pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
nothingmuch gaal_: moose 00:41
agentzh gaal, nothingmuch: elk :) 01:23
nothingmuch hola agentzh 01:26
long time no chat
bsb moosen 01:51
agentzh nothingmuch: *nod* 01:59
nothingmuch hola bsb, likewise =) 02:01
gaal yo yo yo 04:14
ell oh ell, it takes ghc 6.6.1 apparently to compile ghc g.7 nowadays 04:15
allbery_b yep. annoying 04:17
gaal as long as it doesn't take 6.8, we're good 04:18
allbery_b actually, last I tried it, it wouldn't build itself 04:19
gaal also i noticed I typed "g" instead of "6". it may be the four hours of driving, but I think my typing may be deteriorating
that's what happens when you neglect your haskell
moritz_ good morning everybody ;) 08:09
masak good morning moritz_ 08:11
DarkWolf84 goodmorning moritz_ 08:26
Juerd Heh, I made a mistake in crontab 09:22
Juerd Which made feather0 start the backup program every hour... 09:22
It doesn't finish in an hour
So 3 backup processes were running.
Has anyone noticed that feather became slower?
moritz_ ;)
Juerd :)
moritz_ I didn't use it ;)
Juerd I did, and haven't noticed 09:23
moritz_ cool ;)
Juerd I discovered it only because I saw the almost-continuous 60 Mb/s data flow in the charts 09:25
pugs_svnbot r17732 | fglock++ | [kp6] fixed namespace in APPLY 09:48
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17732
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17732 - Pugs - Trac
Juerd juerd.nl/berg.png # feather0 backup gone bezerk 09:56
moritz_ that looks a lot like RRD-Tools ;) 09:58
moritz_ or collectd (which uses rrdtools): collectd.org/ 09:59
lambdabot Title: collectd - The system statistics collection daemon
Juerd moritz_: cacti, which uses rrdtools :) 10:00
fglock i'm wondering - if kp6 were ported to run in pugs, how would it detect side-effects of BEGIN blocks
moritz_ fglock: why would it be different from what it is using now? 10:04
fglock kp6-perl5 uses custom-built containers which do logging, but pugs already has it's containers 10:05
moritz_ er.. what exactly do you mean by "run in pugs"? 10:06
just that pugs executes the kp6 source files, or something else?
fglock run perl6-in-perl6 over pugs
fglock when 6-in-6 finds a BEGIN block, it needs to eval() it and emit code to replicate the side-effects at INIT time 10:09
running in pugs has the same problem as running in bootstrapped kp6 10:13
fglock re what it is using now - kp6 is implemented over mp6, just like pugs is implemented over haskell - this makes it very easy to access low-level data structures 10:18
but 6-in-6 should work with plain perl6 data 10:19
moritz_ so the problem is that kp6 relies on the underlying semantics of mp6?
fglock kp6 relies on the underlying semantics that was built using mp6/perl5/whatever, which is not plain Perl 6 semantics - it was extended to allow BEGIN blocks to work 10:21
the problem is, can we do that without extending Perl 6? 10:22
fglock the kp6 extension is the Pad object: 10:29
you can do Pad.eval( $code ) 10:30
and then Pad.side_effects returns a list of variables that were modified
moritz_ so Pad has to be implemented in pure perl 6, right? 10:32
fglock yes, in order to run in pugs
otherwise it would have to be implemented in haskell
which is bad, because you would also need parrot, javascript and jvm versions 10:34
moritz_ which means the desired solution is really a perl 6 one, right? 10:38
fglock yes
moritz_ so that the AST is transformed to a BEGIN-free AST
fglock the current solution is really a perl6-over-miniperl6 solution
fglock which would use pugs as a VM 10:39
pugs_svnbot r17733 | fglock++ | [kp6] .side_effects is a Pad method 11:16
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17733
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17733 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso notices a big changeset after 4 days off 12:38
ruoso also notices run_tests_kp6_kp6 fails some tests now
pugs_svnbot r17734 | fglock++ | [kp6] Pad.eval_ast() - refactor some vm-specific code out of COMPILER
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17734
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17734 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ ruoso: it never worked completeley 12:39
ruoso moritz_, yeah it didn't
moritz_ which revision?
ruoso it was working last week
fglock ruoso: i think Pad can be used to abstract the VM
ruoso fglock, yep... that's the core idea of that diagram I wrote.
fglock ah :) 12:40
ruoso fglock, but you think we should do that on kp6 already?
fglock yes
ruoso shouldn't we leave that for kp6+1
fglock we need a working prototype
ruoso my idea was to do that using kp6 as runtime 12:41
fglock ruoso: you can still use kp6 as a runtime, this is just internals 12:42
ruoso fglock, I mean, changing that in kp6 would be a large refactoring
fglock the compiler structure will not change, i'm just moving the vm-specific code to a single place 12:56
pugs_svnbot r17735 | fglock++ | [kp6] finish separating mp6/kp6 runtimes 14:21
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17735
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17735 - Pugs - Trac
fglock obra: ping 14:31
pmurias hello 15:13
fglock hi
masak howdy 15:14
pmurias fglock: will need to specify whether GLOBAL:: gets prepended to modules names when they are encoded into perl5 modules 15:23
if 'module Foo' ends up GLOBAL::Foo or Foo 15:24
fglock it's just Foo
pmurias so it's a bug in Global that vars get mangled? 15:25
nice :) it's fixed 15:26
masak that's what I call service
pugs_svnbot r17736 | pmurias++ | [kp6] 51-Test.pm GLOBAL:: is no longer appended unnecessarly 15:33
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17736
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17736 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r17737 | pmurias++ | [kp6] GLOBAL::Test renamed to Test 15:36
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17737
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17737 - Pugs - Trac
fglock pmurias: there is a problem with using kp6 as perl6-in-perl6, that it requires the containers to set the modified-flag 15:53
so we can't just run kp6 over pugs, for example 15:54
pmurias fglock: one would need wrapers over pugs containers 15:57
fglock but then, you would be using pugs as just another VM
pmurias would kp6 under pugs generate perl5 code? 15:58
moritz_ if you don't modify it any further: yes 15:59
fglock BEGIN blocks would generate perl6 code, but the compiler would generate whatever
pmurias i see
what's the benefit in running kp6 on pugs? 16:00
fglock it's the same thing as running kp6 on kp6 - it's 6-in-6
running on pugs keeps it honest 16:01
no kp6-specific hacks
i think there is something wrong with requiring a layer between kp6 and perl6 16:03
pmurias fglock: mental layer? 16:05
fglock i mean, we should be able to use unmodified Perl 6 containers
pmurias one could keep a md5 checksum for every variable and check if it's modified 16:07
not sure how fast/slow would it be
moritz_ if I'd compile a program like this: 'my $time = BEGIN { time }' in Perl 6, should $time be startup time of the program, or the compilation time? 16:08
fglock compilation time
moritz_ ok
PerlJam (compilation time as of the execution of that statement :)
pmurias fglock: or have all access to outer lexical be made via COMPILING which would return wrapers 16:09
fglock also: my $time; BEGIN { $time = time }
moritz_ right
Juerd, diakopter: the SVN web front end seems broken 16:10
Warning: License check failed! in /data/home/audreyt/pugs/docs/feather/repos/errors/404/index.php on line 0
at least for 404 errors
Juerd whuh 16:11
license... check...?
fglock pmurias: i think the current algorithm is efficient enough, the problem is that it requires more access to the VM than Perl 6 supports
Juerd ...failed...?
moritz_: url? 16:12
moritz_ Juerd: svn.pugscode.org/pugs/src/perl6/Per...0.0-STD.pm
Juerd I really have no idea which thing requires this license, who got it, and why it's broken 16:13
moritz_ it's that fancy svn frontend
I think diakopter++ installed it, but I'm not entirely sure 16:14
lambdabot Title: IRC log for #perl6, 2007-07-11, tinyurl.com/252nfb
Juerd diakopter: I think you can fix this :) 16:15
pmurias fglock: the methods i suggested are probably any faster but they would require less support from the vm
Juerd (I hope you can...)
pmurias fglock: at least the checksum method 16:16
fglock pmurias: we could the way you implemented Bind in the perl5 emitter
calling MODIFIED explicitly
diakopter Juerd: oh; heh. I guess they don't want to renew our license. :(
<sigh> 16:17
pmurias fglock: MODIFIED is called explicitly only for Bind
fglock s/could/could do it/
moritz_ diakopter: but why is it just for 404 errors?
pmurias i thought other ways of modification are more difficult to handle
fglock yes, but in 6-in-6 we'd have to call it explicitly every time
[particle] moritz_: that file was renamed, is that part of the problem?
pmurias k
i don't think kp6-in-pugs is a priority 16:18
moritz_ [particle]: no, arbitrary non-existing files produce that error
pmurias it would restrict kp6 code base to kp6/pugs feature set intersection
moritz_ pmurias: don't do that, pugs has some weird OO bugs 16:19
Juerd diakopter: The license file suggests it should expire not before October...
fglock i mean kp6-in-perl6, where perl6 = any( kp6, pugs, p6parrot ) 16:20
diakopter Juerd: well, I disabled it for now anyway
back to boring old non-xslt html 16:21
PerlJam Why is it that we need a "browser interface" to subversion?
moritz_ PerlJam: no need, it's just nice to have eye candy ;) 16:22
fglock pmurias: it should work on anything that can eval perl6 code (so we can build Pad objects) 16:23
pmurias fglock: i think kp6-in-kp6 is the most important right now 16:26
diakopter PerlJam: I'm afraid you weren't around to voice any objections to the proposal to implement that, back when I asked.
pmurias the ran on any( kp6, pugs, p6parrot) would IMHO require a lot of workarounds
as they each implement a different feature set 16:27
fglock i don't think you can go very far without portability
PerlJam diakopter: Had I been around, I would have asked the same question :)
pmurias fglock: does portablility across diffrent perl6 compiler actually give us anything 16:30
* compilers 16:31
moritz_ pmurias: robustness
pmurias how? 16:32
fglock it gives you... perl6-in-perl6
pmurias pugs and p6parrot aren't perl6 for that definition of perl6 16:33
as they don't implement the whole synopsis 16:34
moritz_ but kp6's aim is to implement p6 in a subset of p6, afaict
and p6parrot would give you speed, presumably ;)
fglock yes, and we've achieved that goal
now it's time to start 6-in-6 16:35
which is not exactly kp6-in-kp6
pmurias completing the bootstrap and changing the name is a good starting point IMHO 16:36
fglock bootstrapped kp6 is still not 6-in-6 16:37
pmurias why?
fglock because 6-in-6 should not depend on vm-specific code 16:38
pmurias fglock: you have to, to some extend 16:38
emitters have to be vm-specific 16:39
targeting a second backend would seperated it more cleanly 16:40
fglock pmurias: i guess i'll start an experiment
pmurias fglock: what sort of? 16:41
fglock targetting pugs is good because you can't easily sneak haskell code in
pmurias emitting pugs code?
fglock i'll try writing the kp6 low level libs over pugs 16:42
pmurias ok
obra fglock: pong 16:46
sorry for the delay
fglock np
obra: svn.pugscode.org/pugs/v6/v6-KindaPe...-HACKATHON 16:48
lambdabot tinyurl.com/ys259y
obra looking 16:48
so. you'd talked about there being 3 possible ways forward in your mail 16:49
fglock yes,
follow the roadmap as-is - fix some bugs, merge with the STD grammar, then optimize 16:50
or, bootstrap 6-in-6 before proceeding with the plan
or work on the parrot backend
obra ok. why is your confidence in the existing roadmap shaken? 16:51
fglock there is a new idea, which is to bootstrap over pugs
i noticed kp6 needs a new container model, because what we have today is too tied to the underlying vm 16:52
this is a portability problem
and it makes it difficult to have 'real' perl6-in-perl6 16:53
the current roadmap doesn't address that
obra *nod*
obra Personally, I'd love to see an implementation that's actually fully using the standard grammar. 16:54
but I want to understand what really makes sense for kp6
fglock we could just fix this small problem, and then proceed with the plan
ruoso and pmurias really want a bootstrapped kp6 16:55
and i don't want to stop them :) 16:56
obra ok.
Good :)
obra fixing the small problem seems clever. 16:56
proceeding with the plan rather than getting distracted by something else shiny feels clever, too 16:57
unless you feel like the current plan will end in sadness
fglock it could make sense to fork the project for a while 16:58
[particle] wishes pugs repo supported branches 16:58
fglock and work both in bootstrapping and STD
it's kind of forked already
[particle] but not so easy to manage merges 16:59
obra how much forking is really required for both projects? 17:01
ruoso [particle], I'm having success with the two branches merging so far 17:02
because the codes aren't that differente
nothingmuch /w 24
fglock we've been merging back and forth in the last week or so 17:03
ruoso obra, the fork only happens in the runtime part
as kp6-mp6 uses explicitly mp6 runtime
while kp6-kp6 uses kp6 runtime
which means calling conventions and object meta protocol 17:04
s/object meta/meta object/
obra Is there a good visiolization of this?
ruoso obra, not really... 17:05
everytime we draw some diagram
it looks like kp6+1
instead of document kp6 itself
fglock obra: it's still compatible with svn.pugscode.org/pugs/v6/docs/kp6.jpg 17:06
ruoso fglock,
hmm 17:07
after merge I get a Undefined subroutine &Main::say called at lib-kp6-mp6-p5//KindaPerl6/Grammar.pm line 64,
fglock ruoso: i think i found a way to make the runtime compatible with plain perl6, so it would possibly run in pugs
ruoso fglock, hm? 17:08
fglock ruoso: looking
ruoso kp6-mp6 fails one test right now
fglock ruoso: we can call 'MODIFIED' explicitly, instead of hiding it inside the Container code
ruoso kp6-kp6 fails in the use of lib-modules 17:09
and it's because we need to compile lib-modules to two different targets
we need a lib-modules-kp6-p6
we need a lib-modules-kp6-p5
and a lib-modules-mp6-p5
fglock ruoso: i'd rather have completely separate directories, this is confusing me 17:10
ruoso fglock, but lib-modules will be the same
it's just the compiled versions that are different from each other
I mean
they shouldn't
why is test 51 failing with kp6-kp6? 17:11
fglock, I was wrong... there's no need for two lib-modules 17:13
fglock obra: i think we will proceed with the plan *and* get distracted
obra sounds good :) 17:14
fglock we probably need a roadmap for kp6-kp6
ruoso fglock, that's just "create tests that reproduces the features of kp6-kp6" 17:15
pugs_svnbot r17738 | ruoso++ | [kp6] merge kp6-mp6 to kp6-kp6 -r17697:HEAD
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17738
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17738 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso fglock, it's kinda hard to write down a ROADMAP (besides what is in docs/KP6-Bootstrap/Notes 17:18
fglock, it's kinda hard to write down a ROADMAP (besides what is in docs/KP6-Bootstrap-Notes.txt 17:19
because we don't know exactly what's missing
I really think it's just a matter of converting the runtime files
to the new calling convention
pugs_svnbot r17739 | fglock++ | [kp6] fixed kp6-mp6 runtime 17:24
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17739
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17739 - Pugs - Trac
fglock ruoso: re MODIFIED, how would kp6 run in pugs, for example? 17:28
ruoso pugs would have a namespace management that would take care of it 17:29
and parrot already does it 17:30
the Emitter (if any) should take care of getting that values for the specific runtime
in kp6+1 we would implement that completely in p6 17:31
and each runtime would optimize it for its own runtime
ahmadz hi there 17:32
moritz_ hi ahmadz
ahmadz hi moritz ;-)
ahmadz quick question: i tried to compile pugs today and it told me i need ghc 6.6.1 [i had 6.6 before and it used to work] 17:33
moritz_ ahmadz: things change ;)
DarkWolf84 ~from some time 17:34
fglock ruoso: so we would use MODIFIED for backends that don't support it natively
ahmadz yeah they sure do ;-)
DarkWolf84 I had such problem
ahmadz ghc take a lot of time to compile...
DarkWolf84 get the binary then 17:35
moritz_ ahmadz: DarkWolf84 is right ;)
ruoso fglock, but that would be used just in that backend's implementation
fglock which is true for kp6-perl5 and for a possible kp6-pugs and kp6-p6parrot 17:37
ruoso not for kp6-parrot
parrot takes care of it by itself
fglock i mean kp6-p6parrot
[particle] :)
ruoso a
I see
fglock perl6-in-parrot is just plain perl6 17:38
it doesn't keep track of side-effects
ruoso parrot does 17:39
the same for kp6-parrot
fglock so 6-in-6 will always need an emulation layer 17:40
ruoso yes...
kp6 would be a runtime provider for p6-p6
ferreira obra: ping 17:42
ruoso kp6-parrot would provide a runtime for pk6+1 to run on top of parrot
obra ferreira: pong
ferreira I thought about a proposal for a Perl 6 microgrant, but I am not sure about its validity and details. 17:43
obra rough description? 17:44
ferreira Could you take a look before I officially submit it to perl6-microgrants@perl?
obra sure, though that just goes to me and acme :)
submitting a bad one won't result in us turning you down ;)
or rather 17:45
it won't stop you from being able to submit a new one after our response
ferreira well, then I will post it. But I would look to keep it open for finishing details.
PerlJam ferreira: I'd like to read it :)
obra ok 17:46
PerlJam obra: what's the turn-around time on responses? 17:47
fglock obra: in short, i will keep the roadmap as-is, and the big changes will go into an alternate implementation and will be merged later
ahmadz is it normal to get a lot of warnings when compiling pugs on feather? 17:50
moritz_ I get some on my maschine
about 20..30 lines per compiled file
obra fglock: seems sane 17:51
PerlJam: varies from 5 minutes to never
ferreira obra: I posted it
ruoso fglock, i found why the 51-Test was failing 17:52
the -Ilib-modules-p5 was missing in the run_tests calll 17:53
but there's still a test failing in both kp6-mp6 and kp6-kp6
pugs_svnbot r17740 | ruoso++ | [kp6] fixed run_tests_kp6_kp6 to -Ilib-modules-p5 17:54
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17740
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17740 - Pugs - Trac
obra ferreira: will discuss with acme 17:55
ferreira thanks 17:56
ruoso fglock, BTW... kp6 can't compile its own grammar anymore 17:57
fglock, the problem is in lit_code 17:58
does it means the ::Object() constructor ? 17:59
fglock looking
ruoso: this seems to be unchanged 18:00
ruoso fglock, take a look at the new test 18:07
it fails with a weird symptom 18:08
pugs_svnbot r17741 | ruoso++ | [kp6] a new test failing with a weird symptom
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17741
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17741 - Pugs - Trac
fglock ruoso: the named params implementation was not finished 18:11
ruoso fglock, is ::Lit::Object a new object?
fglock yes, it calls the constructor 18:12
currently parses using mp6-ish syntax 18:13
ferreira pugs: my @a = <a b c>; my @x = <x y>; @a Z @x 18:13
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[(("a", "x"), ("b", "y"))␤]
DarkWolf84 now it works with : 18:14
ferreira pugs: my @a = <a b c>; my @x = <x y>; @a Z (@x, *)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[(("a", "x"), ("b", "y"), ("c", Inf))␤]
ruoso fglock, it seems that ::Lit::Object doesn't have a method "true" that returns true 18:15
DarkWolf84 strange
why is inf there
ferreira It must have been ( ("a", "x"), ("b", "y"), ("c", "y") ) by the rule of extending arrays. Or not? 18:16
DarkWolf84 hm
fglock ruoso: why do you need .true?
ruoso fglock, wait... maybe I had a wrong premise 18:18
I thought it was matching
but maybe the match is indeed failing
ferreira Also, in run.pugscode.org, evaling <a b c> Z <x y> gives a wrong answer ( (<a x>), (<b y>), ('c', undef) ). That means pugs there is outdated while the Perl 6 bot may be using newer (fixed) sources. 18:19
DarkWolf84 ?eval my @a = <a b c>; my @x = <x y>; @a Z (@x, *); 18:20
DarkWolf84 why evalbot is not responding? 18:21
ferreira which implementation evalbot uses? 18:22
DarkWolf84 maybe the old evalbot is gone for some reason
ferreira if the extended list (@x, *) is not treated lazily, it recurses forever. pugs (in run.pugscode.org) also has problems with 1..* 18:23
moritz_ pugs: my @a = <a b c>; my @x = <x y>; @a Z (@x, *);
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[(("a", "x"), ("b", "y"), ("c", Inf))␤]
ferreira pugs: my @ints = (1..*); @ints.first
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[pugs: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)␤] 18:24
ferreira well, here is the same. It probably is trying to flatten the infinite list.
moritz_ pugs: my @ints := (1..*); print @ints[0] 18:24
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1]
moritz_ pugs: my @ints = (1..*); print @ints[0]
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[pugs: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)␤] 18:25
ruoso fglock, it seems that the problem is in the val_int toke
ferreira pugs: my @ints := (1..*); @ints.first
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[pugs: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)␤]
moritz_ ferreira: it seems that the lazyness of lists stands on shaky grounds
ferreira I thought this laziness was for free when writing pugs in Haskell. I believed we should only take care to not do something that flattened the infinite list, like producing one as the final result which would be dumped (crashing the interpreter). 18:28
moritz_ ferreira: I think it's not so easiy to use builtin types for p6 land... 18:29
moritz_ ferreira: it all has to be mapped to pads etc 18:29
ferreira fglock: how about the construction of these infinite at v6, mp6, kp6? 18:30
What are those pads? I only knew the term in connection with lexical pads or something like that.
fglock ferreira: only PIL-Run supports that 18:31
moritz_ ferreira: lexical pads, yes
fglock PIL-Run = re infinite lists
moritz_ basically environment and their variables
fglock yes, Pad is the high level representation of a lexical pad, it's used by the kp6 compiler to track things defined in BEGIN blocks 18:32
home & 18:33
ferreira moritz_: and... Sorry, I haven't understood why storing the objects in pads did not allow to take advantage of the Haskel features 18:34
pugs_svnbot r17742 | ruoso++ | [kp6] syntax error message more usefull
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/17742
lambdabot Title: Changeset 17742 - Pugs - Trac
fglock s/kp6/perl6/ 18:35
moritz_ ferreira: I don't either, but if it were that simple it would be implemented
ferreira: but maybe the problem is something different...
ferreira: btw .first is not a vaild array method 18:36
ferreira pugs: my @ints := (1..*); @ints.start 18:36
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[pugs: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)␤] 18:37
moritz_ maybe .start tests if length >= 0 ;)
wolverian S02 should be named Types, at least in parentheses.. 21:19
Caelum what does "Setup: cannot satisfy dependency pugs-hsregex-any" mean? do I need another ghc lib? 21:38
TimToady @tell ferreira pugs does not yet implement Range objects, nor does it really treat * as anything other than Inf, so 0..* is pretty much doomed at the moment 21:51
lambdabot Consider it noted.
Limbic_Region TimToady - how was Vienna? 21:57
oh, and you're photo gallery appears to be b0rk 21:58
Juerd your 22:01
amnesiac mine? 22:08
TimToady yeah, has been b0rk since I the last disk upgrade...lack of round tuition 22:17
Vienna was lovely
strange, but lovely 22:18
REPLeffect strange in a good, or bad way (or, just strange?) 22:24
Caelum Anyone know what library I need for this to go away: "Setup: cannot satisfy dependency pugs-hsregex-any" 22:32
TimToady strange in a way that only a lot of money over a long period of time spent by many architects of violently clashing tastes can accomplish 22:33