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ugexe | wise to remember that use lib with a relative directory is a free ticket to test failures, as you shouldnt expect the test to take place from a specific CWD | 00:17 | |
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skids | Testing almost always does happen with CWD set to the package root, and almost all packages presume it does when they look for test data files. It's the de-fact standard and I don't see where the entire ecosystem is going to adjust if some tool decides it wants to do otherwise. | 00:20 | |
In fact, it's an invitation to failure NOT to do it, as you are more likely to find stale copies of your lib in the install path. | 00:21 | ||
ugexe | its makes any kind of parallelization stupid if you have to watch what CWD you are in at all times | 00:24 | |
if you just invoke your tests with -I or PERL6LIB then a relative path is fine, as the user can control the path | 00:25 | ||
skids | But not all users do that, and that still leaves the issue of where to find data files. | ||
ugexe | whats wrong with $?FILE.IO.dirname.child('data') or wahtever | 00:27 | |
skids | what's wrong with "use lib $?FILE.IO.dirname('lib')"? | ||
ugexe | you cant use a variable inside a use statement? | ||
skids | Well, maybe we should fix that instead. | 00:28 | |
Anyway I don't think the larger community is going to sacrific the convenience for the sake a parallelization. | |||
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skids | Better if any tool that wants to run outside the package root make sur it is in a directory with no './lib' present, then problem solved. | 00:30 | |
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dalek | kudo-star-daily: a783cb9 | coke++ | log/ (9 files): today (automated commit) |
00:30 | |
rl6-roast-data: be291aa | coke++ | / (8 files): today (automated commit) |
ugexe | precompiled code doesnt have to go in lib or any specific directory | ||
skids | Anyway, use lib "{$?FILE.IO.parent.dirname ~ '/lib'}" does in fact work. | 00:41 | |
(not that I advise using it.) | 00:43 | ||
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ugexe | glad to see variable interpolation works in use lib now, sweet. but i wouldnt say the larger community holds a strong opinion on having to be in CWD, and as far as ive always experienced in perl5 you would be encouraged to do it the nearly the same way if reuse is an expectation: use lib $FindBin::Bin/../lib | 01:13 | |
skids | It's just more convenient for the more hands-on users if they can cd there and not have to use -l/PERL6LIb to run tests. | 01:14 | |
If you use "use lib './lib'" the only time that blows up is if the user is in another directory with a ./lib with modules with your same name. | 01:15 | ||
While automatic test tools can be coded to avoid that. | |||
So it makes more sense to just put in "use lib './lib'" | |||
ugexe | you dont have to have a /lib. your tests would just fail when they cant find any of the modules | 01:16 | |
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skids | If you are running outside the package and running its test, it does not matter if there is a "use lib './lib'" in the test file. You have to supply the path if you choose to do that. | 01:17 | |
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skids | The only time it matters is if you try to run version A of the package while your CWD is in version B. | 01:18 | |
ugexe | ah, i was speaking exclusively | ||
i guess i just see it as your average user isnt cding into the project directory themselves and testing anything. they want to run 'install' and be done with it. and ive never felt it was too much for a developer familiar with his enviroment to add a -l or just code his use'es approrpriately | 01:22 | ||
raiph | .ask jnthn I'd love to be able to show off Grammar::Generative... github.com/jnthn/grammar-generativ...-121105324 | ||
yoleaux | raiph: I'll pass your message to jnthn. | ||
skids | Well, personally I enjoy the convenience of not have to type it, and I'm a developer. | ||
(kinda) | 01:23 | ||
ugexe | do you enjoy it more than all the users who just want to install a module and not have to deal with wierd failures? | ||
that is what i am more concerned with | 01:24 | ||
skids | What weird failures? When will they happen? | ||
ugexe | when panda loses its CWD context through any number of ways | 01:25 | |
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skids | If panda is running tests on the package without caring about its CWD, it is using PERL6LIB, so the presence of a "use lib" in your test files does not matter to it. | 01:26 | |
raydiak | raiph++ thanks for keeping that issue alive | ||
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ugexe | thats not how it works | 01:27 | |
skids | I've had 0 problems and had "use lib './lib'" in my test files for years now. I fail to see any likely scenario where it would cause issues. | 01:29 | |
raiph | raydiak: I wasn't aware of it. But I have what I consider a perfect use case for GG. I got excited, wrote the grammar first, and then... | ||
ugexe | maybe i just run a lot of tests | ||
kurahaupo | skids: what's the point of "./" there? | 01:30 | |
skids | I don't think there are many packages with as many tests as Sum. | ||
ugexe | i dont think anyone runs more p6 tests than me | ||
skids | kurahaupo: so if you are in the package's directory you can just run "perl6 t/foo.t" | 01:31 | |
I just haven't seen an example of an actual problem. | |||
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kurahaupo | skids: no, that's what "use 'lib'" is for; I'm asking why you inserted the apparently superfluous "./" there | 01:31 | |
skids | kurahaupo: it's self-documetary. | 01:32 | |
kurahaupo | or is it not superfluous and actually does something? | ||
raydiak | raiph: I had started writing a shoddy version of something like it before someone pointed it out to me...sadly it hasn't worked for quite a while, it seems | 01:33 | |
kurahaupo | skids: putting "use lib blah blah" at the top level is fine. Putting it inside lib files is fraught, because it then depends on what order they're loaded. (I've seen some truly nightmarish systems with multiple levels of overrides of lib files based on putting the same name in different directories...) | 01:34 | |
skids | kurahaupo: I only use it in t files. | ||
kurahaupo | skids: which are top level, so that's fine | 01:35 | |
skids | That's all I've been arguing for. | ||
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kurahaupo | skids: but what happens when you run cd ~ ; perl6 /path/to/test/perl/t/foo | 01:36 | |
skids | You have to set a PERL6LIB if you want to find the mods. Just like if the "use lib" was not there. | ||
kurahaupo | skids: ok, but what about cd /path/to/live/perl ; PERL6LIB=/path/to/test/perl perl6 /path/to/test/perl/t/foo | 01:37 | |
skids: is that "use 'lib'" going to override PERL6LIB ? | 01:38 | ||
skids | Dunno, haven't tried actually. But why would you have a stale copy of my mod in /path/to/live/perl/lib ? And if you do, you should know what you are doing. | 01:39 | |
Yes, the "use lib" goes before PERL6LIB so it will be used. | 01:42 | ||
raiph | raydiak: As I hint in the GH issue, GG looks eminently debuggable via jnthn's debugger by someone who knows what an $ast.rxtype is. | 01:43 | |
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ugexe | so what happens when you want it to test against the blib instead | 01:49 | |
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ugexe | it would get the /lib version first, no? | 01:50 | |
skids | Don't be in someplace that has someting you don't want to test in "./lib"? | ||
(doctor that hurts...) | |||
ugexe | dont test the precompiled modules. got it | 01:51 | |
skids | What? | ||
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ugexe | how do you test against the blib/, the precompiled modules, if your tests are including 'lib' no matter what | 01:52 | |
skids | What "blib"? | ||
ugexe | well, taking only panda into consideration, its the directory where your precompiled output goes | 01:55 | |
skids | Right but the moduleloader finds precomps based on their compiled filename in the database, not by fs search. | 01:56 | |
ugexe | you can test before installing it | ||
skids | I'm not following the implication. | 01:57 | |
ugexe | its not in the database anywhere until you install it | ||
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ugexe | hence prove having a -b/--blib flag | 01:58 | |
(for when you dont want to test -l) | |||
raydiak | raiph: I had thought about trying to track it down myself, but it's way over my head as-is, temporarily have a day job so lacking solid blocks of time for diving in the deep end like that | 01:59 | |
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ugexe | and fwiw, it does infact do a fs search for the precomp modules during CompUnitRepo::Local::Installation.install($path) | 02:03 | |
or rather, expects you to hand them over | |||
and iterates over those | 02:04 | ||
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raiph | raydiak: Sure. I'm poking at it a bit. My first guess is it's some rejig of QAST structure, perhaps a Stmt/Stmts thing. I'll update the issue if I find anything interesting. | 02:04 | |
how does one search the commit messages of commits to a repo on GH? | 02:06 | ||
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raydiak | raiph: exciting :) good luck! | 02:06 | |
skids | Well, all I know is I have "use lib './lib'" in there and panda has no problem failing on compile-only bugs when installing. | 02:08 | |
*precomp-only | 02:10 | ||
but perhaps it would be prudent to add 'blib' to the use lib statement. | 02:11 | ||
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ugexe | if you assume it will always be precompiled to blib. if you use CompUnit.precomp directly it goes in /lib next to your source code | 02:21 | |
in otherwords, you shouldnt expect it to be in any specific spot | |||
i have no problem with blib being assumed though. it just doesnt seem to be set in stone anywhere as of yet | 02:24 | ||
skids | All I expect is this: a) automated utilities will deal with it rather than making everyone else at large type -llib all the time B) people cding into the package and doing things will be abe to just perl6 t/test and C) anyone doing anythin unusual enough to have problems because of it should be prepared for unusual things. | 02:27 | |
ugexe | i dont think typing -l is asking much of a developer vs user's ease of use, and even more so for the ability for any user to distinguish which lib he wants to test | 02:34 | |
or, just writing your tests in such a way that it doesnt matter what directory they are invoked from | 02:35 | ||
dont even get me started on windows | 02:36 | ||
skids | Asking developers to repeatedly do that versus just coding it once into utilities is a no-brainer for the letter IMO. | 02:37 | |
*latter | 02:38 | ||
ugexe | asking developers not to be able to diferentiate between lib and blib is more insane | ||
skids | I dunno I never used a blib myself. FWIW it seems panda installs both source and mbc in blib/lib and then runs from inside blib. I think. | 02:39 | |
I think working with precomps is a rarer activity than working on source. | 02:42 | ||
If they are going that deep they know how to work around it. | |||
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ugexe | if you expect your users to do all the extras so the developer doesnt have to, sure | 02:43 | |
skids | When is a user going to have problems? | 02:44 | |
ugexe | with? | ||
skids | (I don't mean to be argumentative, btw I'm just trying to understand the supposed issues so I can weigh the decision of what to do.) | 02:45 | |
What extras are the users supposedly doing? | 02:46 | ||
ugexe | you are asking the user to do whatever is required to fix the test so it can be tested against blib | ||
skids | I would call that a developer, no a user. A user is more likely to cd into the directory, say "hey these are test files let me perl6 them" and then say "hey why is it still behaving like the old package I used to have installed" | 02:47 | |
ugexe | thats the type of person i expect to know better | 02:48 | |
skids | I don't. | ||
ugexe | i expect a user to just do install essentially | ||
most cpanm users do not do cpanm look, cpanm test, cpanm install | |||
skids | right, so, as long as the utilities work around it they never see a problem. | 02:49 | |
ugexe | but they cant work around a test with use lib '../whatever' other than being in $*CWD | ||
so if any of your dependencies or your module it self does a chdir and fails to return, you just end up with errors that wont immediately make sense | 02:50 | ||
skids | Sure they can. Don't be in the package directory and -lblib. | ||
well -l/path/to/package/blib | 02:51 | ||
ugexe | heres the panda scenario that kept happening over smoke testing: indir 'whatever' { <tests some threaded code that crashes without exiting this block properly> } <now im in the wrong directory> | ||
(indir is expected to return to its original directory at the end) | 02:52 | ||
skids | panda should probably stay in the same dir, then, and use explicit paths. | 02:53 | |
kanl | b2gills: good to know, tyvm! | ||
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ugexe | then panda would have to download the repo over top of whatever directory you are in | 02:55 | |
skids | No just stay in .panda_work | ||
ugexe | if you have dependencies you have to jump between those at least | 02:57 | |
skids | just build them al in their own directory while never leaving .panda_work and add lots of search paths. | 02:58 | |
ugexe | ive already overcome all of these problems myself, but other tooling hasnt | 02:59 | |
the solution is generally spawnning new processes. so it has a rather big drawback of being slow. it would be nice to not have to invoke a new p6 interpreter for each tests to get the neccesary CWD protections from modules gone haywire | 03:00 | ||
skids | Yeah well changing CWD in module code is cheezy IMO. | 03:01 | |
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ugexe | it may best be solved if/when { temp $*CWD = $&FILE.dirname; } does all the magic and makes it trivial for the user or the developer to work around expectations in an elegant manner | 03:43 | |
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ugexe | including whatever heisenbugs are able to break the usual implementations of that without using `temp` | 03:45 | |
tony-o | i think trying to keep track of 20 search paths for spawning a process is a little more convoluted than just temporarily changing cwd to spawn a process in the directory it should be in originally - then youre hacking prove and whatever else is needed to be in the module root dir | 03:46 | |
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tony-o | all the hooks, evwrything else kind of makes the assumption that youre in the root module dir | 03:50 | |
skids | Well, anyway so far I've settled on 'use lib <blib/lib lib>' and using $?FILE to find data files since they will probably not be ripped out of t/ for any reason. I think that will be least-average-surprise. | 03:52 | |
ugexe | use lib IO::Path.new-from-absolute-path("lib".IO.absolute(CWD => $&FILE.dirname).IO.resolve).child('MANIFEST').slurp andthen %(from-json($_)).<provides>>>.values>>.abspath; # this might be safest | 03:58 | |
skids | I'll parse that tomorrow after sleep :-) | 04:00 | |
Thanks a lot for the discussion. | |||
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ugexe | sure. ive taken up enough chat log for one day myself | 04:06 | |
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AlexDaniel | how can I create a new sub from a macro? | 04:23 | |
m: macro FOO { quasi { sub Bar { say 'woohooo'}; }; }; FOO; Bar(); | 04:24 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/PGtnDGc7NtUndeclared name: Bar used at line 1. Did you mean 'Bag'?» | ||
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AlexDaniel | it might be a scoping problem? | 04:24 | |
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AlexDaniel | m: macro FOO { "sub Bar { say 'woohooo'}" }; FOO; Bar(); | 04:40 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«woohooo===SORRY!===Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2» | ||
AlexDaniel | too few positionals? huh? | 04:41 | |
where? | |||
ugexe | m: "sub Bar { say 'woohooo'}" | 04:44 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«woohooo» | ||
ugexe | $string = "sub Bar" ~ do { say 'woohoo' } | 04:46 | |
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AlexDaniel | ugexe: what's that? :) | 04:47 | |
ugexe | the { and } in your double quoted string executes the code inside | 04:48 | |
AlexDaniel | oooooh | ||
m: macro FOO { ‘sub Bar { say 'woohooo'}’ }; FOO; Bar(); | 04:49 | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2» | ||
AlexDaniel | nope, still don't get it | ||
ugexe: that's not the case in single quotes? | 04:50 | ||
ShimmerFairy | m: macro foo { 1 }; foo; | 04:51 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2» | ||
ShimmerFairy | m: macro foo { quasi { 1 } }; foo; | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
ugexe | nope. "" interpolates | ||
AlexDaniel | ugexe: but then I don't get it at all | 04:52 | |
ugexe | yeah i dont see anything wrong with your syntax after you changed it | ||
ShimmerFairy | Perl6 macros aren't string-based, so I don't know what you're hoping to accomplish there :) | 04:53 | |
AlexDaniel | ShimmerFairy: not really? | ||
"Macros may return either a string to be reparsed, or a syntax tree that needs no further parsing. The textual form is handy, but the syntax tree form is generally preferred because it allows the parser and debugger to give better error messages." | |||
from design.perl6.org/S06.html#Macros | 04:54 | ||
but yeah, I don't want to return a string. How can I create a sub? | 04:55 | ||
ShimmerFairy | The portion you quoted hasn't been touched since 2008. I'd be extremely surprised if that "string to be reparsed" is still considered a part of macros. | 04:57 | |
AlexDaniel | m: macro FOO { 'say 1' }; FOO; | 04:59 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2» | ||
AlexDaniel | hm | ||
ShimmerFairy | m: macro FOO { quasi { sub Bar { say "woohooo"}; } }; FOO()() | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«woohooo» | ||
ShimmerFairy | Of course, that's probably not what you're after :P | ||
AlexDaniel | ShimmerFairy: nope. | 05:00 | |
ShimmerFairy | m: macro FOO { quasi { sub Bar { say "woohooo"}; } }; our &Bar = FOO(); Bar # you could use 'anon sub' or '->' instead of 'sub Bar' in this case | 05:01 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«woohooo» | ||
ShimmerFairy | I'm not familiar enough with macros to know how to make it work properly, or if it's a bug that the way you're trying isn't working. | ||
AlexDaniel | ShimmerFairy: all this trickery does not help, I need multiple dispatch to work in the end | 05:03 | |
unless there are tricks to make that work... | 05:05 | ||
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dalek | ar: 6571779 | FROGGS++ | tools/star/release-guide.pod: state that I did the 2015.06 release |
06:12 | |
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JimmyZ | FROGGS: 2013.03 moritz | 06:29 | |
+ 2013.06 FROGGS | |||
FROGGS: it is 2015 now :) | |||
moritz: ^^ | |||
FROGGS | ewww | 06:33 | |
dalek | ar: 40e2bfd | FROGGS++ | tools/star/release-guide.pod: fix typo in release year, JimmyZ++ |
06:35 | |
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moritz | it is? | 06:47 | |
maybe that's why nobody's paying my invoices | 06:48 | ||
FROGGS | :P | ||
FROGGS has to do that on his own too :o( | |||
I want self-paying invoices! | |||
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moritz | don't need to be self-paying; it's enough if somebody else reliably pays them | 06:53 | |
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FROGGS | true | 07:04 | |
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ely-se | Hello, Perl! | 08:12 | |
DrForr | Marnin'. | 08:22 | |
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ely-se | Why is MVM register-based instead of stack-based? | 08:25 | |
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moritz | ely-se: because it's easier to generate code for register-based machines | 08:26 | |
and in terms of performance, both are about the same | |||
ely-se | In my experience generating code for such machines is more difficult. | 08:27 | |
However I can imagine generating machine code _from_ them is easier. | 08:28 | ||
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jnthn wrote much of the QAST to JVM and QAST to MoarVM code-gen, and the MoarVM one was easier for me, at least :) | 08:29 | ||
yoleaux | 01:22Z <raiph> jnthn: I'd love to be able to show off Grammar::Generative... github.com/jnthn/grammar-generativ...-121105324 | ||
ely-se | though maybe it depends on the source language | ||
with order of evaluation and such | |||
jnthn | *nod* | ||
ely-se | I'm currently implementing a stack-based VM in JavaScript. | 08:30 | |
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ely-se | it can already execute hello world xd | 08:39 | |
samgwise | Hi #perl6 :) | 08:40 | |
kanl | m: my %h = a => 1; %h<b> = %h.values; %h.say; | ||
samgwise | I've been trying to compile from source on win 7 without success :( | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«(timeout)» | ||
samgwise | I'm using VS 2015 RC and I run into a failure at stirngs/unicode.c | 08:41 | |
the compiler is complaining that it's encountered fatal error c1026: parser stack overflow | 08:42 | ||
moritz | samgwise: sounds like a bug in the compiler | 08:43 | |
ely-se | MSVC is well known for being buggy. | ||
samgwise | I've used the same 2015.06 source and built it on a windows 8 laptop useing the VS 15 RC any ideas? | ||
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jnthn | samgwise: It seems it's an MSVC compiler bug that didn't exist in any previous version of MSVC :( | 08:43 | |
So "use an older version of MSVC" is the only known workaround at the moment. | 08:44 | ||
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samgwise | OK, thanks, I'll give that a shot :) | 08:46 | |
moritz | please report the bug to microsoft. | ||
samgwise | Good idea too :) | ||
moritz | (if MS makes that possible, that is) | ||
samgwise | I'll find out I guess. | 08:47 | |
ely-se | moritz: yeah it does | ||
here's my favourite bug report: connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio...all-my-ram | |||
FROGGS | samgwise: I know it works with MSVC 2010 and 2012 | 08:48 | |
samgwise | Thanks FROGGS | 08:50 | |
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DrForr | And the status tells you the rest you need to know: Closed as Won't Fix. | 08:53 | |
TEttinger | samgwise: I had the same issue btw, 2013 worked fine | ||
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TEttinger | (2013 community) | 08:53 | |
RabidGravy | question of self-doubt here, if I had a method that may return either a Buf or a [ CArray[uint8], Int] depending on some named parameter it would be better to make it a multi irrespective of the return type taking part in the multi? | 08:55 | |
moritz | the return type doesn't take part in multi dispatch | 08:57 | |
so you must distinguish it on the named param | |||
and yes, a multi would be fine for that | |||
RabidGravy | yes, I knew all that, it was a "style question" (would it be better to make a multi or make the return Positional to handle both cases ;) | 08:58 | |
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RabidGravy | so "sub foo(:$raw?) returns Positional vs multi foo() returns Buf ... multi foo(:$raw!) returns Array" | 09:00 | |
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jnthn | RabidGravy: For me it'd depend on how different the implementations of the two were | 09:01 | |
RabidGravy | to be honest the 'raw' case simply omits the copying the CArray into the Buf | 09:02 | |
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RabidGravy | already got four multis "foo(Array, Array), foo(Array), foo(CArray, CArray, Int), foo(CArray, Int)" so doubling them for each of the five cases (foo-short, foo-int, foo-long, foo-float and foo-double) for a total of eighty methods might be over-kill ;-) | 09:10 | |
moritz | RabidGravy: ok, then I'd probably not do it as more multis | 09:12 | |
or find a way to generate them :-) | |||
RabidGravy | :-) | 09:13 | |
FROGGS | TimToady: do you want to get the indirect object syntax in place before September? | 09:14 | |
moritz | don't we already have indirect object syntax? | ||
RabidGravy | being able to multi on shaped arrays would help somewhat | ||
jnthn | m: say is-prime: 42 | 09:15 | |
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/A_wiO51C81Calling is-prime() will never work with proto signature ($, $?)at /tmp/A_wiO51C81:1------> 3say 7⏏5is-prime: 42» | ||
jnthn | Hm, what was the syntax again... :) | ||
moritz | std: say is-prime: 42 | ||
camelia | std 28329a7: OUTPUT«ok 00:00 137m» | ||
jnthn | oh, so that *is* the syntax | 09:16 | |
I too thought we did it | |||
m: is-prime: 42 | |||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
jnthn | Oh...it only works at statement level? | ||
moritz | m: say(is-prime: 42) | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling /tmp/MoSxfcoiz4Calling is-prime() will never work with proto signature ($, $?)at /tmp/MoSxfcoiz4:1------> 3say(7⏏5is-prime: 42)» | ||
FROGGS | jnthn: implementing &?BLOCK.leave is hard :/ | 09:20 | |
jnthn: and I've not pushed yet my latest changes | |||
jnthn | FROGGS: Yeah, I'd been pondering how to do that | 09:21 | |
(no, I don't have a great answer yet) | 09:22 | ||
FROGGS | leave() works now, as well as Label.leave which worked yesterday already | 09:23 | |
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FROGGS | Label.leave works because we use nqp::handle(..., 'RETURN', {...}) there | 09:24 | |
jnthn | I'd rather we didn't steal RETURN for that... | 09:26 | |
But maybe we can make LEAVE control exceptions also check the code object of the current block against the "label"... | |||
So if you put &?BLOCK in the label it just works out | |||
FROGGS | hmmm | 09:27 | |
surely we can use LEAVE instead | 09:28 | ||
jnthn | Yes, let's add LEAVE | ||
FROGGS | and yeah, I understand what you said | ||
jnthn | I think RETURN eventually wants to work through control exceptions too, not the magical lexotic mechanism we have today | ||
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kanl | is Set no longer extendable? | 09:58 | |
m: class Foo is Set { method foo( $foo ) { self{$foo} = True; self } }; my $f = Foo.new.foo: 'a'; $f.say; | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«Method 'BUILD' not found for invocant of class 'Foo' in block <unit> at /tmp/75lUH25_wJ:1» | ||
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kanl | what (else) is an immutable hash-like container to extend then? | 10:00 | |
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nine | [TuxCM]: I couldn't reproduce my random test failures on my desktop at home, so I nuked my install directory on my work laptop and now they are gone here, too. | 10:10 | |
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kanl | question rephrased, how do i extend Hash and make it immutable? | 10:16 | |
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jnthn | kanl: I think it's a bug that you can't inherit from Set. | 10:17 | |
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kanl | jnthn, i'd suspect so. i remember seeing an example of Set being extended somewhere before. | 10:18 | |
[TuxCM] | nine, were you able to reproduce the failures with an *installed* I::P5? | ||
kanl | jnthn: is there any way to realized my 2nd question though? | 10:19 | |
nine | [TuxCM]: spoke too early :( Just took very long for the first failure to occur | ||
kanl | i.e. to extend a Hash/List and the like and make it immutable? | ||
jnthn | kanl: Well, you could use EnumMap, which Hash extends | ||
kanl: Which doesn't put values in Scalar containers | 10:20 | ||
kanl | jnthn: thank you! i'll investigate. | ||
oh, and i'll open a bug on Set not extendable. | 10:21 | ||
is it by designed that this can't/shouldn't be done? | 10:27 | ||
my %h = a => 1; %h<b> = %h.values; %h<b>.say; | |||
the equivalent of which is legal in p5 | |||
jnthn | It isn't legal Perl 6? | 10:31 | |
RabidGravy | there's bug in there somewhere | ||
jnthn | m: my %h = a => 1; %h<b> = %h.values; %h<b>.say; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«(timeout)» | 10:32 | |
jnthn | m: my %h = a => 1; %h<b> = eager %h.values; %h<b>.say; | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«1» | ||
jnthn | ah | ||
RabidGravy | just sits there consuming increasing amounts of memory | ||
I guess it would coredump when it ran out of memory | 10:34 | ||
kanl | so can the compiler advise in time before that happens? | 10:36 | |
jnthn | How can it know? | ||
kanl | i thought not | ||
jnthn | But I think maybe it's a bug that the "eager" is needed there | ||
But I'm not sure. | 10:37 | ||
RabidGravy | or = @ = if you don't like typing eager ;-) | 10:38 | |
right, rebboot | 10:40 | ||
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cognominal | When I juggle with too many balls in Perl 6, I am often confused about which particular ball I dropped and start making false assumption :( Probably a case of searching dropped keys under streetlights to use another metaphor. | 11:01 | |
moritz | cognominal: juggling more than one ball is the real problem | 11:04 | |
kanl | is Parcel "final"? | ||
class Foo is Parcel { method foo { self = ( 1, 2, 3 ) } }; my $f = Foo.new.foo; | |||
m: class Foo is Parcel { method foo { self = ( 1, 2, 3 ) } }; my $f = Foo.new.foo; | |||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«Method 'foo' not found for invocant of class 'Parcel' in block <unit> at /tmp/9CjbhH4lpG:1» | ||
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FROGGS | jnthn: instead of adding leave method to Block I can also just add it to Code, right? | 11:07 | |
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jnthn | FROGGS: I'd put it on Block | 11:08 | |
FROGGS | k | ||
jnthn | FROGGS: We use Code for thunks | ||
FROGGS | we then need it in Sub and Routine too... | ||
but I'll care about that later | |||
jnthn | m: say Routine.^mro; say Sub.^mro | ||
camelia | rakudo-moar 533d1a: OUTPUT«(Routine) (Block) (Code) (Any) (Mu)(Sub) (Routine) (Block) (Code) (Any) (Mu)» | ||
FROGGS | ohh | ||
jnthn | :) | 11:09 | |
FROGGS | :D | ||
jnthn | Code = thing we can invoke, Block = Code + lexical scope | ||
Routine = Block + maybe multi-dispatch | |||
:) | |||
FROGGS | yeah, that knowledge is in my head somewhere already :o) | ||
ely-se | is there an article on how to choose between arrays, lists and parcels? | 11:10 | |
jnthn | I dunno if we had it that way in the very early days, I think at some point I remember figuring out it was the right factoring. | ||
FROGGS | jnthn: I don't know the early days... my first contact was back in 2012 | ||
so, I'm a n00b after all | |||
jnthn | I think my first Rakudo commit was around December 2007 and I didn't have a darn clue what I was doing :) | 11:11 | |
FROGGS | jnthn: but you improved, slightly :P | 11:12 | |
jnthn | pmichaud++ had made a pretty sane design overall | ||
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jnthn | So it was quite learnable :) | 11:13 | |
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jnthn | I mean, in hindsight there was a bunch of things the design was never going to cope with, but we had to run with it for a while to see that. | 11:13 | |
FROGGS | sure | 11:14 | |
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FROGGS | you need a working base, and way to try and change things while you learn how things are meant to work | 11:14 | |
jnthn | The architecture we have today really is derived from the "nom" (new object model) time | ||
Yeah, I think a lot of the time in software we too quickly try to build "the thing" and don't allow ourselves the space we need to learn the problem. | 11:15 | ||
And when I came to Perl 6 it was like "arrgh this project is taking AGES" so there was a real pressure to deliver The Thing. | 11:16 | ||
In hindsight, my first couple of years here were really about learning various ways to not build a Perl 6 implementation...and unlearning various assumptions from compiler classes at uni, I guess. :) | 11:17 | ||
FROGGS | jnthn: I try to teach the students here at work what the first step/milestone contain, and in what way it should allow evolution and what level of emplexity it should not contain | 11:18 | |
complexity* | |||
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FROGGS | they often try to tackle the hard bits, which are often enough just minor details | 11:18 | |
jnthn | Tackling unknowns early is good generally, but it's actually sometimes hard to know where the hard problems lie | 11:19 | |
It took a while for me to realize how deep the whole "OK, so we're going to compile to bytecode *AND* have BEGIN time" problem actually goes. | 11:20 | ||
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jnthn | And how to square that with meta-programming, optimization, etc. | 11:21 | |
FROGGS | about tackling unknowns - tackling these early just because they seem hard when they are just a 'nice to have' is just wasting time IMO | 11:22 | |
jnthn | Oh, you have to know if they're actually your core problem before spending time on them. | ||
FROGGS | getting the framework right, in a way to be able to involve in several ways ist a good approach to me | ||
jnthn | If you know they're a "nice to have" then yeah, sure, it's a waste of time. | ||
FROGGS | and I'm happy that I was able to do that for the last two big projects I did/do | 11:23 | |
jnthn | *nod* | ||
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brrt | \o | 11:24 | |
FROGGS++ | 11:25 | ||
FROGGS | hmm? | ||
what have I done? | |||
brrt | on the LEAVE thingies :-) | ||
FROGGS | ahh :o) | ||
brrt | yesterday I guess | ||
:-) | |||
anyway | |||
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FROGGS | brrt: I'm still working on it, searching for the right approach | 11:26 | |
jnthn: is leave() meant to return from that spot? | |||
or are statements after leave() meant to get executed? | |||
jnthn | FROGGS: It has immediate effect | 11:27 | |
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ely-se | ah | 11:27 | |
readying both doc.perl6.org/language/variables and doc.perl6.org/language/containers helps a lot | |||
jnthn | my $x = -> { my $y = &?BLOCK; sub foo() { $y.leave(42); say 'not here' }; foo(); say 'nor here'; }; $x() | ||
FROGGS: Hopefully ^^ clears it up a bit | 11:28 |