pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
DarkWolf84 hi there 04:10
agentzh hi, DarkWolf84 05:52
agentzh guesses DarkWolf84 was born in the year 1984.
DarkWolf84 yeah 05:53
agentzh too. 05:59
moritz_ can PCR perform any unsafe operations? 08:50
or to rephrase the question: is it safe for a CGI script to feed unsanitized input into PCR? 08:51
agentzh moritz_: it can 09:00
moritz_: in action blocks
and in verbatim blocks like %{ ... %}
moritz_ agentzh: so what language is executed in the action blocks? p5?
agentzh moritz_: for online version, i think it's wise to disable all these forms
p5 going through a p6 source filter 09:01
for the action blocks in rules
moritz_ is there a specific option to disable them?
agentzh moritz_: not yet...
but it's trivial to write in the emitter ;) 09:02
or the parser
moritz_ emitter sounds better ;)
agentzh actually parser is easier to hack ;)
but modifying the emitter is better :) 09:03
moritz_ I have a _very_ shallow cgi wrapper around the regex tracer, without any error handling
agentzh cool
+ 09:04
moritz_ when I fixed the safety issues I'll try to fix the directory permissions, and then it can go online
agentzh awesome!
moritz_ but soon I'll have to attend some courses, so be patient ;) 09:05
agentzh can surely be patient.
too bad perl 5 does not have a general sandbox ;) 09:06
moritz_ :/
agentzh will perl 6 have one?
moritz_ probably implementation dependant 09:08
pugs has one
agentzh *nod*
moritz_ kp6 has one, too
agentzh cool
moritz_ kp6: mkdir('/tmp/foo/');
exp_evalbot r18678: OUTPUT[no method 'say' in Class 'Str'␤ at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 132␤ KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::MOP::__ANON__('KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar::Dispatch=HASH(0x86...', 'say') called at 09:09
..compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 36␤ main::DISPATCH('KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::Disp...]
moritz_ I expected 'mkdir not allowed with --safe option' or some such ;)
kp6: mkdir('/tmp/foo/'); say 1;
agentzh heh
exp_evalbot r18678: OUTPUT[1␤]
agentzh i'll have a try to hack a safemode option into PCR...
it should be easy... 09:10
moritz_ damned, that command really created /chroot/tmp/foo
it seems that kp6 safe mode is b0rked ;/
agentzh .... 09:11
agentzh grins.
moritz_ at least it runs in a chroot
agentzh i wonder how to implement such things properly 09:12
kp6 checks a list of dangerous functions internally?
moritz_ pugs has the 'is safe' and 'is unsafe' traits in the prelude
agentzh okay
moritz_ in kp6 all unsafe functions have to check the global safety flag 09:13
agentzh for PCR, it's harder...since the code in action blocks is not parsed by PCR itself 09:13
it's merely a thin source filter
moritz_ you could just omit all action blocks
agentzh should i disable actions completely?
and give some informative error messages? 09:14
is die okay?
moritz_ yes ;)
agentzh there're at least 3 emitters in PCR...
hopefully i don't miss any other
moritz_ what about a safety visitor? 09:15
agentzh ratchet emitter, backtracking emitter, and the verbatim emitter
visits the regex AST?
moritz_ like in kp6, where defferent 'visitors' change the AST
agentzh hmm 09:16
moritz_ and just purges all actions
agentzh sounds good
just need to traverse the AST myself :)
there's no visitors in PCR yet
moritz_ recursion++
agentzh (compared to kp6)
heh 09:17
yup, recursion can make things a lot cleaner.
moritz_ imagine haskell without recursion ;)
agentzh heh
Patterner my brain just imploded. thanks for that, moritz 09:18
moritz_ Patterner: you're welcome ;)
agentzh moritz_: thanks for the hint; pruning AST is really nice since i can control in a central place :) 09:20
now it should be a simple 10-line patch
moritz_ is always glad to get other people hacking ;) 09:24
pugs_svn r18696 | agentz++ | [PCR] 10:20
r18696 | agentz++ | - added the -T option to util/compile_p6grammar.pl for "safe mode" (untested yet).
r18696 | agentz++ | - fixed all the failing tests in PCR.
r18696 | agentz++ | - recompiled Rule.pmc using the latest version.
r18696 | agentz++ | - added a waning to util/update-rule-pmc to indicate it's out-of-date and we should now always use util/update-rule-pmc-new instead.
agentzh the tests in v6.pm are passing again... 10:22
sorry for the breakage in the last few weeks or so
pugs_svn r18697 | agentz++ | [PCR] added t/16-tracer-examples.t to test the tracer using examples/*.grammar 10:35
r18698 | agentz++ | [PCR] fixed t/16-examples.t which is broken by accident :P 10:37
pugs_svn r18699 | agentz++ | [PCR] the -T option of compile_p6grammar.pl has now been tested in t/16-safemode.t; moritz++ can now make use of it in his CGI app :) 11:08
agentzh i'll try to make a CPAN release for PCR; if its test suite is failing on your (plural) side, please drop a line here (i'll check the logs) 11:10
end of day for me &
pugs_svn r18700 | fglock++ | [mp6] <?...> is now <....> 11:58
pugs_svn r18701 | fglock++ | [kp6] <? ...> is now <. ...> 12:19
pugs_svn r18702 | ruoso++ | [yap6] redefined API, now much closer to what p6 needs... 12:28
FreshCat for a good time, join #ruby 12:41
moritz_ agentzh++ # safe mode 13:12
agentzh: I get 4 test failures for PCR
ah wait, my fault 13:13
I should install Test::Base first ;)
moritz_ All tests successful, 4 tests and 2 subtests skipped. 13:14
pugs_svn r18703 | fglock++ | [PCR] <? ...> is now <. ...> 14:19
pmurias hi 16:08
moritz_ hi pmurias 16:09
pmurias hi moritz_ 16:10
re Onion www.theperlreview.com/Interviews/je...00708.html - mentions onion as the name for parrot perl6 16:22
lambdabot Title: The Perl Review interviews Jesse Vincent
moritz_ pmurias: I noticed that... the parrot folks wanted to rename their perl6 implementation at some point, but never did it
fglock pmurias: it seems the name was not approved 16:23
obra Patrick named his p6 "onion" a while back 16:24
I'm not sure if the code represents that
but it's his intent that that be the name 16:25
pmurias having two diffrent implementations with the same name dosn't seem a good idea 16:32
moritz_ I suggest we withdraw v6/v6-Onion/ 16:33
moritz_ the parrot folks have the older 'rights' ;) 16:33
pmurias moritz_: change them name you mean
moritz_ pmurias: yes
pmurias any suggestions> 16:34
moritz_ CTP6 aka CloseToPerl6 ;) 16:37
no, just kidding ;)
pmurias garlic is the more evil onion 16:38
TimToady well, you could use some variant of onion, shallot or leek, or you could go with onion in some other language
[particle] leek sounds like perl 6 without gc
moritz_ lol
TimToady Japanese is negi, except that's green onion, and a round onion is "tamanegi"
which is "ball onion"
pmurias it's cebula in polish 16:39
moritz_ TimToady: the different kinds of onion are rather hard to grap for non-natives
TimToady interesting how different languages have different unmarked forms
moritz_ "Zwibel" in German
sorry, "Zwiebel" ;)
TimToady or another approach is misspelling: "unyun" say 16:43
though that would get confusing in spoken conversation 16:44
pugs_svn r18704 | pmurias++ | [onion] reverted accidential change to Onion::Ast 16:44
r18704 | pmurias++ | make -B
fglock cebola in portuguese
moritz_ I didn't know polish and portuguese where that similar ;) 16:45
pmurias moritz_: i don't think they are ;)
moritz_ pmurias: know I know one word in each language, and they differ by only one char... 16:46
one could argue that the sample size is too small, but that's neglectable ;)
TimToady cepo in Esperanto 16:47
fglock kp6-boot
Tene 'sluni' in lojban 16:48
pmurias moritz_: cebóla is a mispelling which is even more similar
moritz_ fglock: kp6-boot is very expressive, but also very uncool ;) 16:49
TimToady apparently Klingons don't eat onions... 16:50
Tene Klingon vocabulary is... very limited.
[particle] www.wordchamp.com/lingua2/Word.do?w...nID=223449 16:51
lambdabot Title: WordChamp - View translations for "onion"., tinyurl.com/26psue
Tene No method of importing foreign words and only one person can add new words to the language.
moritz_ I like 'कांदो' very much 16:52
uhm... did that copy&paste correctly?
pmurias moritz_: it looks like for boxes to me 16:53
*four 16:54
moritz_ pmurias: probably missing fonts - the irc logger gets it right
pmurias fglock: i think we could get rid of the AstNode.emit method in onion 16:58
fglock pmurias: yes 16:59
TimToady I think Devanagari would be problematic...
pmurias a kp6 bug shows up in Onion::Emit::AstPerl 17:00
pugs_svn r18705 | fglock++ | [PCR] fixed <. ...> 17:33
pmurias fglock: the error turned out to be in ShortCircuit 17:45
pugs_svn r18706 | fglock++ | [PCR] updated syntax in bootstrapped grammar 17:46
fglock ah, I've seen that before
pugs: " " ~~ /<.ws>/ 17:47
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** Cannot parse regex: <.ws>␤*** Error: Error: Can't call method "ws" without a package or object reference at (eval 21) line 2.␤␤]
fglock ?eval " " ~~ /<.ws>/ 17:49
Tene kp6: " " ~~ /<.ws>/ 17:52
exp_evalbot r18678: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 4, line 1 column 4:␤" " ~~ /<.ws>␤ ^ HERE␤]
Tene ships a crate of tuits to fglock.
fglock looks for the round ones 17:53
Tene Hope they didn't get squared too much during shipping. 17:54
pmurias hates Pads very much 17:56
fglock those are nice round ones, but I had some square tuits already - got to store at a separate dry place 17:57
pmurias: Pads love you
pmurias they should die\ 17:58
fglock sends some round tuits with cebulas to pmurias 18:00
pmurias got to fix ShortCircuit 18:02
pmurias visitors shouldn't have to handle pads 18:10
or even scopes
a pair of visitors should remove them before the ast transformation stage and them add them back 18:11
dlocaus hello!
We could color code the onions? red-onions (alpha), yellow-onions (beta), green-onions (release) 18:12
[particle]: ping 18:13
pugs_svn r18707 | pmurias++ | [kp6] fixed ShortCircuit 18:15
r18707 | pmurias++ | + COMPILER::inner_pad($pad)
dlocaus fglock: ping?
fglock pmurias: Lit::Code in Visitor::Global may be what you need
dlocaus: pong
dlocaus I looked over the perl5/parrot emiters and the roadmap as you suggested. And I'm still a bit new to all this, so it's a bit more than I can handle. Although, I'm understanding more and more... 18:16
fglock: do you have something a bit smaller that I can chew on?
fglock: I'm also finding a bit hard to keep up, seams that every morning, there is a slew of new code. :) 18:17
fglock dlocaus: looking 18:18
dlocaus: did you try making small modifications to the parrot emitter?
pmurias dlocaus: you might try getting Onion to work 18:19
dlocaus fglock: part of the problem, with making small modifications to the parrot emitter was actually understanding how perl6 worked. It took quite a while for me to find documentation on the grammers, for which I still need to study some more. 18:20
the grammar(s) are easy to understand, the syntax is well, a bit difficult.
pmurias: what work does Onion? need? 18:21
fglock dlocaus: there are some doable things in the runtime - Runtime::Perl6::* and Runtime::Perl5::* 18:22
pugs_svn r18708 | pmurias++ | [kp6] two things which annoy be constantly 18:23
pmurias (spelling errors in commit messages)-- 18:24
dlocaus: Onion is kp6 compiled by itself, it's checking what dosn't work and fixing it
it might be a bit hard for someone unfamiliar with kp6 18:25
i added to things to the TODO which i would most like fixed
dlocaus I'm looking for Runtime::PerlX::* now
fglock: when you say things are doable things in Runtime::PerlX::*, how are they identified? 18:27
fglock dlocaus: there is svn.pugscode.org/pugs/docs/Perl6/Spec/ - you just add things you think are useful 18:28
lambdabot Title: Revision 18708: /docs/Perl6/Spec
fglock the compiler itself doesn't use many runtime functions, but they are required for the end users 18:29
dlocaus ok, I'll look into this.
pmurias: I also check out the TODO (v6/v6-KindaPerl6/TODO) 18:30
fglock dlocaus++
pugs: " " ~~ /<.ws>/ 18:31
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** Cannot parse regex: <.ws>␤*** Error: Error: Can't call method "ws" without a package or object reference at (eval 21) line 2.␤␤]
pmurias kp6: "a" ~~ /a/ 18:31
exp_evalbot r18678: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 4, line 1 column 4:␤"a" ~~ /a␤ ^ HERE␤]
fglock pmurias: that's doable :P 18:32
fglock add a .smartmatch method to Token 18:33
fglock home & 18:34
sili does anyone recall some code that takes a grammar definition of some kind and randomly generates should-be-valid as a means of testing a parser? 18:35
pmurias dlocaus: you might also implement .WHERE (needed for Onion) 18:38
dlocaus pmurias: looking into it
where is WHERE?
pmurias S12 18:39
WHAT in fact
dlocaus &brb, need to answer this email 18:40
dlocaus pmurias: I found "obj.WHAT", I'm reading up on it. 18:48
dlocaus what does MOP in KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm stand for? 19:08
pmurias dlocaus: meta object protocol 19:12
dlocaus pmurias: Would it be a good use of time to document all of the kp6 code? 19:14
pmurias: documenting is a good way of learning what's going on.
pmurias: perhaps some test cases as well? 19:15
pmurias dlocaus: you want to document tests?
bbkr which tests are most needed ATM? perlcabal.org/syn/ shows synopses coverage, but tells nothing about priorities in testing. 19:16
lambdabot Title: Official Perl 6 Documentation
pmurias dlocaus: i don't think it's worth to document stuff which will be thrown away
pugs_svn r18709 | dlo++ | Documented the meaning of MOP in the filename. 19:18
pmurias (things which use the mp6 runtime)
dlocaus pmurias: ok 19:19
pmurias bbkr: pugs isn't developed much nowdays and kp6 is not mature enough to use the pugs test suit 19:21
bbkr so test suite is also frozen now (till mp6 will be mature enough?) 19:23
pmurias bbkr: it's not frozen 19:24
it's that i don't think that the implementations make something a priority 19:25
pmurias meta-class test might be helpfull for kp6 19:27
bbkr ok, thanks 19:27
dlocaus pmurias: I'm finding it a bit hard to read the DispatchSugar and other subroutines in Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar & MOP. would anyone mind if I documented it? 19:38
pmurias no 19:42
feel free to document anything you want 19:43
OTOH i would prefer if you removed Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar
dlocaus ok, I'll document DispatchSugar and MOP to try and get a handle on what the code is doing. 19:44
then I'll see about removing DispatchSugar...
pmurias nice
dlocaus pmurias: I think I can bite this off. 19:45
pmurias MOP is IMHO the hardest part of kp6
dlocaus: DispatchSugar could be removed with a simple substitution, but make_class would be better then a lot of ::DISPATCH 19:48
dlocaus pmurias: you are probably right, but I don't have enough experience with the code to see the big picture yet. and to do .WHAT I need to be able to understand the MOP. 19:52
pmurias: I'm sure the documentation won't hurt anyone, and may make things easier for the next person :)
pmurias dlocaus: go ahead with the documentation 19:54
dlocaus are you guys using any special form of notation to help find TODO items? ie: "todo:" or (todo) ? 19:59
pugs_svn r18710 | dlo++ | added documentation to this code. 20:00
r18711 | dlo++ | fixed minor formating error in documentation 20:01
pmurias dlocaus: dunno 20:02
pmurias dlocaus: you can introduce one 20:05
dlocaus pmurias: it appears that everyone is just using "TODO" in caps. at least that is what grep -R suggests. 20:07
oh.. App::Ack is nice.. 20:08
pugs_svn r18712 | pmurias++ | DispatchSugar - explained the intended puropose of this module 20:34
pmurias ack++ 20:42
pmurias dlocaus: where are you from? 20:56
FreshCat how close is perl6 anyhow? 21:33
Tene FreshCat: I use Perl 6 currently. 21:34
So, depends on what oyu need.
FreshCat so, the part that is there is deffinitely going to be present in the release version?
Tene Yep.
FreshCat awesome 21:35
Tene There are different projects that implement different parts of Perl 6.
They're all planning on meeting in the middle. :)
FreshCat ah ok
Tene pugscode.org/ is a place to start.
lambdabot Title: Pugs - pugscode
Tene As is parrotcode.org/
lambdabot Title: Parrot Virtual Machine - parrotcode
Tene pugs, parrot, kp6 are the big things you want to look at. 21:36
kp6 is being developed in the pugs repo
FreshCat what is KindaPerl6 21:37
moritz_ it's a perl6 compiler written in a subset of perl 6 21:37
see www.pugscode.org/kp6.html for a (very) short intro 21:38
lambdabot Title: kp6 - KindaPerl6
FreshCat outstanding. Thanks guys! 21:41