svn switch --relocate | | | paste: | Set by avar on 16 November 2006. |
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upd | :)) | 02:52 | |
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bucky | heya upd.. are you the geologist? | 03:13 | |
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riffraff | hi | 08:08 | |
Tene | hi | 08:09 | |
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masak | | 09:14 | |
lambdabot | Title: Ten Predictions for Perl in 2007 | ||
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agentzh | Alias, audreyt: Pugs New Commit Curve for 2005: | 09:15 | |
and also the one for the year 2006: | 09:16 | ||
masak | agentzh: they look very similar | 09:17 | |
, up to and including year number | |||
agentzh | note that they're not accumulated results, so may be not so encouraging. | ||
masak: oh sorry | |||
my mistake... | |||
fixing now | 09:18 | ||
masak | agentzh: np, just pointing it out | ||
agentzh | nice catch | ||
thanks | |||
fixed | |||
it's fun to see the commit curves fit the corresponding #perl6 msg curves given here: | 09:19 | || | |||
and | |||
i've tried very hard to make sure the data used are accurate. ;-) | 09:20 | ||
masak | also interesting is to note that the commit curves match my approximate memory of the activity over here | ||
agentzh | :) me too | ||
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masak | i.e., highest during spring of 2005 and autumn 2006 | 09:21 | |
agentzh | nod | ||
i'll try to plot curves for *accumulated* data for both the number of committers and the number of commits, so that audreyt can use them in her slides. :) | 09:22 | ||
masak | :) | 09:23 | |
agentzh | the trick is that accumulated curves never go downward. :) | ||
masak | as long as the people who lie with statistics are on my side, I have no complaints | 09:24 | |
agentzh | lol | ||
these images are for my data-mining reports. school-- | 09:25 | ||
to be honest, i'd rather study fglock's miniperl6 and work on the pugs test suite than draw silly pictures. :( | 09:26 | ||
masak | aye | ||
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agentzh | got an exam in the evening. gotta run for supper & | 09:27 | |
masak | agentzh: good luck on the exam | ||
agentzh | masak: thanks! | ||
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fglock | the plan for intermediate-perl6 today is: everything is pluggable | 10:15 | |
starting with grammar, object system, and the workflow itself | 10:16 | ||
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Juerd | Everything is pluggable in Perl 5 too. | 10:38 | |
It's hot plugging that's really neat :) | |||
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fglock | Juerd: hot plugging - as long as I find out how :) | 11:02 | |
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riffraff | do we have math functions like pow() in pugs? | 11:34 | |
Tene | ?eval 3**4 | 11:35 | |
evalbot_r14991 | 81/1 | ||
Tene | ?eval pow(3,4) | ||
evalbot_r14991 | Error: No compatible subroutine found: "&pow" | ||
avar | ?eval &infix:<**>(3,4) | 11:36 | |
evalbot_r14991 | 81/1 | ||
riffraff slaps forehead | |||
of course ** I forgot about it | |||
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gaal | riffraff: src/Pugs/Prim.hs and src/perl6/ are your friends :-) | 11:51 | |
fglock | is this the right way to modify the syntax lexically? my multi infix:<+> ... | 11:54 | |
gaal | i believe so | 11:55 | |
fglock | my macro ... | ||
ok | |||
riffraff | gaal, thanks for the pointer :) | 11:58 | |
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fglock | I'm looking for a name for a language between mini-perl6 and perl6 | 12:23 | |
mp62 | |||
Tene | kinda-perl6 | 12:24 | |
fglock | kp6 | 12:27 | |
nice :) | |||
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gaal | midi-perl6 :-p | 12:38 | |
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riffraff | the for loop as a way to choose a step size? or, possible there is a stepping(Seq,Int) function somewhere, or am I just stupid for thinking of this? | 12:48 | |
s/as/has/ | |||
Tene | yes, there is a way | 12:50 | |
Tene checking | 12:52 | ||
riffraff | (suspance) | 12:53 | |
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Tene | Hmm. Looks like it's not implemented in pugs. | 12:55 | |
?eval 1..10:by(2) | 12:56 | ||
evalbot_r14991 | Error: Unexpected ":by"expecting "_", fraction, exponent, term postfix or operator | ||
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riffraff | I see, it's ok | 12:59 | |
svnbot6 | r14992 | fglock++ | kp6 - wishlist | 13:04 | |
pasteling | "riffraff" at pasted "naive prime test in perl6" (49 lines, 1.3K) at | 13:06 | |
riffraff | anyone wants to comment? trying to solve problem 31 of 99 problems, and I don't want to implement AKS, but this seems to ugly | ||
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masak | riffraff: I'm thinking maybe remove the line return True if $num < 4; | 13:14 | |
riffraff | it would not work I think | 13:15 | |
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masak | no, I see that now | 13:15 | |
riffraff | then I'd have to check explicitly for 2 and 3 | ||
masak | at least for 2, yes | ||
riffraff | yup, for 2 and then 3 can be checked in the for | ||
diakopte1 | Dividable (sp) Divisible | ||
masak | for 3, the for loop is a no-op as of now | ||
riffraff | diakopte1, ah yep :) | 13:16 | |
masak | sine floor(sqrt(3)) is 1 | ||
s/sine/since/ | |||
riffraff | ah rthat should ceil | ||
masak | riffraff: I'd remove the evenness test and the 2,3-special case and start the for loop from 2 instead | 13:17 | |
that'd work, no? | |||
riffraff | mh.. no, it would go 2,4,6 | ||
masak | riffraff: 'course. you're right | 13:18 | |
riffraff | this thing is pesky | ||
:) | |||
masak | couldn't you just do 2, 3..$max:by(2) ? | ||
riffraff | we just checked that :by(2) does not work it seem | ||
otherwise I'd love to do that | 13:19 | ||
masak | riffraff: yes, but disregarding that for a while | ||
oh, wait. it still doesn't work for checking two | |||
I'm beginning to believe your code is the simplest | 13:20 | ||
diakopte1 | can you paste what you have now | ||
riffraff | diakopte1, is the same as above, just with ceil instead of floor and Divsible instyead of dividable | 13:21 | |
masak | riffraff: I say keep :by(2) and have one of the lambdacamels implement it in pugs soonish | ||
riffraff: why ceil instead of floor? | 13:22 | ||
floor seems ok by me | |||
diakopte1 | you don't need the return False if $num % 2 == 0 line since you're already skipping every even number | ||
riffraff | diakopte1, yes, but than I'd get return True in the end after the loop | 13:23 | |
diakopte1 | oh, I see | ||
riffraff | masak, I can0t exactly remember why I had that.. | 13:24 | |
masak | riffraff: with ceil, you'd sometimes go one number past the square root | ||
with floor, you sometimes stop on the number before | |||
but only when the square root is non-integral, so it doesn't matter | |||
I say go with floor | 13:25 | ||
riffraff | true | 13:26 | |
svnbot6 | r14993 | fglock++ | kp6 - wishlist update | 13:31 | |
fglock | kolibrie: re - mp6 is bootstrapped: the compiler, emitter, and grammar engine are written in mp6 | 13:33 | |
lambdabot | Title: #perl6 2007-01-03,Wed, | ||
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kolibrie | fglock: I thought you said you were attempting to bootstrap (a few days ago) and that it failed - what was that then? | 13:39 | |
fglock | that was mp6-MO | 13:40 | |
which is now kp6 | |||
with a different internal architecture | |||
kolibrie | ahh | ||
'k' means? | 13:41 | ||
fglock | it compiles with mp6, because kp6 is not bootstrapped | ||
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fglock | 'Kinda' | 13:41 | |
kolibrie | :) | ||
fglock | Tene++ | 13:42 | |
kolibrie | and you are refactoring kp6 to make it more modern? | ||
fglock | I still can't find out what they mean by 'modern' :) | 13:43 | |
the workflow is pluggable, so it modern-able | |||
svnbot6 | r14994 | gabriele++ | prob#31 solved with naive primality test could use update when 1..n:by(s) is implemented | ||
fglock | s/it/it is/ | 13:44 | |
kolibrie | it's like art history, they invent all these terms meaning the new thing, but then it only lasts a few years | ||
oh, I tried to use /[:i ...]/ yesterday with PCR and it died | 13:45 | ||
fglock | I think it is parsed, but it is not implemented in the emitter | 13:46 | |
weinig|zZz is now known as weinig
kolibrie | I think it was the emitter that gave up the ghost | 13:47 | |
fglock | it would be nice to have a rewrite of PCR to plain P6 (already started as the MP6 grammar engine) | 13:48 | |
kolibrie | that's why I looked at mp6 initially, but without inheritance, I had to go back to PCR | 13:49 | |
I suppose I can upgrade whenever kp6 is ready | 13:50 | ||
my p6 grammar stuff is installed and goes live (today?) | 13:51 | ||
fglock | it would be easy to hack inheritance to mp6 | ||
but that would encourage people to contribute to a temporary step, instead of the main project | 13:52 | ||
kolibrie does not want to slow down the main project | |||
or have people get too dependant on a hacked version so that bugs become depended on | 13:53 | ||
leed | Is C<my constant int $foo;> or C<my int $foo is readonly;> implemented in Pugs? | 13:54 | |
or not yet? | |||
fglock | mp6 was meant to provide the compiler to build p6-on-p6, so that we don't need to write it using perl5/parrot/haskell | 13:55 | |
of course we could have started with pugs, but mp6 is cool because it is bootstrapped | |||
kolibrie likes writing in perl6 - he doesn't feel very adequate in the haskell world yet | 13:56 | ||
fglock | leed: you can try here using ?eval | ||
?eval my int $foo = 2 | 13:57 | ||
evalbot_r14994 | \2 | ||
fglock | ?eval my constant int $foo = 2 | ||
evalbot_r14994 | Error: Unexpected "int"expecting "(" | 13:58 | |
masak | ?eval my $foo is ro | 14:01 | |
evalbot_r14994 | \undef | ||
masak | ?eval my $foo is ro = 2 | ||
evalbot_r14994 | \2 | ||
masak | seems to work. | ||
leed | audreyt: Is C<my constant int $foo;> or C<my int $foo is readonly;> implemented in Pugs? | ||
masak | I'm still a bit uneasy over those references to constants, though | ||
gaal | leed: I think not. | 14:02 | |
masak | leed: as you can see above, C<my $foo is ro> seems to work | ||
at least syntactically | 14:03 | ||
gaal | ?eval my $foo is ro = 2; $foo++ | ||
evalbot_r14994 | 2 | ||
masak | heh :) | ||
gaal | ?eval my $foo is ro = 2; ++$foo; | ||
masak | no error, though | ||
evalbot_r14994 | 3 | ||
gaal | it doesn't work. | ||
masak | it parses, but is a no-op | ||
gaal | it uses the old parser for vardecl though | ||
the wonderful thing is that vardecl and function signatures have been unified | 14:04 | ||
but that hasn't fully hit pugs yet | |||
masak | gaal: that sounds wonderful | 14:13 | |
is there anywhere I can read about that? | |||
masak misses audreyt's blog entries | |||
leed | I just want to confirm. | 14:18 | |
Maybe it's a realy stupid question. | 14:21 | ||
masak | leed: probably not, always a good idea to check with audreyt | 14:22 | |
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kolibrie | leed: the way to check is find a test that tests what you are looking for, or write one, and then check the smoke logs | 14:38 | |
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masak | t/operators/range.t would probably be a good place for the test in this particular case | 14:42 | |
I don't see anything 'bout :by() in it | 14:43 | ||
btw, will 'a'..'z':by(2) work? | |||
masak guesses "yes" | |||
riffraff | It should, you can implement :by easily given an iteration routine, and range should always provide that I think | 14:50 | |
leed | fglock: looks like C<my int $foo is readonly;> works, but C<my int ($foo, $foo2) is readonly;> not | 14:51 | |
fglock: OK, my revised question: Is C<my int ($foo, $foo2) is readonly;> implement in Pugs? | |||
looks like C<readonly> in redeclare is no-op | 14:55 | ||
anyway, thank you all | |||
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leed | masak: OK, but after I know enough about Pugs :-) | 15:01 | |
fglock | leed: my int ($foo, $foo2) is readonly; - does not seem to be implemented | 15:04 | |
masak | leed: not sure what that was a reply to, but I guess you're right :) | ||
just dive in | |||
riffraff | to load a file foo.t that is in the same directory of bar.t what should I do? I think I should add the dirname of the file to @INC but I don't have a clue on how to do that | 15:05 | |
masak | hm, seems that t/operators/adverbial_modifiers.t contains a lot of :by tests already | 15:08 | |
svnbot6 | r14995 | masak++ | [t/operators/range.t] | ||
r14995 | masak++ | * added test for :by | |||
r14996 | masak++ | [t/operators/range.t] | 15:11 | ||
r14996 | masak++ | * removed test and inserted reference to t/operators/adverbial_modifiers.t | |||
riffraff | where is something that tells how many tests are passing/failing ? | 15:13 | |
I mean, for the whole pugs codebase | |||
masak | you can run "make test" | ||
riffraff | eheh yah | 15:14 | |
I meant for the svn HEAD | |||
[particle] | | ||
riffraff | without me updating and recompiling which at the moment I can't do | ||
ah thank you [particle] | |||
masak is so used to constantly updating and recompiling that he sometimes forgets that not everyone does that :) | 15:15 | ||
leed | kolibrie: thanks, I'll check that | 15:22 | |
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leed | C<grep -nR readonly *> under pugs/t can't match what I want | 15:31 | |
maybe I use wrong pattern | |||
kolibrie | might be 'ro' instead of 'readonly' | 15:34 | |
or 'is ro' might be better | |||
fgrep -R 'is ro' pugs/t | 15:36 | ||
looks like t/syntax/signature.t has a little bit | |||
leed | kolibrie: thanks for your hint, but as fglock says, C<my int ($foo, $foo2) is ro = (1,2);> looks like doesn't implement yet | 15:43 | |
kolibrie | leed: this is where patience comes in, or learning haskell | 15:49 | |
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masak always wanted to learn haskell | 16:09 | ||
maybe it would be a good project to track the history of pugs, write an essay on its development, and learn a bit of haskell in the process | |||
I mean, all the history is preserved in the svn repo | |||
it's just a matter of digging | |||
leed | kolibrie: I'm learning Haskell right now | 16:10 | |
:-) | |||
masak | leed++ # for learning haskell | 16:13 | |
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avar would much rather like a lisp like format in perl6 core rather than sprintf:) | 16:24 | ||
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gnuvince | print "foo~%" | 16:28 | |
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avar | ?eval "foo~%" | 16:37 | |
evalbot_r14996 | "foo~\%" | ||
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gaal | masak: I think the Tokyo hackathon from 1yr ago was where it was specced | 18:47 | |
the good news is that the Signature parser already exists | |||
?eval :(Int $x: $y? = 42) | 18:48 | ||
evalbot_r14996 | CCall "perl" CaptMeth {c_invocant = VPure (SigMethSingle {s_invocant = MkParam {p_variable = "$x", p_types = [(mkType "Int")], p_constraints = [], p_unpacking = Nothing, p_default = <ParamDefault:Nothing>, p_label = "x", p_slots = fromList [], p_hasAccess = AccessRO, p_isRef = False, p_isContext = False, p_isLazy = False}, s_requiredPositionalCount = 0, s_requiredNames = fromList [], s_positionalList = [MkParam {p_variable = "$y", p_types = [], p_ | ||
gaal | behind th ugly dump lies a pretty powerful structure | ||
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masak | gaal: I believe you | 19:04 | |
quick question, though: are there not places where function signatures apply, but variable declarations don't? | |||
I find it hard to believe that they are in all manners identical | 19:05 | ||
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TimToady | if used in a non-declarative context the variable names are mere commentary. | 19:07 | |
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TimToady | alternately, we require the variables to be declared before that, and the sig only rebinds them. | 19:09 | |
I can argue that both ways. | |||
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TimToady | so "when :($a: $b, *@c)" would not create variables... | 19:13 | |
but "when my ($a: $b, *@c) would | 19:14 | ||
if we consider "my Sig" to fall into the Signature category in the smartmatch table. | |||
also availabe is "when -> $a, *@b {...} {...}" | 19:15 | ||
where the variables would be bound in the first block but not the second. | |||
that falls out of Code smartmatching | 19:17 | ||
the second block wouldn't be executed unless the first returned true, however, by the current rules. | |||
one would kinda like to have a form where the mere binding is the smartmatch success, and there's only the first block. | 19:18 | ||
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masak | I somehow sense that this may have been an answer to my question | 19:19 | |
if so, I fail to apply it sufficiently to my worldview | |||
a bit too abstract for me :/ | |||
maybe if I saw it in a piece of code, it would fall into place | 19:20 | ||
but right now, I'm still wondering if var decl and sigs are not sufficiently different beasts | |||
still, treating them as underlyingly the same intrigues me somehow | 19:21 | ||
TimToady | I see lots of value in the unification. What's not clear is what the failure modes are from the user point of view, and how appropriate error messages can keep that from being a problem. | 19:22 | |
"You didn't really declare $foo at line 42" | |||
there's a similar problem with return type declarations: sub foo (Int $x, Int $y --> Int $z) | 19:25 | ||
can the sub body then assign to $z? | 19:26 | ||
instead of "my $result = ...; return $result"? | |||
or is the "z" part merely commentary? | 19:27 | ||
[particle] | the perl 5 way would have probably been to allow both assigning to $z, and returning | 19:28 | |
gaal | masak: first, think of the sig minilanguage as a nice way to spec that from here on you can call certain things by a name | ||
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gaal | give them default values or require someone else to tell you what their values are | 19:29 | |
when you have code that says "my $x = 42" | |||
it's shorthand for "this is a my declaration using the sig :($x? = 42)" | 19:30 | ||
[particle] | TimToady: do p6 subs return the value of the last statement? | ||
gaal | (or is that spelled "$x = 42?" now? don't remember) | ||
TimToady | yes | ||
gaal | masak: so when eg you have something like my ($x!) := sub_returning_a_capture() | 19:31 | |
if the capture could not be used to bind $x, it's a failure | |||
TimToady | you don't need both ? and a default. ? stands for "= undef" more or less. | 19:32 | |
gaal | oh, yes of course. | 19:33 | |
but if you want to put in the redundant ?, is it still before the = ? | |||
TimToady | before | 19:34 | |
gaal | also: there is one proviso regradingthe sig<->vardecl unification, which is that sig params default to mandatory, and vardecls default to optional :) | ||
masak | gaal: yes. that's a semantic difference -- somehow I find them easy to swallow | 19:35 | |
it's the syntactic differences I'm worried about, for some reason | |||
for example: | |||
isn't it a convention that you have to explicitly give every parameter in a signature a type | 19:36 | ||
gaal | certianly not! | ||
masak | whereas in vardecls you can sometimes bunch several vars of the same type together? | ||
gaal | not in Perl anyway :) | ||
the defualt is Any | |||
masak | something like int a, b, c; | ||
gaal | int $a, int $b, int $c in p6, but yes | 19:37 | |
TimToady | or "my int ($a,$b,$c) = ..." | ||
gaal | if you don't give a type, it's like you said Any $x etc. | ||
masak | TimToady: yes. would that syntax work in a parameter list as well? | ||
TimToady | no | ||
masak | so they're not the same | ||
TimToady | well, not unless you're binding a single parameter | 19:38 | |
masak | :) | ||
TimToady | that has parts | ||
gaal | oh right i forgot aobut the distribution there | ||
masak | it's stuff like this that worries me | ||
TimToady | and an int doesn't have parts. | ||
masak | places where the two beasts are different | ||
TimToady | so that's not a distributed type anyway. | ||
masak | on the whole, I'm all for it, however | ||
TimToady | sub visit ( Node $node ($left, $right) ) {...} | 19:39 | |
here the types of $left and $right are unspecified, not Node. | |||
masak | what are they? are they parts of $node? | ||
or arguments to it? | |||
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TimToady | they're presumably parts of $node that you want to give names to | 19:40 | |
how it maps the names depends on the actual form of Node | |||
masak | does this have an equivalent in vardecl land? | 19:41 | |
TimToady | S06:1187 "Unpacking tree node parameters" | ||
yes | 19:42 | ||
my Node $node ($left, $right) := makenode() should work the same. | |||
masak | cool | ||
masak starts to see how this could actually be useful | |||
but not everything carries over, right? | 19:43 | ||
TimToady | thing gets tricky with Sig literals though: :(Node $node ($left, $right)) | ||
masak | f'rexample, using returns or -> Int $z wouldn't make much sense in var decls, no? | ||
TimToady | you can smartmatch against a Sig object, but that doesn't declare anything. | ||
well, my Node $node is more or less equivalent to my $node --> Node | 19:44 | ||
you can declare an "of" type either way | 19:45 | ||
gaal | masak: do you know any haskell? | ||
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masak | gaal: superficially | 19:46 | |
gaal | it's like patmatch can occur in let-bindings | ||
masak sucks on that one | 19:47 | ||
ok | |||
gaal | node@(left, right) <- gimmieANode | ||
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TimToady | MMD in Perl 6 is unordered, and you use a switch statement to do ordered matching against sigs. | 19:48 | |
but the idea is similar | |||
gotto go get wet all over for a while & | 19:49 | ||
will backlog for any additional Qs. | |||
& | |||
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szabgab | ?eval my @a = (1) >>+<< (3); | 20:00 | |
evalbot_r14996 | Error: Hyper OP only works on lists | ||
szabgab | why is this ? | 20:01 | |
?eval my @a = (1,2) >>+<< (3); | |||
evalbot_r14996 | [4, 5] | ||
[particle] | my @a = list (1) >>+<< (3); | ||
?eval my @a = (1) >>+<< (3); | |||
crap... | |||
evalbot_r14996 | Error: Hyper OP only works on lists | ||
[particle] | ?eval my @a = list (1) >>+<< (3); | ||
evalbot_r14996 | Error: Hyper OP only works on lists | 20:02 | |
szabgab | ?eval my @a = list (1) >>+<< list (3); | ||
evalbot_r14996 | Error: Hyper OP only works on lists | ||
[particle] | ?eval my @a = list(1) >>+<< (3); | ||
evalbot_r14996 | Error: Hyper OP only works on lists | ||
[particle] | one more try... | ||
?eval my @a = (1).list >>+<< (3); | |||
evalbot_r14996 | [4,] | ||
szabgab | nice, thanks | 20:03 | |
[particle] | well, there's a way to enforce list context, at least | ||
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wolverian | TimToady, s,degenate,degenerate, # latest syn patch | 20:59 | |
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ingy joined
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Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
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