*ENV{'HOME'} works 17:27
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17819
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17819 - Pugs - Trac
17:30 drupek1266 left 17:32 rhizo joined 17:35 cognominal_ left
pugs_svnbot r17820 | fglock++ | [kp6] say %*ENV<HOME> works 17:37
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17820
moritz_ pugs: say %*ENV<HOME>
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** Can't modify constant item: VUndefā¤ at /tmp/IYIQgW9LP9 line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1ā¤ /tmp/IYIQgW9LP9 line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1ā¤]
moritz_ kp6: say %*ENV<HOME> 17:38
exp_evalbot r17820: OUTPUT[/home/evalbotā¤]
moritz_ YaY
17:38 weinig joined
moritz_ fglock++ 17:38
fglock is this unsafe for evalbot? 17:40
moritz_ yes, mostly ;) 17:41
17:45 ferreira joined
ruoso kp6: say %*ENV<SHELL> 17:46
exp_evalbot r17820: OUTPUT[/bin/bashā¤]
ruoso heh
17:46 cognominal_ joined
moritz_ ruoso: it's a debian in a chroot 17:46
kp6: for %*ENV.keys { say $_ } 17:47
exp_evalbot r17820: OUTPUT[DISPATCH: calling APPLY HASH(0x84de35c) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};ā¤ā¤ at lib-kp6-mp6-p5/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 32ā¤ main::DISPATCH('undef', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x84de35c)') called at - line 16ā¤]
moritz_ kp6: for %*ENV -> $a, $b { say "$a|$b" }
exp_evalbot r17820: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 10, line 1 column 11:ā¤ ^ HEREā¤DISPATCH: calling APPLY HASH(0x84bd1b8) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};ā¤ā¤ at lib-kp6-mp6-p5/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 32ā¤ main::DISPATCH('undef', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x84bd1b8)') called at - line 20ā¤]
ruoso kp6: for %*ENV.keys -> a { say $_ }
exp_evalbot r17820: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 15, line 1 column 16:ā¤ ^ HEREā¤DISPATCH: calling APPLY HASH(0x84de06c) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};ā¤ā¤ at lib-kp6-mp6-p5/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 32ā¤ main::DISPATCH('undef', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x84de06c)') called at - line 16ā¤]
ruoso kp6: for %*ENV.keys -> a { say $a }
exp_evalbot r17820: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 15, line 1 column 16:ā¤ ^ HEREā¤DISPATCH: calling APPLY HASH(0x84de06c) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};ā¤ā¤ at lib-kp6-mp6-p5/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 32ā¤ main::DISPATCH('undef', 'APPLY', 'HASH(0x84de06c)') called at - line 16ā¤]
17:48 cognominal_ left
ruoso kp6: for %*ENV.keys -> $a { say $a } 17:48
moritz_ ruoso: don't use 'a' as a variable ;)
ruoso kp6: for %*ENV.keys -> $a { say $a ~ %*ENV{$a} }
exp_evalbot r17820:
ruoso kp6: for %*ENV.keys -> $a { say $a ~ '=' %*ENV{$a} }
exp_evalbot r17820: OUTPUT[error in Block at lib-kp6-mp6-p5//KindaPerl6/Grammar/Sub.pm line 12, <> line 1.ā¤Illegal declaration of anonymous subroutine at - line 20.ā¤]
ruoso kp6: for %*ENV.keys -> $a { say $a ~ '=' ~ %*ENV{$a} }
exp_evalbot r17820:
ruoso heh
moritz_ now you can spy on evalbot's environment ;) 17:49
fglock kp6: say %*ENV
17:49 exp_evalbot left
TimToady I never did the ^ trick with Perl because you don't know what will happen to the error message if it happens from inside an eval 17:50
moritz_ TimToady: you could print out parts of the eval()ed string 17:51
TimToady point is, the contents of $! often get munged into a different form, and adding a ^ line tends to make it point at the wrong spot, which is worse than no pointer at all 17:52
moritz_ right 17:53
TimToady that's why p5 just lists the two next tokens
17:53 mncharity joined, cognominal_ joined
mncharity What is $Ā¢ ? (used in STD) 17:54
TimToady current position of the match 17:55
now equivalent to $_.pos, really, so may go away
mncharity ah, ok. tnx
TimToady STD is not likely to be in a runnable state currently in any case, what with all the recent refactorings 17:56
I'll need to whack on it some to get it back into the state it was in earlier 17:57
also need to figure out how to propagate "lexicals" from tokens to actions without actually nesting the action within the token
since the whole point is to be able to bypass the token if the DFA matcher has already matched that part 17:58
17:58 francois joined
TimToady so it has to fake up earlier bindings somehow 17:58
alternately, it should put the routines all in one scope so it can do lexical nesting, and just have a way of bypassing the token matching part 17:59
17:59 francois left
TimToady might work better for anonymous subrule alternatives in any case 17:59
mncharity looks at log to determine refactoring delta... 18:00
TimToady but if so, the "bypass token match" info has to get passed in somehow
afk & 18:05
pugs_svnbot r17821 | ruoso++ | forcerecompile 18:07
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17821
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17821 - Pugs - Trac
18:12 fglock left
mncharity TimToady: hmm. perhaps there needs to be a code block variant with the desired semantics? :) 18:18
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TimToady or use context vars to go up the dynamic scope to a lexical scope 18:33
18:33 TJCRI left
TimToady but in that case the outer lexical scope needs something like the %*ENV hash to allow arbitrary $+foo to be intercepted 18:34
so that the outer lexical scope can be emulated by the DFA layer
or, as you say, a way of attaching an outer dynamic scope as the genuine fake outer lexical scope :) 18:35
but I need to think through anonymous alternations in any case, and how they'll propagate longest token info upward 18:36
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pmurias ruoso: sorry for not fixing it, wasn't at home 18:45
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avar %*ENV<HOME>.STORE("woohoo") is a parse error in kp6, don't hashes support these methods directly or am I doing it wrong? 20:07
pmurias kp6: it's a grammar error 20:09
well bug 20:10
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pmurias it's a problem with term_meth 20:11
avar so that error reporting thingy finally doesn't suck
pugs_svnbot r17822 | avar++ | r63398@t: avar | 2007-09-13 20:10:19 +0000
r17822 | avar++ | kp6*.pl would fail to report where the error occurred on one-liners
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17822
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17822 - Pugs - Trac
pmurias avar: proper error reporting is really nice 20:12
avar $ echo '%*ENV<fleh>.STORE("meh"); say %*ENV<fleh>' | perl kp6-kp6-perl5.pl | perl -I lib-kp6-kp6-p5/ 20:13
syntax error at position 11, line 1 column 11:
%*ENV<fleh>.STORE("meh"); say %*ENV<fleh>
that error message could be less lame probably
sucks that there are 5 kp6*pl files 20:14
20:15 vel left
[particle] avar: how about abstracting common stuff to a module? 20:16
avar [particle]: I find your ideas foreign and dangerous
well mostly they do the exact same thing, could be solved with command-line options or by having them look at $0 20:17
[particle] it seems we have a perl 4 programmer in our midst
avar we must kung-foo fight! 20:18
[particle] my object oriented assembly language is more powerful than your lambda lifting! 20:20
avar foo ya!
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pmurias avar: the position in %*ENV<fleh>.STORE("meh"); is correct 20:35
it's the line which is wrong 20:36
avar yeah, I thought hashes supported a STORE method 20:37
pmurias they do 20:39
kp6: my $tmp = %*ENV<fleh>;$tmp.STORE("meh");say %*ENV<fleh>
why is the evalbot dead? 20:40
avar $ echo 'my $tmp = %*ENV<fleh>; $tmp.STORE("fleh"); say %*ENV<fleh>' | perl kp6-kp6-perl5.pl | perl -I lib-kp6-kp6-p5/ 20:42
attempt to modify a read-only value at lib-kp6-kp6-p5//KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 549.
pmurias avar: i'm wrong hashes don't support a STORE meh 20:43
hash elems do
20:43 c9s left
pmurias something like VAR(%*ENV<fleh>).STORE("meh") would be needed in this case 20:45
only kp6 dosn't support VAR
do i make any sense? 20:46
i propably don't 20:48
sleep& 20:49
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fglock kp6: ( %*ENV<fleh> ).STORE("meh"); 21:57
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fglock ah - my implementation of %*ENV is read-only by mistake 22:04
pugs_svnbot r17823 | avar++ | r63400@t: avar | 2007-09-13 22:02:58 +0000
r17823 | avar++ | test an accumulator in the closure test
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17823
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17823 - Pugs - Trac
22:14 Limbic_Region joined
avar fglock: FIXIT!:) 22:18
fglock avar: i think it's a bug elsewhere, looking 22:21
pugs_svnbot r17824 | fglock++ | [kp6] non-working read-write %*ENV - possible bug in hash-key autovivification
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17824
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17824 - Pugs - Trac
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avar sial.org/pbot/27483 # kp6 no workie 23:28
lambdabot Title: Paste #27483 from Someone at
avar DISPATCH: calling new HASH(0x8119f0) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};
ah, -kp6- breakage 23:31
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