»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
dominix will Zoffix came back if perl6 is finaly renamed to raku ? 05:32
I know nobody can answer for him, but some can have an idea. 05:34
discord6 <Aearnus> is that still an "if" or is it a "when" by now? 06:08
AlexDaniel Aearnus: I'd say “when” 06:42
discord6 <Aearnus> Sweet 07:11
Geth_ problem-solving/path-to-raku: 5 commits pushed by (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ 07:21
Geth_ doc: 4e42f99b3b | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/operators.pod6
Adds examples to cmp

Shows how it works on strings, and also uses codepoints in the explanation, as opposed to characters. Closes #3026
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/operators
SmokeMachine I like the name of this language: github.com/FCO/FerNANDo :P 09:35
El_Che Fernandinho is the name of its practicioners? 11:32
uzl[m] .tell dominix mobile.twitter.com/zoffix/status/1...3627155456 mobile.twitter.com/zoffix/status/1...0624221184 14:05
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to dominix
uzl[m] .tell dominix It seems Zoffix is up to something entirely different. I guess the best we can do is wish Zoffix all the best in this new life endeavor. Although I hope he reconsiders. 😃� 14:08
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to dominix
El_Che Bags?
uzl[m] Yeah, clothing and accesories design. mobile.twitter.com/zoffix/status/1...2223510528 14:12
timotimo huh, that's cool 14:29
i'd love to have zoffix back, but if that makes him happier than coding does, that's cool 14:30
xinming Is there a module to compile javascript code to perl6? Or run js code on perl6 directly? 15:00
moritz you can run rakudo on js 15:01
xinming But I want to run js on rakudo. :-) 15:02
Geth_ doc: uzluisf++ created pull request #3040:
Remove extra word and add relevant links
xinming Wish to use some code from js, then "print" sends these codes to browser too. 15:03
And wish to use native modules from perl6 too. 15:04
timotimo v8 probably has C bindings. there's also other JS engines out there 15:08
i recently saw one that was made for embedded situations, but iforgot the name
El_Che uzl[m]: you have to admire that guy's stamina! Good for him 15:40
Doc_Holliwood aren't i supposed to be able to use super and subscripts in identifiers? 15:42
timotimo m: my $foo₁ = 5 15:43
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Bogus postfix
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my $foo7⏏5₁ = 5
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
timotimo unicodable6: ₁
unicodable6 timotimo, U+2081 SUBSCRIPT ONE [No] (₁)
timotimo unicodable6: ₐ
unicodable6 timotimo, U+2090 LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER A [Lm] (ₐ)
Doc_Holliwood m: sub intersection( Line $l₁, Line $l₂ ) { * } 15:44
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Invalid typename 'Line' in parameter declaration.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub intersection( Line7⏏5 $l₁, Line $l₂ ) { * }
timotimo m: my $fooₘ = 99
camelia ( no output )
Doc_Holliwood m: sub intersection( $l₁, $l₂ ) { * }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Malformed parameter
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub intersection( $l7⏏5₁, $l₂ ) { * }
expecting any of:
timotimo letters work but numbers don't it seems like?
committable6: releases sub intersection( $l₁, $l₂ ) { }
committable6 timotimo, gist.github.com/691340ddab2f1cfb14...dcb14361f5 15:45
timotimo so at least it hasn't changed
greppable6: ₁ 15:46
greppable6 timotimo, No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! Backtrace: gist.github.com/83f1d04f1089882201...96a397b2c6
timotimo haha, wat :)
AlexDaniel what is this thing
timotimo you mean my "subscript one"?
AlexDaniel I keep seeing it, is it because there's some binary schmoo in some module? 15:47
timotimo oh
AlexDaniel but isn't it supposed to skip binary files? I don't get it…
timotimo possible
AlexDaniel also perl6-all-modules is still not updating
moritz: peng 15:48
timotimo it could be in a filename, actually
moritz I tried to fix it, but git-subrepo doesn't seem to be working for me anymore :(
timotimo you could try outputting the whole line if it b0rks
cpan/FRITH/Math-FFT-Libfftw3/lib/Math/FFT/Libfftw3/R2C.pm6^@119^@ # The output elems are n₀ × n₁ × … nₙ / 2 - 1 15:50
that looks very strange 15:51
AlexDaniel oh, a pdf file, wonderful
well, I kinda know what's wrong
does that split on \r ? 15:52
timotimo ah!
yeah, it would
AlexDaniel and if I change that then it'll suddenly work?
timotimo dunno, does "git grep" escape \n already?
AlexDaniel it doesn't need to escape \n because that's literally a new line? 15:53
timotimo oh, duh
AlexDaniel let's try with split(“\n”)… 15:54
AlexDaniel greppable6: ₁ 15:57
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 4 lines, 3 modules: gist.github.com/481a9a46ee7d0cb11b...3cf44209c9
AlexDaniel well uhhhhh but why does it even look at pdf files 15:58
cuz it needs --text 15:59
AlexDaniel greppable6: ₁ 16:03
greppable6 AlexDaniel, 8 lines, 7 modules: gist.github.com/c2c4befeec95ee46a7...08e436f169
AlexDaniel what??? 16:04
ahhh, it's other way around!
and I already had -I
so it really thinks that pdf files are text
oh well
Geth_ whateverable: ba07dad033 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | xbin/Greppable.p6
Fix line splitting in greppable

This effectively reverts 422f0d158a0671e18e6feaad11fc841e2183c6e7. Not sure what I was thinking.
Unfortunately, it turns out that git will match pdf files even with -I, so the output often includes binary garbage which breaks markdown output. Not sure how to fix that yet.
whateverable: 10a6d8a924 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | xbin/Greppable.p6
Make run commands more readable
cinch there's a error on the docs page: it leads to docs.perl6.org/perl6.html 16:23
kybr i'm a little fuzzy on the pros, cons, and whys of $ versus % on types such as Bag. what's the difference between these: 16:24
m: my $s = bag <x y y z>; $s<y> 16:25
camelia ( no output )
kybr m: my %h = bag <x y y z>; $h<y>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$h' is not declared. Did you mean '%h'?
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my %h = bag <x y y z>; 7⏏5$h<y>
kybr m: my %h = bag <x y y z>; %h<y>
camelia ( no output )
kybr well, that's didn't work out how i wanted, but you see the code at least.
Geth_ doc: 23cb0407b9 | (Luis F. Uceta)++ | doc/Language/mop.pod6
Remove extra word and add relevant links
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/mop
doc: 58cd229577 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/mop.pod6
Merge pull request #3040 from uzluisf/master

Remove extra word and add relevant links
kybr i can say $s<y> just as well as %h<y>
m: my %h = bag <x y y z>; %h.WHAT.say 16:27
camelia (Hash)
kybr m: my $s = bag <x y y z>; $s.WHAT.say
camelia (Bag)
AlexDaniel yeah, it's not a bag anymore
AlexDaniel m: my %h := bag <x y y z>; %h.WHAT.say 16:28
camelia (Bag)
kybr ok. so when i use the % sigil and assign = (rather than bind := ) then i end up with a hash
AlexDaniel cinch: yep! Please file a bug report here github.com/perl6/doc/issues
cinch: oh, you already did! Thanks! 16:29
cinch you're welcome ;) 16:33
Doc_Holliwood mmh. Is this a bug? pastebin.com/4LNc6ctr 18:35
The failure doesnt get handled properly
the code just dies with "lines are parallel" 18:36
timotimo m: my $result = 5 div 0; say $result.perl 18:57
camelia Failure.new(exception => X::Numeric::DivideByZero.new(using => "div", details => Any, numerator => 5), backtrace => Backtrace.new)
timotimo "return fail" isn't quite right, since fail is already a return-like operation 18:58
m: pastebin.com/raw/4LNc6ctr 18:59
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3https:7⏏5//pastebin.com/raw/4LNc6ctr
expecting any of:
colon pair
timotimo no way to pass commandline arguments, though i can set $*ARGS
except i can't with the url format
AlexDaniel: this is a terrible suggestion, but i'd like there to be a way to get a web interface where i can edit recent snippets that have been executed and submit them for re-execution 19:01
AlexDaniel Well, let's see… 19:02
e: .say for ^999
evalable6 0
AlexDaniel, Full output: gist.github.com/2dcfbb1410061b00d1...331741a74b
timotimo you're thinking of using github's "fork gist" thing? 19:02
AlexDaniel e: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/3688167...3402b54da1
evalable6 0
AlexDaniel, Full output: gist.github.com/1fff27e7301b368478...ec59d25e1c
AlexDaniel that took 25 seconds… :)
timotimo OK, how about this:
m: pastebin.com/raw/4LNc6ctr 19:03
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3https:7⏏5//pastebin.com/raw/4LNc6ctr
expecting any of:
colon pair
AlexDaniel e: pastebin.com/raw/4LNc6ctr
evalable6 AlexDaniel, Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL
(exit code 2) Usage:
/tmp/P0gqNexPW2 <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3> <x4> <y4>
AlexDaniel e: gist.github.com/AlexDaniel/19dd0c6...6c16e0475f
evalable6 (exit code 2) Usage:
sandbox/foo.p6 <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3> <x4> <y4>
timotimo you copy-pasted it? 19:04
AlexDaniel I mean, I get it, it would be easier, but it feels like it's already easy enough
yes :)
timotimo man, that's so hard
AlexDaniel xD
timotimo oh well
e: gist.github.com/timo/079fc2fbf4027...7b29d2d45a 19:05
evalable6 (exit code 1) Lines are parallel or identical
in block at sandbox/foo.p6 line 26
in a…
timotimo, Full output: gist.github.com/cbbe3321b999fb893c...66d092f592
AlexDaniel timotimo: I'm thinking about implementing some cool stuff, but it's unlikely I'll get to it just for fun. So, what do you think, would a grant make sense? I'm thinking: bisecting into nqp and moar, local command line interface to all the functionality, on-demand building of rakudo for other architectures, faster bisection with decompression lookahead and parallelized committable, … 19:10
MasterDuke i like it, particularly the first item 19:13
AlexDaniel gah that one I just really need to sit on it… I almost had it once previously, then got all confused with the complexity of the code and couldn't really continue 19:15
MasterDuke i'd suggest adding (or maybe replacing something else with) support for doing spesh/jit bisects (using or based on the existing scripts in MoarVM/tools)
AlexDaniel are these really useful in a form of a bot?
MasterDuke dunno
ask in #moarvm? 19:16
timotimo i'd claim proposing a grant is easy-ish, so see what the response is i guess? 19:18
AlexDaniel the first three items together basically mean that you'd be able to bisect any issue say on ARM down to a moar commit right in your terminal, without the pain of doing it manually
vrurg AlexDaniel: heh, wish I had nqp/moar bisecting recently when was dealing with broken IO::Notifications... It definitely worth a grant. 19:21
AlexDaniel I've done it manually many times but it's just extremely annoying and boring 19:28
vrurg Exactly. 19:29
Doc_Holliwood m: my $x = 1 / 0; 20:20
camelia ( no output )
Doc_Holliwood m: say 1 / 0;
camelia Attempt to divide by zero when coercing Rational to Str
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Doc_Holliwood why doesn't this die on assigment? 20:21
timotimo because it assigns the Failure object
and just stores that
Doc_Holliwood i think not. m: sub foo() { 1 / 0 }; say "not a failure" if foo(); 20:27
m: sub foo() { 1 / 0 }; say "not a failure" if foo();
camelia not a failure
timotimo m: sub foo() { 1 / 0 }; say foo.perl
camelia <1/0> 20:27
Doc_Holliwood i guess it's lazy somehow
timotimo true
m: sub foo() { 1 div 0 }; say foo.perl
camelia Failure.new(exception => X::Numeric::DivideByZero.new(using => "div", details => Any, numerator => 1), backtrace => Backtrace.new)
timotimo there are rats with zero denominator 20:28
Doc_Holliwood pesky rats, i hate them
MasterDuke timotimo: it looks like the links moarperf create to files+lines in the rakudo repo have a duplicated '.pm6' 20:35
oh. and 'src/core'
timotimo ah, yeah, i noticed that too. it's the core.c core.d etc change that upsets it 20:36
MasterDuke btw, what would cause a call to github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...u.pm6#L546 for every iteration of `my $a; my $b = rand; for ^1_000_000 { $a = $b ~~ /<$_>/; }`? 20:37
timotimo i'd assume $b being stringified so it can be regex-matched against 20:38
MasterDuke heh, just noticed that 20:39
timotimo i wonder how filenames should be shortened when they have a setting version in them 20:39
SETTING.c::blah? SETTING::c::blah?
SETTING:ver<6.c>::blah? 20:40
MasterDuke this is just for display? i'd vote for SETTING.c::blah 20:41
vrurg timotimo: there is CORE::v6c pseudo 20:43
MasterDuke 'There were 46,006,910 object allocations. The dynamic optimizer was not able to eliminate any allocations through scalar replacement', oof 20:43
timotimo oh, that's shorter than SETTING 20:46
vrurg timotimo: and more correct. Because SETTING is not always CORE
timotimo right, i'm replacing filenames that start with "SETTING::src/core/" 20:49
vrurg good thing. It needed terminological cleanup but I was postponing it. 20:50
timotimo oh 20:51
no i mean
literally string replace
in order to present it to the user
vrurg timotimo: I also meant this. :) I don't like use of 'setting' everywhere where it actually means 'core'. 20:53
timotimo oh, OK 20:54
timotimo CORE::v6.::/Main:8 20:58
lmao, that's bad
MasterDuke: pushed a fix, please try it 21:03
MasterDuke looks nice, but no link? 21:04
timotimo no link? 21:05
MasterDuke it isn't a link to rakudo repo anymore
timotimo it is on my end :o
MasterDuke did i need to do anything other than a git pull and restart service.p6? 21:06
oh, and btw, is `npm run build` not needed anymore?
timotimo it is 21:08
without that you won't get changes to the js
like the one i just made :)
MasterDuke i get lots of 'npm ERR!' 21:09
timotimo oh
timotimo i moved all the stuff to frontend/ 21:09
MasterDuke error enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/dan/Source/perl6/tools/moarperf/package.json' 21:10
same if i `npm run build` in frontend/ 21:11
timotimo is the package.json file not in there?
does `git status` show anything suspicious? 21:13
MasterDuke i see a `delete mode 100644 package.json` in a recent git pull message
timotimo ooooh
timotimo pull again, i re-instated the files 21:14
MasterDuke and do `npm run build` in frontend/ ? 21:15
timotimo yes
MasterDuke i need to install webpack? 21:16
ah, `npm install .` first 21:17
heh, now everything looks much nicer
timotimo i'm so glad i have a user :) 21:21
also i have a headache :\
MasterDuke hopefully unrelated 21:27
timotimo aye 21:28
Xliff \o 21:34
m: class A {}; role B {}; say A.HOW.^name; say B.HOW.^name;
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW
Xliff m: class A {}; role B {}; say A.HOW.^name; say B.HOW.^name; say B ~~ RoleGroupHOW;
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
RoleGroupHOW used at line 1
Xliff m: class A {}; role B {}; say A.HOW.^name; say B.HOW.^name; say B.^shortname; 21:35
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW
jnthn m: role B { }; say B.HOW ~~ Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOW 21:37
camelia True
jnthn m: role B { }; say B.HOW.archetypes.parametric 21:38
camelia 1
Xliff Ah. 21:39
Thanks, jnthn++
Is .archetypes documented somewhere? 21:40
jnthn Dunno about in the docs, though there's a description of what each one is at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...etypes.nqp 21:48
Xliff Thanks, again. 21:49
Heh. There is an issue on it: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2748 21:50
m: class A {}; role B {}; say A.HOW.archetypes.definite 21:51
camelia 0
Xliff m: class A {}; role B {}; say A.HOW.archetypes.nominal
camelia 1
Xliff jnthn: Doesn't inheritable imply inheritalizable? 21:52
( and so on )
jnthn No 22:00
I figured anything is going to check if the thing is inheritable first :)
Xliff ah 22:44
Geth_ doc: 41b84b55f6 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/phasers.pod6
add missing word
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/phasers
tbrowder hi, raku people (aka #perl6 members)! 23:23
i need so advice with a problem: i want to define som global variables to be accessible in a 23:24
Xliff ...a...? 23:25
tbrowder all local lib modules used by a program
Xliff Have all local lib modules "use" the module that defines that variable? 23:26
It's either that or use a dynamic... however the problem there becomes "where to initialize the dynamic" 23:27
tbrowder second requirement is one or more vars will take some building which i want to occur at the beginning of the program. i have done that and it works. but can i do that in a begin block inside the local lib module? 23:28
in my past use it was normally a simple assignment. 23:29
and that seemed to work fine.
the use case is in module Documentable where i'm tryii 23:31
trying to ensure some files are available in a temp dir during the testing phase 23:32
vrurg tbrowder: If I get your right, you need an application class so that the startup script would only consist of `MyApp.run` or alike. Then you can do all init you need in the run method. 23:33
tbrowder currerently that happens too late and errors occur on non-existent access. i want to inject the defs earlier in the game.
Xliff tbrowder: BEGIN block is your best bet, assuming your data can be serialized at the MOAR level 23:42
If a BEGIN won't work, would INIT be too late? 23:43
tbrowder thnx, i'll continue to experiment with BEGIN, then :-D
and hold INIT in reserve 23:44
maybe INIT is the answer. can i put it in a local module used by the program and its other lib modules? 23:45
or do i have to put it in the program code? 23:46