pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
meppl good morning 08:41
moritz_ good localtime() 08:43
meppl :-P
hello moritz
moritz_ hi meppl ;) 08:46
pugs_svnbot r18304 | pmurias++ | [kp6] P6Opaque 08:57
r18304 | pmurias++ | removed a very obsolete TODO item
r18304 | pmurias++ | test for inheritence of attribiutes
r18304 | pmurias++ | moved LOOKUP from Match to Capture
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18304
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18304 - Pugs - Trac
pmurias hi
fglock hi 08:58
moritz_ hi all ;) 09:02
pmurias compile_tests_kp6_mp6-lisp.pl is the thing for checking if the lisp backend dosn't get broken 09:05
is it ok to remove t/sanity-modified and t/mp6? 09:09
fglock I don't know, I think it's ok 09:10
I'm trying to work on a talk, but I keep getting distracted with ideas on kp6 :) 09:11
pmurias is the talk on kp6? 09:13
pugs_svnbot r18305 | pmurias++ | [kp6] fixed 39-junction.t,removed t/{01-sanity-modified,mp6} 09:15
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18305
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18305 - Pugs - Trac
Aankhen`` waves at fglock and pmurias. 09:16
fglock it's on "open-source corporate R&D" 09:17
Aankhen`` fglock: What is the best way to recognize in the AST that a sub has no explicit parameters, i.e. just the implicit @_?
moritz_ which lisp interpreter do I need for kp6-lisp?
Aankhen`` moritz_: Ideally, any should work. SBCL is recommended.
moritz_: I believe avar uses CLISP.
fglock Aankhen``: looking
pmurias Aankhen``: when you wave at the abyss, the abyss waves back 09:18
Aankhen`` pmurias: I take it back! I take it back!
pmurias moritz_: i use sbcl
moritz_ Aankhen``, pmurias: thanks, I'm installing sbcl now 09:19
Aankhen`` Kewl.
fglock Aankhen``: check the contents of Sub.block.sig 09:20
Aankhen`` fglock: If it's empty, I should add a slurpy @_?
fglock yes, you need to check that @positional and %named are empty 09:21
Aankhen`` I did consider that yesterday, but what about when the sub has an explicitly empty sig?
Aankhen`` checks the ASTs for comparison. 09:22
fglock I didn't think about that
Aankhen`` Sigs appear identical in both cases. 09:23
fglock explicitly empty sig is not implemented 09:24
Aankhen`` Okay.
pmurias fglock: Scope constructor dosn't seem to pass on vars parameter 09:34
fglock pmurias: looking 09:40
pmurias cycling& 09:43
fglock oops - t/kp6/internals/01-scope.t is broken 09:45
pugs_svnbot r18306 | fglock++ | [kp6] make forcerecompile; no changes in source code 10:06
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18306
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18306 - Pugs - Trac
masak top o' the localtime(), fellow λ-camels! 10:33
platypus hi masak 10:34
Patterner eval: localtime() 10:35
buubot Patterner: Sun Oct 7 03:35:05 2007
masak #pugs localtime 11:18
moritz_ pugs: localtime 11:20
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected end of input␤ at /tmp/JLNdmuoUrg line 2, column 1␤]
moritz_ pugs: say localtime
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected end of input␤ at /tmp/2MaWF5GESz line 2, column 1␤]
masak hm, does the 'pugs:' command function differently from evalbot?
or is it just broken? 11:21
moritz_ ?eval localtime
masak: actually I don't know exactly how evalbot works
pugs: (localtime time).perl
exp_evalbot OUTPUT["\\Time::Local.new((\"day\" => 7), (\"hour\" => 11), (\"is_dst\" => Bool::False), (\"min\" => 21), (\"month\" => 10), (\"picosec\" => 0), (\"sec\" => 58), (\"tz\" => 0), (\"tzname\" => \"UTC\"), (\"wday\" => 1), (\"yday\" => 279), (\"year\" => 2007))"␤]
masak ah 11:22
pugs: localtime time
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[\Time::Local.new(("day" => 7), ("hour" => 11), ("is_dst" => Bool::False), ("min" => 22), ("month" => 10), ("picosec" => 0), ("sec" => 24), ("tz" => 0), ("tzname" => "UTC"), ("wday" => 1), ("yday" => 279), ("year" => 2007))␤]
masak pugs: ~(localtime time)
exp_evalbot OUTPUT["<obj:Time::Local>"␤]
masak hrm
moritz_ I just coded exp_evalbot to have a kp6 eval, pugs was a by product
masak ok 11:23
pugs_svnbot r18307 | pmurias++ | [kp6] ./kp6 replaced by kp6.sh 12:06
r18307 | pmurias++ | fixed kp6/io/01-dir.t
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18307
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18307 - Pugs - Trac
pmurias i think multi sub/method and multi regex should be split into two classes 12:22
pmurias Aankhen``: is it fine with the lisp backend if i turn Lookup,Index and Apply AST nodes into Call? 14:10
pugs_svnbot r18308 | pmurias++ | [kp6] 14:37
r18308 | pmurias++ | fixed Scope (a constructor from Hash was inherited)
r18308 | pmurias++ | added missing precompiled P6Opaque
r18308 | pmurias++ | removed TODO from class-constructor, removed for work-arounds
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18308
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18308 - Pugs - Trac
Aankhen`` pmurias: Go right ahead… I'll probably end up special-casing them anyway. ;-) 15:03
pmurias: As I told fglock, I have no experience writing compilers or anything of the sort, so you should do whatever's best overall and I'll adapt.
pmurias Aankhen``: i don't have any experience either 15:04
Aankhen`` Yay, a kindred soul! 15:05
pmurias :) 15:08
pugs_svnbot r18309 | pmurias++ | [kp6] Lookup & Index -> Call 18:54
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18309
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18309 - Pugs - Trac
pmurias Aankhen``: adapt :)
Aankhen`` I'm trying to fix the args code for now. 18:57
pmurias Aankhen``: (OT) where are you from? 18:59
Aankhen`` India. 19:00
Et vous?
pmurias Et vous mean? 19:01
Aankhen`` And you?
pmurias Poland
Aankhen`` Kewl. 19:03
Aankhen`` Ugh. 19:34
Sub arguments suck. -_-
pmurias Aankhen``: they are better then passing data in globals ;) 19:49
Aankhen`` Hmph. 19:51
pmurias what's your problem? 19:52
anything i can help with or is it a lisp problem? 19:56
pugs: sub () {say 123} 19:58
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[sub :() "$_" := "Scalar" #<Scalar:0xb71212b4>␤ "&?ROUTINE" := "Sub" #<Sub:0xb6604cec>␤ "&?BLOCK" := "Sub" #<Sub:0xb6604cec> {, , "$_" := "Scalar" #<Scalar:0xb71d2cec>␤ "@_" := "Array" #<Array:0xb71d02e4>␤
.. "&?ROUTINE" := "Sub" #<Sub:0xb...]
Aankhen`` pmurias: Just Lisp stuff.
pmurias pugs: sub f () {say @_};f("Hello")
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** No compatible multi variant found: "&f"␤ at /tmp/CRrYNRr3bu line 1, column 19 - line 2, column 1␤]
Aankhen`` pmurias: I weave a web of deceit and all that.
pmurias wonders wheather to learn Common Lisp 20:04
Aankhen`` Wow. Looks like I may finally have finished reworking the arguments bit. 20:16
Aankhen`` Of course, the question up in the air now is whether I actually succeeded in making it less complicated. Which doesn't seem likely. :-( 20:16
On the plus side, I did fix a bug related to top-level pads.
Aankhen`` sighs. 20:17
moritz_ Aankhen``: bug fixes are always good ;)
Aankhen`` Spending the whole day reworking something to make it cleaner, only to fix one small bug and end up with marginally cleaner code, is not a lot of fun. :-) 20:23
moritz_ Aankhen``: aye ;) 20:24
Aankhen`` Ah well. 20:26
That's life.
moritz_ life is totally overrated ;)
pugs_svnbot r18310 | Aankhen++ | [kp6-lisp] 20:27
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * completely rewrote argument handling code. moved a lot of it into Signature.lisp rather than Code.lisp
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * no longer need KP6-SIG-ITEM. call (MAKE-INSTANCE 'KP6-NAMED-PARAMETER) instead.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * removed MAKE-KP6-ARGUMENT too, for the same reason.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * removed FLATTEN-ARGUMENTS.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * removed INITFORMs for all KP6-SIGNATURE slots.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * replaced KP6-MAKE-ARGUMENT-LIST with SIGNATURE->ARGUMENTS, which creates a new KP6-SIGNATURE object with blank fields, to avoid accidentally overwriting the sub signature.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * factored some functionality from WITH-KP6-ARGUMENTS into COLLECT-ARGUMENTS and BIND-ARGUMENTS.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * use KP6-PARAMETER objects instead of conses wherever arguments or parameters are used. 20:28
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * fixed a bug where ENCLOSING-PAD was b0rked for top-level pads.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * replaced WITH-UNIQUE-NAMES in util.lisp with WITH-UNIQUE-NAMES from CL-UTILITIES.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * added KP6-STUB-FUNCTION error class.
r18310 | Aankhen++ | * WITH-KP6-INTERPRETER now defines interpreter-specific stub functions for lexical variable manipulation.
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18310
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18310 - Pugs - Trac
Aankhen`` Now to see about that ::Call refactoring. 20:28
rhr pugs: sub f { say @_ }; f('Hello') 20:44
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[Hello␤]
rhr sub f () declares no args
pmurias rhr: yes 20:51
Aankh|Clone Looks like the ::Call thing will have to wait, since MP6 is shouting at me about trying to listify non–array references. 20:56
pmurias you shouldn't cut on sleep to work on kp6 ;) 20:58
Aankh|Clone I generally cut on sleep for all sorts of reasons. 20:59
That said, I did decide earlier today that I was going to get to sleep "early".
So g'night.
moritz_ g'night 21:00
pmurias g'night 21:01
vsoni ping audreyt 21:20
meppl good night 22:51