pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
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sunnavy @ask TimToady is rat a valid native type? 07:25
lambdabot Consider it noted.
07:26 dolmans left
masak sunnavy: my guess is no, since it does not have any hardware equivalent 07:27
sunnavy thanks, masak. 07:31
masak np. but I don't really know
sunnavy let's waiting for TimToady's response, hehe. 07:32
07:32 elmex joined 07:36 Aankhen`` joined 07:44 devogon joined 07:50 ubajas joined 07:59 DarkWolf84 left, ubajas3 left 08:05 weinig left 08:07 bsb left 08:08 lyokato left
bloonix good morning 08:13
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pmurias hi 08:13
masak good morning
08:14 Schwern joined
moritz_ hi 08:14
08:15 jisom left
moritz_ is q!foo! still a valid quoting construct? 08:15
pmurias i think so 08:16
say q<< <<woot>> >> # says " <<woot>> "
sorry it's not 08:17
TimToady q!foo! should work 08:23
lambdabot TimToady: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
08:24 zamolxes joined
pugs_svnbot r17529 | moritz++ | t/regex/from_perl6_rules/capture.t 08:27
r17529 | moritz++ | * added smartlinks
r17529 | moritz++ | * corrected some tests, $1 -> $0
r17529 | moritz++ | This test still needs some care, so if anyone has spare time...
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17529
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17529 - Pugs - Trac
TimToady sunnavy: S02:543 gives rat and complex as examples of native types, though of course a rat composed of two ints is not able to represent as many values as a Rat of two Ints, which are arbitrary precision 08:28
I am sitting in Vienna airport, btw. freewifi++
08:31 agentzh joined
pugs_svnbot r17530 | moritz++ | smartlinks for t/regex/from_perl6_rules/charset.t 08:33
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17530
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17530 - Pugs - Trac
agentzh moritz_++ 08:34
sunnavy TimToady: gotcha, thanks. 08:36
TimToady: The reason I asked this question is I didn't find it in the list of native types: S02:756 08:40
08:43 lyokato joined
TimToady native type support may be somewhat lacking in 6.0.0, esp for marginal types like that 08:43
sunnavy ok :-) 08:44
pugs_svnbot r17531 | moritz++ | smartlink for t/regex/from_perl6_rules/combchar.t
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17531
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17531 - Pugs - Trac
TimToady and rat and complex were given more as examples of possible native types
sunnavy oh, are block comments exactly gone in Perl 6? 08:46
masak TimToady: what's a 'possible native type'? is not the set of allowed native types fixed?
TimToady it'll depend on who implements 6.0.0 first, and whether they manage to get those types in.
masak ah. 08:47
TimToady lots of things are still negotiable
yes, block comments are gone
masak the negotiability of lots of things is one thing I like about the perl 6 effort. after the initial vertigo/fear, it's a great boon seeing so much feedback go into the spec during implementation 08:48
sunnavy Then maybe you need update S02:125, ;-)
TimToady fixed, thanks 08:50
sunnavy NP :-) 08:51
08:56 flokuehn joined
pugs_svnbot r17532 | lwall++ | [STD] more metholation tweaks 08:56
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17532
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17532 - Pugs - Trac
TimToady well, they're calling my flight, so...
decommuting & 08:57
09:00 iblechbot joined
pugs_svnbot r17533 | moritz++ | smartlink for context.t 09:02
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17533
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17533 - Pugs - Trac
09:03 fridim joined 09:04 Schwern left
pugs_svnbot r17534 | moritz++ | smartlink for counted.t 09:12
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17534
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17534 - Pugs - Trac
09:16 zamolxes left 09:17 buetow joined
pugs_svnbot r17535 | moritz++ | smartlink for hash_cap.t 09:21
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17535
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pugs_svnbot r17536 | moritz++ | smartlink for inline.t 09:27
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17536
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pugs_svnbot r17537 | moritz++ | smartlink for litvar.t 09:33
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17537
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09:35 rindolf joined
pugs_svnbot r17538 | moritz++ | smartlink for lookaround.t 09:35
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17538
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09:35 chris2 joined
pugs_svnbot r17539 | moritz++ | smartlinks for named_cap.t 09:44
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17539
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17539 - Pugs - Trac
09:45 lyokato left
pugs_svnbot r17540 | moritz++ | smartlink for newline.t 09:47
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17540
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17540 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r17541 | moritz++ | smartlink for null.t 09:50
r17542 | moritz++ | smartlink for overlapping.t
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17542
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17542 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r17543 | moritz++ | smartlink for pos_modifier.t 09:56
r17544 | moritz++ | smartlink for prior.t
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17544
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17544 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ that's enough for now ;) 09:57
sunnavy moritz++
agentzh is glad to see moritz_ becomes a happy smartlinker.
10:04 drupek12 left 10:13 drupek12 joined
pugs_svnbot r17545 | pmurias++ | [kp6] infix &,|,^ and fixed junction stringification 10:13
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17545
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pmurias is there a simplified implementation of Test.pm somewhere or is writing a custom one the best choice for a young implementation? 10:22
agentzh pmurias: in parrot's repos? 10:24
pmurias: pmichaud has one...i think. 10:25
pmurias thanks 10:26
found iy
10:26 rindolf left
pmurias mp6 has one too, i should look at find's output more carefully next time ;) 10:28
agentzh okay 10:30
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pugs_svnbot r17546 | moritz++ | smartlink for qinterp.t 11:29
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17546
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pugs_svnbot r17547 | moritz++ | smartlink for repeat.t 11:32
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17547
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17547 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ where is a list of definition of predefined named rules? 11:33
like ident, digit, xdigit etc.
they are used as examples in S05, but they are not really defined 11:34
agentzh moritz_: afaik, there's no such a list in S05. 11:35
moritz_ well, there should be ;)
agentzh moritz_: i was looking for the same thing while tweaking PCR :)
moritz_: strongly agreed :)
11:36 Blwood[Zzz] is now known as Blwood[pizza]
moritz_ should <ident> consider unicode chars as identifier? 11:37
I think so, but I'm not sure
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agentzh moritz_: i think Perl's identifiers could be utf-8. i think <ident> should be consistent with that :) 11:43
11:44 buetow left
pugs_svnbot r17548 | pmurias++ | [kp6] overelaxed the grammar to allow \n as the statement separator 11:44
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17548
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17548 - Pugs - Trac
pasteling "moritz_" at pasted "a first shot at builtin rules" (18 lines, 345B) at sial.org/pbot/27212 11:46
agentzh hmm, kp6's grammar only uses a very restricted subset of p6 regex syntax...even quantifiers are eliminated...that's mp6 syntax...i guess... 11:48
and...rule foo { ... } is not used either...
moritz_ yes, much is done with recursion
agentzh *nod*
token foo { ... } results in tons of <?ws>... 11:49
11:49 daxim left
agentzh which affects the readability... 11:49
moritz_ agentzh: the plan is to bootstrap kp6 with kp6, which is much more hackable than mp6... 11:50
agentzh but anyway...bootstrapping was the main goal while that kp6 grammar was written...
11:50 nipotan is now known as nipotaway
agentzh moritz_: *nod* 11:50
moritz_ agentzh: which means that once it is bootstrapped, such things are easier fixable
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moritz_ token ws { [<?before <alnum>> \s+ <?after <alnum>>] | <?space>* } 11:52
does this look reasonable?
11:53 devogon left
moritz_ s/space/blank/ of course 11:53
agentzh moritz_: <ws> doesn't take P6 comments into account?
moritz_ agentzh: only in STD.pm, in "normal" grammars it's just a "magical whitespace" 11:54
agentzh k
moritz_ is the <before>/<after> magic reasonable? 11:55
11:59 nothingmuch left, nothingmuch joined
masak how old is the parrot repo? the pugs repo revision number is in the 17000s now, and parrot's is hitting 21000 soon 12:05
12:07 buetow joined
pugs_svnbot r17549 | pmurias++ | [kp6] 12:07
r17549 | pmurias++ | changed to --do Visitor1,Visitor2 which should work everywhere
r17549 | pmurias++ | run some more test from sanity
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17549
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17549 - Pugs - Trac
12:08 agentzh left
pmurias sorry broke kp6 12:09
12:10 gene9 left
pugs_svnbot r17550 | pmurias++ | [kp6] fixed last commit 12:14
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17550
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17550 - Pugs - Trac
sunnavy masak: the parrot's log of revision 1, was on 2001-08-29 12:24
masak thx 12:26
it's probably quite a meaningless comparison
but pugs does seem to have a higher average commit rate
12:29 araujo joined 12:46 flokuehn left 12:48 JarJarBi1ks joined
moritz_ masak: pugs has a lot of sub projects (for example the test suite) and many, many commiters 12:59
12:59 JarJarBinks left
masak moritz_: yes... that's why the comparison is mostly meaningless 13:01
13:04 Ashizawa left 13:09 jhorwitz joined
pugs_svnbot r17551 | moritz++ | util/perl6.vim: more builtin char classes 13:35
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17551
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xahlee hi... a perl question. What's the most common package for sending email? 17:45
moritz_ perl questions are generally more on topic in #perlhelp or #perl 17:47
here is perl6 development 17:48
17:48 ruz_ joined
xahlee moritz_: am banned in perl for like a year now. Rather unreasonably 17:48
moritz_ xahlee: that doesn't make the question here more "on topic" 17:50
there are still other resources like perlmonks.org
and you could ask one of the #perl ops to unban you 17:51
PerlJam xahlee: And there are other networks too. (Are you banned on all #perl ?) 17:52
17:52 [particle1 is now known as [particle], drupek12 joined, justatheory joined
xahlee PerlJam: just in freenode. (i have the transcript saved) 17:52
haven't used any other irc much really 17:53
PerlJam xahlee: Also, search.cpan.org + cpan ratings should tell you something useful.
xahlee i just looked at faq... it uses Mail::Mailer 17:54
as of 2001, i recall it has a bug that its from field does not work? anyway... gonna test it now.
darn it's not bundled. 17:55
17:59 ruz left, jisom joined 18:01 JarJarBinks joined 18:02 jhorwitz left
xahlee umm... cpan is asking me for ncftpget? not familiar with that. How do i proceed? 18:05
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Blwood[pizza] apt-get install ncftp 18:17
amnesiac lftp++
18:19 rhandom joined, weinig left 18:20 weinig joined
rhandom eval if 42 -> $i { $i.say } 18:20
?eval if 42 -> $i { $i.say } 18:21
pugsbot_r17185 Error: Cannot bind to non-existing variable: "$i"
rhandom ?eval for 42 -> $i { $i.say }
pugsbot_r17185 OUTPUT[42␤] undef 18:22
rhandom Was "if" going to support pointy blocks and pass arguments to them ?
There was some discussion several months back , but I forgot the outcome 18:23
18:23 renormalist joined, Limbic_Region joined
rhandom i suppose the would be odd - especially if this was supported: 18:25
if 0 -> $i { say "yup $i" } else -> $i { say "yup $i" }
i can see use for the if case
but the else case starts to get odd
and i guess it implies that the topic of the if would clobber the $_ during the if
which brough to my mind that point subs on ifs were nixed 18:26
rhr I think pointies are still allowed there, S04:1037 has one 18:28
18:29 chris2 left
rhr yes, S04:209 specs it, but doesn't mention the else case (which does look weird) 18:30
pugs_svnbot r17552 | renormalist++ | [kp6]
r17552 | renormalist++ | * disable unsecure code by setting env KP6_DISABLE_UNSECURE_CODE
r17552 | renormalist++ | * Num datatype added (correctly done? please review)
r17552 | renormalist++ | * more tests for grep
r17552 | renormalist++ | * MOP.pm: more dynamic require of runtime classes and error handling.
r17552 | renormalist++ | - This solves some annoying self referential issues when a Perl6
r17552 | renormalist++ | file compiled but the resulting Perl5 code failed so that not
r17552 | renormalist++ | even MOP could be loaded when we correct that issue.
r17552 | renormalist++ | * Makefile enhancements:
r17552 | renormalist++ | - now stop on compile errors instead of creating empty files,
r17552 | renormalist++ | which broke successive compile runs
r17552 | renormalist++ | - test targets for just subsections: test_(io|math|base)
r17552 | renormalist++ | - make test now depend on make all
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17552 18:31
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17552 - Pugs - Trac
18:31 kjwcode joined
rhandom Binding within an else automatically binds the value tested by the previous if or elsif, 18:34
(from S04)
However, use of $_ with a conditional statement's block is not considered sufficiently explicit to turn a 0-ary block into a 1-ary function (also from S04) 18:35
18:36 barney joined 18:38 xahlee left
rhandom I'm guessing that means that the following should work 18:38
if (42 but false) -> $i { say "yup $i" } else { say "nope $i" }
it may be good to have an example in the synopsis that shows an elsif and else with pointy blocks 18:39
ah 18:40
there is one
please forget i was even here :) 18:41
if testa() -> $a { say $a }
elsif testb() -> $b { say $b }
else -> $b { say $b }
(from S04)
18:42 rindolf left
renormalist &tell 18:48
Bummer! :-)
pugs_svnbot r17553 | renormalist++ | cperl-mode:
r17553 | renormalist++ | - take in again the differentiation between Hash and Block
r17553 | renormalist++ | (not perfect yet but better than without it)
r17553 | renormalist++ | - more Type keywords
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17553
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17553 - Pugs - Trac
renormalist How was the syntax to leave a msg in the irc to someone? 18:49
[particle] @tell foo bar
renormalist thx, I try 18:51
18:55 rindolf joined
renormalist @tell fglock You could please have a look at my changeset 17552, especially the new type Num. I also made the 'make' and the loading of runtime in MOP more robust on errors. It made the work easier for me, but if you find it stupid, feel free to revert. :-) 18:59
lambdabot Consider it noted.
19:01 devogon joined, devogon_ left 19:14 weinig left 19:16 renormalist left 19:25 DaGo left
moritz_ #kp6 mkdir '/tmp/foo/' 19:33
exp_evalbot r17553: OUTPUT[DISPATCH: calling APPLY KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar::Dispatch=HASH(0x83531d4) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};␤␤ at lib5/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 32␤ main::DISPATCH('undef', 'APPLY', 'KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar::Dispatch=HASH(0x83...') called at
..- line 15␤]
19:35 jisom left 19:37 exp_evalbot left
pugs_svnbot r17554 | moritz++ | [evalbot] set KP6_DISABLE_UNSECURE_CODE environment variable for kp6 19:37
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17554
19:37 exp_evalbot joined
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17554 - Pugs - Trac 19:37
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moritz_ #kp6 mkdir '/tmp/foo' 19:37
exp_evalbot r17554: OUTPUT[DISPATCH: calling APPLY KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar::Dispatch=HASH(0x83531d4) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};␤␤ at lib5/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 32␤ main::DISPATCH('undef', 'APPLY', 'KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar::Dispatch=HASH(0x83...') called at
..- line 15␤]
moritz_ @tell renormalist I'd rather rely on a command line option that sets a global constant for unsafe operations 19:39
lambdabot Consider it noted.
19:47 turrepurre joined 19:50 thoughtpolice joined 19:53 Aankhen`` left 19:54 rindolf left 20:01 weinig joined
pmurias @tell renormalist the problems with errors screwing up the build should probably be fixed in a more general way 20:24
lambdabot Consider it noted.
pmurias @tell renormalist the implementation of srand seems strange to me defined $defined_value return 0 20:26
lambdabot Consider it noted.
pmurias @tell Num seems fine 20:28
lambdabot Consider it noted.
pmurias renormalist++ #making make exit on errors
[particle] wonders if types can be named after operators
my return $x;
pmurias ? 20:29
[particle] my Int $x;
pmurias what would my return $x do? 20:30
[particle] create a variable $x of type 'return'
class return { ... }
pmurias i hope it would be forbiden 20:31
class class {}
[particle] me too, but i don't remember reading it
yep, could get really messy
class say {}; say.say 20:32
pmurias calling the type Return doesn't cost you anything if you want to reuse the word 20:33
is it possible to have both class foo {} and sub foo {}
[particle] blind doe. 20:34
pmurias what does 'blind doe' mean? 20:35
[particle] no-eyed deer
20:42 TJCRI left 20:47 pmurias left
bloonix hello 20:49
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pugs_svnbot r17555 | moritz++ | t/regex/modifiers.t: 21:37
r17555 | moritz++ | * testing :ignorecase for greek chars
r17555 | moritz++ | * :basechar tests
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17555
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17555 - Pugs - Trac
21:40 ozo left 21:42 iblechbot left 21:46 rhandom left
pugs_svnbot r17556 | moritz++ | added first repetion modifier tests 21:50
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17556
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GeJ Good M􏿽xF8􏿽xF8se all 22:54
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wolverian that isn't utf8 methinks 22:59
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allbery_b it worked here and I should be set to utf8 23:09
λ 23:10
wolverian most likely your client recoded it. mine is picky for some reason 23:12
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Limbic_Region hey TimToady - how was Vienna 23:46
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