pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
00:01 REPLeffect left 00:04 r0bby left
pugs_svn r19264 | ruoso++ | [yap6] yet more cleaning in yap6.h, now the YAP6__BASE__Value and YAP6__BASE__Dispatcher macros expand to the internal specs of the struct. 00:04
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pugs_svn r19265 | ruoso++ | [yap6] splitting YAP6_* macros to yap6_macros.h 00:10
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pugs_svn r19266 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] alias Sub to Perl6Sub; gives an error: "Null PMC access" 00:45
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meppel good night 02:23
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ajax32123 hhi 02:35
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Yurivilca digg.com/2008_us_elections/Mike_Huc..._you_don_t 06:51
Check out Mike Huckabee's latest psychotic utterance!
06:51 Yurivilca left, ErrantEgo joined 06:53 ErrantEgo left
jjore-m That clip isn't psychotic. sheesh. 06:53
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allbery_b huckabeens taking a page from the paultards (who themselves are channeling the deandroids from last election cycle)? 07:15
...consider that confirmed 07:21
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allbery_b minor correction: romneyites, it appears. 07:36
'tards regardless.
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pugs_svn r19267 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] moved new closure method to /src/pmc/closure.pmc 08:44
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pugs_svn r19268 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] moved .set_outer() to src/pmc/sub.pmc # 4th try - is this the right place? 11:35
r19269 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] fixed test 11:45
r19270 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] patch cleanup 11:49
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pugs_svn r19271 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] better test, but maybe "perl6" doesn't understand closures yet? 12:11
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pugs_svn r19272 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] added a test for .set_outer; written in PIR to workaround compiler problems 12:33
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pugs_svn r19273 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] fixed PIR syntax for calling methods on a sub 12:40
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pugs_svn r19274 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] re-add src/pmc/closure.pmc - closures in PIR are "closure", not "sub" 12:47
r19275 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] .set_outer() now causes "Lexical '$x' not found" (which means is must be doing something) 12:55
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pugs_svn r19276 | ruoso++ | [yap6] Hash and List now have a STORE method that doesnt need a LOOKP before. 14:55
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pugs_svn r19277 | ruoso++ | [yap6] created a TODO file that maps what needs to be done in a simple table 15:10
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pmurias ruoso: shouldn't there be a Code object of some sort in the TODO table? 15:43
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ruoso pmurias, maybe... 15:56
pmurias, but I'm not sure if that shouldn't be created in the stage1
I think the stage 1 will define that 15:57
as scope and so on
and closure...
pmurias ruoso: i see 16:01
pugs_svn r19278 | fglock++ | [kp6-parrot] more detailed closure test 16:03
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ruoso fglock_, could you please take a look in the later yap6.h + yap6_macros.h to see how that applies to KP6 model? 16:22
ruoso going to IKEA &
fglock_ ruoso: will look
now reading through the PIR compiler to see what can be done about making :outer less static 16:23
PIR seems to have "zero" support for lexical-scoped eval() 16:27
though I'm puzzled about this line in imcc/pbc.c: current = CONTEXT(interp->ctx)->current_sub 16:30
it looks like it is trying to get the lexical context
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dmq seen aaron? 17:29
[particle] @seen aaron 17:32
lambdabot I haven't seen aaron.
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dmq cheers 17:44
pmurias dmq: cheers
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fglock_ pmurias: ping 18:28
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pmurias fglock_: pong 18:29
fglock_ pmurias: in the end, kp6-parrot will need to implement it's own lexicals 18:30
so we are back to the "Scope" implementation
pmurias: what is the state of the optimizations you were trying out? 18:31
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pmurias fglock_: i haven't tried any more than what's in the repo 18:31
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pmurias i'm sceptical the would give any decent speedups 18:33
fglock_ you said some tests were failing, is this still happening?
pmurias yes 18:34
fglock_ I think we'd better don't bootstrap in kp6-MOP, and focus on parrot, perl5-v6.pm, and yap6 18:35
pmurias i think that too
fglock_ if you can call that "focus" :P
would you try to revert something until the tests pass again? 18:36
I'll start working on the lexical scopes again, I guess
pmurias fglock_: i think all tests work with the normal emitters 18:37
fglock_ ah, ok
pmurias checking 18:38
18:38 jedai left
pmurias fglock_: all tests pass 18:47
fglock_ :)
re focus: sorry, I forgot to mention lisp :P 18:57
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