pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | pugs: [~] <m oo se> (or rakudo:, kp6:, elf: etc.) (or perl6: for all) | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by Tene on 29 July 2008.
speckbot r14586 | larry++ | Add missing series operator, mostly for readability. 00:06
meppl good night 02:10
speckbot r14587 | larry++ | typos 02:14
literal there's lwall and larry? 02:15
TimToady it ain't fair, is it...
Auzon perlbot, karma TimToady 02:17
perlbot Karma for TimToady: 194
Auzon perlbot, karma larry
perlbot Karma for larry: 188
Auzon perlbot, karma lwall 02:18
perlbot Karma for lwall: 576
TimToady looks like I have some catching up to do with that lwall fellow... 02:33
Auzon Yeah. It seems like he gets karma three times as often as you do :P 02:34
TimToady maybe it's just because he has a famous name
Ontolog moritz_: you mentioned a bug a couple weeks ago that would prevent me from returning a list of Match objects (or interspersed String and Match objects) from split(), is that still valid? If so, which bug is it? 04:00
moritz_: I've been AFK for a week but now I'm back and would like to get back to hacking some perl 6 stuff 04:01
wayland76 I also have a question. If I have an array with 5 objects in it, and I have another variable which also points to the object, how do I find which array element contains the object that the other variable points at? 04:38
TimToady how often do you want to do it? 04:48
if often, a reverse hash is the right way to do it 04:49
if seldom, find the first element for which { $_ === $other } is true 04:50
TimToady (but no one implements hashes with object keys yet that I know of) 05:00
wayland76 Hmm. Often, but with different arrays :). I guess I use ===
Well, I'm writing code that will target this hopefully-done-by-Christmas perl6 :) 05:01
Do we do POD yet?
(at least, do we ignore it while compiling? 05:02
TimToady generally, I think so
wayland76 Hmm. Is there any doco on the POD then? Because rakudo doesn't seem to be ignoring it 05:03
TimToady well, STD ignores it
wayland76 Ok :)
TimToady rakudo might be still expecting =cut instead of =end
wayland76 I'll put in an appropriate complaint then
well, I'm using =cut :) 05:04
literal documentation: perlcabal.org/syn/S26.html
lambdabot Title: S26
TimToady try =begin/=end
wayland76 Oh, great :)
Wow! I was working off the old synopses on dev.perl.org :) 05:05
So now I can help myself much better!
Thanks :)
TimToady well, I gotta get up in 4.5 hours and catch a plane, so I'd better zzz off 05:07
thunk &
wayland76 Have a good sleep :) 05:08
notbenh is there a required trait for attrs in perl6 05:48
I also cant seem to find anything like moosed trigger for attr in S12, am I missing something? 05:49
wayland76 Does perl6 have a DBI module yet? :) 08:58
moritz_ no 09:01
though in rakudo you can use the mysql NCI stuff
but it's really ugly to work with it
Tim Bunce said he'd write a DBI for Perl 6 (when it's "more done"), and get some inspiration from the odbc interfaces 09:17
ruoso pugs: package A { our multi foo is export ( Int $a ) { say $a + 1 }}; package B { our multi foo is export ( Str $a) { say $a ~ 'a' }}; say foo(1), foo('a'); 10:41
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[*** ␤ Unexpected "("␤ expecting trait or block␤ at /tmp/ijqnriJ8eH line 1, column 37␤]
Ripples any body knows about taint feature of perl ? 10:42
moritz_ Ripples: for perl 5 questions you're wrong here 11:08
Ripples: but `perldoc perlsec` or #perlhelp might help
Ripples ok
pugs_svn r22518 | moritz++ | [t/spec] fixed syntax error in pre-post.t, caught by STD.pm++ 11:51
azawawi moritz_: ping 12:36
azawawi @seen moritz_ 12:42
lambdabot moritz_ is in #perl6. I last heard moritz_ speak 1h 34m 25s ago.
qwr pugs: my $a = 13; my $c = $a; $c === $a 12:48
moritz_ pong 14:28
masak jerry++ # reply on p6u 15:18
moritz_ that would be [particle]++ ;)
masak right. 15:25
[particle]1++ too, just in case
[particle]1 cheers
masak moritz_: welcome back from your weekend, btw 15:26
moritz_ thanks ;)
how's Novemeber moving?
PerlJam What?!? They're moving November? But I like it to be right after October and just before December. 15:28
[particle] it's a wiki. if they move it, you can move it back ;) 15:29
masak haha 15:32
moritz_: slowly. 100% studies is a pain for hobby development. :) 15:33
but the things that do happen are cool
moritz_ masak: I know that feeling ;(
masak I spent the weekend teaching zarah the Bioclipse bot new tricks
so almost all the free hacking time went to that 15:34
moritz_: ping me at #november-wiki and I'll show you the new tricks :)
moritz_ masak: so teaching buts stuff is what you call "study"? 15:35
masak er.
it was the weekend!
I needed some time off from my massive study schedule... :)
moritz_ excuses ;) 15:36
masak aye. 15:37
masak moritz_: I'd say the two things going on with November right now are MediaWiki markup and the tags system 16:10
by me and ihrd, respectively
moritz_ for me a "tag" is something like <body> or <code>
I like the term "label" better
masak moritz_: me too. or "category"
moritz_ but I guess nobody but google agrees
masak one of our branches is still blocking on #58392 :( 16:15
moritz_ the (in)famous lexicals bug 16:16
masak I have a personal vendetta against that particular bug 16:16
moritz_ hopes masak wins the vendetta 16:17
masak thing is, I don't have nearly enough Parrot-fu to do anything about it myself 16:17
as far as I know, it's pmichaud++'s department 16:18
so the only thing I can do is to nag pmichaud
moritz_ as far as I know, pmichaud would be very happy to delegate the issue to somebody else ;)
masak it's not that... I don't know where to begin
masak it seems like an architectural issue 16:18
moritz_ yes, that's what I'm talking about 16:19
masak the flaw is in Parrot's lexicals handling, or pads handling, or whatever
moritz_ right 16:20
pmichaud I've been complaining about lexicals handling for a year or so :-| 16:22
pmichaud the only reason it's my department is because nobody else seems to prioritize it to fix it 16:22
masak oh. 16:23
pmichaud: I'd do it, but I don't have the required skillz.
pmichaud so I've basically said "well, looks like it's up to me then".
masak pmichaud: any reading-up I can do, stuff like PDDs or source code?
pmichaud masak: I was in the same boat -- I ended up spending a good bit of my summer studying the problem and figuring out how to solve it
masak pmichaud: this problem? or some other problem? 16:24
pmichaud lexicals.
masak seems like we need one more summer, then :)
pmichaud heh
well, fortunately my time availability isn't that seasonal
I think I have a solution, but I was kinda waiting for the mmd branch to merge before making too big an investment in code 16:25
since that's happened (yesterday), I may be able to focus on it now. the 74 spectest_regression failures bug me a bit, though.
moritz_ are they all related to complex math?
masak 74, oy
pmichaud not all, but most.
Parrot doesn't seem to be able to handle subclasses of its built-in Complex PMC 16:26
masak pmichaud: nice to hear that a fix is not impossibly far away, in any case. as an application programmer, I kinda like recursion.
it's convenient.
pmichaud masak: yes, I totally understand how recursion is important (especially for parsing issues :-)
masak aye 16:27
pmichaud I did wake up this morning thinking "I feel like working on lexicals today."
masak haha
follow your instincts!
& # swimming 16:28
rakudo_svn r31701 | pmichaud++ | [rakudo]: spectest-regression.csv update: 205 files, 4363 passing, 74 failing 16:29
r31701 | pmichaud++ | Most failures seem to be related to the mmd branch merge, especially
r31701 | pmichaud++ | with complex number handling in Parrot (RT #59630).
azawawi hi 16:38
moritz_ hi azawawi ;)
azawawi ;-)
azawawi moritz_: i need to put some NCI shared lib code for $*PID and others; where is the ideal place to put these stuff in our perl6 src directory? 16:39
moritz_ azawawi: dunno. I've never messed with NCI so far. 16:40
azawawi: in case of doubt, discuss with pmichaud
that said, do you really think that's necessary? 16:41
azawawi hmmm parrot does not seem to have an op code to get the process id
pmichaud azawawi: I'd prefer to ask the question "what's the standard Parrot mechanism to get the process id" than to immediately jump to NCI code
azawawi cool 16:42
but we should have a place to put util nci code for the future
things that parrot does not implement
pmichaud I agree there. 16:43
My guess is that pid code would go into Parrot's OS PMC
azawawi checking it 16:44
pugs_svn r22519 | moritz++ | [t/spec] add tests for the new "series" infix:<...> operator (mostly plagiated 16:45
r22519 | moritz++ | directly from the specs)
azawawi i agree; it should go there eventually
azawawi starts working on RT #49586 16:50
[particle] moritz: i'm doing a perl 6 workshop on wednesday. you have much prior art on p5->p6. any suggestions you have on references are appreciated 17:21
moritz_ [particle]: I guess you know both of my blog and Perl6::Perl5::Differences? 17:23
(the latter being rather up-to-date, except when it comes to POD)
[particle] yes, it's the 'up to date' part that's tricky :)
perhaps a wiki based on that could be updated by the group during the session? 17:24
moritz_ perhaps ;)
[particle] or, since it's in pugs svn... direct update in repo 17:25
i can hand out commit bits liberally
[particle] (as long as commitbit is up and running then) 17:26
.oO( ... )
[particle] p6::p5::d is in pugs svn, that is 17:27
moritz_ omg, commitbit requires jet another Jifty plugin 17:29
moritz_ [particle]: commitbit is running again 17:38
now I have to run for table tennis training 17:39
Jifty-- # a hell to install
azawawi moritz_: interesting load avg went to 30+ on feather1 but is now dropping 17:39
[particle] moritz_++ 17:41
azawawi moritz_: ? 18:22
moritz_: ping 18:23
why do have math.pir and any-num.pir? 18:31
azawawi ./clear 18:45
pugs: say 1.polar(0)
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[*** No such method in class Int: "&polar"␤ at /tmp/rXAFdeRYih line 1, column 5 - line 2, column 1␤]
azawawi rakudo: say 1.polar(0) 18:46
p6eval rakudo 31667: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in get_string()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;add_parent' pc 95 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:126)␤]
azawawi rakudo: say 1.unpolar(0)
p6eval rakudo 31667: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in get_string()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;add_parent' pc 95 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:126)␤]
azawawi rakudo: say 4.unpolar(0); 18:48
p6eval rakudo 31667: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in get_string()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;add_parent' pc 95 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:126)␤]
pmichaud azawawi: (math.pir vs. any-num.pir) math.pir was before all of the method semantics were worked out 19:02
I suspect we haven't converted them all across.
azawawi pmichaud: i noticed
pmichaud that said, say 1.unpolar(0) should be working. 19:03
azawawi rakudo: say 1.unpolar(0);
p6eval rakudo 31667: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in get_string()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;add_parent' pc 95 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:126)␤]
pmichaud I suspect the problem is in the current parrot build, not in rakudo itself.
azawawi it is working on the latest build 19:04
pmichaud (the parrot build in p6eval, that is)
azawawi pmichaud: so math.pir is going to be moved into any-num.pir in the end 19:11
pmichaud azawawi: probably.
[particle] p6eval: control rebuild rakudo 19:12
i forget the right commands...
p6eval: help
p6eval [particle]: Usage: <(smop|pugs|nqp|std|rakudo|elf|pixie|kp6): $perl6_program>
alech hey, I am having some weird problems installing pugs, maybe someone can help me: gist.github.com/15108 19:28
lambdabot Title: gist: 15108 — GitHub
ruoso realizes that this is the moment when SMOP actually need things to be implemented in Perl 6... we need all the built-ins to be defined in src-s1p so it can be compiled and loaded as the prelude 20:03
pugs: Object ~~ Any 20:04
p6eval pugs: RESULT[Bool::False]
ruoso pugs: Any ~~ Object
p6eval pugs: RESULT[Bool::True]
ruoso pugs: Junction ~~ Object
p6eval pugs: RESULT[Bool::True]
azawawi rakudo: my $x = 10; $x++; say $x; 20:06
p6eval rakudo 31667: OUTPUT[Null PMC access in get_string()␤current instr.: 'parrot;P6metaclass;add_parent' pc 95 (runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir:126)␤]
azawawi pugs: my $x = 10; $x++; say $x;
p6eval pugs: OUTPUT[11␤]
pugs_svn r22520 | ruoso++ | [smop] compile-time binding is ::=, not := 20:08
pmichaud p6eval's copy of rakudo is broken. 20:10
ruoso if a multi sub is defined in more than one package as "is export", do the different versions merge as different options or is that an error? 20:16
this has an important side-effect... 20:17
putting it another way...
are all the multi options stored inside an object that is then held in the variable space for that name? 20:18
or does the multi dispatch means finding for another variables in the lexical scope that might provide the proper multi option 20:19
or putting it in yet another way... 20:20
is it possible to add a lexically-scoped-variant to a multi sub?
pugs seems to implement the multi dispatch by continuing the traversing of the lexical scope if not variant is found... 20:28
PerlJam ruoso: I'd guess that a lexically scoped multi should be possible. 20:29
ruoso yeah... it seems so...
so the sub dispatch actually is something like dispatch($name, $lexpad)\ 20:30
which means that finding the sub is not a normal variable lookup...
but this is not really a problem...
moritz_ wants to rename !=:= to =!= ;-) 22:14
literal or !:!, or !:= 22:15
moritz_ actually !:! is quite a nice idea 22:16
the "restraint smily" operator ;)
erm, restrained
(english is hard)
moritz_ (Perl 6 is also hard, especially to implement) 22:17
rakudo_svn r31714 | moritz++ | [rakudo] non-positive limit returns empty list in Str.split. 22:28
r31714 | moritz++ | Patch courtesy by Chris Davaz, Ontolog++. Closes RT #59642.
lucybahart hi 22:31
rakudo_svn r31715 | moritz++ | [rakudo] fixed some typos in docs and actions.pm, added small clarifiction on
r31715 | moritz++ | the REPL in README.
ab5tract wknight8111: i took the liberty of adding a link to the parrot wikibook to the parrot.org wiki 22:53
it could stand to be better emphasized, imo. right now its just a link under 'Wiki 101' 22:54
wknight8111 thanks! 22:55
ab5tract i've been reading through it, its nice to have so much info about parrot in one place 22:56
i think there is a mistake on page en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Parrot_Virtua...esentation ; it seems like '$x = AddTwo(4 + 5);' should be '$x = AddTwo(4, 5);' 22:57
lambdabot tinyurl.com/3v8hxu 22:58