pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
00:05 theorb joined 00:11 ispy_ joined 00:18 Notrix left 00:20 theorbtwo left 00:21 DarkWolf84 joined 00:46 drbean joined 00:47 luqui left 00:48 drbean_ left 00:50 nipotaway is now known as nipotan 00:53 ispy_ left 01:02 kcwu joined 01:04 polettix left 01:05 kanru left 01:08 Schwern left 01:18 IllvilJa left 02:02 zakame joined 02:17 Winkie joined 02:41 jferrero left
pugs_svn r19126 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/Muldis-DB/ : split Machine role|class into itself and Process role|class 02:52
03:01 Schwern joined 03:03 cnhackTNT joined 03:07 Schwern left 03:08 Schwern joined 03:16 xystic- joined 03:33 luqui joined
pugs_svn r19127 | Darren_Duncan++ | ext/Muldis-DB/ : this is the Perl 6 equivalent of what will end up on CPAN as Muldis::DB version 0.6.0 for Perl 5 03:37
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fglock we have 2 weeks until Christmas 10:43
pugs_svn r19128 | fglock++ | [kp6-boot] fixed t-bootstrap/02-grammar.p6, all tests pass - pmurias++ 10:44
10:45 djm joined
masak fglock: I like that attitude 10:56
fglock :) 10:57
pugs_svn r19129 | fglock++ | [kp6-boot] started debugging src-script/kp6-kp6.pl 11:01
11:02 pcbuetow left
pugs_svn r19130 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] t-bootstrap/02-grammar.p6 - added <parse> test 11:06
11:09 pbuetow joined 11:15 Sizur joined
Sizur and unofficial approximation date +/- n years for perl6 release? 11:17
wolverian christmas 11:20
Sizur > reverse $ '?':fromJust (Just "siht") 11:22
lambdabot "this?"
Patterner 20xx 11:26
11:29 jferrero joined
Sizur thanks 11:36
11:36 Sizur left
pugs_svn r19131 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] src-script/kp6-kp6.pl is compiled on make 11:43
r19131 | fglock++ | - fixed Pad.isa()
11:48 iblechbot left
pugs_svn r19132 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] added debugging info; KindaPerl6::Visitor::MetaClass runs ok 11:58
r19133 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] src-script/kp6-kp6.pl - added instructions 12:01
r19134 | fglock++ | [kp6] Visitor::Global - fixed 'self' 12:11
12:12 ebassi joined 12:23 cognominal_ left 12:35 penk left
pugs_svn r19135 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] Pad.pm - more p5/p6 translations 12:38
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pasteling "tuxdna" at pasted "Build failed" (51 lines, 2.5K) at sial.org/pbot/29146 14:14
tuxdna hi
moritz_ hi
tuxdna: which GHC version are you using? 14:15
tuxdna for few days I am getting an error with build
I am not able to comprehend it.
[ 1 min ]
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.8.1
moritz_ ah
tuxdna I installed it from source
moritz_ you need to modify some config files for 6.8.1 14:16
standard pugs builds fine with ghc 6.6.1
wait a second...
tuxdna which ones?
moritz_ tuxdna: read irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2007-11-16#i_145128 and the following lines 14:17
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-11-16
pugs_svn r19136 | fglock++ | [kp6-perl5] fixed attribute initialization 14:19
moritz_ tuxdna: if you manage to build pugs with ghc 6.8.1 you can check in your changes and bump the ghc requirement to 6.8.1 14:21
tuxdna thanks lambdabot 14:23
[ 1 min ]
thanks moritz_
moritz_ did it work? 14:24
14:25 chris2 joined 14:34 jhorwitz joined
pugs_svn r19137 | fglock++ | [kp6-perl5] fixed last commit 14:35
r19138 | fglock++ | [kp6] fixed a node initialization in Visitor::MetaClass.pm 14:44
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tuxdna moritz_: it did'nt work. however I (perhaps) have a hint to make it more clear. 15:05
15:05 arguile left
tuxdna in Makefile.PL there is this line : my @ghci_flags = qw( -hide-all-packages -package base -package filepath -package parsec -package template-haskell -package readline -package unix -package haskell98 -package mtl -package stm -package network -package pugs-HsSyck -package pugs-hsregex ); 15:06
i think this makes the packages hide. I dont know muck about Haskell, so I am not sure of this. 15:07
15:07 chris2 left
allbery_b hides all, then exposes a subset 15:07
the subset probably needs to be expanded, for example, probably need -package containers these days 15:08
15:10 arguile joined
pugs_svn r19139 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] kp6-kp6 now emits some code 15:11
tuxdna allbery_b: thanks for that
15:13 drrho left, Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
pugs_svn r19140 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] fixed variable name mangling 15:16
15:25 cognominal_ left 15:26 araujo left
pugs_svn r19141 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] fixed compiler name 15:32
cj what's the locale string for "german as spoke in .de"? 15:33
(where en_US is "english as spoken in .us")
wolverian de_DE 15:34
masak is somehow reminded of "English as she is spoke"
moritz_ de_DE is right 15:35
pbuetow or de_AT, german spoken in austria? 15:37
moritz_ they don't really speak German in Austria (they just think they do) ;-)
pbuetow haha 15:38
moritz_ (the closer the country is, the more we bicker with them ;) 15:39
pbuetow hehe yes 15:40
like NL <-> DE in soccer.
moritz_ aye 15:41
or Scotland <-> England in every regard ;)
pbuetow hehe yes 15:42
masak not very surprising, really 15:50
it's easier to bicker with someone you can see across the border
moritz_ so I assume in scandinavia you do the same? 15:51
masak sure 15:55
although we have less and less real reason to make fun of the norwegians here in sweden, now that they've got all the oil 15:56
still, we do our best
(actually, that's not quite true. some of my best friends are norwegians)
moritz_ ;) 15:57
can you tell me a few prejudices about norwegians? my girlfriend is half norwegian, and I'd like to tease her a bit ;)
masak oh, it's nothing as sophisticated as that 15:58
it's just the usual crap, applicable to all neighbouring countries
moritz_ ok
masak like the one about the norwegian who was out driving 15:59
when he hears on the radio about this one maniac going against traffic
"one?" he exclaims. "there are hundreds!"
...and you could see that coming from miles away, I guess
moritz_ yes ;) 16:00
masak of course, you're supposed to say his lines in norwegian accent, which helps
another norwegian-in-traffic joke is based on the misconception of "R" meaning "Racing" on the transmission 16:01
stuff like that
moritz_ "the usualy stuff" 16:02
masak yes
although we have a few about norwegian word formation
which actually sound plausible, but which I suspect are false
I also suspect that they are only funny in swedish, and possibly norwegian 16:03
the few I can remember are toilet="brusefĆ„tĆølj", banana="gulebĆøj" and squirrel="tallefjant"
but recollection is impaired by the fact that I haven't kept tabs on those jokes since I was about 12 16:04
njbartlett I have a true story about Norwegian traffic regulations 16:06
A friend was driving in Norway and he passed an obvious speed camera, so he slowed down... but it flashed anyway 16:07
Curious, he turned round and went through it again much slower. It flashed again
A few weeks later he received two tickets... 16:08
For not wearing his seatbelt!
Turns out there was a guy in a box pressing a button
16:09 masak left
moritz_ nice one ;) 16:09
16:09 vbattsAtWork joined 16:10 vbattsAtWork left 16:20 Psyche^ joined 16:22 pmurias joined
fglock pugs: ( 1, 2, @([ 4, 5, 6 ]), 7 ) 16:34
exp_evalbot RESULT[(1, 2, [4, 5, 6], 7)]
fglock pugs: ( 1, 2, ([ 4, 5, 6 ]).values, 7 ) 16:35
exp_evalbot RESULT[(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)]
16:35 Patterner left, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
moritz_ pugs: (1, 2, |@([3, 4]), 5) 16:35
16:35 jjore-m left
exp_evalbot RESULT[(1, 2, [3, 4], 5)] 16:35
16:37 pjcj joined, tuxdna left
pugs_svn r19142 | fglock++ | [MiniPerl6] implemented .values 16:58
r19142 | fglock++ | [kp6-perl5] implemented .values; fixed Grammar::Statements
16:58 chruc1 joined 16:59 chruc1 is now known as chruck
pugs_svn r19143 | pmurias++ | [kp6-kp6] fixed &get_compiler_target_runtime 17:01
r19144 | fglock++ | [kp6-perl5] more s/@()/.values/ 17:04
pmurias fglock: 123 is parsed as class Main {1};class Main {2};class Main {3}
by script/kp6-kp6
fglock pmurias: yes - I'm working on it 17:05
I think it's the same error as in test #15 17:06
pmurias and examples/hello.pl as 012345... 17:07
fglock ::CompUnit( body => ::Lit::Code( body => [ <-- error here
it's $$<exp_stmts>
adding more tests... 17:09
17:10 dlocaus joined, HiTech69 left 17:12 HiTech69 joined
pmurias fglock: if the the $match.result.Str is not a Str the result will be a boxed "HASH(...)" 17:17
17:18 amnesiac joined
pmurias i think KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::Match should be replaced by KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl6::Match 17:18
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fglock pmurias: ok, but please wait for a few commits, i'm debugging the 1/2/3 problem 17:24
pmurias fine
(studying chemistry--)-- & 17:27
pugs_svn r19145 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] fixed Match.Str 17:28
17:32 DarkWolf84 joined 17:33 justatheory joined
pugs_svn r19146 | fglock++ | [kp6-perl5rx] always define Match.from 17:38
17:42 franck___ left
dlocaus pmurias: is this legal perl6? "(say)(1234);" 17:43
moritz_ pugs: (say)(123) 17:44
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[ā¤*** Cannot cast from VBool True to Pugs.AST.Internals.VCode (VCode)ā¤ at /tmp/dmMzWHCwuV line 1, column 1 - line 2, column 1ā¤]
dlocaus moritz_: is that supposed to be "legal" perl6? 17:45
moritz_ dlocaus: I don't know
I guess not
pmurias dlocaus: pugs says it is 17:46
dlocaus I think you can do that in perl5, or something similar to it
pmurias: so, that is legal perl6?
rhr (say)(1234) I think is say().(1234) which is sort of leagal but nonsensical
pugs_svn r19147 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] single comp_unit compiling works 17:47
dlocaus sort of legal? I wonder how a judge would take that... 17:48
Yer Honor Wall, that is a sort of legal statement! ;)
moritz_ pugs: (say).(123)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[ā¤*** Cannot cast from VBool True to Pugs.AST.Internals.VCode (VCode)ā¤ at /tmp/atpcTGxoUs line 1, column 1 - line 2, column 1ā¤] 17:49
moritz_ it's not a parse error, but an interal pugs error
at least judging from the error message
rhr you're innocent of syntax errors but guilty of trying to call the Bool::True function :) 17:50
Auzon Well, say returns Bool::True, right? So wouldn't that be like calling the "123" method on Bool::True?
rhr Auzon: right
moritz_ pugs: my $a = \&say; ($a).(123);
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[123ā¤]
pmurias rhr: wrong 17:51
rhr sorry, 123 is the arg
moritz_ says it's not valid perl 6
Auzon pugs: $_ = "test"; my $a = \&say; ($a).(); 17:52
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[ā¤]
Auzon pugs: $_ = "test"; say();
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[ā¤]
Auzon Should that print out "test"? 17:53
pugs_svn r19148 | dlo++ | [kp6] Updated apply so that it produces a legal say command. IE, kp6 -e 'say 1234'; produces (say (1234)) and not (say)(1234);
rhr you want .say to get $_, nothing defaults to it anymore 17:54
Auzon Ah
That's good :)
pugs: $_ = "test"; my $a = \&say; .($a);
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** Cannot cast from VStr "test" to Pugs.AST.Internals.VCode (VCode)ā¤ at /tmp/sbr0gIhznE line 1, column 29-34ā¤]
pugs_svn r19149 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] the kp6-kp6.pl compiler script works
rhr pugs: $_ = "test"; my $a = "say"; .$a; 17:56
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[testā¤]
Auzon Oh, right
OK, it makes sense now
dlocaus is infix a "real" function? 18:00
ie, is this legal? "say 'ok', ( infix : <~> ( ' ', '5' ) );"
pugs: say 'ok', ( infix : <~> ( ' ', '5' ) ); 18:01
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ā¤ Unexpected ": <~>"ā¤ expecting "::"ā¤ at /tmp/MCfgg6T59C line 1, column 19ā¤]
moritz_ no, 'infix:<~>' is the function:
pugs_svn r19150 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] kp6-kp6.pl emits runnable code
moritz_ pugs: say infix:<~>("foo", "bar")
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[foobarā¤]
moritz_ dlocaus: you can't insert whitespaces into function names
dlocaus oh ok. 18:02
fglock kp6-kp6 now compiles Perl 6 :) 18:03
moritz_ fglock: what do you mean by "Perl 6"? 18:04
fglock the syntax as defined in kp6, instead of MiniPerl6 18:05
avar runs tests?!
moritz_ cool
so the grammar is bootstrapped
fglock avar: i didn't try yet
avar TRY!:) 18:06
moritz_ heeds off to RL
fglock k 18:07
the command line is:
perl -I compiled/perl5-kp6-kp6/lib/ script/kp6-kp6.pl < source > target
Auzon Where is the SVN (or some easy way to get the code) for kp6?
fglock Auzon: the same as pugs itself 18:08
i mean, svn.pugscode.org/pugs
lambdabot Title: Revision 19150: /
Auzon Yeah, OK
I didn't see it there, so I'll look harder ;)
18:09 cmarcelo joined 18:10 pmurias left
[particle1 v6/v6-KindaPerl6 18:10
18:10 [particle1 is now known as [particle]
Auzon I can just pull that directory, right? 18:11
[particle] yep
Auzon Cool.
[particle] fglock++
Auzon So I take it that the bootstrap mentioned in README is done now? 18:12
pugs_svn r19151 | dlo++ | [kp6] Fixed kp6, so -Bperl6 is not run though perltidy 18:13
[particle] anybody spare a little grammar help? 18:17
rule TOP {
[ <lineseq>
|| <panic: parse error>
] $
i'm not getting <lineseq> to match, but <panic:...> isn't being called
avar <line>+ ?
[particle] rule lineseq { <line>* {*} } 18:18
fglock $ PERL5LIB=compiled/perl5-kp6-kp6/lib/ sh -c 'perl script/kp6-kp6.pl < t/kp6/01-tap.t | perl'
takes 5 seconds to run, but it works
18:19 ebassi left
fglock [particle]: line* matches, and $ fails too late 18:20
i guess
[particle] ah... [ ^ <lineseq> $ || <panic:...> ] {*} seems to work
fglock yes :)
[particle] thanks :) 18:21
avar where's the source for kp6/kp6.pl ?
fglock src-script/
avar: kp6 is not bootstrapped yet - this is the first stage 18:22
ruoso the question is if kp6-kp6.pl generates the same code as non-bootstrapped kp6 targetting kp6 runtime 18:23
avar yeah 04-* fails on a pad error
fglock trying to compile kp6-kp6.pl with itself... 18:24
avar $ PERL5LIB=compiled/perl5-kp6-kp6/lib/ sh -c 'perl script/kp6-kp6.pl < src-script/kp6-kp6.pl | perl'
Can't call method "var" on unblessed reference at compiled/perl5-kp6-kp6/lib//KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/Pad.pm line 249, <> line 81. 18:25
same error
fglock avar: looking
pugs_svn r19152 | fglock++ | [kp6-kp6] Pad.pm - fixed a Perl 6 call 18:27
fglock now i get a different error
18:32 dlocaus left, dlocaus joined
fglock t/04-* has a one-line difference between kp6-mp6 and kp6-kp6 18:34
18:35 kst joined
Lorn_ fglock: do you have any project, about *v6, to SoC ? 18:42
18:42 Lorn_ is now known as Lorn
fglock Lorn: do you have ideas? 18:44
18:45 araujo joined
dlocaus pugs: (infix:<&&> ((infix:<eq> (1, 1)), (say 'ok'))); 18:45
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[pugs: Extra space found after &infix:&& (...) -- did you mean &infix:&&(...) instead?ā¤] 18:46
dlocaus pugs:
pugs: (infix:<&&>((infix:<eq> (1, 1)), (say 'ok')));
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[pugs: src/Pugs/Prim.hs:1730:18-38: Non-exhaustive patterns in lambdaā¤ā¤ā¤]
dlocaus pugs: (infix:<&&>((infix:<eq>(1, 1)),(say 'ok')));
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[okā¤]
18:47 pmurias joined
dlocaus kp6: (infix:<&&>((infix:<eq>(1, 1)),(say 'ok'))); 18:47
exp_evalbot r19152: OUTPUT[okā¤]
dlocaus kp6:(infix:<&&> ((infix:<eq> ($x, $x)), (say ('ok 1'))));
kp6: (infix:<&&> ((infix:<eq> ($x, $x)), (say ('ok 1'))));
exp_evalbot r19152: OUTPUT[Can't call method "emit_perl5" on an undefined value at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Visitor/Emit/Perl5.pm line 671, <> line 1.ā¤Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8f9f5a8, Perl interpreter: 0x814e008, <> line 1.ā¤]
dlocaus kp6: (infix:<&&>((infix:<eq>(1, 1)),(say 'ok'))); 18:48
kp6: (infix:<&&> ((infix:<eq> ($x, $x)), (say ('ok 1'))));
exp_evalbot r19152: OUTPUT[okā¤]
r19152: OUTPUT[Can't call method "emit_perl5" on an undefined value at compiled/perl5-kp6-mp6/lib/KindaPerl6/Visitor/Emit/Perl5.pm line 671, <> line 1.ā¤Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8f9f5a8, Perl interpreter: 0x814e008, <> line 1.ā¤]
fglock dlocaus: space is forbidden after the function name
dlocaus oh duh.
Lorn fglock: no :P i was looking bug in the dev.pugscode.org have a lot of open tickets
dlocaus where is the infix perl6 code?
It is not in Visitor/Emit/Perl6.pm 18:49
avar Runtime/*
pmurias src/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/GLOBAL.pm
fglock dlocaus: it's in Runtime::Perl5::GLOBAL, but shortcircuiting code is handled at Visitor::Emit::Perl5
shortcircuiting = &&, || 18:50
dlocaus I mean, where is the emitter for infix perl6 code?
avar and //
pmurias Lorn: do you know if TPF will take part in SoC this year?
Lorn fglock: i'm searching something to do ... TODO its huge :P 18:51
pmurias: i dont know
fglock dlocaus: infix:<eq> is a Code object
pmurias jjjjjjjjkl:q
fglock it doesn't have a special emitter
pmurias sorry
Lorn pmurias: vim problems? :P 18:52
pmurias there is a useless terminal sequence which hangs the terminal
dlocaus fglock: where is it emited then?
or where are the lines that return the perl6 code for it? 18:53
fglock one sec
18:54 drrho joined
avar kp6: my @arr; @a[0]; @a 18:54
exp_evalbot r19152: RESULT[[ ]] 18:55
avar kp6: my @a; @a[0]; @a
fglock $ perl script/kp6 -Cast <<< ' "a" eq "b" '
exp_evalbot r19152: RESULT[[ ]]
avar kp6: my @a; @a[0] = "foo"; @a[1] = "bar"; @a
exp_evalbot r19152: RESULT[[ 'foo', 'bar' ]]
fglock "eq" is handled by the Apply emitter
avar kp6: my @a; @a[0] = "foo"; @a[1] = "bar"; @a.scalar
exp_evalbot r19152: RESULT[[ 'foo', 'bar' ]]
avar shouldn't it be method scalar { self.elems } ?
kp6: my @a; @a[0] = "foo"; @a[1] = "bar"; @a.elems
exp_evalbot r19152: RESULT[2]
fglock pugs: my @a; @a[0] = "foo"; @a[1] = "bar"; @a.scalar 18:56
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Array: "&scalar"ā¤ at /tmp/ee0efWkGyG line 1, column 38 - line 2, column 1ā¤]
pmurias fglock: compiling the tap takes 21sec and running 3sec here
fglock pugs: my @a; @a[0] = "foo"; @a[1] = "bar"; $(@a)
exp_evalbot RESULT[["foo", "bar"]]
pmurias * 01-tap.t
18:56 kane_ left
fglock wow 18:57
pugs: my @a; @a[0] = "foo"; @a[1] = "bar"; +(@a)
exp_evalbot RESULT[2]
18:58 luqui joined
fglock pmurias: time to start a Parrot/C backend? 19:00
[particle] :D 19:01
fglock this could be a SoC
pmurias fglock: doing some profiling might help
fglock ::DISPATCH() seems guilty :P 19:02
pmurias fglock: caching could be added quite simply
avar fglock: I don't see many changes in Runtime/Perl6/, what have you mainly been hacking?
pmurias fglock: should i hack in a --backend kp6-kp6 option into run_tests.pl? 19:03
fglock avar: mostly in the regex engine; there were several segfaults last week
pmurias: sure
pugs_svn r19153 | dlo++ | [kp6] fixed infix space problem 19:04
fglock dlocaus: good catch 19:05
dlocaus :), ty
fglock avar: Namespace desugaring was mostly implemented, but it's not used in the Perl 5 backend 19:07
pugs_svn r19154 | dlo++ | [kp6] Modified Perl6.pm to be a bit more liberal with its newlines 19:08
fglock avar: but Pad desugaring is not implemented yet
pugs_svn r19155 | pmurias++ | [kp6] a hack in order for script/run_tests.pl --backend kp6-kp6 to run, assumes set PERL5LIB 19:14
pmurias fglock: syntactic scope / semantic scope / pragmatic scope part of www.perl.com/pub/a/2007/12/06/soto-...tml?page=3 might be relevant to the scope discussion we had 19:18
lambdabot Title: perl.com: Programming is Hard, Let's Go Scripting...
19:18 Auzon left 19:19 Auzon joined
fglock pmurias: right 19:21
pmurias is the time object documented in docs/Perl6/Spec/Functions.pod:1547 19:22
Lorn exists a perl6 highlitgh for vim?
pugs_svn r19156 | dlo++ | [kp6] Fixed perl6 if emit formating
r19157 | dlo++ | [kp6] quick comment, about () in kp6 if 19:23
fglock Lorn: i think there is one in the pugs repo
pmurias Lorn: yes i have got it
Lorn where i download? they come in with pugs?
pmurias util/perl6.vim 19:24
* where is the Time object in docs/Perl6/Spec/Functions.pod:1547 documented? 19:27
* referenced
dlocaus fglock: what is perl6 "class Lit::SigArgument" supposed to do? 19:28
19:30 drrho left
dlocaus ah, nm 19:30
fglock it represents a signature item 19:31
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pmurias fglock: kp6-kp6 raises an error when run with -d:DProf on t/kp6/03-scalar.t 19:53
19:53 jferrero left
fglock looking 19:54
same here - same error with 5.10.0-RC2 too 19:57
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pmurias kp6 seems to attract strange errors 19:58
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dlocaus in perl6 is it legal to make an annoymous subroutine with arguments? IE 20:02
my $sub = sub ($arg1,$arg2,$arg3) {
say $arg1, $arg2, $arg3;
fglock yes 20:03
dlocaus ok, ty
fglock home & 20:06
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dlocaus @tell fglock could you please update "class Sub" in Visitor::Emit::Perl6? I attempted to figure out how "subroutines" should emited, but I couldn't figure it out. 20:22
lambdabot Consider it noted.
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pmurias dlocaus: ping 21:00
dlocaus pmurias: hi
pmurias dlocaus: hi 21:01
dlocaus pmurias: what's up?
pmurias have you looked at Emit::Perl5?
dlocaus pmurias: I didn't think to look at it. But, now having looked at it... 21:02
I don't think that helps me.
pmurias dlocaus: hard to sum up the current state of events
dlocaus pmurias: :) 21:03
pmurias: yeah, I know that the signature part of the code is currently being worked on.
pmurias dlocaus: i think it's the pads
dlocaus pmurias: right now, I'm running though the t/* test cases and attempting to run them though perl6 ie.. kp6 -Bperl6 test.pl | kp6 21:04
pmurias dlocaus: you could try taking the code structure from Emit::Perl5 21:05
no, that would not be a good idea 21:06
dlocaus pmurias: why not? 21:07
pmurias: the perl6 backend is supposed to produce valid perl. Ergo, compiling perl6 into perl6 should produce code that kp6 can execute.
pmurias i meant taking the structure from Emit::Perl5 21:08
dlocaus pmurias: oh.
pmurias it might be worth automating the kp6 -Bperl6 test.pl | kp6 process 21:09
dlocaus pmurias: that is what I'm doing now
pmurias ah 21:10
dlocaus: do you want me to to the Sub.emit_perl6 for you? 21:12
dlocaus pmurias: sure, if you can do that, that would be great!
pmurias: I looked at the documentation S06? for subs and my brain freaked out.
21:12 cognominal_ joined
[particle] once your brain is warped by perl 6, there's no turning back. 21:17
dlocaus [particle]: I hope not. That would mean I wouldn't be able to get a job until perl6 is done. 21:18
[particle] well, you may be able to work with ancient tools like perl 5, but you won't like it 21:23
21:24 Lorn left
dlocaus ;) 21:26
perl 5.10 + Perl6::*
pmurias ruby ;) 21:31
21:31 HiTech69 left
pugs_svn r19158 | pmurias++ | [kp6] very simplified and not fully working support for subs in Emit::Perl6 (per dlocaus request) 21:33
pmurias dlocaus: comitted something basic
21:33 cognominal_ left
avar 2 21:35
dlocaus pmurias: checking
pmurias avar: 2 means?
[particle] probably means wrong window :) 21:36
pugs_svn r19159 | dlo++ | [kp6] Added Lit::Char 21:38
21:41 pmurias left 21:46 Aankhen`` left 22:13 pbuetow left
pugs_svn r19160 | dlo++ | [kp6] I have cleaned up -B or --backend= option for script/kp6 22:18
r19160 | dlo++ |
r19160 | dlo++ | I have also added script/perl6_to_perl6.pl which will execute a file as in
r19160 | dlo++ |
r19160 | dlo++ | script/kp6 --backend=perl6 myPerl6TestFile.t | script/kp6
r19160 | dlo++ |
r19160 | dlo++ | This makes sure that the perl6 backend produces valid perl6 code.
r19160 | dlo++ |
22:18 pbuetow joined
pugs_svn r19160 | dlo++ | perldoc script/perl6_to_perl6.pl for more information. 22:18
r19160 | dlo++ |
r19160 | dlo++ | Also. perl script/run_tests.pl --backend=perl6
r19160 | dlo++ | will execute all test cases via perl6_to_perl6.pl
r19160 | dlo++ |
dlocaus @karma dlo
lambdabot dlo has a karma of 167
pugs_svn r19160 | dlo++ | dlocaus @ #perl6 irc.freenode.net
Auzon If you revert, do you get a --? ;) 22:19
dlocaus I don't know.. I've never reverted code.
I've always svn cat -r( old version) files; svn commit -m " more karma " files; 22:20
Auzon heheh
dlocaus @karma fglock
lambdabot fglock has a karma of 427
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