svn switch --relocate | | | paste: |
Set by avar on 16 November 2006.
Limbic_Region @tell audreyt forgot to wish you a happy pugs bday 00:01
lambdabot Consider it noted.
moritz looks scary ;)
Limbic_Region moritz - it is scarier than it needs to be 00:02
mortiz - functional programming languages are weird when it comes to purity
judging from the irc logs, it looks like audreyt has returned 00:04
00:07 buetow joined
moritz Limbic_Region: in the last comment on the example is really simple and non-scary => now I think I have an idea what that's all about ;) 00:22
lambdabot Title: Journal of Aristotle (5147)
diotalevi Y is simpler if you toss a few sacred cows out. Y isn't necessary if you're in Perl 6. :-) 00:26
Limbic_Region pointed to your discussion on the topic diotalevi 00:27
but I forgot the implicitness of it in Perl 6 as pointed out by stvn
diotalevi Y's typical implementation a as combinator strives to have minimum (preferring zero) identifiers. In a simple Y I'd say C<< $p = { ... }; $p->( $p ) >> but that's against the goal of having unnecessary identifiers. 00:29
So you see {...}->( {...} ) with ... duplicated on both sides and that's hard to read. Purer though. I guess. 00:30
00:31 weinig is now known as weinig|away 00:35 justatheory joined
buu diotalevi: It's horrifying. 00:36
?eval (1,2,3,(((((((((5)))))))))
svnbot6 r15205 | moritz++ | corrected ennumeration of tests
evalbot_r15204 Error: ā¤Unexpected end of inputā¤expecting operator or ")"
diotalevi It's still really useful.
buu Hrmph. 00:37
diotalevi I used Y to good effect when writing Devel::Spy.
buu ?eval (1,2,3,(((((((((5))))))))))
evalbot_r15204 (1, 2, 3, 5)
buu Hrm.
diotalevi It doesn't typically matter how it works. You can use it without getting it.
TimToady You talking about Perl? :) 00:42
The P combinator. :)
Limbic_Region heh
diotalevi TimToady++ for putting Y into Perl 6 under a *better* name. 00:47
00:50 explorer joined
buu ?eval 1_2 00:55
evalbot_r15205 12
buu Really?
?eval $x_$y
evalbot_r15205 Error: ā¤Unexpected "$y"ā¤expecting "::", term postfix or operator
diotalevi 1_000, buu.
buu Er, what is concat?
allbery_b ~ IIRC 00:56
buu ?eval $x~$y
allbery_b ?eval "a'~"b"
evalbot_r15205 ""
Error: ā¤Unexpected "b"ā¤expecting term postfix or operator
allbery_b oops
?eval "a"~"b"
evalbot_r15205 "ab"
00:57 Schwern joined
svnbot6 r15206 | lwall++ | most of rule syntax hacked into grammar 01:16
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svnbot6 r15207 | lwall++ | most of the quote forms now hacked in, except for the hard bits 02:40
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cj hugs lwall 05:27
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TimToady is extremely grateful for the hug 05:58
partclCoke wonders what timezone TimToady is in. 06:03
allbery_b @time TimToady
lambdabot Local time for TimToady is Tue Feb 6 22:03:39 2007
svnbot6 r15208 | lwall++ | character classes 06:12
r15208 | lwall++ | fatarrow pairs, colon pairs including radix numbers, adverbs
r15208 | lwall++ | rx// syntax but still need sublanguage dispatcher
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Ziggy6_ @time Ziggy6 06:27
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Ziggy6 @time Ziggy6 06:28
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svnbot6 r15209 | lwall++ | heredoc indentation implemented as per spec 07:30
r15209 | lwall++ | heredoc now one-pass rather than previous bogus two-pass
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Limbic_Region yawns 10:31
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cj TimToady: are we still winning? 13:16
VanilleBert ?eval my @a = 0,1,2,3,4; delete @a, 2; @a; 13:19
evalbot_r15209 [0, 1, undef, 3, 4]
VanilleBert delete @a, 2 is the same as @a[2] = undef ??
thought it should make @a to [0, 1, 3, 4] 13:22
Limbic_Region cj - winning what? 13:24
merlyn why would perl6 have to be that much unlike perl5?
(general lament) let's not break EVERYTHING we know about perl5 please! 13:25
Limbic_Region VanilleBert - Are you looking at the S29 in the pugs repo? 13:26
cj Limbic_Region: that's for you to decide of course :)
merlyn! ltns :)
merlyn yeah delete there looks like it acts like perl5 delete 13:28
which should NEVER have been allowed on an array
stupid pseudohashes :(
we create pseudohashes, we then have to build up all sorts of weird things on arrays, then we deprecate pseudohashes. :( 13:29
Limbic_Region VanilleBert -
grrr - I think I am lagging
in the event my text ever shows up, the only time delete works like splice apparently is if it happens at the end of an array - and then only if it doesn't violate another constraint
VanilleBert -
in the event my text ever shows up, the only time delete works like splice apparently is if it happens at the end of an array - and then only if it doesn't violate another constraint
VanilleBert aha 13:30
13:30 iblechbot joined
VanilleBert k, didnt know that before... i didn't used perl5 :D 13:31
13:31 bonesss joined
VanilleBert i posted in the perl6-users mailinglist a "remove" function which just do what i expected from delete 13:32
merlyn wow... why woudl someone be playing with perl6 in its current state if they have never used perl5?
that's pretty ... amazin to me.
is there a substantial crowd in that category?
I suspect that 80% of the perl6 users were former perl5 users. 13:33
maybe I'm way off
VanilleBert yes :D it is amazing... just watching the development of a new language... thats interesting :D
merlyn s/were/will be/
if the number is more than 20% "new to perl", I might want to rethink how "Learnign Perl" for perl6 will look 13:34
cj you could call it "Lurning Perl"
VanilleBert perl5 didnt looked very well, i didnt like it from the first sight... but perl6 was different :D
qmole_ i'm not sure. i guess there's a lot of people from the haskell/fp crowd that were introduced to perl6 by pugs and haven't done all that much perl5
13:35 shay joined
merlyn how many of those will stick around when pugs goes away though? 13:35
cj audreyt++
Limbic_Region merlyn - there are a number of lamdacamels that were previously only lamdas prior to pugs and perl 6
cj pugs is going away!?
merlyn I mean, haskell is nice, but it's not part of the final delivery
cj yeah, I s'pose we're going to be bootstrapping ourselves eventually
merlyn which will be perl6 written in perl6 compiling to parrot
Limbic_Region ok, must be lagging again 13:36
merlyn I see Limbic_Region off in the distance! Hi LR!
Limbic_Region shakes his head 13:37
merlyn LR - it's 2007 here... what year is it there? :)
and also what is is here is 29 cents a minute, so I'm getting off this satellite connection ... laters. 13:38
cj later, merlyn 13:39
13:39 CardinalNumber joined 13:46 smash joined
smash greetings 13:47
gaal [ot] is PAUSE b0rked? i'm seeing lots of "Debug: stat[-1]ret[] (paused:620)" in the log 13:49
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gaal nice paper on programming shorthands: 14:33
Grrrr gaal: re: PAUSE: it would appear so :-( 14:38
14:40 vel joined
moritz is open() implemented in pugs? 14:41
?eval open(my $f, "/etc/passwd")
evalbot_r15209 Error: Unsafe function 'Pugs::Internals::openFile' called under safe mode 14:42
14:42 cdfh joined
moritz allright, I see it is ;) 14:48
partclCo1e ?eval say "wah, the tcl irc bot can't do this much!" 14:49
14:49 partclCo1e is now known as partclCoke
evalbot_r15209 OUTPUT[wah, the tcl irc bot can't do this much!ā¤] Bool::True 14:50
gaal moritz: yeah, and pipey opens are also supported. 14:53
14:59 vel6608 joined
moritz who can I set the input separator for readline? 15:02
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svnbot6 r15210 | lwall++ | The heredoc parser assumed that string returned by parser was contiguous 18:49
r15210 | lwall++ | (which it's not if there's any interpolation). But we can't just have the
r15210 | lwall++ | text parser remove whitespace because we don't know how much till the end.
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nothingmuch ingy: sweetie, Module::Compile is broken 20:25
it only regenerates .pmcs occasionally
i don't know since when but it caused me like 3 broken releases
and then stevan said he has it too
so i wasn't drunk or something, it appears 20:26
NewCoke I find it helps to drink before using Ingy's modules. 20:27
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diotalevi Drinking helps afterward too. 20:31
gaal PAUSE debroke, in happier news. 20:34
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gaal @tell putter we rolled a 1.02, if you're still using this stuff your input's welcome! 22:19
lambdabot Consider it noted.
22:42 trym_ joined 22:55 Aankhen`` joined, IllvilJa left 22:57 drrho joined 22:58 bonesss joined, trym_ joined
beppu @babel gr en sacrum fidelitat 23:18
lambdabot Plugin `babel' failed with: IRCRaised Error: Language gr not supported
Limbic_Region @babel german english guten tag 23:20
lambdabot good day
Limbic_Region perlbot .gr
perlbot .gr is Greece
Limbic_Region perlbot .en
@babel greek english sacrum fidelitat
lambdabot sacrum fidelitat
Limbic_Region beppu - what were gr and en short for? 23:21
beppu greek and english, but then I realized the phrase was latin (I think...) 23:22
23:30 neonse left 23:42 buetow joined 23:55 Psyche^ joined
Limbic_Region @babel latin english sacrum fidelitat 23:56
lambdabot Plugin `babel' failed with: IRCRaised Error: Language latin not supported