pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
pugs_svnbot r18295 | avar++ | Implemented //, works in the grammar and the lisp emitter, not yet in the p5 one, no tests for this - should they be in t/ or pulled from pugs's 01:04
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18295
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18295 - Pugs - Trac
Aankhen`` avar: Don't hard code interpreter names in the Lisp emitter. Use $interpreter rather than |Main|. 06:38
moritz_ I can't login into commitbit with my svn password 10:26
does it work for somebody else?
ah wait, it works, I was just too dumb ;)
pugs_svnbot r18296 | Aankhen++ | * [kp6-lisp] fixed KP6-WARN calls in Package.lisp 11:58
r18297 | Aankhen++ | * [kp6-lisp] fixed hard-coding of interpreter name in generated code.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18297
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18297 - Pugs - Trac
Aankhen`` Ahh, finally. 13:07
pugs_svnbot r18298 | Aankhen++ | [kp6-lisp]
r18298 | Aankhen++ | * converted GLOBAL.lisp to use MAKE-KP6-SUB.
r18298 | Aankhen++ | * added ENSURE-LIST in util.lisp
r18298 | Aankhen++ | * use ENSURE-LIST in KP6-APPLY-FUNCTION to make sure arguments are given as a list.
r18298 | Aankhen++ | * added a few DECLARE IGNORABLEs in macroexpansions.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18298
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18298 - Pugs - Trac
Aankhen`` wonders how KP6 will represent slurpy parameters.
moritz_ wonders why somebody wrote him a mail that the irc log bot steals a nick 13:09
Aankhen`` o_O
mj41 hi, 'Pythonista' compliment paddy3118.blogspot.com/2007/09/i-wi...e-out.html - I wish too. 14:21
lambdabot Title: Go deh!: I wish Perl6 were out!
wolverian I wish it was in! 14:24
Aankhen`` wolverian: Nerd. 14:28
wolverian :(
pmurias Aankhen``: slurpy_positional field in Sig maybe 14:40
Aankhen`` Okey.
fglock now trying out Erlang as a P6 backend 14:41
I met Pedro Melo at Lisbon.pm meeting, we talked a bit about P6 concurrency 14:43
he's been using Erlang successfully
we had an idea of possibly mapping each P6 object to an erlang process 14:44
Aankhen`` Actor model? 14:45
fglock Aankhen``: have you used erlang? 14:46
Aankhen`` Not really. 14:47
Read a lot about it, started the tutorial… nothing major though. 14:48
pmurias &
moritz_ I could say that about a lot of languages (read about it, started the/a tutorial) ;) 14:52
ruby, python, haskell, lisp and a few more 14:53
Aankhen`` Heh.
I make a distinction between "read a lot about" (i.e. I'm interested in the language) and "read about", though. :-P
moritz_ Aankhen``: I confess that I cheated a bit ;) 14:54
Aankhen`` Doesn't everyone? ;-) 14:55
moritz_ I don't know everyone ;)
fglock brb 14:56
moritz_ kp6: my @a = (1, 2, 3); 17:48
exp_evalbot r18298: OUTPUT[Can't open perl script "kp6-perl5.pl": No such file or directory␤]
pugs_svnbot r18299 | moritz++ | [evalbot] don't call non-existing script when eval()ing with kp6 17:52
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18299
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18299 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ kp6: my @a = (1, 2, 3); 17:52
exp_evalbot r18298: OUTPUT[Can't open perl script "kp6-perl5.pl": No such file or directory␤]
moritz_ kp6: my @a = (1, 2, 3); 17:54
exp_evalbot r18299: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 6, line 1 column 6:␤my @a = (1, 2, 3)␤ ^ HERE␤]
Juerd Okay, that sucked 18:04
But, we now have redundant routers.
And cisco switches SUCK
No, really, I will not buy a cisco switch again. 18:05
lichtkind juerd hello 18:08
pugs_svnbot r18300 | moritz++ | [kp6] added 01-sanity/06-use.t to TESTS (passes)
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18300
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18300 - Pugs - Trac
fglock interesting - defunside.blogspot.com/2006/11/oop-...rlang.html 18:48
lambdabot Title: (defun side of kungfooguru): OOP in Erlang
pmurias fglock: have you noticed the Coroutines/Co-Routines confusion in docs/Perl6/Spec/Concurrency.pod? 18:59
fglock pmurias: looking
pmurias: it seems that produce() is now take() 19:01
pmurias produce and take serve a bit similiar role 19:03
are things in Spec official? 19:04
moritz_ pmurias: yes
fglock hmm - I don't think so
pmurias Functions is 19:05
moritz_ it says [DRAFT]
so is an official draft binding?
pmurias moritz_: i don't think Concurrency.pod binds much 19:09
moritz_ pmurias: after reading the first few pages I have to agree - sorry for the early noise ;) 19:12
fglock pmurias: Co-Routines and coro are separated by a "Below here still the more or less unorganized stuff" - it's just repeated, there is no ruling on which is correct 19:20
pmurias fglock: both of them sound usefull to me 19:25
sergio hola 20:32
renormalist karma rafl 21:05
@karma rafl
lambdabot rafl has a karma of 0