svn switch --relocate | | | paste: |
Set by avar on 16 November 2006.
00:19 weinig|bbl is now known as weinig 00:26 bonesss joined 00:36 mdiep joined 00:38 Lee_ joined 00:40 weinig is now known as weinig|food 00:51 mdiep joined 00:59 slime_mold joined 01:09 stevan_ joined 01:13 fridim joined 01:28 Psyche^ joined 01:35 nipotaway is now known as nipotan
TreyHarris audreyt's email seems to be broken, anyone know anything about that? 01:38
01:40 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner 01:42 Lee_ joined
audreyt TreyHarris:'s email forwarding is completely hosted 01:45
TreyHarris audreyt: ahh, if you have a backup address could you privmsg it to me? 01:47
audreyt TreyHarris: at 01:48
TreyHarris thanks!
audreyt np # back to sleep 01:49
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Tene composes presentation for the major utah lug. 06:00
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Tene one of the examples contains "say for sort keys %bad". 09:13
That doesn't seem to work for me. Should it? That syntax only prints blank lines for me. 09:14
I need to use "say $_ for sort keys %hash" 09:15
audreyt .say for sort
which example has that?
Tene examples/qotw/009r/ 09:16
audreyt fixed 09:18
svnbot6 r14882 | audreyt++ | examples/qotw/009r/ 09:19
r14882 | audreyt++ | * Change the bogus "sort for ...;" statement to ".sort for ...".
r14882 | audreyt++ | Tene++ for noticing this.
r14882 | audreyt++ | * Change "$str.split(/\s+/)" to the more canonical "$str.comb".
xinming welcome back, audreyt 09:41
audreyt for some definition of "back" :) 09:43
ADSL and electricity and furniture finally set up as of today
so except for total exhaustion, I think I have backspace now, yeah :)
wolverian furniture? pfft :)
audreyt yes, furniture. and scooba! 09:44
audreyt loves her new robotic pet
pondering whether to get roomba too
wolverian are they high-mainteinance? 09:46
audreyt zero-.
well, scooba doesn't have that plug-itself-in feature
so you still need to charge it once in a while and fill in water 09:47
but other than that it's self-motivating
clkao audreyt :D 09:50
xinming audreyt: hmm. could you please answer my question? :-P 09:59
BTW, where are you? in TaiWan? 10:01
audreyt xinming: which question what that? (yes i'm in taipei)
clkao audreyt: does it dump the sac by itself as well? 10:03
xinming audreyt: hmm, about programming language suggestion, I ever read pugs blog, and found the someone said that you suggested him to learn 4 languages. haskell/lisp/ and... 10:04
I just can remember haskell. >_<
audreyt didn't remember 10:06
io? scala?
bbiab 10:14
10:16 andara joined
nothingmuch hi audreyt 10:19
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svnbot6 r14883 | fglock++ | MP6-perl5 - reuse 'Bind' for subroutine param list 10:50
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xinming audreyt: thanks anyway. >_< 11:46
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masak audreyt: wb. congrats on the ADSL, electricity and furniture 13:53
audreyt thanks! :)
nothingmuch and the moose 13:54
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Debolaz Is it just me or does ruby strive for less obfuscation than perl 5 and perl 6 strives for more? 13:58
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Limbic_Region audreyt - are you like back to the land of the living or still in some state of half life? 14:07
audreyt back to land of living, I think, though it's a bit late here and I need to sleep :) but nothing blocks me from hacking again, woot. 14:09
ayrnieu debolaz - sorry, I've no idea what you mean by 'obfuscation', here.
kolibrie hey, audreyt's back! welcome! 14:10
audreyt thanks :) it's been a minor hell setting up a new residence :) 14:12
and my withdrawal from not having wireless net surprised even myself :)
kolibrie still has dial-up at home, and keeps hoping the fiber lines buried in the neighborhood a year and a half ago will get lit sometime 14:16
Limbic_Region well, congrats and sleep well 14:25
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audreyt g'nite :) 14:28
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nwc10 perl -wle 'print"&%#+"|"`}[@"&reverse$^X while!select$,,$,,$%,1/$]' 16:58
will run faster under perl 6 :-)
TimToady it will, however, produce different output 16:59
nwc10 :-) 17:00
even if $^X still ends "perl" ?
TimToady let's see. there's no select. | does something different
keywords and listops require a space after them.
nwc10 gosh. yes. I'm forgetting junctions 17:01
TimToady there's no $,
or $%
nwc10 it didn't work under perl 4 either :-)
TimToady or $] for that matter.
other than that, should work fine.
oh yes, and no $^X either. 17:02
nwc10 will there still be 4 argument select?
and will the perl6 parser get upset by my "" string ending @ ?
TimToady no, it won't get upset at that. 17:03
you can't interpolate an array without [] in perl 6.
so you have to say @foo[] to get it to interpolate
so email addresses are safe now
I don't think either select will be there. possibly you can get at the old 4-arg select with use POSIX or some such. 17:04
but async will be built-in to the language at a lower level. 17:05
if you just want to sleep a while, say sleep(0.25) or whatever.
nwc10 I was about to type something like that :-)
TimToady the time interfaces are biased towards floating point in P6 17:06
nwc10 as to something on-topic, last night I got to the point of making PVBM in blead the same size as PVMG 17:07
so tonight I think I can eliminate it, and free up a type for doing proxies for 6 on 5
TimToady cool! 17:08
nwc10 but someone else can do that, because I'm not sure how to do it :-)
I don't think that it matters if it's done pre 5.10 - I think it can be added in 5.10.1 or 5.10.2 without breaking binary compatibility. 17:09
TimToady as long as the enum is reserved...
nwc10 exactly.
TimToady sounds like a plan
nwc10 still not totally sure what to do about SVt_PVBM - I think I need to #define it to SVt_PVMG outside PERL_CORE
Did you see Aaron Crane's message to perl5-porters about Named-capture regex syntax? 17:10
TimToady recent?
haven't read p5p for a couple of weeks...
nwc10 After chatting with dmq (possibly after my question from the audience in dmq's talk) he's wondering if (+<name>pattern) would be better than (? 17:11
Today. Hot off the proess
For anyone wanting to put a face to dmq:
lambdabot Title: DSCF0051 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
nwc10 Actually, the message was 1 hour ago. So not surprised if you'd not seen it 17:12
I'm just hating some work code.
so was reading other e-mail 17:13
TimToady eek, I haven't even started drinking my coffee.
nwc10 So why are you on IRC? :-) 17:14
I also got PVGV to the same size as PVMG, but I think that it would cause too much pain to merge them. 17:15
TimToady likely 17:16
my basic opinion is that P5 regex syntax is hopelessly tangled, so it doesn't much matter what you do to it anymore, as long as it doesn't confuse people with different semantics for the same syntax that P6 uses. 17:18
nwc10 Right. Seems sane. 17:21
all the (?? confuse me a lot
broquaint The ?? pre-empt the confusion that follows. 17:23
TimToady ?? is read "highly questionable"... :)
PerlJam nwc10: me too, but I've gotten used to the shorter versions of <before: ...> and <after: ...> so much that I wish there were a syntactic shortcut for perl6 :-)
TimToady you can always define one. :) 17:25
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szabgab evening, 18:40
does anyone know what happened to ? 18:41
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cognominal I have heard in #perlfr it is currently down 18:51
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GeJ mōæ½xF8ōæ½xF8se all 20:15
welcome back audreyt 20:18
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svnbot6 r14884 | kolibrie++ | added extract_pghpw.t showing how to extract data using a grammar 21:05
r14884 | kolibrie++ | unfortunately, not all the tests seem to pass
kolibrie with util/prove6 --pugs, I get skipped tests - rules support appears to be missing 21:09
with util/prove6 --perl5, I get Can't locate object method "presenter" via package "Pugs::Grammar::Base"
but it mostly works on an old pugs repo I haven't updated since late summer 21:10
except for the emitter part
@tell fglock see t/regex/extract_pghpw.t 21:16
lambdabot Consider it noted.
21:25 stef_ joined
nwc10 what's a good name for an SV type used for aliasing and binding in 6 on 5? 22:26
4 letters or less (abbreviated is fine) 22:27
existing names are in the enum near the top of;change= 22:28
lambdabot Title: Blamelog for sv.h,
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cognominal "canonical time" appears many time in the synopsis about statement. I suppose it means that optimizer is not allowed to evaluate the statement prematuraly 23:10
am I right?
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TimToady cognominal: it can evaluate it early if it has no side effects, but if there are side effects, they must happen when the naĆÆve NFA engine would fire off the closure. 23:21
cognominal thx TimToady
Limbic_Region oh hey cognominal - I meant to respond to your inquiry into CPAN oddities 23:24
something that might be worth perusing is the alternates to 1; at the end of modules to indicate truth
cognominal Limbic_Region: you probably mean cog instead of cognominal?
Limbic_Region in my non-CPAN modules I use "This statement is false";
cog ne cognomial? 23:25
cognominal nope
Limbic_Region smacks forehead
nope, definately not
cognominal I tried very hard to find a nick not used (much) anywhere in the but never thought it would be confused with cog. 23:26
s/in the/$& net/
Limbic_Region that's my fault for assuming (and not /whois ing)
my apologies
cognominal no harm done. 23:27
I went to lpw and jonathan and demerphq did very good presentations on respectively Perl 6 and Perl 6 regex in Perl 5.10 23:28
I am thrilled to see how Perl 6 revigorates Perl 5 23:29
rgs will have trouble to push out 5.10 with all these new features
rgs well, no (I hope) 23:30
cognominal l'espoir fait vivre... 23:31
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Limbic_Region perl 5.10 is probably the only language inheriting from the future (or something like that) 23:39
rgs - are you staying on as release pumpking? 23:40
after 5.10 that is
if so, just get 5.10 out the door and start working on 5.12 23:41
nwc10 there is this small matter of making sure that 5.10 is correct 23:49
avar wasn't 5.10 going to run on parrot? 23:53
nwc10 no, that was a misconception
Debolaz Is there a whatsnew somewhere on perl 5.10? 23:55
nwc10 well, sort of. 23:56
the changes from 5.9.4 to 5.9.5 are in {dump.c,sv.h,sv.c,util.c,ext/Storable/Storable.xs,pod/perltodo.pod}
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nwc10 and then;change= 23:57
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nwc10 actually, easier to work back staring with 23:57
and then 23:58
there will be one perl510delta.pod, with it all in, but it's not written yet
cognominal I really would like to see something similar to grammar in perl 5.10 23:59