pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4]
Set by diakopter on 25 June 2007.
Limbic_Region what's up with all the topic changing? 00:34
diakopter don't go to the image urls 00:36
Aankhen`` diakopter: But they're so tempting!
diakopter someone has a serious grudge...
Aankhen`` Must… see… pretty… pictures… 00:37
Limbic_Region too late 00:38
diakopter :( 00:39
Jmax heh, is that geneva wall? 00:48
svnbot6 r16718 | Aankhen++ | * misc/irclog/IrcLog.pm: forgot a bit of supporting code for the style changes. 02:08
pasteling "evalbot_r16717" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25799 02:09
dduncan I just got an email from openfoundry.org ... is Pugs still using that, or is it all migrated away now? 03:10
eg, is pugscode.org completely separate?
kolibrie afaik, pugscode.org is now completely feather, but there is a mirror still at openfoundry.org 03:14
at least for the repo
Aankhen`` dduncan: What's next after Muldis::DB? A Parrot implementation? ;-) 04:24
dduncan if its a good idea, then yes ... preferable to C I imagine 04:52
Aankhen`` Heh. 04:54
Forgive me if this is in the docs already—I'm reading ::Language right now—but what is your timeline for Muldis::DB?
Alias_ dduncan: So if there any demo code for Muldis::DB? 05:09
Actual working apps?
dduncan hello again ... to answer your questions ... 05:17
the closest-to-working demo code is in Validator.pm 05:18
that code defines a query and some test data, and asks it to be executed
it all works, afaik
Alias_ So no actual storage engine?
(What did I mention last time?) :)
dduncan that said, because the Example engine is mostly unimplemented, the query simply returns Bool::False, the wrong answer
as for a timeline, I plan to flesh out Language.pod and get the Example engine ready enough for real work over the next month 05:19
my next main task is similar to those that defined the Perl 6 metamodel prototype and/or Moose
I have to define and implement the Muldis D metamodel 05:20
unlike in Perl 6, you do everything against the metamodel, not just optional things at runtime
Alias_ ok
dduncan this is analagous to how, in SQL, you run "create table" et al at runtime
Alias_ ya
I'm mostly interested in practical things though 05:21
So I keep an eye on stuff, just want to see what it can do
dduncan in Muldis DB, you do schema manipulation by updating the catalog database
that is, you update the analogy to SQL's information schema
any 'create table' statements are just shorthand for that
similarly, you update the catalog to define your own data types and operators et al 05:22
and you update the catalog to perform analogies to connect/disconnect
in Perl terms, Muldis DB operates like a 'tie' interface
though its actual API for perl is pure OO 05:23
Alias_ yeah, but I just wanna see it running :)
dduncan presumably, a wrapper for Muldis DB could implement a persistence trait, eg, my $foo is Database
Alias_ And see what I can do that's new and cool with it
dduncan hopefully you'll be able to do stuff in 2-4 weeks
Alias_ goodo 05:24
I'll keep watching recent
dduncan my short term plan is docs this week, impl next week
fyi, in Muldis DB, a Database is simply a Tuple whose elements are all of type Relation, and a Database is optionally persistent through tie-like functionality ... a loose perl analogy is that a Database is a Hash, and a persisting one is a tied Hash 05:25
except hash elements are arbitrarily complex 05:26
I think this is rather different than the DBI approach, which is more like treating data storage through a pipe, rather than a tie
kolibrie I'm presenting at YAPC::NA in 14 hours 05:30
Tene yay!
kolibrie anyone who can proofread my slides, please do: pugscode.org/~kolibrie/extraction.xul 05:31
leave comments here or send me an e-mail
Tene kolibrie: what's it on?
kolibrie regexes
@tell TimToady the slides you could not proofread are available now - at least the first draft 05:33
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Tene kolibrie: how many slides, btw? 05:39
kolibrie 62
moritz re 05:40
Aankhen``: pong and updated
Aankhen``: looks good ;)
@tell diakopter re spam: cleared up, thanks for the hint 05:41
lambdabot Consider it noted.
kolibrie @tell TimToady pugscode.org/~kolibrie/extraction.xul 05:45
lambdabot Consider it noted.
kolibrie sleeps 05:46
bsb dduncan++, I'm also watching developments 05:54
Alias_ kolibrie: Doing so now 05:55
I saw there blinking at the regex for a few seconds, confused
I sat ... 05:56
I'd skip the "Breakdown" slide 05:57
And go straight from the raw "token presenter" one to the highlighted one 05:58
Also, the sizes are varying slightly
dunno if that's whitespace interacting with the takahashi-generator-thingy
or because you are bolding the highlightinh? 05:59
But it's highly distracting
Alias_ And again, pages like "Recursion" break the flow of the talk, because you blank out the slide then make me read it looking for differences from my memory 06:01
If you are going to do that, put a copy of the previous slide repeated after the single-world slide
Alias_ Otherwise, it looks ok 06:02
insomuch as it's takahashi and I don't have an audio track :)
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 06:23
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Tene ...
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Plugin `tell' failed with: IRCRaised thread killed
Consider it noted.
Plugin `tell' failed with: IRCRaised thread killed
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 06:24
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
JoLLyRoGr @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Muddy1 @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
markov @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Consider it noted. 06:25
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <#
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <#
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Alias_ uuuuum
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
Mafawaaaa @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3 LUV U
lambdabot Consider it noted.
ayesha @tell TimToady a.photos.cx/geneva-6f2.png <3 WE'RE GONNA RAPE GENEVA <3 LUV U
lambdabot Consider it noted.
moritz anybody with op around?
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Alias_ someone want to flush those out before he sees them? 06:26
lamdabot, status
lambdabot, status
What I find interesting is that the freenode staffer was following them 06:28
moritz just cleared up the logs again 06:31
Aankhen`` Hola moritz. :-) 06:41
moritz hi Aankhen`` ;)
Aankhen`` Any comments on the CSS tweaks? 06:42
moritz I quite like the new layout ;)
Aankhen`` :-D
I'm trying to figure out why my "new-nick" class is being left out.
moritz looks at the diff
Aankhen`` (There oughtn't be those dark gray lines where a group of white lines is followed by a group of gray lines.) 06:42
(Or rather, there shouldn't be that one dark gray line where the two intersect.) 06:43
moritz is that a perl or a css problem?
Aankhen`` I'm checking.
Okay, looks like the "new-nick" class is indeed there, so it's a CSS problem. I fix!
Oh, just a silly precedence issue. 06:45
moritz I just figured that out by myself as well
a simple !important fixes that
Aankhen`` More than one way to skin a cat. ;-)
moritz how would you fix it?
moritz doesn't like !important if there is a cleaner way 06:46
Aankhen`` If you notice, the selectors are `#log foo, bar`. That is, "any `foo` element under #log OR any `bar` element".
svnbot6 r16719 | Aankhen++ | * misc/irclog/cgi/style.css: fix for precedence issue.
Aankhen`` I just made it `#log foo, #log bar`.
And d'oh, it's not precedence, it's specificity. Lack of sleep addles my brain. :-| 06:47
moritz parses fault tolerant ;) 06:48
Aankhen`` Hehe.
Okay, now, I wanted to run something by you.
I wrote a little snippet to hook into the output chain in IrcLog.pm and expand common techie abbreviations.
moritz thought about linking [STD.pm] to its repository URL 06:49
Aankhen`` I'm not sure I follow. 06:50
You mean any occurrence of "[STD.pm]" would be replaced with a link to the file in the repo?
moritz Aankhen``: you can either send/paste the patch, or commit it to the repository
Aankhen`` Well, thing is, I don't want to break the logs, and I'm having a little trouble getting a test environment up and running.
moritz Aankhen``: I'll test it locally before 'svn up'ping on the server
Aankhen`` Ah, good.
Aankhen`` fixes up the patch.
moritz Aankhen``: right 06:51
hi renormalist ;)
pasteling "Aankhen" at pasted "IrcLog.pm patch" (43 lines, 1.1K) at sial.org/pbot/25802 06:52
"Aankhen" at pasted "Sample abbr.dat" (32 lines, 1K) at sial.org/pbot/25803 06:53
Aankhen`` moritz: Those two together *ought* to work, but since I can't test it, I may have done something exceedingly stupid. :-P 06:53
Okay, so I could easily do stupid things even if I tested, but who cares? ;-)
moritz tests 06:54
Aankhen`` moritz: BTW, just so you know, grouping lines from one nick and alternating the background colours may be simple, but it's brilliant. 06:55
moritz thanks ;)
Aankhen`` I don't understand why more loggers don't do that.
I mean, it just makes sense.
moritz says an abbreviation to test, for example PCR 06:56
renormalist hi moritz 06:57
moritz Aankhen``: on first glimpse your patch seems to be a noop
Aankhen``: I'll see if I can find why 06:58
Aankhen`` Oh, whoops, I probably need to update &output_process to default to abbrs.
my $rule = shift || "links"; # s/links/abbrs/
Aankhen`` kolibrie: Where you talk about recursion (slide 31 in particular), you could use <~~> instead of spelling out the full name of the rule. ^_^ 07:00
moritz Aankhen``: is there a good reason to declare sub expand_abbrs inside the block? 07:01
Aankhen`` moritz: I figured I could limit the scope of %abbrs hash; no other reason. 07:02
I was trying not to pollute, but in retrospect it seems silly.
moritz Aankhen``: I'll ammend that
oh no, I think you got a good point there ;) 07:03
Aankhen`` Kewl.
I'm starting to think I'd rather read the logs than stare at my mIRC screen. :-P 07:04
moritz Aankhen``: _but_ you are not stripping whitespaces from the key
Aankhen`` Oops.
The separator should be /\s*---\s*/
moritz right
Aankhen`` split('---', $_, 3) => split(/\s*---\s*/, $_, 3)
moritz atm it turns PCR into <abbr title=""></abbr> 07:05
Aankhen`` Progress!
Right, let me see.
moritz ;)
though shalt not rely on match variables 07:06
Aankhen`` return qq{<abbr title="} . encode_entities($abbrs{uc $1}, '<>&"') . qq{">} . encode_entities($1). qq{</abbr>}; => return qq{<abbr title="} . encode_entities($abbrs{uc $abbr}[1], '<>&"') . qq{">} . encode_entities($abbr). qq{</abbr>};
moritz because you are calling encode_entities, and you don't know what that will do to your $1 07:07
Aankhen`` Yeah, the $1s were a thinko.
Aankhen`` wonders if the explicit calls to encode_entities might result in double-encoding. 07:08
moritz it doesn't
Aankhen`` Ah, whew. 07:09
svnbot6 r16720 | moritz++ | [irclog] 07:10
r16720 | moritz++ | * added abbreviation "database", courtesy to Aankhen``++
r16720 | moritz++ | * changed die() to confess()
Aankhen`` Yay. 07:11
moritz: A design flaw which I'm not sure how to fix is that if there are no abbrs, the RE ends up empty and it'll match like /<null>/.
Or maybe that's a feature. I'm not quite sure.
svnbot6 r16721 | moritz++ | [irclog] added abbr.dat, Aankhen``++ moritz--
Aankhen`` LOL. 07:12
moritz moritz.faui2k3.org/irclog/out.pl?ch...26#id_l192 YaY!
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-06-26, tinyurl.com/yqtjdz
Aankhen`` Yay!
I shall see about adding some more terms to the DB.
pasteling "evalbot_r16719" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25804
Aankhen`` (Needless to say, everyone is welcome to add anything that seems techie. I figure stuff like AFAIK and so on doesn't belong in there, but that's just my opinion.) 07:13
moritz Aankhen``: I agree on that
Aankhen`` Right, I'm going to go through the logs for a bit and add whatever I see. :-) 07:13
moritz yesterday I received my copy of "perl best practices" ;) 07:14
p5p could be added
wolverian perl beast practices 07:15
Aankhen`` p5p is perl5-porters, right?
moritz Aankhen``: right
Aankhen`` adds.
moritz Aankhen``: don't commit... 07:17
Aankhen`` OK. 07:18
moritz Aankhen``: I'll adjust whitespaces
Aankhen`` Sure.
moritz which, of course, breaks the <abbr> thingy
:( 07:19
Aankhen`` Where did you adjust whitespace?
moritz in abbr.dat
I algined all separators
Aankhen`` Hum. That's weird.
\s*---\s*, right?
moritz right
Aankhen`` I don't get it. 07:20
moritz and I don't understand why :(
Aankhen`` Commit what you have so I can look at it?
moritz I'll do a small sanity check first
Aankhen`` Okay.
moritz must be something else... I reverted the file, and it still doesn't work locally 07:21
moritz is puzzled
Aankhen`` Strange.
moritz is too stupid 07:23
svnbot6 r16722 | moritz++ | [irclog] whitespace-aligned abbr.dat
moritz I moved abbr.dat to cgi/, and didn't change the symlink in my /var/www/ dir
Aankhen`` LOL.
moritz and since you were defensive (no die() or confess() but rather do nothing) i didn't notice ;) 07:24
Aankhen`` Heh.
moritz so of course my stupidity is your fault ;) 07:25
Aankhen`` looks ashamed.
moritz I can't help but thinking that the irc logs are a bit overkill ;) 07:27
but it's fun hacking them
-O fun of course ;)
Aankhen`` I like looking at them. =)
I'm sorry to keep bugging you over them, though. 07:28
moritz don't be... as I said, it's fun ;)
Aankhen`` =)
moritz Aankhen``: look at (a few lines down ;) 07:30
lambdabot tinyurl.com/29b26c
moritz the nick REPLeffect is half <abbr>ified 07:31
Aankhen`` Oh, yes, I was just fixing that, heh.
I forgot my \bs.
moritz maybe we should add a (?:\b <rest of regex> \b) 07:31
of course wrong... \b(?:...)\b is right 07:32
pasteling "evalbot_r16722" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25805 07:33
svnbot6 r16723 | Aankhen++ | [irclog]:
r16723 | Aankhen++ | * ignore comments and malformed acronym entries.
r16723 | Aankhen++ | * don't expand abbreviations within words.
r16724 | Aankhen++ | [irclog]
r16724 | Aankhen++ | * more acronyms.
r16724 | Aankhen++ | * only expand SVN (uppercase).
r16725 | Aankhen++ | [irclog]
r16725 | Aankhen++ | * show help cursor over abbreviations.
Aankhen`` o_O
moritz @karma Aankhen``
lambdabot Aankhen`` has a karma of 5
moritz perlbot: karma Aankhen`` 07:34
perlbot Karma for Aankhen``: 26
moritz ;)
Aankhen`` @karma Aankhen
lambdabot Aankhen has a karma of 13
Aankhen`` Yey.
moritz of course, svnbot6 doesn't know about your ``s 07:34
Aankhen`` Yeah, my alias is just "Aankhen". The backticks are decorative. 07:35
Aankhen`` hides.
Aankhen`` trawls for more acronyms. 07:36
moritz somehow 16723 broke the abbr thing again I'm afraid :( 07:37
Aankhen`` :-S 07:38
moritz next if /^\#?/; 07:39
I'm afraid that matches always
Aankhen`` Fixed.
moritz not quite it seems :( 07:41
svnbot6 r16726 | Aankhen++ | * misc/irclog/IrcLog.pm: fixed idiotic "handling" of "comments".
Aankhen`` 16726 didn't fix it?
moritz the server is at r16726
Aankhen`` What happens if you comment out the `next unless length $pattern...`?
moritz nothing 07:42
Aankhen`` And if you comment out `next if /^#/`?
moritz first I'll revert all local changes ;)
Aankhen`` Heh, okay.
moritz no change 07:43
Aankhen`` sighs.
moritz are you sure about the precedence of \bfoo|bar|baz\b ?
Aankhen`` I'm probably getting it wrong. 07:44
You want to stick in the parentheses?
I'll trawl for more abbreviations.
moritz I try that one
Aankhen`` wonders what 6PAN expands to. 07:46
pasteling "evalbot_r16726" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25806 07:48
svnbot6 r16727 | moritz++ | [irclog] fixed abbreviation regex
Aankhen`` H'ray.
Can the other lines be uncommented now? 07:50
moritz oh, wait, i forgot that
Aankhen`` Hehe. 07:51
svnbot6 r16728 | moritz++ | [irclog] allow comments in abbr.dat again, Aankhen++ 07:54
r16729 | Aankhen++ | * misc/irclog/cgi/abbr.dat: more abbreviations!
Aankhen`` moritz: Had another thought, not sure how it would work look, but: how about if there was a column between the time and the nick, where you could stick a * if the line was an action?" 07:55
moritz Aankhen``: but that would look quite differently from how it's done in an IRC client 07:59
Aankhen`` True.
And thinking about it, I don't think it would look very good.
moritz: Problem. moritz.faui2k3.org/irclog/out.pl?ch...22#id_l170 08:01
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-04-22, tinyurl.com/23setw
Aankhen`` Maybe the abbreviations should come later in the chain.
moritz yes, they should 08:02
done 08:04
luckily that's a trivial fix ;)
I like that output filtering scheme 08:05
svnbot6 r16730 | moritz++ | [irclog] fixed order of output filtering to prevent abbreviations from
r16730 | moritz++ | breaking Links
pasteling "evalbot_r16729" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25807 08:09
Aankhen`` moritz: Yes, the filtering scheme is great. ^_^ 08:11
Aankhen`` Oh, moritz, did you give any more thought to truncating URIs for display (with the full URI still linked and in the `title` attribute) instead of breaking them up? 08:20
moritz Aankhen``: no, I forgot that :( 08:22
Aankhen`` Well, basically, what do you think of it?
moritz Aankhen``: I'll implement it and see how it looks
Aankhen`` Okay.
Now I have another problem.
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-04-23, tinyurl.com/ysx9t7
Aankhen`` See the "io". It has no title attribute, because the key is I/O (the pattern is "I/?O"). 08:23
I'm not sure how to fix that.
One option is to create separate entries for all the variations. 08:24
lumi_ moritz++ Aankhen++
Aankhen`` I'd have to do the same for PoCo-?IRC, JPE?G and MPE?G.
Aankhen`` lumi: You like? ^_^ 08:24
lumi Yes, those are disturbingly cool 08:25
Aankhen`` Yay.
lumi (auto-annotating logs)++
moritz how do I get the last $n chars of a string? 08:26
substr($str, -$n, $n) or something?
Aankhen`` substr str, 0 - $n
Or $n * -1 or whatever. 08:27
(Just pass a negative value for the offset.)
moritz ok, thanks
Aankhen`` I suppose if I go the route of adding each variation as a separate entry, I could just make each key a normal string and have the third field be a flag indicating whether it's case-insensitive.
It just seems inelegant. 08:28
pmurias hi 08:29
svnbot6 r16731 | Aankhen++ | * [irclog] yet more abbreviations; only expand uppercase GHC.
Aankhen`` Hola pmurias.
pmurias testing the abbreviations: kp6 08:30
pmurias works ;) 08:30
Aankhen`` grins. 08:31
moritz ghc-6.7 # another test 08:32
svnbot6 r16732 | moritz++ | [irclog] long URLs are now displayed with [...] instead of inserting spaces
Aankhen`` Yay, moritz++
moritz: Mind if I fiddle a bit with that? :-P 08:33
Yeesh, I have an overwhelming urge to fiddle with things.
LOL. moritz.faui2k3.org/irclog/out.pl?ch...24#id_l234 # abbreviation fun! 08:34
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-04-24, tinyurl.com/2xjg23
moritz Aankhen``: if you want to do something _really_ usefull to the logs, you could come up with a few more visually distinct generic nick\d classes
Aankhen`` notes a TODO item: try and not expand abbreviations multiple times in the same line.
moritz Aankhen``: feel free
pasteling "evalbot_r16731" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25808
Aankhen`` moritz: I'm not crazy. :-P
moritz Aankhen``: you're welcome to add a TODO file, of course ;) 08:35
Aankhen`` Eh, it's just a mental list.
So anyway. Hacking on logs is way fun.
moritz in perl 6 I'd do it like that: a regex for (?:i)jpe?g sets uses a capture to bind $id := 'JPG' 08:36
is that a capture? I don't think so 08:37
svnbot6 r16733 | Aankhen++ | * [irclog] tweaked display of truncated URIs.
moritz Aankhen``: don't do that!
Aankhen`` Don't do what?
lambdabot tinyurl.com/yqknco 08:38
moritz use the appropriate unicode codepoint instead of &hellip;
Aankhen`` Er, okay.
lumi moritz.faui2k3.org/irclog/out.pl?ch...24#id_l373 08:39
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-04-24, tinyurl.com/2xjg23
Aankhen`` lumi: Is there a problem?
lumi I'm not sure, just the CPAN module being half-abbrev-explained seems weird to me 08:40
So I'm mentioning it
svnbot6 r16734 | Aankhen++ | * [irclog] moritz++ (use the appropriate unicode codepoint instead of &hellip;)
Aankhen`` Well, only the MOP is an abbreviation.
lumi That's true
moritz has the crazy feeling that somebody will suggest linking to cpan pages
lumi It makes sense, it just seems weird
Aankhen`` I know what you mean… undecided on what to do with it.
lumi moritz: How about linking to CPAN pages? :P 08:41
Aankhen`` giggles.
moritz ;-)
lumi But that might not be a good idea in a channel where people mention P6 modules, and those look the same
Aankhen`` /(\w+::\w+(?:::\w+)*)/ => <a href="search.cpan.org/dist/$1">$1</a>
That ought to work, but as you said, there's the whole P6 thing.
moritz Aankhen``: are the URLs now displayed correctly?
the font that my firefox uses doesn't seem to know about … 08:42
Aankhen`` Nope, it seems the Unicode codepoint was mangled.
lumi It's broken here
Aankhen`` That's why I didn't want to put it in the source. Perl tends to mangle Unicode directly in there.
I'll do an sprintf or something. One sec.
eval: sprintf("%s", 8230) 08:43
buubot Aankhen``: 8230
Aankhen`` Ergh. My sprintf-fu is gone.
evalbot_r16715: sprintf("%c", 8230)
eval: sprintf("%c", 8230)
buubot Aankhen``: 16893: Wide character in print at plugins/eval.pm line 32. …
Aankhen`` Well, that didn't work.
lumi eval : "\x{8230}"
buubot lumi: 16970: Wide character in print at plugins/eval.pm line 32. 舰
lumi Or wait, that's decimal? 08:44
Aankhen`` moritz: Just out of curiosity, what's wrong with &hellip;?
lumi: Aye.
eval: sprintf("%c", 2026)
buubot Aankhen``: 17137: Wide character in print at plugins/eval.pm line 32. ߪ
moritz Aankhen``: It's displayed as &hellip;, not as ...
Aankhen`` Ah.
lumi eval : "\x{2026}"
buubot lumi: 17227: Wide character in print at plugins/eval.pm line 32. …
lumi Just a warning 08:45
Aankhen`` moritz: Hold on, what if you add a `use utf8` at the top of the file?
moritz Aankhen``: I have no problem with that
Aankhen`` moritz: Could you see if it works?
I think the bare … should work like that.
moritz it does indeed 08:46
Aankhen`` Great, Firefox decided now was a good time to crash.
Excellent. 08:48
svnbot6 r16735 | moritz++ | [irclog] added 'use utf8' to fix &hellip; and adjusted string lengths of
r16735 | moritz++ | displayed URLs
Aankhen`` moritz: Does it look okay to you?
Aankhen`` Also, LOL, I didn't realize we had a lisppaste in here. 08:48
moritz Aankhen``: it's OK but not great... I think it's too unobstrusive 08:49
but perhaps I'm the only one thinking so
Aankhen`` Maybe it could do with square brackets around it?
My only quibble was with using three full periods rather than an ellipsis.
pasteling "evalbot_r16734" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25809 08:50
Aankhen`` (My personal opinion was that the brackets tend to break up the flow a bit, but perhaps that wouldn't be as bad with a proper ellipsis.)
moritz I think I like that better 08:51
Aankhen`` Shall I make it so or shall you?
moritz not worth a commit, but the next commit from me will modify that ;)
Aankhen`` Heh.
I figure everything's worth a commit. ;-)
moritz ok, as you wish
Aankhen`` Eh, I meant that was how I do it. :-P 08:52
I didn't mean you had to commit immediately.
moritz but if you want to fiddle with it it's better if you have the latest version
Aankhen`` I'm just trawling for acronyms right now.
Got side-tracked when I saw your commit, actually.
Does it seem reasonable to exclude two letter acronyms? 08:53
svnbot6 r16736 | moritz++ | [irclog] slightly modfied display of URLs
moritz I hate to say that, but I think we have enough acronyms for now, if something's missing we'll notice it while backlogging ;)
Aankhen`` I'm just going through the logs and adding stuff.
I'll stop if it's bugging you, heh.
moritz no, it's not bugging me ;) 08:54
Aankhen`` Actually, I think I'll stop after this one (2007-04-24).
moritz I just think it's a waste of time, but after all it's your time ;) 08:55
Aankhen`` Yeah, I tend to spend a lot of time on silly things and not enough on important things. I have no idea why. :-S
moritz because silly things are -Ofun? 08:56
Aankhen`` Yes, that's probably it.
And stuff like this has immediate results.
moritz backlogs dilbert ;) 08:58
Aankhen`` Always fun.
Though I have to admit I don't stay up-to-date.
moritz www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/arch...70617.html *lol* 08:59
lambdabot Title: Dilbert Comic Strip Archive - Dilbert.com - The Official Dilbert Website by Scot ..., tinyurl.com/2bcjlh
moritz you don't have to stay up-to-date to understand most of them ;)
Aankhen`` ROTFL. 09:00
Aankhen`` Yeah, what I meant was that I don't follow it. 09:00
I love Dilbert but I can't get myself to follow it.
moritz usually I follow for two, three days, then forget it for a week or two and then "backlog" it ;) 09:01
Aankhen`` Heh.
I've started reading two comics in weekly batches recently (Questionable Content and XKCD).
I'm really going to stop backlogging in this buffer and use the logs instead. They're so much more pleasant on the eyes than mIRC dearest. 09:03
svnbot6 r16737 | Aankhen++ | * [irclog] more abbreviations
moritz I'd plead to remove DOS, because often enough that's "Denial of Service" 09:04
Aankhen`` I could add that as another possible expansion. 09:05
moritz that _should_ be DoS of course, but often we are inconcise
pasteling "evalbot_r16736" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25810
Aankhen`` moritz: Which is better, removing it entirely or adding "Denial of Service" as a second definition? 09:06
(i.e. "Disk Operating System OR Denial of Service")
Though I suppose DoS might be more appropriate for #perl6. I dunno. 09:07
moritz I'd just remove it, so we don't run the risk of ambigouty (or however you spell that)
Aankhen`` Okay.
svnbot6 r16738 | Aankhen++ | * [irclog] removed DOS from list of abbreviations. 09:09
Aankhen`` | bed & 09:10
moritz sleep well ;) 09:11
moritz xkcd.com/c224.html that's _so_ true ;-) 09:23
lambdabot Title: xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
devbot6 dev: Ticket #24 (defect closed): zoeoxpip <dev.pugscode.org/ticket/24#comment:1> 11:37
svnbot6 r16739 | moritz++ | [irclog] url anchors may contain a colon (trac uses that) 11:46
pasteling "evalbot_r16738" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25813 11:48
kolibrie Alias_: thanks for your comments - I repeated tho slide after 'Recursion' to make it flow better 11:57
as far as the size changes due to highlighting, I've tried tweaking the css but have not figured out how to fix it 11:58
see pugscode.org/~kolibrie/takahashi.css
kolibrie Aankhen``: ooh, thank you for pointing me at <~~> 12:06
kolibrie fixes
Aankhen``: the <~~> change caused some serious text-size changes, but I think I got it looking okay now 12:20
moritz kolibrie: after the "Extract" slide my firefox loops 12:22
it workw with epiphany though ;) 12:25
s/workw/works/ 12:28
kolibrie moritz: weird - it doesn't loop on my galeon either - but disconcerting nevertheless
moritz kolibrie: perhaps it's the mass of the debian patches (in fact it's an "iceweasel", not a "firefox" ;)
kolibrie moritz: I doubt that, but possible 12:29
wolverian googling for "irc log search" gives a lot of #perl6 logs :) 12:30
I wonder why..
kolibrie others who want to proofread my slides for my talk in 7 hours, please do: pugscode.org/~kolibrie/extraction.xul
wolverian will do
moritz wolverian: good search engine optimization ;) 12:31
kolibrie heads to breakfast
drbean /sb end 12:32
wolverian yeah, the change between slides 16 and 17 is weird
ah, slide 16 isn't properly aligned
kolibrie, so why aren't you using a html parser? ;) 12:33
moritz wonders if html_embedded_text really matches what it should 12:35
I think it doesn't match the last char before the first '<'
wolverian slide 35 is weird. it's just the line again. I guess that's the "yay, it's parsed" slide, and the match object would be too big to show on one slide? :)
moritz why not just use <-[<]]>* ? 12:35
Juerd <-[]> is so hard to type. I wonder if a nicer syntax could be invented without changing almost everything. 12:36
wolverian on my keyboard it's almost easier than [^], because ^ requires shift-key,space .. 12:37
moritz Juerd: but it's still nicer than recursion with zero-width assertions
Juerd moritz: Not syntactically
moritz Juerd: right
Juerd \a[abc], \A[abc] (a for any)
moritz wouldn't object to that 12:38
Juerd Keeping <[]-[]> around.
Juerd But only for the more complex cases 12:38
moritz could that be done with a macro? 12:39
Juerd I assume it could.
moritz @tell agentzh how hard would it be to add the smoke results of other perl 6 implementations to the test smartlinks in the Synopsis? 13:23
lambdabot Consider it noted.
TimToady kolibrie: I don't understand why you're doubling all the $$ on $$match and elsewhere. 13:43
lambdabot TimToady: You have 74 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
TimToady also, on the next to last slide, it'd probably be cleaner to use qq:to/END/ and interpolate 13:44
you can indent it all too in p6 13:45
spinclad TimToady: most of lambdabot's messages for you are Spam
(dunno if all)
TimToady yeah, I know. don't sweat it.
I believe the first one is from kolibrie :) 13:46
I would like to think that the rest of them aren't... :) 13:47
[particle1 msg spam? wow.
spinclad from somebody's Spam farm. probably malware embedded in the .png, i venture. 'Fan Mail' from a Real Fan. 13:50
(same link as the #topic spam earlier.) 13:52
[particle] oh, didn't notice that either. we must be popular.
spinclad somebody '<3's TimToady 13:53
TimToady I don't recall stomping on anyone's pet gerbil lately. 13:54
spinclad Evil Overlords United, maybe? trying to gain World Domination without the true Virtues. 13:56
TimToady doubtless 13:57
biab &
[particle] where's underdog when you need him?
agentzh g'evening 14:07
lambdabot agentzh: You have 2 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
agentzh @messages
lambdabot Aankhen`` said 5d 17h 37m 36s ago: I didn't fix it… I couldn't even reproduce it. :-S
moritz said 44m 8s ago: how hard would it be to add the smoke results of other perl 6 implementations to the test smartlinks in the Synopsis?
agentzh moritz: it's traightforward. 14:08
moritz: what smartlinks.pl needs is merely a smoke.yml 14:09
thoughtpolice oi, after hard hours of gaming, a good drink is all the better. :)
agentzh moritz: the current smoke harness can be easily switched to things other than ./pugs via an env called HARNESS_PUGS 14:10
auto-smoke already does that since it needs a limited pugs (limited_pugs) :) 14:11
agentzh kolibrie: i'm reading your slides. it's pretty interesting because i'm currently studying the internals of PCR. 14:12
kolibrie: is the step-by-step parsing process highlighting generated by hand or by your program? 14:13
kolibrie: i've also been thinking about graphical regex tracing utilities like that (for PCR) these days.
not sure if PGE and PCR have already provided this kind of things 14:14
i believe it's damn useful for debugging grammars and parsers
[particle] pge doesn't have a graphical anything 14:15
agentzh fglock: i'm happy to see PCR is easier to understand than i expected :)
[particle]: thanks
[particle]: is anyone working on something like that?
[particle] however you can emit things along th eway 14:16
--target=parse , --target=PAST
agentzh hmm
[particle] that will emit the parse tree, ast, or pir
GREAT for debugging
agentzh *nod*
i'll try to work out a prototype for PCR in the near future 14:17
i haven't touched PIR and PGE yet :P 14:18
first of all, i think it's wise to write some unit tests for PCR's perl 5 emitters. at least it's helpful for understanding the code :) 14:19
PCR's emitter looks a bit messy...
[particle] agentzh: by graphic, do you mean like a directed graph?
agentzh [particle]: no, i mean the stuff presented in kolibrie's slides
[particle] oh, haven't looked
agentzh pugscode.org/~kolibrie/extraction.xul 14:20
[particle] you may find pmichaud's presentation interesting: www.pmichaud.com/2007/pres/yapc-pct/
lambdabot Title:
agentzh drawing a directed graph for the AST may be interesting too. 14:21
[particle]: looking
fglock agentzh: re understand - cool
agentzh fglock: :)
fglock: i'm going to start a branch for PCR and hack on it 14:22
fglock: PCR has a lot of rough corners.
fglock re emitter, it was reworked in kp6, but it wasn't merged back yet
kp6 fixes a lot of problems
agentzh fglock: haven't looked at kp6 but looking at mp6. mp6 is clean!
agentzh fglock: okay, i'll read kp6's source before doing anything with PCR 14:23
fglock: btw, your work is amazing 14:24
fglock: you're definitely a brave man :)
[particle] seconds those remarks 14:26
agentzh g'night all & 14:28
kolibrie backlogs 14:31
kolibrie TimToady: I think I thought there was a reason to double $$ late last night, but it does not seem to make much sense now 14:35
TimToady: fixing to use qq:to/END/
diakopter Juerd: feather's cacert.org ssl cert is expired... do you have the credentials to renew it? 14:39
lambdabot diakopter: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
Juerd diakopter: Oh, thanks for informing me 14:41
cacert website isn't responding to my renewal request 14:45
kolibrie TimToady: fixed. does that look better now? (and correct?)
diakopter andara: you around? 14:46
kolibrie @tell agentzh I did that by hand - having an automated way of doing it would certainly be nice 14:47
lambdabot Consider it noted.
kolibrie fixes the $$ to $ 14:49
diakopter ?eval say "Hello from YAPC"; # not on the projector; just a test. 15:03
evalbot_r16739 OUTPUT[Hello from YAPC␤] Bool::True 15:03
Tene diakopter: if you don't want the channel on the projecter, you can talk to evalbot in /msg 15:04
diakopter Tene: I'm not presenting - I was merely clarifying that I was saying hello from YAPC, but that the channel ain't on the projector :) 15:05
Juerd diakopter: SSL certificate renewed
diakopter Juerd: neat - I guess just /etc/init.d/apache2 restart - /me thinks if any others were using it... 15:06
Juerd Did that.
kolibrie Juerd++ # on top of things
Juerd kolibrie: Wish I were :( 15:08
pmichaud kolibrie: I have a couple of q's about your presentation
(which looks excellent, btw)
kolibrie pmichaud: thanks
pmichaud why use the parens in token presenter ? 15:09
[particle] kolibrie: my browser (firefox) uses 100% cpu after the 'Extract' slide -- i have to kill it
kolibrie [particle]: moritz mentioned firefox freaking out there - have no idea what it is - debugging welcome 15:10
[particle] oh, glad i'm not alone.
kolibrie pmichaud: looking
diakopter xul url?
kolibrie diakopter: 15:11
pmichaud: I was thinking of capturing the URLs, but then I never got around to it 15:12
are they distracting enough that I should remove them? 15:13
Juerd I have a t-shirt of the regex on slide 3 :)
kolibrie Juerd: me too! will be wearing it during the presentation 15:14
Juerd Cool; has anyone made more of those shirts?
kolibrie confesses he got the idea from Juerd originally
Juerd We need more people wearing them :)
The <ws> highlighting isn't really obvious :) 15:15
pmichaud kolibrie: okay, that makes sense
Juerd Maybe use underlining or a background color?
I usually use a background color
pmichaud same for the parens around ( <html_extracted_text> ) -- <html_extracted_text> is already capturing :-)
kolibrie Juerd: do you know how to do that with this takahashi XUL?
Juerd And I thought it'd be <?ws>
kolibrie: I have no idea. :)
kolibrie pmichaud: oh duh
pmichaud kolibrie: but, using the parens does mean you can do ...[1] on your last slide 15:16
you might want to leave it :-)
TimToady [1] or [0]?
pmichaud well, if he keeps the parens around theurl, it's still [1]
TimToady I'm not looking at the slides right now...
up on windows editing my slides. :) 15:17
pmichaud last comment: href '="' could be written 'href="'
and if the first parens are eliminated, it's 'href="/yn2007/user/'
TimToady but then the animation isn't so cool :)
pmichaud agreed 15:18
TimToady back to slides & 15:19
pmichaud and it might also be worth mentioning at that point that barewords autoquote
so, I can see leaving them separate
kolibrie I think I'll leave the parenthensis and keep [1] because it makes the slide smaller
Juerd TimToady: How would you react if I suggested \a[abc] and \A[abc] for <[abc]> and <-[abc]> respectively? 15:20
$match<talk>->emit; looks weird 15:21
Shouldn't that be .emit?
kolibrie TimToady: Abigail is done, so you can set up whenever 15:22
Juerd: ack - thank you for catching that
Juerd I really like the Talk class.
It's a good example of how OO makes even simple things simpler.
kolibrie truely 15:23
Juerd That is: how simple OO does that.
Perl 5's OO doesn't really :)
pmichaud kolibrie: makes sense to me
kolibrie Talk.new(:$<presenter>[1], :$<title>[1]) does mean Talk.new(presenter => $<presenter>[1], title => $<title>[1]), correct? 15:28
I mean, the [1] does not do anything weird?
diakopter [particle]: which release of Firefox do you have, and on what platform/arch? (where that .xul is breaking) 15:35
[particle] on windows 15:46
svnbot6 r16740 | diakopter++ | re-syncing from Perl6-Perldoc-v0.0.5 16:36
diakopter (S26 only, at least, for the sake of the viewers from irc.perl.org#yapc) 16:39
diakopter figures out how to trigger the spec regen... 16:40
diakopter @tell TimToady reminder to add 'keys' (possible lvalue as well?) to custom-indexed arrays (from yapc talk feedback) 16:46
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Juerd real 230m11.036s 17:50
user 1m0.692s
sys 1m2.068s
New backup system on feather takes longer, but much less CPU time :)
Marck Juerd!
Juerd Hello
Marck hi! 17:51
thoughtpolice Juerd: what'd you end up using for backing data up now? 17:59
Juerd thoughtpolice: rsync, and tar+gz remote :P
thoughtpolice well, if ya gotta do something do it yourself. :) 18:00
Juerd rsync connects to a dedicated virtual machine, so it can have root access
With root access it can sync ownership
Without, it can't :(
thoughtpolice virtual machines are awesomeness.
Juerd feather should be one.
thoughtpolice both my linux box and openbsd box run in vmware, and it hasn't failed me yet.
although i'll admit it kind of pisses me off when someone just shuts down this computer before I can properly shut them down. :(
failing on boot with a filesystem err isn't too much fun. :( luckily ext3 has taken care of it I suppose... so far. 18:01
daxim journaling ftw 18:02
thoughtpolice definately.
i've been wanting to try ext3cow lately, but I don't really feel like applying the patch and recompiling (these boxes have quite limited memory and disk space, unfortunately.) 18:03
ibrown ugh. 18:20
dduncan ly
ibrown seriously, hate closed source software.
i know i know preach choir.
but tru
dduncan which one this time? 18:21
ibrown for example: i have this 60gb db dump i'm trying to import into a virtual machine, so i can do a couple of testings etc. in a lab environment.
MSSQL server knows the format of the dmp file, it created it. so i launch the import, it goes for 4.5hrs
then goes, "Unexpected EOF header not found."
and i'm like, "You don't check that at all before you start the 5hr+ import?"
its just such crap! ;) that's all. 18:22
I'm so starting to see Windows as an application, not an operating system at all ;)
dduncan I C 18:23
ibrown its annoying. 18:24
by far. heh. if only i could get replication between mysql -> mssql ;) but that beast i have yet to touch.
kolibrie say hello to YAPC::NA 19:41
you're on the projecton
Tene ?eval "Hi."
evalbot_r16740 "Hi."
Coke ~ 19:42
kolibrie ok, talk time
Tene 19:43
Aankh|Clone Is "hi mom!" appropriate? 20:15
lumi Probably too late 20:18
Aankhen`` Darn.
lumi Is your mom at YAPC::NA?
Aankhen`` Oh well.
It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
lumi Spur of the half-hour-too-late :P
Aankhen`` :-P
Forget "Must Love Dogs". Today's theme is "Must Love Logs"! :-D
lumi IRCers are all crazy 20:19
Log-cabin fever 20:20
Aankhen`` Bah.
kolibrie thanks for all the help with the slides 20:23
I think it went over pretty well
Aankhen`` I'm glad the ~~ came in useful. :-)
That's great.
kolibrie very handy, and much nicer syntax that Perl 5.10 20:24
which will have that ability, too
Aankhen`` wonders whether how to go about linking PGE in another language. 20:25
[particle] Aankhen``: ?? pge runs only on parrot, so you'd have to have the proper PGE.pbc file and a parrot shared library 20:28
Aankhen`` Ah, I see.
For some reason I'd got it into my head that PGE was running separately. o_ 20:30
fglock Aankhen``: PCR allows compiling regex to another language - Perl5 is the most complete, but Perl5-regex and Haskell are also supported 20:33
and kp6 allows compiling the regex compiler to several backends 20:35
offby1 god bless Will Coleda! 20:37
[particle] what did he do now? 20:41
offby1 opened a ticket to add an "uninstall" target to the makefile.
I hate Makefiles that don't have "uninstall" targets.
they're mean.
I hate them.
Aankhen`` offby1: They hate you too. 20:44
fglock: Cool.
[particle] i'm adding a Makefile target to the makefile 20:46
offby1: it'll regenerate Makefile if you've already run Configure.pl 20:47
offby1 I thought it already did that. In any case, that's surely a good thing too. 20:48
[particle] configure.pl allows you to regenerate the Makefile, but you can't do it directly from make yet 20:49
svnbot6 r16741 | Aankhen++ | * [irclog] put a class on the message cell. 20:58
pasteling "evalbot_r16740" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/25817 21:00
meppl good night 21:50
Jmax goodnight sir 21:51
meppl ;) 21:53