pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
pugs_svnbot r18435 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] (kp6-dispatch array interpreter) not (kp6-dispatch 00:14
r18435 | avar++ | interpreter array), makes t/kp6/40-hash-keys.t pass
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18435
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18435 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18436 | avar++ | Made &&, || and ?? svn st work again after adding an interpreter parameter to kp6-dispatch and dropping kp6-true, also indented some long concated code 01:14
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18436
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18436 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18437 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] Make While work again, it was using kp6-true 01:23
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18437
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18437 - Pugs - Trac
avar beats the lisp runtime 01:38
too much abstraction
jeffreykegler I'm looking for the BNF for Perl 6 rules. Parrot has one, but I wonder if Pugs doesn't have a more up to date one 02:55
avar parrot has a BNF for it?
jeffreykegler Yes, somewhere under the PGE section of their code tree 02:56
avar pugs doesn't have one 02:56
jeffreykegler The parrot one is search.cpan.org/src/PARTICLE/parrot...le.grammar 02:58
lambdabot tinyurl.com/2bcvxp
avar that's not a BNF but the Perl 6 grammar 02:59
But the parrot one is probably better than the PCR/kp6 one in pugs 03:00
jeffreykegler Perl 6 grammars and BNF look very much alike
... and not by coincidence 03:01
mncharity jeffreykegler: there is another in... 03:21
jeffreykegler yes?
mncharity svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/src/perl6/...0.0-STD.pm 03:22
jeffreykegler Thanks!!
mncharity np :) 03:24
moritz_ the up-to-date URL is svn.pugscode.org/pugs/src/perl6/STD.pm 06:30
meppl good morning 08:18
moritz_ godd morning meppl ;) 08:27
pugs_svnbot r18438 | ruoso++ | [yap6] documenting how to call the autotools in INSTALL, as pointed by moritz++ 09:35
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18438
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18438 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ ruoso: should yap6 compile currently? 09:37
moritz_ make[2]: Entering directory `/nocrypt-home/moritz/pugs/v6/yap6/src' 09:40
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -Wall -g -O2 -MT const.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/const.Tpo -c -o const.o const.c
In file included from const.c:3:
yap6.h:25: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'pthread_rwlock_t'
ruoso moritz_, yep... it should 09:42
which OS is yours?
bette yet, which gcc version is it?
moritz_ gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21) 09:44
which answers the OS question as well ;)
ruoso hmm 09:46
I'm using gcc 4.2
Debian too
maybe it's some syntax that is not supported by gcc 4.1
hmm... 09:47
moritz_, I'll try to get some help in ##c 09:48
ruoso moritz_, It looks like the symbol pthread_rwlock_t is not defined in pthread.h in your libc verson 09:52
could you grep for it in /usr/include/*.h? 09:53
Aankhen`` avar: I've decided to take a break from programming.
(For as long as my willpower lasts. :-P)
ruoso moritz_, I've just commited a new version with another include, could you please try it 09:54
pugs_svnbot r18439 | ruoso++ | [yap6] adding the include wich defines pthread_rwlock_t
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18439
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18439 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ ruoso: it occurs in pthread.h, but not as a definition
ruoso moritz_, hmm... I just found out
I *must* include types.h 09:55
for it to work...
moritz_ do I need to regen configure before compiling?
ruoso moritz_, I've commited again
pugs_svnbot r18440 | ruoso++ | [yap6] using the correct header
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18440
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18440 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso no...
moritz_ good
ruoso simple make test should do it 09:56
moritz_ make clean; make; gives the same error 09:57
ruoso hmhmhm... 09:58
moritz_ #if defined __USE_POSIX199506 || defined __USE_UNIX98
# include <bits/pthreadtypes.h>
from sys/types.h
do you define either of them?
ruoso nope...
brb &
moritz_ ruoso: I have a (non-production) server with etch where I can reproduce the problem... would you like a shell account there? 10:02
ruoso lists.debian.org/debian-user/2002/0...02931.html 10:21
lambdabot Title: Re: Woody: pthread_rwlock_t error
ruoso moritz_, seems related to that
pugs_svnbot r18441 | ruoso++ | [yap6] added -D_GNU_SOURCE as pthread_rwlock_t seems to be gnu libc related 10:23
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18441
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18441 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso moritz_, could you try this last version/
moritz_ ruoso: yes, trying...
ruoso: now it compiles, thanks 10:24
ruoso :)
moritz_, thanks for the report :) 10:25
moritz_ and "All tests successful."
ruoso :)
fglock, could you test the last version in OSX?
make -f Makefile.cvs; ./configure; make test
fglock ruoso: testing
"All tests successful" 10:27
ruoso :)
moritz_ GNU's c libs are a bit weird sometimes ;)
fglock but "warning: passing argument 3 of ‘pthread_create’ from incompatible pointer type"
Aankhen`` It's C. :-) 10:28
ruoso fglock, yep... I saw that, and I still don't get it...
fglock, hmmm... i got it... 10:30
the thread function callback must return void*, not void... :)
moritz_ bah, just one char difference ;) 10:31
ruoso heh
pugs_svnbot r18442 | ruoso++ | [yap6] thread callback must return void*, not void 10:32
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18442
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18442 - Pugs - Trac
avar Aankhen``: my $sub = { say 5 + 5 }; 12:08
I can then do:
(let ((code (kp6-cell-value (lookup-lexical-variable/c (kp6-generate-variable "$" "sub"))) ))
(apply (kp6-value code) |Main| (list)))
to have .() kinda work
which means I need to poke Code.lisp
pugs_svnbot r18443 | ruoso++ | [yap6] List destruction, List_ProxyScalar destruction, consts destruction, no leaks at the moment. 14:45
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18443
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18443 - Pugs - Trac 14:45
ruoso fglock, lists already destroy themselves... :) garbage collection is working ;) 14:51
if you compile enabling the -DYAP6_MEM_TRACE in Makefile.am you'll see all the process
fglock :) 14:53
ruoso make -f Makefile.cvs; CFLAGS='-DYAP6_MEM_TRACE' ./configure; make check; ./src/04_list.t
fglock still reading about stm ...
ruoso considering the expression $A < $B... if $A is a String and $B is an integer... is the comparision goin to be made in string or int context? 15:21
moritz_ ruoso: < is num context 15:22
ruoso I would presume the left-hand operand ($A) would have precedence and stringify $B
moritz_ le is string
ruoso of course
ruoso already with some C damage
avar $A.Int < $B.Int 15:24
ruoso definitively already with C damage 15:26
funktio does anyone else think that it would be nice if $foo.chars returned an array in list context? 15:36
then my @a = $foo.chars; would give a more intuitive result 15:37
avar $foo.split('') 15:39
.#chars and .chars ?:) 15:41
PerlJam funktio: isn't it specced to do so? 16:02
funktio PerlJam: I don't know, actually
moritz_ PerlJam: $str.chars returns the number of chars in $str 16:05
PerlJam moritz_: even in an array context? 16:06
TimToady yes, even in list context 16:07
ruoso now that I fixed my brain damage... which are the native types that everything must be able to cast into? String, Int and Bool? 16:08
[particle] Num
ruoso yep yep... not Int, but Num...
ruoso any other? 16:09
TimToady It is not required that a Num cast be possible, I think
ruoso but string is? 16:10
TimToady It's good if an accidentally printed thing gives some indication of what it is 16:11
it's not required to give a complete value
ruoso sure... 16:12
TimToady see p5's CODE(0xdeadbeef) for instance
ruoso it's just a coercion
TimToady given interesting values of undef, I think the default Num coercion should probably be to one of those
fail "I don't know how to convert { self.WHAT } to Num" or some such 16:13
ruoso but...
that means $a < $b will fail if that thing isn't numifiable 16:14
wolverian at compile time hopefully
ruoso I like p5 concept that if it can't numify, then it's a zero
wolverian, we can't count on that...
PerlJam ruoso: good thing p6 does that too :) 16:15
ruoso not for writing a runtime...
TimToady maybe there are interesting values of undef that just warn on usage
ruoso but the problem is that
$a < $b *will use* the value 16:16
so the warning *if* is pointless
wolverian ruoso, yeah. anyway, while str->num coercion is good, a failure in the coercion being silently ignored is something I've never used in perl 5, I think.
ruoso undef -> num is quite used
TimToady it's something you want to give some knob to turn to adjust it 16:17
certainly with hyperops we're not going to want to be exception happy
ruoso perl -we 'my $a; $a++;'
would that give a warning in P6? 16:18
TimToady no
but uninitialized is a different kind of undef in p6
doesn't mean that something went wrong, only that something has not yet gone right 16:19
all the "class" names are more in that category, so we call them protoobjects
wolverian ruoso, well I assume undef could numify to zero..
[particle] in perl 6, postfix:-- is magical too, right?
wolverian that's different from "a" numifying to zero, I think
TimToady supposed to be magical, yes
[particle] so, my $a; $a-- produces...? 16:19
TimToady error, probably. 16:20
[particle] okay.
TimToady there's no guarantee that -- is symmetric with ++
[particle] great. that's just what i was hoping for.
ruoso I don't get it... why wouldn't it be -1
TimToady it could do that too
but I think the spec currently says error 16:21
ruoso that would certainly surprise me 16:22
TimToady errors are supposed to do that
ruoso heh
but... why?
why would it give an error? 16:23
TimToady you bend it and it snapped
TimToady *bent 16:23
ruoso why wouldn't it numify the unintialized-undef and subtract 1? 16:24
ruoso like p5 does 16:24
[particle] who's to say it's not Inf?
TimToady would depend on how fatal you're running, but default is to throw an exception on use of a Failure 16:25
you can be either more or less fatal than that
ruoso [particle], I know it's arbitrary... but it have been arbitrarly defined in p5 already...
TimToady for a spacecraft you might set everything to completely failsoft 16:26
wolverian I'm not convinced :)
ruoso me neighter...
ruoso I could agree that if you try to do my $a = some_sub_that_failed(); $a--; # it might give an error 16:27
ruoso it even should 16:27
PerlJam ruoso, wolverian: how about this: because perl 6 is *different* ;-)
ruoso heh
wolverian I meant I'm not convinced about the spacecraft :) 16:28
wolverian I can imagine failsoft would lead to eventual corruption of the state of the whole system 16:28
TimToady well, sure, even the softest pillow may have a hard floor under it 16:29
keep going down you eventually hit something solid
amnesiac uhm... pillow...
TimToady but we still give people options on how thick the pillow is 16:30
PerlJam I'd rather not hit something solid in a spacecraft, but rather gently land upon it.
wolverian and I appreciate it a lot, and think it's an interesting problem
[particle] you can't fool me. it's pillows all the way down!
moritz_ that's why you want to be on the outside of the spacecraft - the next hardest pillow is literally miles away ;)
wolverian I hope someone is logging search.cpan searches, because I just tried to find "charlie and the chocolate factory" 16:31
szbalint hehe
moritz_ and did you find a suitable module? 16:32
TimToady and what happens after you do that 11 times?
szbalint it might get cached
wolverian moritz_, no :(
TimToady I want the world, I want the whole world, I want it *now*!!!
szbalint hm, cache miss 16:33
ruoso but getting back... Bool coerce is mandatory? 16:34
TimToady yes 16:35
Tene perhaps search results would be an interesting way to see what people are looking for but aren't finding.
ruoso at least my $a; if ($a) doesn't give an error ;)
TimToady even values of undef have a Bool coercion :)
[particle] my $a; $a-- if $a :)
.oO(bunch of scab pickers...)
moritz_ kp6: my $a; if $a { say "yes"; }
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[False␤]
TimToady kp6: my $a; list do { if $a { say "yes"; } } 16:38
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[DISPATCH: calling APPLY KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar::Dispatch=HASH(0x85c8b44) on invalid object:$VAR1 = {};␤␤ at compiled/perl5/lib/KindaPerl6/Runtime/Perl5/MOP.pm line 33␤ main::DISPATCH('undef', 'APPLY',
..'KindaPerl6::Runtime::Perl5::DispatchSugar::Dispatch=HASH(0x85...') called at - line 20␤]
[particle] *cough*
TimToady kp6: my $a; say (if $a { "yes"; } ) 16:39
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[0␤] 16:39
TimToady kp6: say (if '' { "yes"; } ) 16:40
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[0␤]
TimToady that should not be outputting a 0
ruoso that's probably a p5 value leaking...
TimToady in a list context the false if should return ()
ruoso ah
that 16:41
moritz_ TimToady: if the expression doesn't produce an output, it is re-run with ((...).perl).say around it
ruoso kp6 doesn't implement context yet
TimToady so you can use it to make list comprehensions
ruoso that's something I'm trying to do in yap6
TimToady okay, so it's printing the return value of the say, I guess
moritz_ TimToady: presumably, yes 16:42
ruoso nope... the return of the if
TimToady kp6: say ''
ruoso which is hmm
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[␤]
ruoso kp6: if (0) { }
TimToady hmm
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[False␤]
ruoso kp6: if ('') { }
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[False␤]
ruoso hm?
moritz_ I should patch exp_evalbot not to print OUTPUT if it isn't output...
ruoso kp6: (if ('') { })
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[False␤]
ruoso kp6: say (if ('') { })
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[0␤] 16:43
ruoso hmm
it's the return of say
but it's the evalbot, not the say itself
[particle] kp6: say
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[␤]
ruoso hmm
[particle] kp6: say False
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[0␤]
wolverian kp6: say False
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[0␤]
ruoso hah
wolverian [particle], damn you.
Tene kp6: False
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[False␤]
avar kp6: '' && "t" || "nil" 16:44
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[False␤]
avar kp6: say '' && "t" || "nil"
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[0␤]
ruoso avar, precedences are not right also...
avar kp6: say '' ?? "t" !! "nil"
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[nil␤]
ruoso or they are...
ruoso confused now
yep... precedence is not right... 16:45
kp6: say ('' && 't' || 'nil') 16:46
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[0␤]
ruoso kp6: say (('' && 't') || 'nil')
exp_evalbot r18443: OUTPUT[nil␤]
TimToady moritz_> ruoso: < is num context 16:47
that's an oversimplification
moritz_ TimToady: then enlighten me ;) 16:48
TimToady it just dispatches to infix:<< < >>
and there is an exact match with (Num, Num)
otherwise (Any,Any) coerces 16:49
but any user defined operator can slip in between
TimToady and, although it is encouraged that it support "num" semantics, it's not required 16:49
ruoso so, $a < $b is not necessarly $a.num < $b.num 16:49
moritz_ TimToady: so what does the (Any, Any) multi do?
ruoso $a.lt($b) 16:50
TimToady $a.Num < $b.Num, presumably
ruoso and fails if it doesn't support numification?
TimToady by default, yes, I expect 16:51
wolverian hum. I thought the dispatcher coerces.
ruoso fails here is a "die"?
a warn?
TimToady dispatcher never coerces
moritz_ I'd guess "fail" 16:52
ruoso if a warn, what is the result?
ruoso trying to translate p5 context
TimToady if .Num returns a Failure, then you could define variants for (Failure, Num) etc
ruoso so (Failure,Failure) is false?
TimToady Failure < Failure is not defined currently, afaik 16:53
moritz_ multi dispatching operators... nice idea, really ;)
[particle] NaN
ruoso moritz_, tell that to the runtime
TimToady yes, a good argument could be made for returning NaN by default instead of Failure 16:54
ruoso NaN makes more sense... yes...
this would make everything numifiable 16:55
moritz_ ruoso: the compiler should do as much time inference at compile time as possible, and do the multi dispatch at compile time if possible as well
TimToady or some Failure variant that keeps all the juicy "where did things go wrong" details but otherwise behaves as NaN if coerced from Num to num
ruoso moritz_, which won't happen most of the time...
moritz_ ruoso: so that pure numerica comparisons will be cheap 16:55
[particle] NaN does Failure? vice versa? 16:55
ruoso something is Failure does NaN 16:56
moritz_ ruoso: you can view it as yet another challenage ;)
[particle] ruoso++
ruoso moritz_, it's just a matter that, for the common case (like, getting the element of a AoH) doesn't allows any compile-time inference...
the problem is that NaN is an instance of Num 16:57
not a Role
TimToady individual values are just considered maximally constrained subtypes, if it helps
ruoso hmnm.. 16:58
so $a does 5 makes sense?
fglock is Failure but NaN ?
moritz_ ruoso: unless you have an explicit type declaration for that AoH
TimToady True and False are both values and subtypes of Bool
ruoso moritz_, sure... I'm just saying that we can't count on that...
TimToady subtypes can function as "Just" types 16:59
[particle] Brilliant but True
TimToady normal types are "Maybe" types in p6
ruoso can't actually visualize the instance composition in that case... 17:00
what would the Failure but NaN object look like? how would it be built? 17:01
TimToady a "but" doesn't have to do a composition if the mixed in interface is constant. 17:02
all that is required is that .Num return NaN when called on that object 17:03
ruoso but how does it know which methods to mix? 17:04
TimToady NaN knows it's a value of Num, just as True knows it's a Bool
ruoso I mean... Num have other methods...
TimToady well, you end up with a type something like Num.assuming(NaN:) so the generic instantiation can presumably optimize away any other possible values if it wants to get fancy 17:07
avar anyone know of a simple (numeric?) algorithmic problem I could try in kp6? I want to benchmark the mp6 and lisp backends 17:08
ruoso can't think how to transport that to yap6
avar sial.org/pbot/28062 # this ends in deep recursion
lambdabot Title: Paste #28062 from Someone at
fglock ruoso: this can be implemented at the kp6 level
ruoso fglock, kinda... 17:09
moritz_ avar: what about iterative sqrt() computation?
ruoso because the data in the low level
needs to support this kind of context
avar moritz_: I'd have to implement sqrt() but sure, got code?:)
[particle] fibonacci?
moritz_ avar: wait a second...
avar [particle]: see my paste
ruoso if a value is a subtype... my $a isa Foo but $b is valid, right? 17:10
and $b can be anything, right? 17:11
how $a is composed? 17:12
pasteling "moritz_" at pasted "iterative sqrt calculation in full p6" (13 lines, 184B) at sial.org/pbot/28063
moritz_ avar: that's in full perl6, but it should be trivial to port to kp6
actually I could do something like this to implement sqrt() in pure perl 17:14
avar uh, pre and post? 17:17
moritz_ avar: you can omit that
Aankhen`` Contracts? 17:18
moritz_ avar: it's just an example I used for a tutorial
pasteling "ruoso" at pasted "Trying to understand how the object is composed..." (18 lines, 229B) at sial.org/pbot/28064
moritz_ avar: yes
Aankhen`` Assertions, I guess.
ruoso TimToady, could you take a look at the paste above?
moritz_ Aankhen``: if you do "design by contract" than an assertion is a "contract" ;)
Aankhen`` Yeah, but I figure DBC is simply fancy nomenclature specialized for OOP. ;-) 17:19
moritz_ Aankhen``: indeed ;)
Aankhen``: but it's cool that assertions are inherited
Aankhen`` Def. 17:20
moritz_ I learned Eiffel a couple of year ago, and it's quite a cool language 17:22
but the syntax suffers from bad huffmann coding
wolverian it felt completely overengineered for me
but that is possibly because of the syntax 17:23
TimToady ruoso: mixins clobber methodnames in superclasses, so .name would refer to Dog after the "but"
moritz_ wolverian: the librarires are bit overengineered, yes ;)
TimToady and you don't get an error on conflicts with mixins, which is why compile-time composition is preferred
moritz_ wolverian: but for bigger projects it's certainly a nice language
ruoso so, the but is kinda the same of does 17:25
TimToady does is really just but= I suspect
ruoso ah... ok...
avar pugs: 1e-8 17:26
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1/100000000␤]
avar does p6 have lossless fraction calculations? 17:27
moritz_ avar: yes
TimToady though but may also enforce some value semantics where the objects might prefer not to be values
moritz_ avar: wait, pugs does
avar yay, more common lisp features:)
moritz_ avar: p6 not, I think
ruoso TimToady, for example? 17:28
avar moritz_: urgh, that would be lame:)
ruoso and wait... what kind of object is not a value?
avar Junction?
moritz_ avar: I think nobody will stop you from implementing it, as long as you still provide native floating points 17:29
fglock ruoso: containers
ruoso a container itself is a value that has another value 17:30
TimToady different responses to <=> and cmp
avar syntax error at position 211, line 14 column 49: 17:32
while (abs ($w * $w - $x) > $one_e_minus_8) {
ruoso so... <=> sees if the value can Num, if not, tries to see if it's a junction? 17:33
TimToady avar: division of integers is allowed to keep result as Rat, see S03:673
ruoso and a Junction can't numify
except it you do a but 17:34
ruoso is it right? 17:34
avar TimToady: not division of Rat?
CL-USER> (+ 5/9 3/4)
ruoso kinda-confused
avar pugs: 5/9 + 3/4
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[47/36␤]
TimToady ruoso> so... <=> sees if the value can Num... 17:35
no, that's inside out
TimToady the dispatcher pays attention to Num vs Junction. the individual operators don't care 17:35
ruoso the object's dispatcher?
TimToady and only infix:<< <=> >>(Any,Any) coerces to Num 17:36
ruoso or the operator dispatcher?
TimToady MMD does not belong to any one class
ruoso but the implementation must be somewhere :) 17:37
pugs_svnbot r18444 | fglock++ | [kp6] added 'but' to grammar
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18444
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18444 - Pugs - Trac
ruoso I mean... it's in the <=> implementation
avar I thought the operatiors did $arg.Int or something
TimToady what is this "the" you keep mentioning?
avar that's how MOP works in kp6, you need something you request it
TimToady there can be many implementations of <=>
ruoso TimToady, by "the" I mean "the set formed by the MMD options" 17:38
avar oh you mean based on multis?
TimToady multiple dispatch is actually more fundamental to P6 than single dispatch
single dispatch can be viewed as a degenerate case 17:39
avar fglock: is the reason you wrote your own object system instead of piggy-backing on the p5 one that you can't really create classes at runtime?
ruoso avar, the p5 classes can't implement all the context of p6
avar which part?
ruoso still have to find out how to bootstrap the introspection in yap6 17:40
fglock avar: several reasons, except for performance
avar fglock: can you elaborate? some of them might apply to clos
ruoso lexical classes 17:41
fglock avar: I think the p6 object system mostly map to CLOS 17:42
Aankhen`` …delegation?
TimToady fglock: but not multiple dispatch
Aankhen`` …parallel dispatch?
…submethods? 17:43
avar fglock: and do you know why sial.org/pbot/28065 fails to compile?
lambdabot Title: Paste #28065 from Someone at
ruoso is comparing 'HOW' an possible way of seeing if two objects are of the same type?
Aankhen`` …customized constructors?
ruoso: Doesn't HOW return the metaclass?
TimToady ruoso: no, that only tells you if they have the same metaobject instance
moritz_ ruoso: why not .WHAT?
Aankhen`` avar: Last line of &abs, perhaps. 17:44
ruoso Could anyone give me a hint on how to do that in yap6?
Aankhen`` Might need more parentheses.
moritz_ is just spilling bullshit tonight and should shut up
ruoso I need to bootstrap the introspection
Aankhen`` ($num < 0) ?? -($num) !! $num; # try that
avar no it's: 17:45
syntax error at position 212, line 14 column 48:
while (abs($w * $w - $x) > $one_e_minus_8) {
ruoso svn.pugscode.org/pugs/v6/yap6/src/yap6.h
TimToady bbl &
ruoso that's the data structure I'm working on
Aankhen`` The error messages in KP6 are… a tad misleading at times.
But if that is indeed the point, try throwing some parentheses into the &abs call.
abs(($w * $w) - $x) > $one_e_minus_8) 17:46
avar nah, stiff fails 17:47
while ((abs(($w * $w) - $x) > $one_e_minus_8)) {
$w = 0.5 * ($w + $val / $w );
Aankhen`` Add more parentheses in the $w = ... line? 17:48
moritz_ is abs() implemented? 17:49
kp6: sub abs($a){ $a < 0 ?? (-1)*$a !! $a }; say(abs(3)) 17:50
exp_evalbot r18444: OUTPUT[error in Block at compiled/perl5/lib/KindaPerl6/Grammar/Sub.pm line 362, <> line 1.␤Bareword found where operator expected at - line 2, near "* Syntax Error"␤ (Missing operator before Error?)␤syntax error at - line 2, near "* Syntax Error in "␤Illegal declaration of subroutine 17:51
..main:: at - line 2.␤]
moritz_ kp6: sub my_abs($a){ $a < 0 ?? (-1)*$a !! $a }; say(my_abs(3)) 17:51
exp_evalbot r18444: OUTPUT[error in Block at compiled/perl5/lib/KindaPerl6/Grammar/Sub.pm line 362, <> line 1.␤Bareword found where operator expected at - line 2, near "* Syntax Error"␤ (Missing operator before Error?)␤syntax error at - line 2, near "* Syntax Error in "␤Illegal declaration of subroutine
..main:: at - line 2.␤]
pugs_svnbot r18445 | fglock++ | [kp6-perl] 'but' implementation; needs more work 17:56
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18445
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18445 - Pugs - Trac
fglock kp6: my $a = 1 but "x"; say $a 17:57
exp_evalbot r18445: OUTPUT[x␤]
moritz_ kp6: my $a = undef but 3; say $a; 17:59
exp_evalbot r18445: OUTPUT[Undef␤]
moritz_ kp6: my $a = undef but 'a'; say $a; 18:00
exp_evalbot r18445: OUTPUT[Undef␤]
avar my $a = "cat" but "fine too"; say $a 18:01
kp6: my $a = "cat" but "fine too"; say $a
exp_evalbot r18445: OUTPUT[fine toofine too]
fglock that's the "needs more work" part 18:04
moritz_ so how is decided which part to use for coercion? 18:05
moritz_ if I have a '$foo but $bar', is the check if $bar has a .Str method, and if not $foo.Str is called? 18:06
avar moritz_: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18445
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18445 - Pugs - Trac
fglock it calls .Str on $bar, if $bar is Str 18:07
i think
avar .str if $bar is Str
fglock avar: i think .str is now .Str 18:08
avar yeah, but your but code does .dstr
moritz_ well, .$type should be called if you want to coerce to $type 18:09
see r14464 of the synopsis 18:10
moritz_ roughly S13:143 18:11
fglock yes, but this is better be fixed in all code at once 18:13
moritz_ right
rgrep '\bstr\b' src/|wc -l 18:14
of course there are many false positives 18:15
ruoso (Failure but NaN) isa Num? 18:23
fglock it's still Failure 18:31
hmm - maybe
PerlJam Is it just me or does *adding* something to *not* capture seem weird? 19:28
moritz_ PerlJam: that's what p5 uses as well... ( captures and (?: doesn't 19:29
PerlJam: so <. as opposed to < is an improvement ;)
PerlJam If you say so.
moritz_ I do ;) 19:30
PerlJam I'm not entirely sure, but I think I'd be happier if the default were to not capture and then <.foo> would capture 19:31
and $/.foo might do something useful too
moritz_ PerlJam: actually it depends on what you want to make the default - I see no gain in intuitiveness one way or another
PerlJam I'm prematurely optimizing perhaps, but making capturing the default seems like it'll put the RE engine through lots more work in the general case 19:32
PerlJam (I think most people will care to use grammars for their readability, but not care to capture so much) 19:32
fglock & 19:33
moritz_ PerlJam: well, that's a good point (but not if your primary concern is to write parsers) 19:34
moritz_ @karma moritz_ 19:42
lambdabot You have a karma of 10
moritz_ @karma moritz
lambdabot moritz has a karma of 114
meppl good night 21:11
moritz_ good night meppl ; 21:18
PerlJam moritz_: interesting question on perlmonks 21:26
meppl ;) 21:33