pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4]
Set by diakopter on 25 June 2007.
00:03 ProperNoun joined 00:04 weinig joined
fglock there is some spam in pugs.blogs.com, but it seems I can only clean the ones that belong to my own posts 00:13
lambdabot Title: Pugs
diakopter wonders where svnbot6 went 00:18
00:19 pugs_svnbot joined
diakopter wonders why svnbot6 has been posting 00:23
dduncan I find pugs_svnbot to be more useful than the old svnbot anyway 00:26
giving a link to a diff for one thing 00:27
Juerd IMO it should have the link instead of the r123, to save a line. The revision number is in the link anyway, and nobody here is stupid. :) 00:29
And it'd be nice if lamdabot ignored that url. 00:30
dduncan I like the r123 part as well
I don't always want to have to click the link to know what the r# was 00:31
oh right, its in the link itself
not just the link target page
diakopter the pugs-based svnbot.pl is *so* resource-intensive 00:35
00:38 [particle1 joined
fglock blog: pugs.blogs.com/pugs/2007/07/perl6-regex-on-.html 00:49
pugs_svnbot r16928 | fglock++ | trunk:
: [kp6] updated example with new command line option
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16928
lambdabot Title: Pugs: Perl6-regex on Perl5-regex
Title: Changeset 16928 - Pugs - Trac
diakopter waits for devbot6 to chime in as well
devbot6 planet6: Audrey Tang: Perl6-regex on Perl5-regex <pugs.blogs.com/pugs/2007/07/perl6-r...-.html> 01:02
01:10 hkb_zz is now known as hkb_aw 01:11 vel joined, nipotaway is now known as nipotan
pugs_svnbot r16929 | Darren_Duncan++ | trunk: 01:19
: ext/Muldis-DB/ : changed plan so that AST.pm itself will parse, generate Concrete Muldis D, rather than some separate distro
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16929
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16929 - Pugs - Trac
01:30 amnesiac joined 01:43 sunnavy joined 01:45 vel joined 01:51 thorat joined 02:08 unobe is now known as unobe_away 02:17 jisom joined 02:30 jalex joined 02:31 [particle] joined 02:45 BinGOs_ joined 02:48 beppu_ is now known as beppu 03:06 dolmans joined 03:11 daxim_ joined
pugs_svnbot r16930 | fglock++ | trunk: 03:28
: [kp6] v6/docs/p6regex-on-p5regex.txt - updates, TODO list
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16930
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16930 - Pugs - Trac
03:43 n0kZ joined 03:48 unobe_away is now known as unobe 04:04 ashelyb_ joined 04:10 Alias_ joined 04:24 Squern joined
diakopter TimToady: ping 04:31
TimToady: nm 04:36
04:39 unobe is now known as unobe_away 04:57 unobe_away is now known as unobe 05:03 TimToady joined, ashelyb_ joined, daxim_ joined, jisom joined, sunnavy joined, baest joined, toshinori joined, BooK joined, theorb joined, stevan_ joined, lisppaste3 joined, mr_ank joined, Grrrr joined, Eidolos joined, irc.freenode.net sets mode: +o TimToady 05:06 agentzh joined 05:19 unobe is now known as unobe_away
agentzh g'afternoon! 05:23
05:25 devogon joined 05:32 fglock joined
fglock agentzh: good afternoon # almost early morning here 05:34
05:34 weinig joined
agentzh fglock: hehe 05:35
fglock: sleep early ;)
fglock: i regret sleeping too late last night... 05:36
05:36 jisom joined 05:37 weinig joined
fglock I can't sleep 05:38
agentzh: pugs.blogs.com/pugs/2007/07/perl6-regex-on-.html
lambdabot Title: Pugs: Perl6-regex on Perl5-regex
fglock agentzh: some PCR problems are now fixed in kp6-p5rx 05:40
agentzh fglock: when will PCR move to it? 05:47
fglock: and how? 05:48
fglock: will you generate p5 using kp6 directly or port the mp6 code manually by hand?
fglock I think kp6 will likely be a CPAN module, and PCR will use it 05:49
kp6 has very little dependencies
s/little/few/ 05:50
agentzh fglock: that's so great
fglock: reading your post :) 05:51
05:51 CardinalNumber joined
agentzh fglock++ 05:51
fglock: i'll try to tweak it after the pcr tracer is ready :) 05:52
fglock: got a $day_job tomorrow :/
05:54 weinig joined 05:56 BinGOs_ is now known as BinGOs
moritz re 06:05
nice monster commit ;) 06:06
06:08 monomorph joined 06:16 iblechbot joined
agentzh wow, PCR's caching makes v6.pm's test suite 2.30 times faster :) 06:25
t/*.tc don't count here, of course. 06:26
Alias_ PCR? 06:27
agentzh Alias_: Pugs::Compiler::Rule
Alias_ ah 06:28
agentzh for PCR's own test suite, only 5.47% faster 06:29
Alias_ How fast is it compared to Perl 5? 06:31
I noticed the goal of being less than 200 times slower
agentzh Alias_: no idea... 06:32
avar Alias_: aren't you recalling the goals of kp6? 06:34
Alias_ Man, the octopine pugs project has grown beyond my ability to follow it :)
avar rawr! 06:35
moritz Alias_: kp6 != pugs
Alias_ kp6?
agentzh Kinda Perl 6
Alias_ heh 06:36
agentzh /me's 'svn ci' hangs again :/
agentzh goes off to change IP... 06:39
06:39 agentzh left 06:42 Aankhen`` joined 06:44 drupek12 joined
TimToady t/data_types/array.t appears to be looping... 06:44
lambdabot TimToady: You have 2 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
Aankhen`` I live!
And on Vista, at that.
TimToady @messages 06:45
lambdabot masak said 11h 52m 40s ago: re @a[-1]: ok. that's half of what I thought too
masak said 11h 52m 24s ago: I will change the test to reflect this
moritz Aankhen``: then you only think you live ;)
Aankhen`` moritz: You're just jealous. :-P
moritz: Did you see the whitespace thing?
moritz Aankhen``: no, I'm just a happy Debian user wondering why any geek would want to use windows 06:46
Aankhen``: I did see it...
06:46 agentzh joined
Aankhen`` moritz: Get a chance to try it out? 06:46
agentzh great. changing IP address indeed works
Aankhen`` moritz: I just slapped it together at 3:00 AM or something like that. :-P
pugs_svnbot r16931 | agentz++ | trunk: 06:47
: PCR - usage comments added to examples/Grammar.grammar. P::C::Regex now honors environment PCR_NO_CACHE, which can disable the caching mechanism of PCR (recommended for PCR developers!). updated Rule.pmc using util/update-rule-pmc-new which in turn calls compile_p6grammar.pl
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16931
moritz Aankhen``: I don't think it will help very much... 06:48
Aankhen`` Why not?
moritz Aankhen``: because you don't care about the column you're in, and always expand \t to 4x &nbsp;
06:48 drupek12 joined
meppl good morning 06:48
Aankhen`` moritz: One sec. 06:49
moritz good morning meppl
Aankhen``: but I can try it out...
meppl good morning moritz
moritz server is at r16931 now
Aankhen`` moritz: I expand \t to four spaces, which are then run through the next filter like any other sequence of two spaces and so on.
moritz: Not sure what you're referring to regarding which column I'm in. 06:50
agentzh Aankhen``: thanks for the ws fix :)
Aankhen`` agentzh: You're welcome, but I just took a shot at it, we have yet to see whether it worked. :-)
agentzh Aankhen``: it works fine.
Aankhen`` agentzh: Glad to hear it. ^_^ 06:51
agentzh Aankhen``: i thought it must be you ;)
moritz Aankhen``: I think that <space><tab> and <tab> should both expand to 4 spaces...
Aankhen``: are you doing this right now?
Aankhen`` moritz: Under the current handling, that'll become five spaces.
moritz Aankhen``: but moritz.faui2k3.org/irclog/out.pl?ch...07#id_l800 looks much better now
Aankhen`` wonders why IE is being opened. 06:52
Stupid new system configuration issues.
moritz windows--
Aankhen`` Yay, it worked. 06:53
Wait, did I actually commit untested code that worked straight off? o_O
The universe must have been in flux. :-D
moritz wonders how many tweeks the cgi scripts can stand before becoming unbearably slow 06:54
Aankhen`` How many hits do you get?
moritz about 200 a day 06:55
server load is no problem, but maybe response time
Aankhen`` Should take a while before that happens. ;-)
(ā€¦he says without a clue.) 06:56
moritz faui2k3.org/stats/collection.cgi <-- server stats
Aankhen`` Neat 06:57
moritz every full hour my web server stats are newly generated, which leads to regular spikes in CPU and load average
06:57 xinming_ joined
Aankhen`` Ah. 06:57
Man, I can't stop gushing about VMWare. 06:58
moritz Aankhen``: my admin is also the main developer of collectd, with which theses stats were generated ;)
Aankhen`` I've carried my entire development environment across three computers in the past week simply by copying a couple of files. :-D
wolverian I do that with qemu :) 06:59
Aankhen`` Pah. Wannabe.
moritz real men use xen or solaris zones ;) 07:00
is Content-Language a valid HTTP header? 07:05
Aankhen`` moritz: Seems to be. www.w3.org/International/questions/...p-and-lang 07:07
moritz Aankhen``: ok, then I'll add a Content-Language => 'en' to the header 07:08
Aankhen`` Good idea.
Except, unh.
07:08 hkb_aw is now known as hkb_lab
Aankhen`` Sometimes there are non-English conversations in here (even for brief periods), so technically that header isn't true for 100% of the document. I'm not sure whether that's a big deal. 07:08
moritz no, it's not
Aankhen`` OK. 07:09
moritz as long as the main language is english
07:10 franck__ joined 07:11 lambdabot joined
agentzh sigh. can't open the pause site... 07:13
Aankhen`` moritz: I think you'd better turn off the XHTML negotiation again, temporarilyā€¦ 07:18
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-07-09
Aankhen`` "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed"
07:19 Squern is now known as Schwern
Aankhen`` <td class="msg">&#112; 07:19
It's the control code.
Bold, even.
07:19 dduncan left
moritz Aye 07:20
Aankhen`` Maybe we should just strip all control codes. 07:21
<span class="control">&lt;CNTRL&gt;</span>
.control { color: red; }
Er. 07:22
moritz or just plain strip them, no substitution
Aankhen`` shrugs.
Either one works.
I thought replacing them with CONTROL would provide a visual indicator that something was altered.
But yeah, it might create a lot of noise.
07:23 elmex joined
moritz I'd just need a list of all characters that are forbidden in XML 07:24
www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets it seems 07:25
lambdabot Title: Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition)
07:25 rfordinal joined
Aankhen`` So it would seem. 07:26
07:27 charsbar_ joined
moritz s/[^0x090x0A0x0D0x20-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]// 07:30
that seems to be wrong - but why?
the 0x... notation is wrong 07:31
Aankhen`` Yeah.
You can only specify two digits or something like that.
I seem to recall running into the same problem a couple months ago. 07:32
07:32 elmex joined
moritz I just use \x{...} now for all unicode specs, that's clumsy, but it works ;) 07:33
agentzh pause's upload from url is invaluable...
PCR 0.25 is on CPAN now :) 07:34
Aankhen`` moritz: Heh, yeah.
moritz now I enabled xhtml again, we need to be carefull with our html now ;) 07:35
Aankhen`` Aye.
moritz wonders where the two svn bots are 07:36
r16936: filtering out all non-XML characters from the output 07:38
moritz plays svnbot6
07:39 buetow joined
Aankhen`` LOL. 07:41
moritz++ # making up for the SVN bots' absence
moritz ;)
diakopter oh; pugs_svnbot was netsplit :( 07:44
07:45 pugs_svnbot joined
pugs_svnbot r16937 | moritz++ | trunk: 07:48
: [irclog]
: * added 'pugs' as an abbreviation
: * reverted accidential removal of newlines due to malformed regex
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16937
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16937 - Pugs - Trac
moritz sorry for commit spamming 07:49
pugs_svnbot r16938 | moritz++ | trunk:
: [irclog] image for '@'-sign now closes its tag
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16938
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16938 - Pugs - Trac
07:54 jianingy joined
moritz I just skimmed over a few pages of the irclog output, and firefox complained nowhere about invalid xml/xhtml 07:57
but if anybody notices an invalid page, please let me know 07:58
08:31 diakopter is now known as diakopter_afk 08:33 Alias_ joined 08:40 thoughtpolice joined
pugs_svnbot r16939 | agentz++ | trunk: 08:50
: PCR - added pos info (via '_pos => [ from, to ]' to regex AST's 'constant' nodetype and taught the two emitters not to dispatch on it. no failing tests.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16939
agentzh i need an AST test suite for PCR... 08:51
08:57 |Jedai| joined
moritz how does PCR work? a DFA for the regular parts and the rest with backtracking? 09:02
09:12 buetow joined
smg monomorph: PCR? 09:15
you mean PCRE?
agentzh smg: he means Pugs::Compiler::Rule
moritz smg: no, I mean Pugs::Compiler::Rule
;) 09:16
agentzh moritz: there are mainly two emitters in PCR
smg ah i see
agentzh one for the ratchet mode and one for the backtracking mode
the latter is implemented via a state machine 09:17
moritz the backtracking?
sounds... unintuitive
agentzh while the former looks like rec-descent engine
or non-ratchet mode ;) 09:18
agentzh has finished the AST test scaffold for PCR.
moritz: the details are a bit messy ;) 09:19
moritz: that was one of the reasons fglock chose the mp6 and kp6 route iirc. 09:20
hmm...bloody even :) 09:21
agentzh has been coding in a mixture of p5 and p6. 09:24
source filters can be evil and break things without notice but they're also quite handy sometimes :) 09:25
or I'll have to type crazy things like "${ $::_V6_MATCH->{ident} }" instead of "$$<ident>". 09:26
Alias_ NO! 09:27
moritz I have never used source filters nor XS - did I miss anything?
moritz Alias_: you could implement p5 macros for perl 5.11 ;) 09:28
Alias_ I only work above the language
I'll do you a deal
I'll unbreak CPAN if you unbreak source filters :)
moritz *LOL* 09:29
Alias_: anything else I can do for you? fixing perl for EBCDIC platforms? finishing p6? 09:31
09:32 ruoso joined
moritz www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/arch...70704.html how cool ;) 09:33
lambdabot Title: Dilbert Comic Strip Archive - Dilbert.com - The Official Dilbert Website by Scot ..., tinyurl.com/34r9bk
09:35 ashleyb joined
agentzh Alias_: i hear you :) 09:38
smg - a ? b : c -> a ?? b !! c
lol? 09:39
pugs_svnbot r16940 | agentz++ | trunk:
: [PCR]
: - Grammar.grammar: saves pos info into 'metasyntax' nodes in
: the regex ASTs.
: - updated P::G::Rule.pmc accordingly.
smg why did you do this?
pugs_svnbot : - added t::lib::AST for AST regression tests.
: - added t/ast/00-basic.t to test detailed AST structures using
: Data::Dumper.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16940
Alias_ moritz, deal
Finish those I'll throw in distributed virtualised testing
09:39 Aankhen`` joined
moritz Alias_: well... give me time until... *thinking* 2150 or something ;) 09:40
Alias_ I'll have my side done in 2010 09:41
pugs_svnbot r16941 | agentz++ | trunk:
: PCR - updated MANIFEST
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16941
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16941 - Pugs - Trac
agentzh is /"a"/ equivalent to /'a'/? 09:42
moritz no
Aankhen`` Not for a as any value, no.
moritz /"a"/ matches qr{"a"}, and /'a'/ matches qr{a} 09:43
agentzh moritz: thanks
moritz or /"a"/ might even be an error, since " is a meta char without defined meaning
Aankhen`` Doesn't "" do interpolation? 09:44
moritz agentzh: in a regex?
Aankhen`` Like in "$0" ~~ foo or something.
agentzh moritz: yup
moritz agentzh: in S05 in the section where '...' is explained, "..." is not mentioned 09:45
agentzh moritz: *nod*
"..." can be confusing
due to the interpolation issue...
moritz and a quick grep through S05 doesn't reveal anything similar 09:46
smg i use ~~ as =~ in perl6 09:47
what's !~ in perl6?
!~ ?
devbot6 smg: Error: "~" is not a valid command.
moritz ?eval 'a' !~ m/a/
09:48 evalbot_r16919 is now known as evalbot_r16941
evalbot_r16941 Error: ā¤Unexpected "!~"ā¤expecting operator 09:48
agentzh anyone here willing to add some tests to t/ast/00-basic.t. i need various different little regexes :)
moritz ?eval 'a' !~~ m/a/
evalbot_r16941 Bool::False
smg i see
agentzh like <$foo> <@bar> and etc
smg ?eval 'a' ~~ !m/a/
evalbot_r16941 Bool::False
moritz smg: but you have to be careful, pugs is only an implementation, not the spec ;)
smg hehe 09:49
moritz smg: btw do you have a commit bit?
smg moritz: i personally dislike perl6 syn so i stick to perl5 until i MUST use perl6 :)
commit bit? *g*
moritz smg: the ability to add your changes to the pugs SVN repository
smg: what part of the p6 syntax do you dislike? 09:50
moritz finds 'say' and 'if $cond' without parenthesis very handy
smg some, but not all
09:50 rindolf joined
smg this is okay 09:50
moritz as well as '.' instead of '->' for method access
smg is there the operator // in perl6 now
moritz: also cool
moritz saves a lot of typing, but needs some time to get used to, though 09:51
smg i dislike filetest and new for and loop syntax
and ? : -> ?? !!
moritz // as 'defined or' ?
smg ye
moritz ?eval my $a = undef // 4; $a 09:52
evalbot_r16941 \4
moritz just ignore the backslash
smg ?eval $foo = undef // 23; print $foo
evalbot_r16941 OUTPUT[23] Bool::True
smg ah
?eval $a = qq(foo); print ($a ~~ /\d+/) ?? "foo" !! "bar"; 09:55
evalbot_r16941 Error: No such subroutine: &qq
smg ?eval $a = "foo"; print ($a ~~ /\d+/) ?? "foo" !! "bar";
evalbot_r16941 Out of memory!
smg lol!
moritz smg: evalbot has a known problem with character classes in regexes :( 09:56
09:57 chris2_ joined
smg ?eval $a = "foo"; print ($a ~~ /[0-9]+/) ?? "foo" !! "bar"; 09:57
evalbot_r16941 OUTPUT[bar] Bool::True
smg :)
the bot uses p5 regex
moritz wtf? 09:58
smg doesn't it?
09:58 chris2_ is now known as chris2
moritz seems like, yes 09:58
smg ?eval $a = "foo"; print ($a ~~ :i/[0-9]+/) ?? "foo" !! "bar";
evalbot_r16941 Error: ā¤Unexpected end of inputā¤expecting "\\", variable name or "/"
moritz ?eval "foo" ~~ P5:/[0-9]
evalbot_r16941 Error: ā¤Unexpected ":/["ā¤expecting "::", dot, "!", word character, "(", "{", term postfix or operator
moritz ?eval "foo" ~~ P5:/[0-9]/ 09:59
evalbot_r16941 Error: ā¤Unexpected ":/["ā¤expecting "::", dot, "!", word character, "(", "{", term postfix or operator
smg hehe
agentzh ?eval "foo" ~~ :P5/[0-9]/ 10:00
evalbot_r16941 Error: ā¤Unexpected end of input
agentzh ?eval "foo" ~~ m:P5/[0-9]/
evalbot_r16941 Match.new(ā¤ ok => Bool::False, ā¤ from => 0, ā¤ to => 0, ā¤ str => "", ā¤ sub_pos => (), ā¤ sub_named => {}ā¤)
agentzh yay
moritz lunch & 10:04
10:04 ashelyb_ joined
pugs_svnbot r16942 | agentz++ | trunk: 10:11
: PCR - added more tests to t/ast/00-basic.t and adjusted the pos.from for metasyntax nodes in the regex AST
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16942
pasteling "evalbot_r16941" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/26139 10:16
10:18 pbuetow joined
pugs_svnbot r16943 | agentz++ | trunk: 10:27
: PCR - added pos info to "<{...}>" and concat nodes in the AST
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16943
r16944 | agentz++ | trunk: 10:31
: PCR - added pos info to the "quant" node in regex AST
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16944
r16945 | agentz++ | trunk: 10:41
: PCR - added pos info to regex AST nodes 'alt1', 'special_char', and bare closure
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16945
10:42 dwave joined
pugs_svnbot r16946 | agentz++ | trunk: 10:42
: PCR - forced the dumper to sort hash keys while testing regex AST structures
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16946
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16946 - Pugs - Trac
10:52 buu joined, thoughtpolice joined, agentzh joined, Schwern joined, SamB joined, integral joined, cognominal_ joined, beppu joined, zamolxes joined, lidden joined, diakopter_afk joined, qmole joined, autark joined, crashmatrix joined, yahooooo joined, jrockway joined, Maddingue joined, h8crim joined, perlbot joined, LCamel joined, statico joined, PerlJam joined, pmichaud joined, pnu_ joined, spinclad joined, gaal joined, audreyt joined, irc.freenode.net sets mode: +ooo buu gaal audreyt 10:53 masak joined 11:17 hkb_lab is now known as hakobe 11:18 fglock joined 11:26 Blwood joined
agentzh fglock: i'm adding _pos slots to the regex AST nodes: svn.pugscode.org/pugs/perl5/Pugs-Co...00-basic.t 11:34
lambdabot tinyurl.com/2omxqg
agentzh avar: if you're interested in PCR's AST structures, see the link above :)
walk and sleep &
11:34 nik joined 11:38 buetow joined 11:42 agentzh left
fglock @tell agentzh how about call the accessor/key "match", and include a "filename" or "str" pointer 11:47
lambdabot Consider it noted.
11:57 kanru joined 12:01 nipotan is now known as nipotaway
masak fglock and agentzh: you probably know a bit about p6 syntax 12:03
is 0x5ff still valid hex syntax in p6?
fglock masak: S02 - :16<DEAD_BEEF> same as 0xDEADBEEF 12:05
masak so both are valid?
but 0577 is not? I seem to remember it was even a parsefail or something 12:06
fglock masak: I don't think the error was specified; maybe in Perl6-STD? 12:14
masak fglock: ok 12:17
parsefail seems reasonable, but my judgement might be off
masak must take the time to read through the synopses again 12:38
12:38 diakopter_afk is now known as diakopter 12:40 diakopter9 joined
diakopter9 Limbic_Region: if you're watching the logs, cgiirc works (from the advertised url). 12:40
12:40 diakopter9 left 12:43 andara joined 12:44 diakopter8 joined
fglock masak: 0577 is valid; look for 'token integer' in svn.pugscode.org/pugs/src/perl6/Per...0.0-STD.pm 12:51
masak fglock: oh. not even a warning? what happens to the wizened old C hacker who wants to write a few octal numbers? 12:55
would he have to run a lint tool of some kind to figure out that the syntax changed?
fglock masak: I'm sure TimToady would hear you and add a warning 12:57
masak @tell TimToady I think it would be a good idea to add (in Perl-6.0.0-STD) a warning on numbers of the form 0577, so that people from octal-land won't get nasty surprises 12:59
lambdabot Consider it noted.
13:12 araujo joined 13:13 kanru joined 13:21 daxim_ joined 13:22 ChanServ sets mode: +o diakopter 13:43 yves joined 13:46 Psyche^ joined, yum_ joined, Psyche^ is now known as Patterner, scw joined, edenc joined, ProperNoun joined 13:52 buetow joined
diakopter is currently accepting only users who are identified to freenode services, due to temporary spamflood attacks by botnets. Please try again in a few minutes. See freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering for more info.
diakopter aw crud 13:52
masak what?
diakopter pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] 13:52
diakopter sorry; ww 13:53
masak ah
BinGOs heh
13:53 BinGOs left
pugs_svnbot r16947 | fglock++ | trunk: 13:53
: [kp6] v6/docs/p6regex-on-p5regex.txt - cleanup
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16947
13:53 BinGOs joined
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16947 - Pugs - Trac 13:53
diakopter :)
14:01 unobe_away is now known as unobe 14:03 cjeris joined 14:05 CardinalNumber joined 14:09 amnesiac joined 14:21 bloonix joined 14:31 REPLeffect joined 14:34 Loro_ joined
pugs_svnbot r16948 | fglock++ | trunk: 14:38
: [kp6] perl5rx - implemented subrule capturing
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16948
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16948 - Pugs - Trac
pasteling "evalbot_r16947" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/26142 14:39
fglock is there an option for perltidy to work on m//x regexes? 14:42
masak fglock: seems to me there needn't be an option, it should just work on those that it finds 14:47
fglock masak: no, it doesn't work here - and I've got a regex that fills half a page :( 14:48
the regex works, fortunately :) 14:49
masak :) 14:52
sounds like m//x regex support just isn't implemented
pugs_svnbot r16949 | fglock++ | trunk: 14:53
: [kp6] perl5rx - implemented non-capturing subrules
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16949
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16949 - Pugs - Trac
14:56 awwaiid joined 14:57 unobe is now known as unobe_away
fglock p6rx-on-p5rx is amazingly simple - I hope it survives real-life tests 14:58
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pmurias hi 15:07
fglock: me too :)
fglock pmurias: hi :)
15:16 autin joined
pugs_svnbot r16950 | fglock++ | trunk: 15:17
: [kp6] roadmap status update; perl5rx TODO update
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16950
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16950 - Pugs - Trac
fglock lunch & 15:18
15:19 REPLeffect joined, bonesss joined
pasteling "evalbot_r16949" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/26145 15:20
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pmurias fglock: do you have any links to nothingmuchs plan regarding the metamodel? 17:04
fglock__ pmurias: nothingmuch.woobling.org/MO/lib/MO/Overview.pod 17:05
pugs_svnbot r16951 | fglock++ | trunk:
: [kp6] perl5rx - <before> captures to $<before>
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16951
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16951 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r16952 | fglock++ | trunk: 17:08
: [kp6] p5rx - mark <before> as done
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16952
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16952 - Pugs - Trac
17:11 hakobe is now known as hkb_zz
fglock__ pmurias: kp6 implements much of MO, except: it doesn't use a 'caller' parameter yet, it doesn't know about private/public, and it doesn't implement attribute grammars 17:16
17:17 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
nothingmuch fglock__: note that much of that is advisory 17:20
i mean, it doesn't need to go in there
it's TBD what the final Perl 6 meta class for classes looks like 17:21
and most of the code in MO itself is example code for how the RI<->metaclass relationship can be flexible enough to support crazyness
17:21 dduncan joined
fglock__ nothingmuch: do you have a link on attribute grammars? I'd like to know more 17:22
nothingmuch note that my version is a bit strange 17:23
it adds inheritence to AGs
i learned here: www.haskell.org/tmrwiki/WhyAttribut...marsMatter
lambdabot Title: WhyAttributeGrammarsMatter - TmrWiki
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fglock__ nothingmuch: thanks! 17:29
rindolf Hi all. 17:32
Hi nothingmuch
fglock__ brb & 17:34
17:34 fglock__ left
nothingmuch hola 17:38
sysdef aloa 17:39
eggzeck hello 17:41
Three ways to say the same thing
17:43 iblechbot joined
TimToady 恓悓恫恔ćÆļ¼ 17:44
lambdabot TimToady: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
rindolf nothingmuch: what's up?
Are we still being spammed? 17:45
nothingmuch not much, going to the supermarket 17:46
pugs_svnbot r16953 | lwall++ | trunk: 18:02
: Warning for attempt to specify 0123 octal literal.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16953
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16953 - Pugs - Trac
TimToady rindolf: what is the sound of one hand spamming? 18:03
18:04 Psyche^ joined
pasteling "evalbot_r16952" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/26150 18:05
rindolf TimToady: don't know. :S 18:08
TimToady well, then, neither do I. :)
18:10 fglock joined
pmurias fglock: rehi ;) 18:18
18:19 Psyche^ is now known as Patterner
pmurias looked into KP6::R::P6::P6opaque and don't full understand how is it meant to be used? 18:25
s/?/ 18:26
offby1 \o/ 18:30
six-legged "whoopee"
18:32 DarkWolf84 joined
pmurias offby1: looks like nethack to me :) 18:35
offby1 I was trying to make an off-color stick figure. 18:36
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fglock pmurias: sorry, brb 18:40
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fglock_ pmurias: KP6::R::P6::P6opaque is meant to be used as the storage for p6-in-p6 objects 18:55
it is not used, yet
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pmurias fglock: kp6 is meant to be transformed into non-oo p6 which will use p6opaque, right? 20:12
fglock__ pmurias: yes 20:17
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pugs_svnbot r16954 | fglock++ | trunk: 21:11
: [kp6] implemented <?before> and <!before>
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16954
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16954 - Pugs - Trac
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pugs_svnbot r16955 | Darren_Duncan++ | trunk: 22:26
: ext/Muldis-DB/ : updated the Muldis D language spec to replace EntityName with (Short|Long)Name
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16955
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16955 - Pugs - Trac
22:28 nperez joined
pasteling "evalbot_r16954" at pasted "Pugs build failure" (6 lines, 278B) at sial.org/pbot/26160 22:28
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pugs_svnbot r16956 | fglock++ | trunk: 22:44
: [kp6] p5rx - implemented <after>
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/16956
lambdabot Title: Changeset 16956 - Pugs - Trac
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devbot6 planet6: Luke Palmer: I hate boilerplate <use.perl.org/~luqui/journal/33762?from=rss> 23:22
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