»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
dalek ast: 23dd517 | moritz++ | S10-packages/basic.t:
[S10] relax error message recogniion a bit
kudo: 76425ab | moritz++ | src/ (11 files):
Unify "Can't" and "Can not" and "Cannot" in error messages to "Cannot"
dalek d: 430e3d6 | moritz++ | / (4 files):
dalek ecza: d6ca04a | moritz++ | / (4 files):
unify error messages to use "Cannot"
moritz_ hugme: list projects 09:07
hugme moritz_: I know about Math-Model, Math-RungeKutta, MiniDBI, bench-scripts, book, gge, hugme, ilbot, java2perl6, json, modules.perl6.org, november, nqp-rx, nqpbook, perl6, perl6-examples, perl6-wtop, proto, pugs, rakudo, star, svg-matchdumper, svg-plot, tardis, try.rakudo.org, tufte, ufo, web, yapsi
moritz_ hugme: add moritz to yapsi 09:08
hugme hugs moritz. Welcome to yapsi!
jdhore hugs hugme
dalek psi: 423894a | moritz++ | lib/Yapsi.pm:
regularize error messages to use "Cannot"
moritz_ .u ω 10:45
Layla_91 yaw o/ 12:14
moritz_ \o 12:16
dalek ast: 4806917 | moritz++ | S05-mass/recursive.t:
[recursive.t] niecza++ implements LTM, and thus detected that this test was wrong. Fixed by changing | to ||
dalek ecza: 3cc93a7 | moritz++ | t/spectest.data:
anoter passing test file
moritz_ should learn to spel before committing 12:21
Layla_91 jnthn: ping? 12:30
erm.. coming back soon.. 12:32
donri any point in building parrot/rakudo with --optimize? 18:11
dukeleto donri: yes, if you want it to run faster
donri: build time increases slightly, it will run faster, and occasionally find a bug in a compiler 18:12
donri ok thanks 18:13
moritz_ donri: --gen-parrot automatically adds --optimize 20:48
masak lol hi zebras 21:22
mberends \o masak
masak got room 314 o/
rakudo: floor pi * 100 21:23
p6eval rakudo 76425a: ( no output ) 21:23
masak rakudo: say floor pi * 100
tadzik hello zebra :)
p6eval rakudo 76425a: OUTPUT«314␤»
masak the room is an odd mixture of new elements and decades-old infrastructure.
masak I don't know if I've told y'all, but I'm doing a Perl 6 kata in public tomorrow. 21:26
not at GoOpen per se, but at a meetup later in the evening.
tadzik Perl 6 kata? 21:28
masak right. there's four of us, each doing the same kata in some language. 21:31
the other three are doing it in Ruby, Java, and JavaScript.
this is all thanks to sjn++, who got me over to GoOpen and put me in the kata session. 21:32
tadzik so a set of educational exercises?
masak the concept 'kata' is from martial arts, IIUC.
it's a set of simple movements that you do over and over again.
their purpose is not to push the limits so much as to practice the basics. 21:33
here's the kata we're going to do: codingdojo.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?KataMinesweeper 21:34
the time limit is 15-20 minutes.
(per person; we're going one after the other) 21:35
masak moritz_++ # Yes We Cannot 21:39
moritz_ even yapsi cannot 21:41
masak it can't "can't"
so, anyway. I ran through the kata for the first time on the plane here. at minute 29 I got to the nice refactorings. :) 21:44
more speed. I need it.
I think I might have wasted some speed in the first run thinking about data structures. 21:45
TimToady rosettacode.org/wiki/Minesweeper_game#Perl_6 22:03
shortcircuit should create a 'hunt the wumpus' task. 22:05
mberends rakudo: my $t1=now.to-posix[0]; my $t2=now.to-posix[0];($t2-$t1).fmt("%7.6f").say; 22:11
p6eval rakudo 76425a: OUTPUT«0.298105␤»
mberends rakudo: my $t1=pir::time__N; my $t2=pir::time__N;($t2-$t1).fmt("%7.6f").say;
p6eval rakudo 76425a: OUTPUT«0.000190␤»
mberends 190 microseconds versus 298 milliseconds - not good 22:12
this is the cause of my spectest slowdown panic - my own stopwatch change :/ 22:13
I'll revert the change soon, with source code comments explaining why 22:14
masak TimToady: thanks. the kata is actually a lot easier than that, though. there's no KaBoom. :) 22:17
shortcircuit: if you do, make sure it's on a real randomized dodecahedron! ;)
TimToady: oh, *that's* where I saw that nice neighbour for loop! I was groping for it today on the plane. 22:18
I'm hoping to be able to build up to that.
masak whoa! there's a balcony! o.O 22:32
mberends pi in the sky?
masak sure, if you're referring to the enlarged moon... :P 22:34
mberends mmm, green cheez
masak my mind is just spinning its wheels. I think it wants sleep. 22:41
'night, #perl6.
mberends o/ masak 22:42
dalek kudo: 841b2cb | mberends++ | Test.pm:
[Test.pm] read real time clock with pir::time__N instead of now.to-posix[0] because the latter is very much slower