»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
buggable 🎺🎺🎺 It's time for the monthly Accidental /win Lottery 😍😍😍 We have 0 ballots submitted by 0 users! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!... 00:00
And the winning number is 42! Congratulations to Zoffix! You win a can of WD40!
timotimo rigged!
Geth doc: f544565048 | (Zoffix Znet)++ | doc/Language/routines.pod6
Document `undefine`

For 6.c, plenty of spec in roast. 6.d deprecation spec: github.com/perl6/roast/commit/e325718ca2 Rakudo deprecation: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/72bac67080
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/routines
[Coke] mst: spam hitting #perl6-dev & #moarvm too 01:54
and #perl6-toolchain
Zoffix So now they get through even with +r? 01:55
oh wc 01:56
[Coke] looks like it's ramping up right now, actually. 01:56
Geth doc: mendel++ created pull request #2234:
mention hyped form of infix assignment ops in traps
doc: mendel++ created pull request #2235:
run the Docker images interactively & on a tty from the Makefile
doc: cdba5a841f | Coke++ | doc/Language/glossary.pod6
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/glossary
jmerelo squashable6: status 06:41
yoleaux 31 Jul 2018 15:05Z <AlexDaniel> jmerelo: yes??
squashable6 jmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 2 days and ≈3 hours (2018-08-04 UTC-12⌁UTC+14). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel we'll have to set up something today. The list of modules to work on is there, and it's long-ish...
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
AlexDaniel . 06:43
yoleaux 06:41Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: we'll have to set up something today. The list of modules to work on is there, and it's long-ish...
AlexDaniel jmerelo: so a repo with tickets populated, one for each failing module, yes? 06:46
Geth doc: e865904d1d | (Norbert Buchmueller)++ | Makefile
run the Docker images interactively & on a tty from the Makefile

This way eg. the test progress is shown when running `make docker-xtest`.
doc: bb19c56d17 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | Makefile
Merge pull request #2235 from mendel/run-docker-images-interactively-from-makefile

run the Docker images interactively & on a tty from the Makefile Makes sense. Thanks.
jmerelo AlexDaniel: can we use ecosystem? 07:31
.tell AlexDaniel: Can we use perl6/ecosystem, maybe with a label, and also watch the repos mentioned in those tickets?
yoleaux jmerelo: What kind of a name is "AlexDaniel:"?!
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel Can we use perl6/ecosystem, maybe with a label, and also watch the repos mentioned in those tickets?
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
Geth doc: 1cdd59e9ba | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/routines.pod6
Slight rephrasing
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/routines
lizmat good *, #perl6! 08:03
lizmat clickbaits opensource.com/article/18/8/migrat...l-5-perl-6
jmerelo lizmat: hey!
lizmat the first of a series of 12 :-)
jmerelo lizmat: one per month? 08:04
lizmat every 2 weeks is the plan
jmerelo lizmat: great! 08:07
lizmat: migration, or #perl6 in general?
lizmat it's basically a blog post version of all of the research I did for my perl 5 -> perl 6 workshop that I gave at TPCiSLC and will be giving at TPCiG 08:08
jmerelo "the sum of Perl 5 and Perl 6 becomes greater than its parts" So true, lizmat 08:10
El_Che notable6: weekly opensource.com/article/18/8/migrat...l-5-perl-6 08:50
notable6 El_Che, Noted!
El_Che just in case :)
lizmat :-) 09:00
AlexDaniel . 10:01
yoleaux 07:31Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: Can we use perl6/ecosystem, maybe with a label, and also watch the repos mentioned in those tickets?
jmerelo Hi, Alex
AlexDaniel o/
I'd prefer a separate repo
tbrowder_ lizmat: excellent article! great graphics, too! 10:02
lizmat tbrowder_: thank you :-)
jmerelo AlexDaniel: just the repo, or also watching issues on some modules we'll be working on.
AlexDaniel jmerelo: we can't really watch other repos 10:03
jmerelo: need admin access to set up webhooks
tbrowder_ tyil: watching? 10:04
tyil tbrowder_: I am here, though I was not watching this channel in particular rn 10:05
I have time tho
tbrowder_ tyil i am now on your side, defn will have term attribute and definition as @contents of para blocks 10:06
tyil \o/ 10:07
what happened? :p
tbrowder_ rereading S26 shows the subtle but precise nature of Damian’s writing
that convinced me
tyil ah 10:10
it works for me :D
(mostly because now I wont have to update a module I'm working on if it uses .contents like the rest) 10:11
tbrowder_ thinking about how =defn would be best rendered in text, html, and other formats also helped
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I didn't know that. I thought it was polling or somethign like that.
AlexDaniel: anyway, I don't know if I have permission to set up a new repo in perl6?
AlexDaniel jmerelo: you should
tbrowder_ is your module publicly available now?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: should I try? Like bitrot-august-18?
AlexDaniel: or just bitrot and we use it for other bitrot squashathons? 10:12
AlexDaniel jmerelo: just ecosystem-bitrot will do
or unbitrot?
jmerelo github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitrot AlexDaniel 10:13
tyil tbrowder_: the sources are, but its not on cpan yet, as its still under construction
tbrowder_ link? 10:14
jmerelo AlexDaniel: all members of the perl6 team have access to it. Any other thing I should set up? Maybe a README with links to places?
AlexDaniel jmerelo: so, we need a squashathon guide
scimon Can you have a different trait to `is` ? 10:15
jmerelo AlexDaniel: OK, I'll do that
AlexDaniel jmerelo: something similar to this: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Raku...thon-Guide
jmerelo: but specific to ecosystem stuff
tyil tbrowder_: pm
jmerelo AlexDaniel: first bitrot squashathon, right?
AlexDaniel jmerelo: yeah
jmerelo AlexDaniel: OK, I'll have a go at it a bit later. Meanwhile, feel free... 10:16
AlexDaniel jmerelo: I think I'll write a script to populate issues… 10:17
jmerelo That would be great
AlexDaniel I'm actually out of town, so not sure how much internet I'd have 10:18
jmerelo AlexDaniel: there's a module for that... Give me one second.
tbrowder_ tyil: good, thanks
AlexDaniel jmerelo: I've never seen a proper module for github api
jmerelo: just stuff that creates gists
jmerelo AlexDaniel: there's this one github.com/fayland/perl6-WebService-GitHub 10:19
AlexDaniel for a throwaway thing like this I can just do a regular POST and that'd be it
jmerelo and then my own version: github.com/JJ/perl6-WebService-GitHub/ which I used during the grant.
AlexDaniel github.com/fayland/perl6-WebServic...sues.pm#L6 10:20
jmerelo AlexDaniel: It would be a good addition to the module. Anyway, if you do the throwaway stuff I might incorporate it into my module
scimon For those of us joining half way into the conversation is this a squahathon to handle broken modules post a compiler update?
jmerelo scimon: right
AlexDaniel wrong?
scimon: during this squashathon we try to fix modules that were red for a long time 10:21
jmerelo AlexDaniel: I mean, it's not a big deal to add that to my version of the WebServices module. I'm thinking about publishing it, BTW... Since fayland is not too keen on accepting my pull request.
AlexDaniel scimon: we try really hard not to break modules with rakudo releases 10:22
there are exceptions, however… like if a module depends on a bug or something like that
but mostly I submit PRs before the release myself :) 10:23
scimon: toast.perl6.party/ 10:24
scimon: most of the red modules you can test with some 2017.* release and they'd be red, it's not release related… just some oooold modules :) 10:25
scimon: hm, do you have any idea on how we can prioritize them? 700+ modules to fix is maybe too much… 10:26
jmerelo AlexDaniel: we have the "river" score... 10:32
sena_kun those who have native dependency can be omitted(or need more complex check than toast do), I believe, there are a lot in this category.
jmerelo sena_kun: again, the river score takes care of that. 10:33
You fix something higher up the river, then those which are downriver from it are automatically fixed.
AlexDaniel jmerelo: I think they're talking about ‘missing blabla.so’ kind of failures
sena_kun jmerelo, oh, then never mind.
I do.
jmerelo AlexDaniel: Ah, OK.
sena_kun e.g. all ZeroMQ modules are failing. 10:34
AlexDaniel sena_kun: I don't know… it would be nice to know the list of libs that need to be installed
jmerelo AlexDaniel, sena_kun there was a proposal by samcv, if I remember correctly, to include non-Perl6 dependencies into meta6.json
sena_kun I have a feeling we were here before...
AlexDaniel sena_kun: so this one is `apt install gnuradio-dev` I think? 10:35
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I can probably take a look on such a list if time allows after $daily-comma-job.
AlexDaniel, sorry, what do you mean by gnuradio-dev? 10:36
AlexDaniel sena_kun: well, that package has libgnuradio-zeromq.so file, but I'm not sure if it's the right one
sena_kun AlexDaniel, ah. for zmq support you need to look for `zeromq` package I believe. gnuradio-zmq one is probably some in-between layer. 10:38
AlexDaniel hm interesting 10:39
there's zeromq3 package but I don't see it from my machine
anyway, afk
sena_kun I see ubuntu doesn't have such a package, huh. they offer by hands build instructions.
e.g. www.digitalocean.com/community/que...4-04-4-x64
or gist.github.com/katopz/8b766a5cb0c...9407e83d00 10:40
anyway, zmq is not the main issue, we want a list of dependencies, so I'll look what I can do. Now back to making new fancy features~ 10:41
xq packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libzmq-dev 10:54
scimon Got it (Sorry $WORK got in the way). 10:57
xq same for gnuradio thing packages.ubuntu.com/search?keyword...dio-zeromq
scimon When is it planned for? 10:58
(He says before leaving to get lunch) 10:59
Xliff \o 11:12
Are there any web pages that discuss how to deal with grammers that have recursive rules?
tyil Xliff: theres a book about it 11:13
Xliff: www.amazon.com/Parsing-Perl-Regexe...1484232275
Xliff Yes. I know. I have it.
It does not mention anything about recursive rules. Though I have to admit, I haven't read it all the way through. 11:14
moritz it talks about recusion
Xliff moritz++
I was about to .tell you a question. Can you tell me the chapter?
P 112? 11:15
moritz I'm searching for my ebook copy right now :-)
page 113, Left Recursion and Other Traps 11:16
Xliff Thanks. That's exactly what I am looking for. 11:17
Zoffix .tell MasterDuke don't know if you get notifications, but would you know the cause of github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2157 ? Also, would you add comments documenting the magic numbers? Why would nqp::iseq_i(0x1ffffffff,8589934591) be false on 32bit for example, or what's the significance of 16 characters (~53bit number)? 11:18
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
Zoffix .tell MasterDuke nm the `iseq_i`, I see on HEAD it's not an `add_i`, but what's special about 53-bit numbers? 11:21
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
Zoffix *now
jmerelo Problems again with "trying to assign to an immutable value" when using roles... stackoverflow.com/questions/516323...ed-in-role 11:43
lizmat jmerelo: wouldn't it make more sense to just create an Enum and mix the $.index into it ? 11:47
jmerelo lizmat: I want to use Enumeration by itself, to create the doc. 11:48
lizmat Ah, ok, I was immediately glued to the code :-)
jmerelo lizmat: Enumerations have $!index, and theoretically it's up to the MOP to change index. But it should be possible to create your own Enumerations
lizmat but is the index a public attribute? 11:49
jmerelo lizmat: no, it's private.
lizmat because if it is not, you can't set it with bless
jmerelo lizmat: you can't set it from BUILD or TWEAK since it yields an immutable error 11:50
lizmat and if it is an native int, there's currently an issue about not being able to set native ints in roles
from the class consuming the role
jmerelo lizmat: Ah. That's it, then.
lizmat you might want to verify, I might be wrong :-) 11:51
jmerelo lizmat: probably not. OK, without it the example does not make a lot of sense anyway... Can it maybe be changed to Int while that is fixed? Or would that be a big performance issue? 11:52
lizmat I'm not sure actually
wrt performance
jmerelo lizmat: OK, thanks anyway 11:53
lizmat: I'm AFK now. See you!
lizmat sorry I couldn't be of help more, am deep somewhere else in the code :-)
Zoffix .tell MasterDuke nm, the bisect is bogus it seems as the commit is in Rakudo, but the problem exists in nqp as well 12:02
yoleaux Zoffix: I'll pass your message to MasterDuke.
AlexDaniel oh my, github keeps changing the interface all the freaking time :) 12:26
sena_kun and the new one is awful. :/
AlexDaniel yeah, I'm trying out the beta 12:28
don't know if it's better or worse, it's just completely different, I feel disoriented
“Discover repositories” what, why 12:29
sena_kun it feels like they don't have a designer that actually studied how UI should look and work. too much elements, element positioning doesn't align with how human eye browse pages, too wide, ugh. 12:30
*too many 12:31
Extirpator Hi, friends! I've confused with var interpolation at regexes with P5 modifier. I need some help. This code fails: perl6 -e 'my $r="[23]+"; my Regex $rx=rx:P5/$r/; if "232323" ~~ $rx {"matched".say};', but this works: perl6 -e 'my Regex $rx=rx:P5/[23]+/; if "232323" ~~ $rx {"matched".say};' 12:32
AlexDaniel hmm, with p6 regexes that'd be this: 12:35
Extirpator perl6 -e 'my $r="[23]+"; my Regex $rx=rx/<$r>/; if "232323" ~~ $rx {"matched".say};'
AlexDaniel m: my $r="[23]+"; my Regex $rx=rx/<{$r}>/; if "232323" ~~ $rx {"matched".say}; 12:36
camelia matched
Extirpator yes it works!
AlexDaniel or that, yeah
Extirpator but i need p5 :)
MasterDuke m: my $r="[23]+"; my Regex $rx=rx/<$r>/; if "232323" ~~ $rx {"matched".say};
yoleaux 11:18Z <Zoffix> MasterDuke: don't know if you get notifications, but would you know the cause of github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2157 ? Also, would you add comments documenting the magic numbers? Why would nqp::iseq_i(0x1ffffffff,8589934591) be false on 32bit for example, or what's the significance of 16 characters (~53bit number)?
camelia matched
yoleaux 11:21Z <Zoffix> MasterDuke: nm the `iseq_i`, I see on HEAD it's not an `add_i`, but what's special about 53-bit numbers?
12:02Z <Zoffix> MasterDuke: nm, the bisect is bogus it seems as the commit is in Rakudo, but the problem exists in nqp as well
AlexDaniel MasterDuke: now with :P5 :)
MasterDuke yeah, that doesn't seem to work 12:37
Zoffix MasterDuke: never mind that stuff. I found the problem 12:37
MasterDuke Extirpator: but fwiw, you'd need to put <> around the variable to interpolate it as a regex, not just text
Zoffix (along with specialness of 53-bit numbers)
MasterDuke Zoffix: i just commented on the issue
Zoffix MasterDuke: yup, that is it. It's using doubles for ints 12:38
And numbers up to 2**52 can be represented exactly in double
m: dd 9930972392403501e0.Int
camelia 9930972392403500
AlexDaniel oh my
Zoffix m: dd 9930972392403503e0.Int # <--- that's ...504 12:39
camelia 9930972392403504
Zoffix m: dd 9930972392403503 + 1 # <--- so it follows that this would be ...505
camelia 9930972392403505
Zoffix :)
Well, I'm just gonna dial it down in Rakudo to be within representable limit to fix the bug and I guess N#363 covers the NQP side of the problem 12:40
synopsebot N#363 [open]: github.com/perl6/nqp/issues/363 NQP converts large integers to floats when it shouldn't/doesn't need to
Extirpator Masterduke: here's P5 code - perl -e 'my $r="(?:[23]+)"; if ("232323" =~ /$r/) {print "matched\n"};', i need to exec P5-like regex in P6: perl6 -e 'my $r="(?:[23]+)"; my Regex $rx=rx:P5/$r/; if "232323" ~~ $rx {"matched".say};', <$r>, <{$r}> are not work too 12:44
timotimo maybe you'll have to go through EVAL for now, could be a bug or NYI 12:45
MasterDuke Extirpator: there does seem to be a bug, but you'd definitely have to use <$r>, just $r by itself doesn't work like that 12:46
timotimo MasterDuke: i'm pretty sure it does work like that in perl5, though?
MasterDuke docs.perl6.org/language/regexes#in...erpolation
Zoffix Yeah, in P5 the default is to treat text as regex 12:47
MasterDuke hm, good point. don't know if :P5 should work that way or not
timotimo it should, i think
Zoffix it shouldn't, I think
timotimo if you want to put text in a variable and match it directly, put \Q and \E
Zoffix What happens with @foo?
timotimo whatever perl5 does with it
Zoffix OK 12:48
What happens with $r := [<a b c>] ?
What happens with $r := [<a b c>] => rx:P5/$r/
timotimo :P5 is there to support perl5 style regexes 12:49
timotimo if you use something perl5 just can't do, throw an exception or something 12:49
Zoffix timotimo: right, but you're crossing over Perl 6 objects into the space of Perl 5 regexes. There aren't Str or Array objects in Perl 5. `$r` cannot contain an Array in P5, but it can in P6; `$r` can contain a non-P5 regex in Perl 6 12:50
So you either have to define semantics for all of that stuff, or just draw the line at "variables work like in P6" :)
timotimo what if you put an arrayref into $r in perl5?
Zoffix timotimo: it gets stringified... literally: /(?^u:ARRAY(0x14b5f30))/ 12:51
timotimo i bet someone on darkpan is relying on that 12:52
Zoffix heh
timotimo what is ?^u: do?
Zoffix locally enables /u modifier 12:53
timotimo ah, just unicode 12:54
so, don't you think someone will use /$r/ to check if $r is the same arrayref as something else by going through regex? :)
Zoffix "These modifiers, all new in 5.14, affect which character-set rules [...] /u" sets the character set to Unicode."
timotimo like, $r ~= /$r/ would give True
Zoffix timotimo: dunno, there aren't no arrayrefs in p6 12:55
MasterDuke +1 for "variables work like in P6"
Extirpator timotimo: "put \Q and \E", you mean: my Regex $rx=rx:P5/\Q$r\E? 13:00
Zoffix Extirpator: no, we were just talking about how to make Perl 5 regex behave with variables like Perl 6 does
Extirpator :) 13:01
Zoffix Extirpator: just use Perl 6 regex, if you can.
Zoffix Extirpator: there was a recent intro talk about them, if you have any interest: rakudo.party/post/Intro-Into-Perl6...-Recording 13:01
Extirpator i'm porting a P5 module, everything is done but regexes 13:01
Zoffix I see 13:02
Extirpator i want to leave them with P5 style
Extirpator MasterDuke, timotimo, Zoffix: thank you guys, P6 rules! 13:05
Zoffix \o/ 13:06
.oO( but sometimes P6 tokens! )
jkramer Does anyone know why this is so incredibly slow (and how to fix it)? bpaste.net/show/0ee15ed17b8e 13:09
Input is this word list: raw.githubusercontent.com/dolph/di...nable1.txt
jkramer Is it just the size of the lists to grep? 13:12
lizmat jkramer: have you tried running it with --profile ?
lizmat also: why isn't &works an ordinary sub ? 13:13
in any case, --profile should tell you a lot 13:14
jkramer lizmat: I thought making @chars a temp might be cheaper than calling a sub with @chars as "is copy" 13:15
lizmat I'm still in the middle of something else, will look at it after that 13:16
Extirpator lizmat: I've just used your P5quotemeta module. It fails sometimes at test stage during zef install. Failure is not repeat constantly. I have to create issue, but maybe you know about it... Here's capture from docker: gitlab.com/pheix/router-right-perl...s/85819394 13:19
lizmat Extirpator: do you have the latest rakudo ?
it was one of the issues that jnthn looked at / fixed before he went on holiday, afaik
tyil according to the build output, rakudo-star:Latest docker image 13:20
so that would not be latest rakudo, but 2018.04 13:21
lizmat hmmm... strange
Extirpator 2018.04.1
lizmat fwiw, I can't repro it on HEAD
tyil ah yes, that one had a point release 13:22
lizmat oddly enough, the breakage dates from post 2017.06, afaik
and the breakage was in MoarVM
Extirpator: could it be that you're somehow using a more recent MoarVM ?
tyil I'll pull it on docker and see what perl6 --version replies in that container 13:23
tyil I'm on the train though, so responses may be delayed 13:23
lizmat tyil++ 13:24
tyil root@7568b54b732d:/# perl6 --version 13:24
This is Rakudo Star version 2018.04.1 built on MoarVM version 2018.04.1
Extirpator lizmat: yes, i've made a few installations before 13:25
tyil updates his default test script to run perl6 --version first
that output is always useful when you're trying to get help :p
lizmat Extirpator: well, I'm not sure how I can help you atm, as I can't reproduce it on HEAD
Extirpator: I think you're fine if you don't use the quotemeta() without parameters, which relies on the outer $_ 13:26
tyil rakudo star is still planned to get a new release soonish, right?
lizmat tyil: there's a 2018.06.RC0
tyil oh, I'll test that soon-ish then
lizmat not valid in sprintf 13:27
argh, pasto
tyil I don't see any such release on the rakudo.org site :( 13:28
timotimo Zoffix, i wonder if it would be prudent to ask before taking "another happy perl6 user" screenshots and posting them on social media; it's one thing to express your joy in an irc channel, it's another - to me at least - to post it to social media where it can have infinite range, plus the weekly usually links to such tweets as well 13:29
jkramer: i wonder if it's worth to convert @chars to a Set once, since the grep would coerce it over and over to use (<) on it, i think? 13:30
lizmat tyil: it's a Release Candidate, no official release yet
mst lizmat: I've +r'ed -dev and moarvm
looks like they've pre-seeded the bots with channels this time so our network level mitigations aren't as effective
lizmat mst++
AlexDaniel heh what a waste of time 13:31
mst also your bots are going to need to log in to nickserv before joining channels
sorry about that
AlexDaniel mst: they can't, unfortunately. There's a limit for 5 nickserv idents
Zoffix huggable: test 13:32
huggable Zoffix, Test failed
mst oh, hang on, I can I-line them I think
Zoffix timotimo: OK 13:32
lizmat timotimo: perhaps blot out the nick ? 13:33
timotimo i don't think anybody has complained yet about the "happy perl6 user" tweets, but i don't know if they were aware of them in the first place 13:39
lizmat but blotting out the name wouldn't detract from the PR value, would it? 13:41
Zoffix: don't you agree ?
timotimo i'd think it's enough 13:42
to blot it out, i mean
jkramer timotimo: I tried that initially but it didn't change anything. Actually the (<) is not even used anymore (notice line is commented out) because it didn't seem to help speed it up. 13:44
timotimo oh, right
i'll have a look with the profiler
timotimo how long does it run? 13:46
jkramer pste.eu/p/GQRo.html 13:47
jkramer This is just for the first 10 words (however using the whole dictionary). Takes ~25 seconds 13:47
timotimo oh, good
timotimo oh, perlseen takes a whole lot of time, sounds like .perl on something is taking a long time 13:47
jkramer Well, on my server, but the HW is not the worst :)
timotimo oof 13:48
.gist on capture, eh?
throw out the "is cached"
tyil lizmat: I understand, but where can I download it to test it out?
jkramer timotimo: I suspected that too but without cached it's still really slow and when operating on the full dictionary it might actually be useful later 13:49
W/o cached it's still 25-26 seconds
timotimo OK 13:50
lizmat jkramer: perhaps modules.perl6.org/dist/Sub::Memoize...:ELIZABETH could be of help?
don't look at the tag line, I just realized that suffers from a copy-pasto
timotimo i forgot to give the filename on the commandline %) 13:51
AlexDaniel dpk: yoleaux seems to be down?
MasterDuke there's a lot of printing. with a reduced size input, directing output to /dev/null was quite a bit faster
re jkramer's script 13:52
AlexDaniel dpk: it should be identified to join, but I thought that's not an issue?
jkramer timotimo: Actually removing 'is cached' DOES make it faster, I had changed the code in the meantime and added it to another sub :) 13:54
It's now ~6 seconds for the first 10 words
timotimo instead of 25?
jkramer Yes :) 13:55
timotimo TBH, cutting down enable1.txt with head -n 10 it finishes in 0.35s
oh, surely you didn't do it like that?
jkramer Well I made the &works block a sub and added 'is cached', which was not a good idea obviously :)
dpk sorted 13:56
it just crashed and didn't come back up for some reason
jkramer timotimo: No, I use the whole dictionary, just in the last line I
... I changed the last line to: .&longest-chain.Str.say for @words[^10];
timotimo What? 13:58
jkramer I hit enter too early :)
timotimo yeah, 5 seconds on my end, too
AlexDaniel I… didn't mean that… oops :)
timotimo though i kept "is cached" on longest-chain
buggable New CPAN upload: Sub-Memoized-0.0.3.tar.gz by ELIZABETH modules.perl6.org/dist/Sub::Memoize...:ELIZABETH
AlexDaniel just ghosted his matrix self
jkramer Yes, I just added that one back too, now it's ~5.5 instead of ~6.
timotimo how did we have 25s before? :) 13:59
jkramer timotimo: I added 'is cached' to the &works thing :)
(And also outsourced it into a sub) 14:00
MasterDuke jkramer: can you gist what you have now? 14:03
jkramer Yup, one second
bpaste.net/show/f3d52cd5fe18 14:04
timotimo something i see is that the machinery for temp is taking 12% of total time 14:05
jkramer timotimo: Check out the new paste, I made it its own sub without temp.
However I think the 'is copy' has probably the same effect 14:06
timotimo potentially, yes
could be significantly faster to be working with native int index arrays, i wonder.
jkramer I wonder if there's a smarter/faster way to compare the strings
timotimo i haven't even tried to understand how the algorithm works :) 14:07
timotimo just trying to figure out what parts of rakudo are to blame for the slowness 14:07
jkramer It's supposed to check whether one string is the same as the other except exactly one letter was removed 14:09
This is the thing I'm trying to do btw: www.reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer_i...rd_ladder/
samcv currently due to spam we have set this channel to only allow registered users in. What are peoples thoughts undoing that so newbie users can join as well? 14:10
pros: (potentially some spam). cons: new users will be able to join (or old users who have not registered with freenode)
jkramer Shouldn't it be the other way around? :) 14:11
[Coke] it's not a potentiality. it's real. 14:12
the spam was getting *ridiculous* yesterday.
samcv [Coke]: in #perl6 ? 14:13
Juerd samcv: One option would be to use +m and have a channel bot hand out +v with a delay
MasterDuke timotimo: i'm seeing a lot of time spent at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...#L432-L433 would it make sense to pull the check for &as outside the loop?
[Coke] samcv: could have been the other 3 channels. 14:14
Juerd samcv: Another is to use +k and publish the key somewhere, as a sort of captcha
lizmat MasterDuke: good catch
Zoffix samcv: I'm fine with channel being temporarily +r. It's not like we have a newbie joining every 5 seconds and it's not like they can't join entirely, they just get a messaged they need to reg their nick
samcv: also, it's not just "spam". It's spam that contains libel against a member of our community. 14:15
samcv Zoffix: agreed
Zoffix: i mean could we have it redirect to a pre-join channel? and people who ask there can get allowed into the main chat?
tyil Juerd: that sounds like a hassly for people who're not used to irc 14:16
samcv there are other projects who do something similar
since we don't know how long this will last
tyil I'd think having a bot hand out +v after a delay would be neat to have for this kind of situation
Zoffix samcv: how do you deal with spam in pre-join channel?
samcv Zoffix: well, usually if the chat is redirected sometimes the bots don't message to the channel at all 14:17
tyil the bot can pm the NOTICE the user to say something like "Due to spam, you must wait 10 seconds before you can start talking"
pm or NOTICE*
Zoffix vOv I think that's overthinking it.
samcv since if the bot still sends to #perl6 when it's invited to #perl6-unregistered the server will ignore any messages to #perl6
Zoffix samcv: but I mean the bots will be joining #perl6-unregistered directly and spamming there. 14:18
samcv: they're joining all the channels, not just #perl6
[Coke] Unpopular opinion: Maybe we should consider a chat platform other than IRC.
Zoffix heh
[Coke]: like what?
tyil [Coke]: such as?
I've yet to find a realtime communication platform that works as well as irc for public project groups 14:19
MasterDuke lizmat: also, is `@a.push for @b` faster than `@a.append(@b.map)`?
[Coke] e.g.: slack
Zoffix [Coke]: eww
tyil slock is not suited for public projects
tyil slack is a closed off platform, and doesnt do well with random people joining for just a quick question 14:20
Zoffix [Coke]: didn't they explicitly say it's not designed for open source communities?
lizmat MasterDuke: not sure, but --profile is your friend
Zoffix [Coke]: also, don't you *have* to register to use it? How is that different than having a +r on a channel?
tyil also, no sane client for slack
Zoffix Also, Slack is a resource hog
tyil you'd have to waste a couple hundred megs just to keep track on #perl6 14:20
Matrix would do fine for me, but Matrix is incredibly slow 14:21
Zoffix Also, we have a billion references saying "join our IRC support channel" 14:22
timotimo MasterDuke: well, categorize is only called once and it takes like 10% of time when you only run the first 10 words, so the more words you have the less it matters. for now, at least
pmurias samcv: normal users can register (it's a bit annoying)
tyil Zulip is an interesting open source chat platform that I think is interesting, but I'mnot sure if you can set it up to allow unregistered people to join in on the discussions 14:23
pmurias samcv: ultra creepy spam on the channel is no good too
samcv pmurias: then maybe an invite to some other room is a decent middle ground?
so you need either registration or an invite to get to #perl6 chat?
Zoffix "[10:23] == #perl6 Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned" 14:24
How is this better than +r?
mst I can't give you the nice 'you need to be registered' message *and* let the bots in
Zoffix :) 14:24
That was from going to perl6.org/irc BTW
mst: isn't there a way to whitelist the webchat.freenode.net users? 14:25
pmurias you are banned messages are significantly less than awesome
Zoffix IMO those would be the real newbees who don't know what's going on.
mst yeah, that's a good point 14:25
Zoffix: try it now 14:26
Zoffix "[10:26] == #perl6 Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned"
mst what's your connection? 14:27
Zoffix [10:26] == gateway/web/freenode/ip. is now your hidden host (set by syn.)
mst goddamnit
right. try now.
samcv #perl6 Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned
following the freenode.net webchat link on perl6.org
TestyMcTesty mst: works :) 14:28
timotimo jkramer: what version of rakudo was that?, alternatively: what's in your gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP.nqp on line 3573? 14:28
mst and the way I've set that, kiwiirc should work as well 14:29
testusersamcv now seems to work?
Zoffix mst++ 14:29
samcv mst: what did you change?
mst samcv: added an exemption for web gateways like I did for the able6 bots
samcv a ok
mst -!- mode/#perl6 [+e *!*@gateway/web/*] by mst 14:30
I can only assume you've got your client set to ignore mode changes
samcv mst: i can see mode changes. but i didn't get that one
mst weird
samcv i got your +/- r changes fine
mst maybe your client doesn't know what +e is 14:31
Ulti hmm do we have any bot clients in Perl 6 that deal with registered nicks? 14:32
AlexDaniel .tell [Coke] if we ever consider any alternative to IRC, that'd be Matrix and not anything else. Today though we'd have to let Matrix mature a bit before doing the move
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to [Coke].
mst samcv: anyway, that seem a reasonable compromise for the moment?
AlexDaniel Ulti: you mean like that? github.com/perl6/whateverable/blob...e.pm6#L655 14:32
Ulti looks like 14:33
ilmari_ meep?
samcv mst: yes that is much better 14:34
AlexDaniel mst++
ilmari_ ah, my matrix-bridged user is registered with nickserv
jkramer timotimo: 2018.06, but I can build from master too 14:35
timotimo that won't be necessary :)
jkramer I made slightly faster algo for the string/array comparison without 'is copy', now it's at 4.1-4.4s. 14:36
timotimo it looks like the time spent in that is really just from "temp" 14:36
timotimo fwiw, i think you can "abuse" the sorting of the words array to do this very fast 14:36
jkramer And I added a .race to the .grep which made it a bit better too
timotimo if i understand the task correctly 14:38
jkramer Here's what I got now: bpaste.net/show/2f03ec394d97
timotimo every word comes after words that share a prefix
jkramer Now it's not necessarily a prefix. The next word has to be the previous word, with one random letter (any position) removed 14:39
timotimo oooh
i wonder if every word should have precomputed an array of words with each letter removed 14:43
that can be done massively parallel 14:44
jkramer timotimo: Yes but you'd end up with a huge amount of non-existing words. Might be worth a try though. 14:47
timotimo hmm 14:48
so, it's only allowed to have a difference of one character, right? one being removed?
jkramer Yes 14:49
timotimo hm, should be possible to categorize words into the first and second letter, because either the first letter matches the first letter of the longer word, or the second letter does 14:50
if the second letter matches, the whole word has to match 14:51
because that means the first letter is dropped
that sounds like a good shortcut perhaps? 14:52
jkramer I have no idea what you mean :) 15:07
timotimo haha 15:08
jmerelo Hi 15:36
mnooning Is there a way to have newlines when pasting from a short test script? Otherwise I have to paste in each line at a time. 15:40
BTW: I could not get into here yesterday. Glad to see it is fixed 15:41
mnooning A link to something that would say how to enter newlines would be good, too. 15:41
Zoffix mnooning: yeah, typically people use gist.github.com/
And the network under a massive spam attack, so yesterday, the channel was blocked to unregistered users. 15:42
(now, there's a different block in place)
mnooning An answer to that is all I really wanted for now. I'll go look into gist.github. Thanks. Bye 15:43
Zoffix oh, ok 15:43
Extirpator Friends! It possible to exec in regex code. In P5 is group (?{}), e.g. (?{$var = 1}), this require use re 'eval' 15:44
lizmat Extirpator: put code in curlies: { }
Extirpator lizmat: 👍👍👍👍 Great thanx, sorry for noob ques! 15:45
lizmat no problem, that's why there's a #perl6 :-)
jmerelo lizmat: is this the bug you talked about this morning? rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=126120 15:50
lizmat m: role R { has int $!a }; class A does R { method a() { $!a = 42 } }; say A.new.a # yeah, that's the one 15:51
camelia Cannot assign to an immutable value
in method a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: role R { has Int $!a }; class A does R { method a() { $!a = 42 } }; say A.new.a # no problem this way 15:52
camelia 42
timotimo what does it code-gen to? 15:53
lizmat p6assign $!a 15:55
timotimo hmm. 15:56
does it have anything like "returns(int)" on it?
that may be necessary to assign to a $!a?
lizmat jmerelo: ugh, I assumed you spectested / built your PR 16:00
jmerelo lizmat: sorry, I didn't. To tell you the truth, I am not sure how to do that... 16:07
lizmat "make spectest" after you've build rakudo ? 16:08
jmerelo lizmat: OK, good to know. Sorry.
lizmat in any case, it didn't even build :-(
jmerelo that instruction where it fails is nqp::bindattr_i($val, $enum_type_obj, '$!index', $index); 16:10
timotimo yeah, you can't bindattr_i an Int attribute 16:11
jmerelo it could change to bindattr, but them something else will break down the line...
timotimo yeah
jmerelo pred and succ are tied to int, I think...
timotimo you have to do it everywhere
Zoffix huggable: zscript
huggable Zoffix, Helper script for Rakudo Perl 6 core development: github.com/zoffixznet/z
Zoffix jmerelo: ^ FWIW there's also that script
jmerelo Zoffix++
Zoffix (currently, probably not very suited for devs without a direct commit bit, I guess; need to change remotes after initing) 16:12
jmerelo Zoffix: I'm down the rabbit hole with this issue, you know github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1555
tbrowder_ can someone please take a look at rakudo issue #2164 i just submitted? i assume i can delete the files but i can’t remember ever having this problem. 16:13
Zoffix jmerelo: the 2017-Zoffix should've probably mentioned something about checking whether that stuff is even specced.
synopsebot R#2164 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2164 untracked files interfere with merge from master
tbrowder_ btw, i am blocked from the #perl6-dev channel
timotimo tbrowder_: because of the spam bots 16:14
jmerelo Zoffix: it's mostly specced. The problem is that Enumeration is just used through enums and the MOP
Zoffix tbrowder_: register your nick
timotimo we set it to registered users only
tbrowder_ afaik it’s registered same as this channel 16:14
jmerelo anyway, any chance this rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=126120 will be solved?
ilmari tbrowder_: /whois is not showing you as identified 16:16
tbrowder_: /msg nickserv status
donpdonp META6.json: "depends" : ["Cro::HTTP", "URI", "DBIish"]; -> use DBIish; => not found. zef install . => everything is installed (what?) => zef install DBIish => installed. use DBIish => works. 16:17
why is zef install . not installed the listed modules?
timotimo is the META6.json file correct all in all? 16:18
donpdonp well, its valid json and zef isnt complaining.
timotimo OK
Zoffix donpdonp: is the module you're installing installed already? 16:19
timotimo did the module itself, i.e. . install successfully?
Zoffix donpdonp: like.. did you install the module, then added the DBIish prereq without bumping the version of the module, and now trying to install the module again, but zef sees it's already installed and doesn't check whether prereqs got updated and needd installement
donpdonp: try: zef uninstall .; zef install . 16:20
donpdonp timotimo: it installed successfully yes, use DBIish is fine
Zoffix: ill try that
$ zef uninstall . => !!!> Found no matching candidates to uninstall
Zoffix donpdonp: what're the full metafile contents? 16:21
timotimo uninstall probably requires the name rather than a path
donpdonp nest.pijul.com/donpdonp/camelpub:m...0bf2e55a02 the meta6.json
(DBIish isnt commited yet)
Zoffix "The owner of nest.pijul.com has configured their website improperly. "
Doesn't load
donpdonp Zoffix: haha sigh. ssl cert expired yesterday. sorry bout that
Zoffix heh
donpdonp lemme make a gist
Zoffix: gist.github.com/donpdonp/b2081654b...f9920cd223 16:22
Zoffix donpdonp: what about `zef uninstall CamelPub; zef install .` ? Maybe it's as timotimo says; it doesn't use the path in uninstall
donpdonp ug i'll just try uninstall DBIish
im in the source code for camelpub i cant really uninstall that 16:23
$ zef uninstall DBIish 16:24
Zoffix *shrug*
donpdonp ===> Uninstalled from /home/donp/.rakudobrew/moar-2018.06/install/share/perl6/site
$ zef install .
All candidates are currently installed
Zoffix I don't think it checks all prereqs if the module you're installing is already installed
zef install --depsonly .
donpdonp zef -i list|grep DBIish => nothing 16:25
Zoffix: hmm interesting
wait i wouldnt expect zef install . to install camelpub
Zoffix donpdonp: it installs the module the META file is for 16:25
So yeah, it installs CamelPub then 16:26
donpdonp double hmms.
Zoffix You need to use --depsonly flag, if you want just the deps
donpdonp $ zef install --depsonly .
All candidates are currently installed
Zoffix :|
donpdonp: what does `which zef` give you?
Just thinking maybe you got zef from some different perl6 or something 16:27
donpdonp $ which zef
okay uninstalling CamelPub, then zef install . -> thats installing DBIish
apparently --depsonly doesnt even check the deps
Zoffix maybe worthy of a bug report: github.com/ugexe/zef/issues/new 16:28
donpdonp Zoffix++ 16:28
sena_kun jmerelo, ping? 17:33
donpdonp whats the simplest way to read a line of input from the terminal 17:36
sena_kun my $foo = get? 17:37
donpdonp ah get. thx!
sena_kun np
AlexDaniel donpdonp: also maybe `prompt` 17:42
donpdonp: docs.perl6.org/routine/prompt
donpdonp AlexDaniel: ha. even better.
sena_kun .o0 ( but `get` is three chars shorter, so more simple ) 17:43
jmerelo sena_kun: hi
sena_kun jmerelo, o/
AlexDaniel sena_kun: `put ‘foo’; … get` is not shorter than `… prompt ‘foo’` :) 17:44
sena_kun jmerelo, you mentioned some graph of modules that I can use to see modules that fail because of others, can you please give me a link?
AlexDaniel somewhere on github.com/JJ/p6-river
sena_kun also, do we have for this ecosystem de-bitrot project a common online editor(or something, at least a github issue) where you can check out things one already did, to not duplicate efforts? 17:45
AlexDaniel sena_kun: yes, if you wait 15 minutes I'll provide a demonstration of that :) 17:49
and I'd love some feedback (hint hint) 17:50
sena_kun AlexDaniel, I can listen a song or a half of Mgla in this time, so sure. :)
I really don't know why, but I somehow want to send PRs for the whole evening until late night today. 17:51
jmerelo sena_kun: github.com/JJ/p6-river/blob/master...-graph.svg 17:53
Geth doc: MorayJ++ created pull request #2236:
Fixes typos in regexes:: Capture Markers
doc: 542b098516 | Moray++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Fixes typos in regexes:: Capture Markers

Three typos fixed.
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/regexes
Geth doc: b7566bbabb | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Merge pull request #2236 from MorayJ/master

Fixes typos in regexes:: Capture Markers Thanks!
El_Che test 17:57
AlexDaniel sena_kun: github.com/AlexDaniel/my-test-repo/issues
jmerelo: ↑
Zoffix: what do you think? ↑
AlexDaniel if it's not clear, I'll populate the repo with… uh… 700 tickets 17:59
sena_kun AlexDaniel, why 700, not 311?
Zoffix AlexDaniel: was gonna say... do we need all 700? Acme::WTF failing isn't exactly an urgent problem 18:00
AlexDaniel sena_kun: oh! oh? oh!
I was looking at the number the wrong way!!!
Zoffix AlexDaniel: also "describe what you did to install it," <-- maybe it'd be helpful to intstruct to ensure module's README includes instructions. Sometimes you've no idea what lib you need to actually install
AlexDaniel Zoffix: right, good point! 18:01
AlexDaniel Zoffix: I think the easiest solution is to multiselect all Acme modules and label them as “low priority” 18:03
AlexDaniel The script that I used is now here: github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...-issues.p6 18:05
so sena_kun, jmerelo, Zoffix and everyone else feel free to modify 18:06
sena_kun: so that's how I see it. You open up the repo, pick any issue and start working on it. Then you slap a label, close it and move on
just ≤320 repos, we can do it 18:07
sena_kun AlexDaniel, reading the issue description: what should I do if the module is broken and I've opened issue + sent PR that fixes it?
AlexDaniel sena_kun: right. github.com/perl6/ecosystem-unbitro...f2deeed598 18:09
sena_kun AlexDaniel, awesome. 18:10
AlexDaniel again, I'm out of town, please take over this stuff 18:13
I run the script like this: ./populate-issues.p6 "I know what I'm doing" MYGITHUBACCESSTOKENHERE toast-6lang.sqlite.db toast-party.sqlite.db 18:14
AlexDaniel huggable: Geth 18:18
huggable AlexDaniel, nothing found
AlexDaniel huggable: geth
huggable AlexDaniel, Set geth report URL (select application/json and send me everything): hack.p6c.org:8888/?chan=#perl6-dev (OLD URLs that were in use in the past: geth.niner.name:8888/?chan=#perl6-dev geth.perl6.party/?chan=#zofbot)
Geth ecosystem-unbitrot: 460cae4da8 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | populate-issues.p6
Reverse the list for more natural look

Modules starting with A will be on the first page.
sena_kun Issues-based cooperation is nice enough as I think. Today is a bit early, so I'll concentrate or gathering data on native modules as I've planned before. 18:22
AlexDaniel yeah 18:23
also we can easily point the bot to that repo 18:24
and it will show the progress very accurately
Geth doc: 7676e00a39 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/typesystem.pod6
Moving 'enum-pair' definitions to its real place, Enumeration
doc: 0d1804c729 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:perl6/doc
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/typesystem
Link: doc.perl6.org/language/regexes
doc: e1642ee5e2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Enumeration.pod6
Adds new page for enumeration.

Along the way,
  * [this question in
  * Rakudo issue rakudo/rakudo#2165 on behavior of enumHOW
... (5 more lines)
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Enumeration
synopsebot RAKUDO#2165 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2165 EnumHOW inner workings: creating enums without Enumeration?
jmerelo .tell AlexDaniel you finally don't think using "river" score is better than just creating an issue for every one of them? Or everyone should decide whichever way they want? 18:28
yoleaux jmerelo: I'll pass your message to AlexDaniel.
sena_kun jmerelo, if you mean generated svg, I myself found it a bit hard to use as you need to build a new image and see how connections go. I thought we have a tree type of thing. 18:30
jmerelo sena_kun: that SVG is just for the ones with the most dependencies
sena_kun jmerelo, also, as for now it is easier to just open page of failed module, let's say ModuleFoo, on toast and check first message from STDERR - it it says "Tests failed for ModuleFoo" <- we want that, if it says "Failed for ModuleBar", then it depends, so we can omit that. It takes like 10 seconds. 18:31
or maybe I misunderstood something, but that's how I see it.
jmerelo sena_kun: then there's the river score github.com/JJ/p6-river/blob/master...scores.csv 18:32
sena_kun: right, but by focusing on those with higher river score, we'll fix those downriver 18:33
sena_kun: point is, you will found those upriver repeatedly when checking some module. You check it out, and you see it fails because HTTP::UserAgent or Bailador fails...
the river score just saves you the extra step 18:34
sena_kun we do, but 1)we cannot take toasts every hour to see how much are fixed now, if I understand clearly. the second thing is that usually fixing a module is not a 5 minutes thing. You can even PR fix, but the author can be quite busy and take a lot of time, weeks if not months before accepting.
jmerelo sena_kun: of course. But that works for those with a higher score, and those with a lower score. 18:35
sena_kun indeed.
jmerelo sena_kun: what's more, it's going to be useless to fix something which is broken just because something upriver is.
sena_kun: sorry, I'm going AFK now...
sena_kun It'd be awesome to extend Toaster code the way it needs to show difference between "It fails because of other module" or "It just fails because I dunno why". I wonder if I can do that. :S 18:36
anyway, natives-natives are calling me... 18:37
Geth doc: 065c7c5780 | (Norbert Buchmueller)++ | doc/Language/traps.pod6
mention hyped form of infix assignment ops in traps
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/traps
doc: 9b1f8c3d6f | mendel++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/traps.pod6
Merge pull request #2234 from mendel/mention-hyped-infix-assignment-ops-in-traps

mention hyped form of infix assignment ops in traps
pmurias why do I get a 'You are banned' message when trying to join #perl6 when I'm not registered? 19:26
timotimo pmurias: the network is being hit by tonnes of spambots 19:27
so we're +r for the moment, with an exception for the freenode web chat
pmurias there isn't a way to have a nicer user experience? 19:29
timotimo i personally was +1 on letting people in and dealing with the spam by kicking them fast enough using bots
El_Che pmurias: I know that if I leave the channel, I won't be able to get in again
pmurias like on node.js you can join but you can't say anything untill you register 19:31
MasterDuke huh, i just tried converting this github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...#L432-L433 into an if/else based on the &as instead of the ternary in the loop, but if anything it was a tiny bit slower
pmurias and there is info explaining the situation in the channel topic
El_Che forcing to register is not user friendly at all 19:32
pmurias registering is not that big of an issue but having a you are banned message great you is super unfriendly 19:34
geekosaur freenode is recommending channel mode +r which works liek this 19:35
El_Che I prefer not to handle secrets if not necessary. Let's hope the spammers die soon from something painful :) 19:36
geekosaur other channels are using +qz $~a
which lets unauth in but only shows what they say to ops, who can then +v them or not
timotimo that does sound interesting 19:39
sena_kun so we have about ~70 modules failed on toast because of native libraries. that's a relief. 19:51
AlexDaniel . 21:03
yoleaux 18:28Z <jmerelo> AlexDaniel: you finally don't think using "river" score is better than just creating an issue for every one of them? Or everyone should decide whichever way they want?
AlexDaniel .tell jmerelo we can still tag the most important ones with labels, like “top priority” or whatewever 21:04
yoleaux AlexDaniel: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
p6tester hi 23:57