pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
bloonix morning 08:00
pmurias bloonix: morning 08:02
pmurias it's quite during weekends here 11:35
agentzh quiet++ 12:53
DarkWolf84 it's really quiet 16:57
pmurias DarkWolf84: yeah 17:01
sundays are the most quiet 17:02
DarkWolf84 I can help little with my skils 17:03
pmurias DarkWolf84: do you want do anything particular? 17:04
DarkWolf84 for now I have writen only one or two test file for pugs
why not
pmurias DarkWolf84: i could help you if you want to do something with kp6 17:05
DarkWolf84 thanks pmurias 17:06
where to start from 17:07
the code is too mach 17:08
pmurias DarkWolf84: what do you want to do? 17:08
DarkWolf84 I wan't to learn mach for kp6 17:10
pmurias mach = ?
DarkWolf84 much
my bad english
that's a big barier for me now 17:11
I don't know about what is done 17:12
pmurias i think the best way to learn about kp6 would be to try to add a small feature to it 17:14
DarkWolf84 is thera something like a roadmap 17:16
pmurias ../doc/kp6-roadmap.pod
but it's very general 17:17
DarkWolf84 ok
I'll read it
I could not found it there 17:19
found it 17:20
the bootstrap is finished? 17:21
pmurias DarkWolf84: no 17:26
it's in initial stages v6-Onion
DarkWolf84 I know a little perl5 and little perl6 oand can help with the tests 17:28
they are writen in perl5 aren't they 17:29
pmurias in perl6
DarkWolf84 ok 17:30
ludan hi
pmurias ludan: hi 17:31
DarkWolf84: adding new features to the regex engine might be a fun and not very difficult task
DarkWolf84 I like regex :) 17:32
I'll see what can be done
pmurias see src/KindaPerl6/Visitor/Emit/Perl5Regexn
DarkWolf84 so onion is the next state of kp6 18:32
DarkWolf84 btw why there r ; after every } 18:42
pmurias DarkWolf84: there was a grammar bug before 19:08
kp6 is compiled by now mp6 now which is a bit strange 19:10
is should work withought a ; after every } now, but removing them might brake something 19:11
they will be hopefull removed in onion
any questions about Perl5Regex? 19:12
DarkWolf84 yeah 19:22
I don't know what do \X
DarkWolf84 and I don't know how to test my changes 19:23
pmurias DarkWolf84: how to do \X? 19:24
DarkWolf84: you can write a test script like in t/kp6
you run it with script/kp6 -Bperl5rx 19:25
DarkWolf84 that \X is in \N mach and I don't know why is there
return '(?:(?!\n\r?|\r\n?)\X)';
pmurias the rule tests live in t/kp6/grammar 19:26
the \N is 'not a newline'
so it checks if the next character is a newline and matches a character if it's not 19:27
you have seen Synopsis 5?
DarkWolf84 I have to read it carefuly next time
pmurias \N is now perl5's '.'
i use grep ;) 19:28
if you want to see the ast a program compiles to use script/kp6 -Cast 19:29
if you want to see what the emitted source code use script/kp6 -Cperl5rx 19:35
DarkWolf84 reads Synopsis 5 19:49
DarkWolf84 I don't understand the difference between token and rule 19:54
Tene DarkWolf84: defaults 20:02
DarkWolf84 I realy have mach to learn but not give up 23:10