»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, std:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 25 December 2014.
.oO( [Z] @a is actually a precircumfix )
00:02 makapa joined, skids left 00:07 skids joined 00:16 makapa left 00:33 spider-mario left 00:35 aborazmeh left 00:40 makapa joined 00:53 dayangkun joined 00:54 dayangkun left 00:56 makapa left 01:05 mickcy_ca joined 01:06 yeahnoob joined, vike left
mickcy_ca Hello Perl 6, I wonder if there is a way to do a negative match similarly to a negative character class. Specifically, I want to do something like <-[*/]> where */ always is in that order. 01:09
01:12 vike joined, yeahnoob left
pmichaud mickcy_ca: you're wanting to match any pair of characters that aren't "*/" ? 01:13
01:14 sirdancealot left
mickcy_ca pmichaud: Pretty much. 01:14
pmichaud well, the obvious is <!before '*/'> .. 01:15
mickcy_ca pmichaud: More like any character that is not * that is followed by /
pmichaud but I suspect that's not exactly what you're trying to do
moritz <-[*]> <!before '/'>
pmichaud uhhhh. no? 01:16
that looks very wrong to me
moritz it's equivalnt to / <!before '*/'> . /
pmichaud no it isn't.
r: say '*a' ~~ / <!before '*/'> ./ 01:17
+camelia rakudo-{parrot,moar} ce1e74: OUTPUT«「*」␤␤»
moritz oh, right, sorry
pmichaud mickcy_ca: I do have to ask, though, if you're trying to match everything up to '*/' as a closing delimiter. 01:19
mickcy_ca pmichaud: that is actually the purpose of my question.
pmichaud If so, you can do something like .*? '*/' 01:20
01:20 telex left
moritz ... and make sure nothing backtracks into it 01:21
mickcy_ca pmichaud: my original thought was that ...
Would be part of a token. 01:22
No backtracking problem there.
pmichaud r: say " everything before */ and other stuff after" ~~ / .*? '*/' /
+camelia rakudo-{parrot,moar} ce1e74: OUTPUT«「 everything before */」␤␤»
01:22 telex joined
moritz [:!r .*? '*/'] 01:22
pmichaud why would backtracking be a problem there, other than possible performance? 01:23
well, other than backtracking has to be turned on.
mickcy_ca I am still getting used to all the new things in Perl 6 01:24
01:25 yeahnoob joined
mickcy_ca If I continue with with the C header parse ... is it really worth picking out all conditional defines, enum, and the like? End goal toward building a wrapper class around the library. 01:32
01:38 adu joined
FROGGS jnthn: awesome, thank you 01:48
+yoleaux 28 Dec 2014 22:11Z <jnthn> FROGGS: doing that at QAST level is absolutely wrong, I think. It will pessimize every loop that doesn't care for the rsults, and worse it'd be useless for Perl 6 which needs lazy execution. This ties into GLR's proposed LoopIter, and I think we likely want to leave it for that.
01:48 Ven left 01:49 FROGGS left 01:53 Ven joined
mickcy_ca I think I have found a bug ... not sure how reproduceable it is ... but you see my gist for it on pastebin.com/chjgKfg5 01:55
Line 21 is the offender.
And just in case anybody is looking at it ... enum and comment don't parse properly yet. 01:59
skids No compile failures with that here. 02:08
02:08 xiaomiao left 02:10 xiaomiao joined
mickcy_ca skids: Not sure why not ... it blows up on my machine. 02:19
skids Any error message?
mickcy_ca Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2 02:20
Timbus thats a runtime error :I
02:20 rmgk left
mickcy_ca And that error refers to the last line of my script. 02:20
02:20 rmgk_ joined, rmgk_ is now known as rmgk
skids Probably that is a runtime error 02:20
mickcy_ca That ONLY happens when {\s*} is used at the offending line. 02:21
Timbus yes but, we need to know how its being used, not just what it is
mickcy_ca Timbus: Granted, but would one not expect a runtime error to raise it's ugly head if {\s+) was used? 02:22
And that being the ONLY change in the code.
skids That depends. Got any sample input?
Timbus that change will cause the match to work completely differently 02:23
mickcy_ca Just a moment ...
See pastebin.com/JjMJMhhV for the input.
skids OK, that gets me the same error. 02:24
mickcy_ca Ergo repeatable error. 02:25
Timbus: Granted, the match would be different between {\s+} and {\s*}, but if ran without error I believe that type of change should not cause a runtime error. Is this reasonable? 02:27
02:27 gfldex left
mickcy_ca I really need to read my posts prior to hitting <enter> 02:27
That should be "...but if one ran without ..." 02:28
skids I wouldn't say that's a reasonable expectation, no. 02:29
Timbus ^
skids Any expression that can match on 0 characters seems to present the same error message. 02:33
Timbus i was looking into that too
mickcy_ca OK, maybe I did not phrase that correctly ... If I am doing nothing but parsing some text, I can see matches failing due to the difference one-or-more or zero-or-more tests ... but honestly, if the parse runs without error on one, how could it crash with a runtime error on the other?
My gist has MANY places where it could match on 0 characters, the only place that I have found that causes the issue is that one instance. 02:36
skids I do agree the error message is not fully awesome. 02:37
Timbus it matches infinitely on \s* 02:39
but it crashes specifically because the rule is called 'item'
lue mickcy_ca: if I change all of your "rule"s to "token"s, it goes from a runtime error to a failed match ( say $/ prints "(Any)" ). I think something about using rules is causing the error.
Timbus well okay
because 'item' is a methopd name, probably present in the grammar class? 02:40
at a guess?
mickcy_ca OK.
Never would have guessed that one off of the error ... especially since the error is triggered elsewhere with a seemingly unrelated change. 02:41
Timbus haha. just a quick reminder :P <masakq> right. those tokens there probably want to be rules.
lue Yeah, seems calling it "item" causes the error, and then the use of \s* within "rule" regexes gets you a hanging program.
Timbus i hate that hanging error 02:42
mickcy_ca Not worried about a hang on that one at the moment ... it is just an example of the error I noticed.
Timbus mickcy_ca, thats cool. i just needed to know how you were causing it. theres thousands of ways to do use a broken function without ever tripping the runtime error. 02:45
to use* 02:46
mickcy_ca Glad I could be of service. 02:47
And about the rule/token debate ... I have been doing some reading and the only difference noted in my reading is that rules match whitespace, tokens do not. I am pretty sure that any rule in there could unmodified, be a token, but not vice versa. Am I correct in this? 02:50
Or am I missing something of a deeper difference between them. 02:51
Timbus m: grammar test { rule TOP { <item> }; rule item { \s* }; }; say test.parse("foo") 02:52
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2␤ in method item at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:1148␤ in any !reduce at gen/moar/stage2/QRegex.nqp:1241␤ in any !cursor_pass at gen/moar/stage2/QRegex.nqp:1202␤ in regex item at /tmp/cqzQMqnz…»
Timbus how do you even test that.. "correct behaviour: should hang indefinitely" 02:53
expected output: heat death of universe
TimToady a rule used instad of a token would admit whitespace in places the grammar might not want
mickcy_ca TimToady, is that what I said, or opposite to what I said? 02:54
lue mickcy_ca: in general, if you change what kind of rule it is (a "regex", "token", or "rule"), you'll have to make some changes to the regex within if you want it to work the same as before. 02:56
02:56 adu left
mickcy_ca That is my general understanding ... but I was referring only to the grammar which I posted. 02:57
02:59 chenryn joined
TimToady has not had a chance to see what "in there" refers to 03:00
mickcy_ca Timbus: Curious, why would "correct" behaviour be to hang on that example? I would expect just that the match would fail, even with backtracking enabled. There should be some fundamental limit on how many times a regex would be allowed to backtrack based on some complexity and length of string. 03:01
03:01 BenGoldberg left
mickcy_ca TimToady: "in there" is a reference to the gist that I posted earlier. 03:02
Timbus how many times can you match a zero width char
mickcy_ca Infinite times ... but the engine should be smart enough to not do that. 03:03
Timbus yeaaaaah. thats what i said
TimToady well, in some cases, but in general you're talking about solving the halting problem 03:04
the engine could certainly do better in the obvious cases
Timbus how does perl 5 do it
mickcy_ca ^
Do what? Not hang on a zero width char test? 03:05
TimToady I think p5 catches that one at compile time 03:07
Timbus yea. but it's probably to do with perl 5 not having subrules, or grammars like this in general
or.. it catches it at compile time. okay
TimToady it's easy to detect when something must be zero-width, but harder when something *might* be zerowidth
m: '' ~~ / ''* / 03:08
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 933298176 bytes␤»
TimToady that should be easy to detect, but just NYI
Timbus i thought it just p5 moved along after matching a zero width space. i remember lizmat saying we should not-match a zw char more than once or something. and then jnthn wrote an essay while i nodded and pretended to understand, and here we still are 03:09
mickcy_ca I am curious about the reasoning that jnthn had used. 03:10
03:11 Mso150 joined
Timbus parsers are hard! thats the extent of my expert knowledge on the subject 03:12
Timbus puts a sippy cup lid on his coffee and sits at the baby table
mickcy_ca I may have found the IRC log for that. Although it dates back to 2011-11-18 03:13
Timbus eesh. nah it was this year, maybe last 03:17
TimToady well, the subject comes up periodically 03:18
Timbus but perhaps it is an infinitely recurring subject :>
TimToady there are several bits to the argument
mickcy_ca I noticed that ... and hopefully not infinitely recurring.
TimToady one is that the general case isn't possible to solve, of course
mickcy_ca I have been reading many logs ... 03:19
TimToady the next is that we don't prevent infinite loops elsewhere...
m: loop {}
but mainly it hasn't bubbled up to anyone's level of attention yet
Timbus one is slightly-more-accidental
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
TimToady it's not that we don't point out obvious errors elsewhere
though in this case, the boundary between obvious and not-so-obvious is kinda squishy 03:20
skids r: perl6-m -e 'say "a#" ~~ m/a \#/; # LTA error IMO. The message for the 'a\#' (unspace) suggests using '#' or \x23 this case might benefit from that too. 03:21
+camelia rakudo-{parrot,moar} ce1e74: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/tmpfile␤Two terms in a row␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤------> perl6-m -e ⏏'say "a#" ~~ m/a \#/; # LTA error IMO.␤ expecting any of:␤ infix stopper␤ …»
skids oops
r: say "a#" ~~ m/a \#/
+camelia rakudo-{parrot,moar} ce1e74: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Regex not terminated.␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤------> say "a#" ~~ m/a \#/⏏<EOL>␤Couldn't find terminator /␤at /tmp/tmpfile:1␤------> say "a#" ~~ m/a \#/⏏<EOL>␤ exp…»
mickcy_ca I too have noticed that the \ operator doesn't always escape the expected way ... so I have switched to direct quotes instead. That said, '#' and \# should produce the same results. 03:23
m: say "a#" ~~ m/a '#'/ 03:24
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«「a#」␤␤»
TimToady std: say "a#" ~~ m/a \#/
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Regex not terminated at /tmp/IZIxCK9Jb2 line 1 (EOF):␤------> say "a#" ~~ m/a \#/⏏<EOL>␤ expecting quantifier␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 138m␤»
TimToady std: say "a#" ~~ m/a \# b/
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Regex not terminated at /tmp/HBpZdfjt4a line 1 (EOF):␤------> say "a#" ~~ m/a \# b/⏏<EOL>␤ expecting quantifier␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 138m␤»
TimToady hmm 03:25
std: say "a#" ~~ m/a \ # b/
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Regex not terminated at /tmp/sJ1XLvgos5 line 1 (EOF):␤------> say "a#" ~~ m/a \ # b/⏏<EOL>␤ expecting quantifier␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:01 138m␤»
TimToady std: say "a#" ~~ m/a\ # b/
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤No unspace allowed in regex; if you meant to match the literal character, please enclose in single quotes (' ') or use a backslashed form like \x20 at /tmp/FnrllZpuSU line 1:␤------> say "a#" ~~ m/a\⏏ # b/…»
TimToady std: say "a#" ~~ m/a\# b/
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤No unspace allowed in regex; if you meant to match the literal character, please enclose in single quotes ('#') or use a backslashed form like \x23 at /tmp/UKnYD0sEGM line 1:␤------> say "a#" ~~ m/a\⏏# b/␤…»
mickcy_ca Only way that works at this time is quoting
TimToady there's some interaction with unquoting, which \# can start
skids (well \x23 works too) 03:26
TimToady std: / <[ \# ]> /
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 136m␤»
TimToady std: / <[ \ ]> /
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 136m␤»
TimToady hmm, not how I remembered it...
TimToady is a bit distracted by relatives at the moment, sorry 03:27
mickcy_ca std: say 'a#' ~~ /<[\#]> 03:28
+camelia std f9b7f55: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Regex not terminated at /tmp/6RvSKst4oy line 1 (EOF):␤------> say 'a#' ~~ /<[\#]>⏏<EOL>␤ expecting quantifier␤Parse failed␤FAILED 00:00 139m␤»
Timbus m: grammar test { rule TOP { <item> }; rule item { a }; }; say test.parse("a")
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2␤ in method item at src/gen/m-CORE.setting:1148␤ in any !reduce at gen/moar/stage2/QRegex.nqp:1241␤ in any !cursor_pass at gen/moar/stage2/QRegex.nqp:1202␤ in regex item at /tmp/mPpD7YH5…»
Timbus could someone ticket that? i cant even remember how :/ 03:29
unless we use github tickets now
mickcy_ca See rakudo.org/tickets/ 03:31
03:34 Ven left 03:37 tinyblak left 03:38 tinyblak joined 03:46 noganex_ joined 03:49 noganex left 03:50 Mso150 left
ugexe_ any tricks to getting libicu-dev detected by rakudo's Configure.PL for the latest rakudo commit referencing parrot? 03:50
apt-get install libdev-icu && perl Configure.pl --backends=parrot --gen-parrot --gen-nqp: ... Parrot without ICU is not supported anymore. Failed running perl Configure.pl 03:51
(libdev-icu install was successfull)
mickcy_ca Going for a movie ... ta ta 4 now. 03:55
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hoelzro is it unusual to add named params to Str implementations? 04:21
ex. $xmly-type.Str(:pretty) 04:22
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andreoss is there a decreasing range operator? Inf..0 09:48
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andreoss m: (100..1).elems 09:50
+camelia ( no output )
09:50 yeahnoob left
andreoss m: say (100..1).elems 09:50
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«0␤»
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moritz m: .say for 10 ... 1 09:52
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«10␤9␤8␤7␤6␤5␤4␤3␤2␤1␤»
andreoss moritz: is it still a range? 09:54
moritz andreoss: no, just a lazy list 09:55
09:56 FROGGS joined
andreoss ok. why Inf..0 works but 100..0 not? 09:56
moritz work? how does it work? 09:57
m: say (Inf...0).perl
m: say (Inf..0).perl
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«Inf..0␤»
moritz m: say (100..0).perl
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«100..0␤»
andreoss oh.. its actually -Inf..0, so it's not decreasing 09:58
FROGGS andreoss: -Inf..0 does not make that much sense
it can only be used in a range check and that is identical to * < 0
09:59 |Tux| left
andreoss Inf itself does not make much sense 10:00
JimmyZ well, X ... * does make sense 10:01
andreoss ranges can be compared fast, lazy list should be evaluated for this 10:02
m: say (1..1_000_000) == (1..1_000_000)
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«True␤»
andreoss m: say (1...1_000_000) == (1...1_000_000)
moritz that only compares number
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
moritz m: say (1..1_000_000) eqv (1..1_000_000) 10:03
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
10:03 sirdancealot left
andreoss moritz: what smartmatch operator does here? 10:04
m: say (1..1_000_000) ~~ (1..1_000_000)
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«True␤»
andreoss still compares only size?
m: 1...10 ~~ 1...10 10:05
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 10:06
andreoss forgot parens
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andreoss which chained method calls where do i put new line? 10:52
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andreoss it gives a error about "." using to concatenate strings. 10:52
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nine moritz: Sorry for the inconvenience. It seems like the default route for IPv6 does not get set automatically after a reboot and I tend to forget that. I hope the upgrade to openSUSE 13.2 will fix that. 11:08
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moritz nine: I manged with ssh -4, so no worries 11:18
11:23 azawawi joined
azawawi hi 11:23
i have been looking at github.com/perl6/roast/blob/master...-win.t#L92 11:24
$*SPEC.catdir('C:', 'rakudo') should return C:\rakudo not C:rakudo on windows 11:25
11:25 bjz joined
moritz sounds vaguely sane 11:27
azawawi \ is the volume/directory separator on windows 11:28
moritz: Happy new year in advance btw :)
moritz azawawi: thanks :-)
azawawi moritz: and thanks for updating rakudo on win32
moritz azawawi: I did no such thing 11:29
azawawi moritz: been trying to get farabi6 working again
moritz: you blogged about it :)
moritz azawawi: FROGGS++ has built an r-star .msi
azawawi FROGGS++ indeed
i wonder if the MSI installer should add C:\rakudo\bin and C:\rakudo\languages\perl6\site\bin in local or system %PATH% 11:31
that way panda-installed scripts can work out of the box
could you please point me to MSI installer code?
11:32 abraxxa joined, abraxxa left
moritz azawawi: in the rakudo/star repo, the Makefile template in tools/build/Makefile.in contains an 'msi' target 11:35
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FROGGS there are xml files that specify what the installer should do 11:47
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a3gis lizmat: hi! I heard you wrote github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/nom/...ore/Set.pm ? 12:12
lizmat well, I ported it from the Niecza implementation and then added to it
a3gis oh ok; I was just wondering why Set isn't type-parameterised 12:13
lizmat you mean, why isn't it using typed hashes ?
a3gis I mean, being able to create a Set over elements of a specific type. e.g. Set[Int] 12:14
12:14 chenryn_ left
azawawi FROGGS: you mean github.com/rakudo/star/blob/master...oduct.wxs, right? 12:16
lizmat well, perhaps because it doesn't say anything about that in the spec
and because we don't do constraints just yet ?
a3gis alright, then maybe I should read the spec :p
azawawi moritz: thanks
lizmat a3gis: that's not saying it doesn't make sense 12:17
but I know that the way typed hashes are currently implemented may well change in the future 12:18
it's a bit of an adhoc implementation atm
12:18 Ven left
lizmat make it work and all that :-) 12:18
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Mouq masak: github.com/masak/007/pull/1 12:24
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moritz Mouq++ 12:37
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+dalek c: edef417 | Mouq++ | lib/Language/ (2 files):
Discuss :sigspace in a bit more depth.
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rjbs Heh, while doing moderation: 14:08
To: perl6-announce@perl.org
Subject: Parking Violation Notice 14:09
14:12 ugexe left, ugexe_ joined
FROGGS *g* 14:17
xfix rjbs, clearly spam 14:18
rjbs xfix: I know.
Sometimes, spam subjects are funny. 14:19
jdv79 rjbs: haven't you worked at an an "email" company for a while? 14:22
rjbs Coming up on ten years.
jdv79 how can you find that funny? have you not seen it all byt now? ;) 14:23
14:23 virtualsue left
xfix I saw spam with [SPAM] tag. 14:23
FROGGS I guess it is the combination of subject and recipient this time :o)
jdv79 ugh, i've been at this gig for 6 and its been quite enough. i can't imagine doing 10.
rjbs If I was the kind of person who got burned out and cynical after setting it all, I wouldn't be working working with perl5 and email for so long. ;) 14:24
FROGGS xfix: that's what your provider adds... mine are tagged ***SPAM***
xfix My provider doesn't add tags to spam.
It's just in spam directory.
FROGGS my spam mails are also often funny, because my address is email@froggs.de and so they talk to me as if my name is 'email' :o) 14:25
rjbs Yeah, I get that sort of thing, too. "Dear cpan:"
jdv79 i just meant tired and/or uninterested; not necessarily cynical. 14:26
xfix Like CPAN is a real person.
rjbs "Dear cpan, you won't believe these embarrassing photos of you!"
xfix rjbs, sure, under Acme::CPANPhotos
jdv79 as someone that "does email" do you think the spam war will ever be won? i still get tons of it.
xfix (not a real module)
rjbs jdv79: Not on SMTP, no.
Or: not without a few more significant policy cahnges. 14:27
xfix I checked spam directory. Hm, apparently I have won 2,500 million pounds. Sounds legit.
FROGGS click it!
xfix It has a footer: This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.
(and link to antivirus)
rjbs Ha, somebody just clicked the link in the "you won £2,500mn pounds" scam I sent out!
xfix I didn't. 14:28
xfix "You Have Won £2,500,000.00 Pounds Sterling. Get back for claim."
Hm, no attachments...
That's the entire mail.
jdv79 i found the discovery and use of my "contacts" lately the creepiest yet. i get spam from people that are probably connected to me on the net somewhere... 14:29
rjbs "Want 300 free e-gold for speeding up crops? Let us connect to your contacts!"
xfix Hm, I wonder what this e-gold is. 14:30
(probably not useful for anything)
Why Rakudo Star compilation freezes for me on '/home/xfix/Projects/Packages/rakudo-star/pkg/rakudo-star/usr/bin/perl6-p --target=pir --output=/home/xfix/Projects/Packages/rakudo-star/pkg/rakudo-star/usr/lib/parrot/6.11.0/languages/perl6/lib/Pod/To/HTML.pm.pir /home/xfix/Projects/Packages/rakudo-star/pkg/rakudo-star/usr/lib/parrot/6.11.0/languages/perl6/lib/Pod/To/HTML.pm' 14:31
(100% of CPU used, and doesn't continue)
Hm, I guess it's because I already had not working Perl 6. Removed it, and restarted the compilation. Perhaps it will work. 14:35
14:42 Mouq left, rindolf left 14:56 bjz left 15:06 raydiak left
b2gills Write a program that makes 2 + 2 = 5 : codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/28887/1147 15:10
xfix b2gills, yes, I totally don't have an idea how it works. 15:12
b2gills Well then don't click the `edited Jun 6 at 12:06` text
... If you want to stay in the dark. 15:13
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a3gis hello again! could someone help me out as to why "True & False ~~ Bool" returns False? 16:05
or all(True) ~~ Bool 16:06
Mouq m: say True & False ~~ Junction 16:07
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«True␤»
a3gis oh
so it doesn't distribute ~~ over the junction or something? 16:08
16:10 mvuets left
Mouq It depends on the right hand side. foo ~~ bar is just sugar for bar.ACCEPTS(foo) 16:11
a3gis oh ok
Mouq If ACCEPTS takes Mu, it'll take the Junction itself, instead of the individual values.
a3gis what would be the best way to translate all($xs) ~~ T ? 16:12
16:12 beastd joined, rindolf joined
Mouq I'm trying to figure that out myself :/ 16:13
You might try all(map &WHAT, @$xs) ~~ T 16:15
=== T
a3gis mh 16:16
Mouq But at that point you may as well just do all map {.WHAT ~~ T}, @$xs
16:22 psch joined
psch hi #perl6 \o 16:22
16:22 Rounin joined
psch m: say so (True, False) >>~~>> Bool 16:22
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«True␤»
a3gis ooh 16:23
psch the "silly fish" operator \o/
...except of course not really :)
a3gis great, thanks :)
I tried "if all($prod.factors.map(* ~~ BNF::NonTerminal)) {" 16:24
but was getting "No such method 'count' for invocant of type 'Bool'"
Mouq a3gis: * doesn't become code with ~~ 16:26
Probably needs a warning, I know I've fallen into the same trap... 16:27
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Mouq m: say * min 4 # same thing; useful, but potentially confusing 16:29
+camelia rakudo-moar ce1e74: OUTPUT«4␤»
psch there's bug for WhateverCode not priming everything iirc
#122708 16:30
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...?id=122708
psch .tell Timbus the issue with .item in a grammar is already ticketed, #77350. the example is with .any, but .item is a method on Mu as well
+yoleaux psch: I'll pass your message to Timbus.
synopsebot Link: rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Displa...l?id=77350
a3gis Mouq: oh 16:32
16:32 bjz left
a3gis would someone mind to take a look at l108-135 and tell me if I can simplify anything? gist.github.com/a3gis/d1ed877a269bbea6b473 16:32
jdv79 NativeCall's tests don't seem to pass on my version here. perl6 version 2014.10-104-g209674f built on MoarVM version 2014.10-31-geba41f9. 16:36
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jdv79 i guess i'll update and see if that helps 16:39
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jdv79 nope. NativeCall tests still fail on newest moar-jit brew 16:59
nopaste.info/ab25d417f9.html 17:01
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+dalek rl6-roast-data: 0218abb | coke++ | / (5 files):
today (automated commit)
17:03 Mouq left
TimToady hmm, I have libicu52 and libicu-dev installed, but when I config I get "===SORRY=== Parrot without ICU is not supported anymore." 17:09
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raydiak hey #perl6 o/ 17:09
TimToady moritz: ^^^ 17:10
raydiak: \o
jdv79 hmm. i just tried to write the simplest of web scrapers and its not happy.
raydiak good morning TimToady 17:11
17:12 zakharyas joined
jdv79 nopaste.info/2bda1ebe10.html should be no problem, right? i'm not sure how to debug that. 17:12
seems to hang fetching after fetching google eating 90-100% cpu. 17:13
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raydiak jdv79: yeah I don't think you're doing anything wrong...if you wanted to debug it, I wonder if yahoo redirecting to https has anything to do with it...problem might be in IO::Socket::SSL instead of HTTP::UserAgent 17:19
(I partly suspect IO::Socket::SSL because I had to --notests to get it to install) 17:21
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jdv79 i had to use --notests to install NativeCall and HTTP::UserAgent but not IO::Socket::SSL 17:28
raydiak jdv79: sounds like maybe we both have some issues to report :) but only the yahoo one fails for me, what about on your end? 17:31
jdv79 yeah, google and ddg are ok 17:32
raydiak jdv79: probably is a problem with the https redirect then, in one module or another 17:33
17:34 a3gis left
jdv79 seems to be https related - www.google.com hangs 17:34
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raydiak darn you github, quit mangling my issue reports with markdown... 17:43
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FROGGS TimToady: perhaps it's checking for the existence of /usr/include/unicode/something.h 17:43
TimToady: IIRC it is meant to use pkg-config instead of icu-config, but I dunno if it does use the former nowadays or not 17:44
17:45 ugexe_ is now known as ugexe
TimToady blowing away parrot and install/bin is not sufficient, despite the new parrot finding ICU 17:45
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TimToady so the test is bogus somehow 17:45
ugexe i opened an issue on the icu thing last night on NQP fwiw 17:47
TimToady hmm, it's actually looking in nqp_config
ugexe parrot actually sees ICU as installed too (as seen here: travis-ci.org/ugexe/P6TCI/jobs/45332054#L278)
TimToady moritz: basically, it looks like nom requires nqp to supply ICU, but nqp does not require parrot to supply ICU, so any old parrot makes nqp happy but not nom 17:58
[Coke] parrot build died today on OS X, digging.
17:59 zakharyas left
[Coke] I think the icu failure might be too eager. 18:00
it's not even building parrot first.
TimToady [Coke]: see what I just said
itz_ hmm I just had panda seg fault with moar (deleting and rebuilding everything) 18:01
[Coke] danke.
TimToady is attempting a rebuild after blowing away nqp to see if that is a workaround
[Coke] (and I lied, it did build parrot, I didn't do this in a clean dir). I have icu installed, so parrot -should- have enabled it.
... and my parrot does. 18:02