pugscode.org | Beware of `make install` and Pugs, it will do bad things to your system
Set by Aankhen`` on 22 May 2007.
Aankhen`` It wasn't too hard to get most of CPAN installed, though. 00:00
I just said `i Task::Catalyst`.
Caelum Tene: I wouldn't ask for one until I actually have something to commit :)
Tene Aankhen``: find /usr/lib/perl5 -cmin -30 -print0|xargs -0 rm
Aankhen`` Tene: What does that do? Sorry, I'm not familiar with `find` syntax beyond -name. 00:02
Tene Aankhen``: finds all files created in the last 30 minutes. 00:03
Aankhen`` Oh, neat.
Tene actually, you'd probably want to redirect the 'find' output to a file and go through it by hand
just to be sure
Aankhen`` I dunno why I was parsing -cmin as -c, -m, -i and -n.
Guess it must be needing to sleep.
Tene Perhaps! 00:04
Aankhen`` Which punctuational variables haven't been given more descriptive names in Perl 6? 00:07
I keep reading that *most* of them were renamed, but I thought they've all been renamed. 00:08
Tene $/ is still around, I think
Aankhen`` Isn't that $fh.something?
Tene ?eval "foo" ~~ /<ident>/; $/ 00:09
evalbot_r16521 *** Cannot parse regex: <ident>␤*** Error: ␤\Match.new(␤ ok => Bool::False, ␤ from => 0, ␤ to => 0, ␤ str => "", ␤ sub_pos => (), ␤ sub_named => {}␤) 00:10
beppu ?eval "woe is me" 00:13
evalbot_r16521 "woe is me"
moritz night & 00:14
Aankhen`` LOL beppu. 00:16
G'night moritz.
svnbot6 r16522 | unobe++ | * updated buildbot config and added README w/link to currently active buildbot 01:58
Aankhen`` ?eval my %foo{ Any }; $foo{<a b c d>} = 5; $foo{<a b c d>} 02:11
evalbot_r16521 [5, undef, undef, undef]
Aankhen`` Hmm. 02:12
?eval class Foo { }; my %foo{ Any }; my $obj = Foo.new(); $foo{ $obj } = 5; $foo{ $obj }
evalbot_r16521 \5
Aankhen`` ?eval class Foo { }; my %foo{ Any }; my $obj = [ Foo.new() ]; $foo{ $obj } = 5; $foo{ $obj } 02:13
evalbot_r16521 \5
Aankhen`` Oooh.
?eval class Foo { }; my %foo{ Any }; my $obj = [ Foo.new() ]; $foo{ $obj } = 5; $foo{ $obj }; $foo.perl 02:14
?eval class Foo { }; my %foo{ Any }; my $obj = [ Foo.new() ]; $foo{ $obj } = 5; $foo{ $obj }; %foo.perl
evalbot_r16521 "\{(\"<obj:Foo>\" => 5),}"
"\{(\"Any\" => undef),}"
Aankhen`` ?eval class Foo { }; my %foo; my $obj = [ Foo.new() ]; $foo{ $obj } = 5; $foo{ $obj }; %foo.perl
evalbot_r16521 "\{}"
spinclad ?eval class Foo { }; my %foo; my $obj = [ Foo.new() ]; %foo{ $obj } = 5; say %foo{ $obj }; %foo.perl 02:22
evalbot_r16521 OUTPUT[5␤] "\{(\"<obj:Foo>\" => 5),}"
spinclad ?eval class Foo { }; my %foo; my $obj1 = [ Foo.new() ]; my $obj2 = [ Foo.new() ]; %foo{ $obj1 } = 5; %foo{ $obj2 } = 6; say %foo{ $obj1 }, %foo{ $obj2 }; %foo.perl 02:24
evalbot_r16521 OUTPUT[66␤] "\{(\"<obj:Foo>\" => 6),}"
spinclad probably %foo{$obj} indexes by stringification still 02:25
Caelum trying to compile pugs brought my computer to a crawl... I think I'll start that when I go home 02:28
Aankhen`` spinclad: Yeah, I guess so.
Caelum pugs doesn't stringify the memory addresses? 02:29
Aankhen`` Nope.
Caelum why? to not scare people?
Aankhen`` I dunno. 02:30
Maybe it's a conspiracy.
Aankhen`` ?eval [+] (1, 2, $_ if $_ % 2 for 1 .. 10, 8) 03:27
evalbot_r16522 Error: ␤Unexpected "if"␤expecting operator or ")" 03:28
Aankhen`` Dang.
meppl good morning 04:01
Aankhen`` rhr: Are you sure you can have both a module Units and a grammar Units? Don't they share the same namespace? 04:03
Aankhen`` rhr++ # unitsdat-grammar.pm makes for very interesting reading 04:11
svnbot6 r16523 | rhr++ | [unitsdat-grammar.pm] Call the generic grammar UnitsGeneric Aankhen``++ 04:33
r16523 | rhr++ | Perl doesn't have those weird 1|2 fractions
rhr Aankhen``: I'm not sure if they have the same namespace or not. S10 and S11 don't seem to mention grammars. It should have had a better name anyway... 04:37
Aankhen`` rhr: AFAIK, grammars are just a specialized version of classes, so I think they share the same namespace. 05:20
rhr: So, a question about the units grammars. Is UnitsGeneric supposed to function as an abstract base grammar of sorts? 05:21
I ask since `m` and `p` appear to be left to derived grammars to define. 05:22
If so, do you think it would make sense to put in `regex m { { ... } }; regex p { { ... } };`?
Aankhen`` suddenly can't remember why he was reading A05. 05:36
zperl New FreeBSD 6.2i386 Smoke report 06:09
lambdabot Title: TAP Matrix - Fri May 25 05:48:58 2007 GMT, tinyurl.com/24xz37
uncle how do i list all of the modules that are in perl 06:22
im at cpan and one of the modules has dependent modules.. i need to see if i have these already installed 06:24
Aankhen`` uncle: I think you want #perl 06:37
amnesiac I want #perl6 :( 06:40
riffraff hi 08:48
Tene hi 08:49
moritz hi ;) 08:53
riffraff nice topi :)
*topic 08:54
moritz it would be nicer if it was just a choke ;) 08:55
riffraff eh 08:56
moritz s/ch/j/ 08:59
I'm not yet fully awake ;)
riffraff is there a graph of the perl6 class/role hierarchy somewhere ? 09:00
Aankhen`` If you mean "all builtin classes and roles", I don't believe there's any up-to-date graph.
riffraff though so 09:01
I have a problem with /.$/ today
Aankhen`` You don't like having your lines end with a character? 09:02
riffraff no, I just forgot to type the right one 2 times out of 4 09:02
moritz what about /.\b/? 09:03
Aankhen`` Awww.
riffraff uploads smoke tests 09:05
Zaba moin 10:51
Extra space found after &test (...) -- did you mean &test(...) instead?
why is it so?
Gothmog_ func() differs from func (), so print (func 2, 3), @bar; now prints @bar, too, and you don't have to say print((func 2, 3), @bar) any more. 10:53
moritz I guess too many people fell into the 'print (2+3)*4' trap 10:54
Juerd Errh, no.
print (func 2, 3), @bar does not print @bar.
moritz that would evaluate to (print(2+3)+4
Juerd moritz: )
moritz Juerd: right 10:55
Zaba hrm
Juerd Zaba: You shouldn't use &test
Zaba Juerd, i don't.
Juerd Zaba: Drop the &.
Zaba i don't use the &.
Juerd ok
moritz depending on what you want to do, maybe you could use test: @args; or something 10:56
but I don't understand the : syntax sufficiently ;( 10:57
Zaba seems perl gets more comp[licated
Juerd moritz: $object.method: LIST 11:07
moritz: method $object: LIST
print $fh: LIST; 11:08
$fh.print: LIST;
moritz Juerd: no more magic than that? cool ;)
Juerd moritz: It's OO only.
moritz: It's the "invocant marker"
moritz Juerd: thanks 11:09
Juerd Normal subs don't need special syntax to be used without parens.
moritz: There is very little magic in Perl 6. 11:10
moritz Juerd: I disagree, but perhaps we have different notions of "magic" ;)
how can you read S05 without thinking "wow, that's magic"? *g* 11:11
fglock the YAPC::Europe Perl6-in-Perl6 and Perl6-in-Perl5 hackathon is confirmed - I'll be there :) 12:08
kolibrie woot! 12:09
riffraff when is it?
fglock by the end of august
Limbic_Region salutations all 12:11
rindolf Hi all. 12:18
Hi Limbic_Region, fglock, riffraff , moritz , Juerd
Limbic_Region: what's up? 12:19
Limbic_Region: didn't you say you had children?
Limbic_Region My daughter is almost 16 months yes
riffraff hei rindolf 12:20
rindolf riffraff: ahoy.
Limbic_Region: nice.
Limbic_Region: I didn't have a gf yet. 12:21
Yaakov Limbic_Region: My daughter is almost 85 months.
rindolf Yaakov: heh. 12:24
Limbic_Region: I wonder if Yaakov saw what I said. He may have lost context.
/ignore is stupid most of the time.
And lots of people abuse it.
I used it only once and it was in #politics.
With someone that everyone believed should have been banned. 12:25
Limbic_Region rindolf - I am not paying attention to the channel (work) so I apologize if I sound rude for not replying 12:27
rindolf Limbic_Region: that's OK.
dmq naty man 12:29
moritz re 12:46
Zaba eh 13:05
pmurias fglock: it's great you will be at YAPC::Europe 13:47
renormalist pmurias: ack, seems the next YAPC::Europe is a "must attend" 13:57
pmurias ack means? 13:59
moritz acknowledge
pmurias mortiz: thanks 15:22
cj anything new and exciting here? 16:07
offby1 glances around nervously. 16:32
fglock pmurias: will you be in Vienna? 17:14
zperl hi 17:56
is runjs.pl working or not atm?
i tried the following but didnt work: ./runjs.pl -e 'say "Hello, World!"' 17:57
zperl Getting the following error: internalerror: Too much recursion 17:57
fglock zperl: the javascript backend is in need for a maintainer 18:16
offby1 nominates zperl 18:17
fglock search.cpan.org is down? 18:44
lambdabot Title: The CPAN Search Site - search.cpan.org
moritz then lambdabot wouldn't print its title ;) 18:45
fglock I get a proxy error; not from my proxy 18:50
moritz tries it
works like a charm
fglock moritz: thanks 18:51
moritz fglock: you're not alone though - somebody in #perlde complained as well 19:29
sahadev greetings everyone. it's been a while since i've been in pugs-land. can anyone elaborate or provide pointers to what the topic means?
moritz sahadev: pugs "make install" might overwrite some p5 modules 19:30
which pretty much breaks perl
so if you compile it, just run it locally without installing for now 19:31
sahadev moritz: thanks. 19:39
moritz you're welcome 19:41
in the "Perl 6 Design Minutes" on use.perl.org there was link to a fairly new perl 6 blog: diveintoperl6.blogspot.com/ 19:53
lambdabot Title: Dive into Perl 6
svnbot6 r16524 | unobe++ | unobe-- | * require buildbot slaves to change config.yml in order to upload smoke
r16525 | unobe++ | unobe-- | * typo 19:56
moritz unobe++ # correcting his/her own mistakes 19:57
fglock thoughtpolice++ # new blog 19:59
moritz that's thoughpolice? I didn't notice that ;) 20:00
dduncan does anyone know if irc.perl.org is down? 20:01
moritz it's not, I'm still connected
renormalist me2
dduncan hm, nevermind 20:02
it was just slow to resolve
fglock @tell thoughtpolice: re blog - "say @arr[1]; //this will output 2" should be "say @arr[1]; # this will output 2" 20:13
lambdabot Consider it noted.
fglock the TPF page at www.perlfoundation.org/sponsors had the html escaped to &gt;/&lt; 20:33
moritz ;) 20:34
spinclad @tell fglock: you won't get this message (try @tell nick, not nick:) 20:36
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Aankhen`` Heh. 20:37
fglock spinclad: thanks 20:37
Aankhen`` thoughtpolice == blogger on Dive Into Perl 6? 20:38
fglock Aankhen``: it seems so 20:39
Aankhen`` Ah.
thoughtpolice++ # very cool stuff
Also, you must always explicitly define your variables in Perl 6 using 'my.' # is this correct, though? Even when strict is off? 20:42
Tene ?eval $f = 1; print $f; 20:43
evalbot_r16524 OUTPUT[1] Bool::True 20:43
Aankhen`` Okay. :-) 20:45
Hiya thoughtpolice.
thoughtpolice hey :)
Aankhen`` (Dive into Perl 6)++
thoughtpolice oh
you saw it?
Aankhen`` One nit though: "Also, you must always explicitly define your variables in Perl 6 using 'my.'" isn't entirely true. Strict just happens to be the default.
thoughtpolice thanks :)
Aankhen`` Yup, came across a link in #perl @ irc.perl.org yesterday.
thoughtpolice hah
didn't figure it got mentioned there 20:46
i was about to ask you guys to look over it and give me some criticisms
Aankhen`` avar probably had some deeper plan. ;-)
thoughtpolice i'm still pretty new to perl 6 in general but the blog is helping to develop my skills in the language and hopefully spread some info; both are my goals.
Aankhen`` It's an excellent idea.
thoughtpolice and since today was the last day of school, i have plenty of time to write during the summer.
moritz ?eval "123" ~~ m/.+/; +$/ 20:47
thoughtpolice i remember seeing blogs like "dive into INTERCAL" and I thought "why doesn't perl 6 have it's own 'dive into'?"
Aankhen`` Heh.
evalbot_r16524 123.0
thoughtpolice but so far i've been getting some good feedback
moritz thoughtpolice: it's a pity that I can't comment without a google account
otherwise it's very cool ;) 20:48
thoughtpolice moritz: i can change that right quick
spinclad in INTERCAL that's "PLEASE dive from <otherlang>"
thoughtpolice haha
i actually wrote some INTERCAL recently
to count from 1 to 10, but I never got it to fully work, I mean, it counted, but it failed on err after it was done.
i'm actually writing 'round 2' for the blog right now, but I'm sort of compiling the latest pugs repo. 20:49
fglock thoughtpolice: re blog - "say @arr[1]; //this will output 2" should read "say @arr[1]; # this will output 2" 20:50
Aankhen`` spinclad++ # ROTFLMAO
spinclad INTERCAL teaches politeness 20:51
thoughtpolice fglock: oh, right. sorry :)
Aankhen``: I edited the post and gave you a shout out :)
fglock home &
Aankhen`` thoughtpolice: Heh, cool.
thoughtpolice fglock: i changed that too.
keep the errata coming, guys. i'd appreciate it. :) 20:52
thoughtpolice moritz: I changed the comment setting; if you still want to, go for it. :) 20:52
moritz thoughtpolice: you write about "builtin functions" that can be called like methods - that's because they _are_ _methods_, not functions
that's what I wanted to comment ;) 20:53
thoughtpolice ah. thanks.
like I said, if you guys would keep pointing out errata i'd appreciate it; it'd help progress the blog and keep it up to date. 20:54
Aankhen`` Sur.e 20:55
moritz can I use m/ <( ... )> | something/ in a regex?
Aankhen`` Whatcha mean? 20:56
moritz rather m/ '"'<( ... )>'"' | something/
Aankhen`` Seems like valid syntax to me.
moritz ok
Aankhen`` Er, what are you trying to do?
moritz Aankhen``: I'm parsing apache log files...
Aankhen``: and the referer is either a - or "..."
Aankhen`` Ohh.
/ '...' | something /
moritz Aankhen``: and in case of "..." I don't want the quotes in the match object 20:57
Aankhen`` / '"' <( '...' )> '"' | something /
<( ... )> # AIUI, this matches three characters and saves that as the match object.
moritz <( <-["]> )> actually
Aankhen`` Well, you know what I mean. ;-)
moritz Aankhen``: the ... were metsayntactic ;) 20:58
Aankhen`` Oh.
Yes, well, seems like valid syntax.
"Either match these characters and save the result in $/, or match something else."
moritz commitbit not working/timeouting again :( 21:05
a few minutes ago there was a patch posted 21:06
should I incorporate it, or just send a commitbit to the poster?
or apply the patch, and ask him if he want a commitbit?
Tene moritz: a patch to commitbit? 21:07
moritz Tene: no, to pugs ;)
sorry, was jumping between topics ;) 21:08
obra Anyone who wants a commitbit commitbit should poke me ;)
Aankhen`` commits bits of obra.
moritz ok, I'm applying the patch 21:10
svnbot6 r16526 | moritz++ | patch and test cases for zero or negative argument to 'x' and 'xx' operator 21:11
r16526 | moritz++ | postet ond p6l by chas_owens++
moritz s/postet/posted/ # sorry, I'm from Franconia, we don't distinguish between 'd' and 't' very clearly ;-) 21:18
svnbot6 r16527 | rhr++ | [unitsdat-grammar.pm] Add NumUnit, StrUnit, and StrDispUnit roles 21:20
r16527 | rhr++ | Commentary explaining how it's all supposed to work
r16527 | rhr++ | lots of little fixes etc. Aankhen``++
Aankhen`` rhr: One comment. If you just say `token m { ... }`, doesn't that match three characters in a row rather than functioning as the yada yada yada operator? 21:24
wolverian hm, apache2 is eating a lot of pu
er, cpu
Aankhen`` NO PU.
rhr: My suggestion was `token m { { ... } }` and so on. 21:26
moritz pugs build is taking lots of memory - the ony thing that regularly consumes more on my box is enblend
Aankhen`` What's enblend?
Ugh. 21:27
Aankhen`` wanders off to shower.
moritz Aankhen``: when you stitch panorma images that maks the colors smoother
Yaakov Yes, I feel dirty too!
moritz at the edges of images
rhr Aankhen``: doh! 21:29
svnbot6 r16528 | rhr++ | [unitsdat-grammar.pm] s/'...'/'{ ... }'/ Aankhen``++ 21:36
r16529 | moritz++ | added an example log file parser in its early stage to misc/pX/Common/
moritz in the example just commit I get a weird error message (documented in README). Could anbody please take a look into the grammar?
moritz is too tired to be really productive 21:38
Tene svn up 21:40
Aankhen`` moritz: Ah, I see. Interesting app. 22:05
Yaakov: That's because you *are* dirty. Filthy. All that sort of stuff.
rhr: Heh, no worries, it happens. ;-) 22:06
moritz Aankhen``: any idea what might be problem?
or just an implementation bug?
Aankhen`` moritz: Sorry, I meant <moritz> Aankhen``: when you stitch panorma images that maks the colors smoother
Haven't seen the parser yet.
moritz Aankhen``: ok ;)
Aankhen`` Do keep in mind that most major features don't work yet with regards to rules. :-( 22:07
$<requesttype> := <+[A-Z]> # usually GET or POST # I'm guessing that's the problem...
?eval my $foo = "abcd"; $foo ~~ /$<bar> := (..) $/; $/<bar> 22:08
evalbot_r16527 *** Cannot parse regex: $<bar> := (..) $␤*** Error: ␤\undef 22:08
moritz damned, A-Z is old syntax 22:09
Aankhen`` yus thut too
moritz Aankhen``: the regex you just posted works for me locally
Aankhen`` Hmm, you're right. 22:10
moritz that's just evalbot's weirdness with character classes
Aankhen`` Hey, isn't there no \v any more?
$<url> := (\v+)
moritz where?
i looked in S05 before I wrote that 22:11
it was still there
Aankhen`` Oh, whoops.
Hmm, which one was it that disappeared? 22:12
moritz still, the output is "invalid aliased subrule"
Aankhen`` Yeah.
By the way... token remotehost { \V+ }; # anything but horizontal spaces
Don't you want \H+ there since you want anything but horizontal spaces?
moritz ah, right
maybe it's a problem that the tokens and the object variables have the same name 22:14
Aankhen`` Durr. I didn't realize that non-working examples shouldn't be in examples/.
rhr hmm, should I move examples/rules/unitsdat-grammar.pm to misc/pX/Common/Units.pm or something like that? 22:23
Aankhen`` rhr: I was trying to figure out whether I should move mine too. 22:40
Though I take heart from the fact that examples/rules/basic.pl doesn't work either.