»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'perl6: say 3;' or rakudo:, niecza:, std:, or /msg p6eval perl6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org/ | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by sorear on 4 February 2011.
whiteknight hello MikeFair 00:09
dalek ecza: 55f5b8a | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/CORE.setting:
Implement masak's proposed Hash comparison.
sorear MikeFair: 00:56
n: (2 ** 1000 / 43).ln.say
p6eval niecza v21-23-gd8852de: OUTPUT«689.3859804442518␤»
sorear n: (2 ** 10000 / 43).ln.say
p6eval niecza v21-23-gd8852de: OUTPUT«Inf␤»
colomon .... that's expected, no? 00:59
n: (2 ** 10000).ln.say 01:00
p6eval niecza v21-23-gd8852de: OUTPUT«6931.4718055994526␤»
sorear colomon: MikeFair asked for small projects so I told him Rat.ln is less than awesome in Niecza 01:01
colomon ah
n: say (2 ** 10000 / 43).WHAT 01:02
p6eval niecza v21-24-g55f5b8a: OUTPUT«Rat()␤»
colomon r: (2 ** 10000 / 43).ln.say 01:04
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«No such method 'ln' for invocant of type 'Rat'␤ in block at /tmp/ab72sdhcbN:1␤␤»
colomon ouch
r: (2 ** 10000 / 43).log.say
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Inf␤»
colomon right, perl6 isn't supposed to have ln 01:05
sorear can common logarithms just die already 01:06
o/ anuby
colomon sorear: in retrospect, I feel very stupid for not handling Rats and FatRats when I did Ints the other day. Wasn't thinking about what it would take to do it.... 01:08
colomon sorear: why do you need Func<Constants,Variable,Variable,Variable,Variable> for a function which takes three variables 01:19
sorear takes three variables, returns one variable, and also needs a reference to something that can be used to fetch JunctionMO 01:21
colomon ah, I see. makes sense, somehow I missed adding the Variable when I added the Variable, if you know what I mean. :) 01:23
dalek ecza: f357a5a | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/ (2 files):
Replace expmod with a call to BigInteger.ModPow.
colomon hopes that will help TimToady out. 01:31
colomon wonders if he can pound out an improved .rand before the release. 01:32
sorear colomon: if you don't, I will 01:49
colomon sorear: I understand your basic suggested algorithm, I'm just trying to figure out a graceful way to get the random bits
I see a BigInteger.genRandomBits online, but apparently it's not in "our" BigInteger? 01:50
Random.NextBytes? 01:52
is RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetBytes available to us?
sorear colomon: anything which is listed as being part of the .NET framework version 2.0 is available 01:55
colomon ooo, so RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetBytes is! 01:56
sorear "our" BigInteger is a copy of the BSD-licensed System.Numerics.BigInteger from Mono 2.8.x, backported to Mono 2.6 and patched to add bounded serialization
colomon ah 01:57
sorear I'm a little bit ambivalent about using RNGCryptoServiceProvider for this because our existing randomization primitives use the non-crypto System.Random 01:58
colomon it's an easy change either way, right?
sorear right 01:59
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sy...bytes.aspx fwiw
colomon yep
sorear methinks perl 6 should offer crypto randomness somehow 02:00
and modern crypto RNGs are fast enough that it might not kill us to us them everywhere 02:01
one of my previous projects was an online game
one of the users cheated by using leaked information to solve for the RNG seed and then predict all game events 02:02
colomon hardcore
sorear the response was to switch all game logic to use a crypto RNG, it... worked suprisingly well
but we weren't using a system-provided RNG anyway, so I have no idea how fast the standard RNGCryptoServiceProvider impl is 02:04
colomon n: say 3.log(2) 02:08
p6eval niecza v21-25-gf357a5a: OUTPUT«1.5849625007211563␤»
colomon sorear: is there a standard Niecza Random out there, or should I just generate a fresh one? 02:11
sorear colomon: Buildins.rng I think? there's also a locking protocol in use 02:18
colomon okay, will test it with regular random and then look at switching. 02:21
sorear: gist.github.com/3773886 is what I've got so far. It's got at least three issues, I think, but I need to get to bed. Please feel free to hack on it or completely replace it as needed. Or I'll take a look at it again in the morning. 02:33
jferrero /leave 02:36
sorear colomon: the issues I see are 1. needless switch 2. use of the capitalized name Byte is stylistically inconsistent with other parts of niecza 3. might misbehave with negative numbers 02:39
colomon oh, switch is just 2 ** (bits % 8) - 1, isn't it? 02:40
sorear also 02:41
I mean yes
although I'd be more likely to write that 1 << ... 02:42
colomon I'm assuming positive numbers for the input, and added an extra 0 byte to avoid negative numbers
sigh, of course. I'm slow on the uptake tonight.
sorear mostly I'm just interested in avoiding division
colomon actually, the number one problem is that it doesn't work -- there's a weird array bounds error in the BigNumber constructor sometimes.
sorear since that's a slow operation with our bigint library (and in general, but especially so for us) 02:43
colomon division?
sorear as in /
colomon that's on an int
though I guess it could just be bits >> 4
C# int, I mean 02:44
sorear moritz' original algorithm used bigint division
yours doesn't
colomon ah
sorear thinks it's hilarious that GMP uses Newton's method for division in certain cases 02:45
colomon anyway, I should definitely be getting to bed now. apologies for leaving the job unfinished.
sorear good night
redpig315 hello, i'm first in this place 04:36
sorear oops 04:37
redpig315: greetings. welcome to #perl6. 04:38
redpig315: what brings you here?
redpig315 i see a blog introduce this , from site come here 04:39
sorear cool. which blog?
redpig315 site is :www.php-oa.com 04:41
sorear is 扶凯 / Fu Kai one of us? 04:48
kurahaupo n: ((2 ** 10000).ln - 43.ln).say 05:34
p6eval niecza v21-25-gf357a5a: OUTPUT«6927.7106054837586␤»
kurahaupo n: (2 ** 10000/43).ln.say 05:38
p6eval niecza v21-25-gf357a5a: OUTPUT«Inf␤»
kurahaupo n: (2 ** 10000/43).perl.say 05:40
p6eval niecza v21-25-gf357a5a: OUTPUT«<199506311688075838488374216268358508382349683188619245485200894985294388302219466319199616840361945978993311294232091242715564913494137811175937859320963239578557300467937945267652465512660598955205500869181933115425086084606181046855090748660896248880904…
moritz good morning 06:43
sorear o/ moritz 06:45
tadzik good mirning #perl6 07:16
moritz \i tadzik
tadzik :) 07:17
kresike good morning all you happy perl6 people 07:55
dalek rlito: 66a00a2 | (Flavio Glock)++ | misc/iterator_engine/iterator_engine (13 files):
Perlito6 - add misc/iterator_engine - the compiler before MiniPerl6 (from 2006)
dalek ecza: 1f74b89 | sorear++ | lib/Builtins.cs:
Top removal: cps methods in Builtins
ecza: c7d9a56 | sorear++ | lib/ (2 files):
Top removal: codegen
ecza: 3a38229 | sorear++ | lib/ (3 files):
Top removal: CLR binding
dalek rlito: 6350da9 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - js3: use more lvalues
sorear sleep&
felher good morning people, good night sorear :) 09:00
tadzik hello kresike, felher 09:05
dalek rlito: be26903 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - js3: use more lvalues
rlito: 0513305 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (3 files):
Perlito5 - js3: autovivify at runtime only
kresike hello tadzik, felher o/ :) 09:49
Ulti pwd 10:53
lol woops!
cognominal pwc 10:54
Ulti :) 10:55
btw is there a good way to embed data in Rakudo? I tried doing POD reflection type stuff but it didn't work out. 10:56
dlin hi 10:57
Ulti so something like =begin DATA and then say @=DATA;
dlin LWP::Simple install error message. 10:58
need help.
moritz dlin: the pod reflection stuff isn't quite there yet, sorry 11:02
as for the LWP errors, I think I've seen those before
moritz I'll build a new rakudo and try it; but it'll take some time (slow machine) 11:02
dlin moritz: thanks. 11:03
tadzik Ulti: you can do =begin code\nblablabla\n=end code, and then $=pod[$n] will give you a Pod::Code block 11:18
which is a raw, non-processed data
Ulti awesome
thanks tadzik
tadzik do you know how those $=pod array works? 11:19
Ulti nope?
tadzik well, it's just an array of pod blocks :)
but you have to be aware that indexes will change if you move stuff around
Ulti that's ok
tadzik so if you put two blocks like this, you'll have them as $=pow[0] and $=pod[1], depending on the ordering
Ulti easier than if I had external files and moved them around 11:20
tadzik sure :)
Ulti tadzik: is it part of the spec to preserve the indexes based on the ordering in the file? 11:20
tadzik Ulti: I think so
Ulti so I can rely on it?
tadzik well
spectests rely on it
Ulti "rely"
I can just add a string to the top so I know which is which
tadzik see github.com/perl6/roast/blob/master...elimited.t for example 11:21
Ulti perfect thank you
tadzik you're welcome
Ulti oh you can just use .name to find the right section 11:24
tadzik ...the spec says so, yes... 11:25
I work on Pod far less than I should these days
Ulti tadzik: looks quite functional to me! 11:29
tadzik huh, it works? :P
I mean, .name?
Ulti yeah
moritz thought .name just reported the name 11:29
tadzik O_o I don't remember implementing that...
the name from :name<foo>? 11:30
Ulti yeah it reports just the name, so finding the right section by name is quite easy
tadzik ok, cool
moritz tadzik: I think that =begin code ... =end code makes .name eq 'code'
tadzik shouldn't be too hard to make $=pod associative too then
ah, that's right
so it comes from Pod::Block::Named
or so 11:31
Ulti yeah thats what I see
now thats done, LUNCH!
:) thanks
masak morning, #perl6 :) 11:37
moritz dlin: I've reproduced your issue with LWP::Simple and opened a ticket at github.com/cosimo/perl6-lwp-simple/issues/19 11:38
dlin: I'm afraid I don't have an easy fix though :(
dlin moritz: thanks
moritz good UTC morning, masak
the parse_chunks methods is... not the most readable one I've encountered so far 11:39
tadzik masak! \o/
moritz note that several socket-related modules have started to show failures, so it might be fallout from the parrot io_cleanup branch, but so far nobody has nailed it down yet 11:41
daxim rakudo: <1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2>.map(-> _ { _ => "x_" }).uniq.sort.say 11:44
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Invalid typename in parameter declaration at line 2, near " { _ => \"x"␤»
daxim rakudo: <1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2>.map(-> $_ { $_ => "x$_" }).uniq.sort.say
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«"1" => "x1" "2" => "x2" "3" => "x3" "4" => "x4" "5" => "x5"␤»
daxim wheeee 11:45
scala looks like that all the time
moritz r: my @a = <1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2>; say (@a Z=> ('x' X~ @a)).uniq.sort 11:48
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«"1" => "x1" "2" => "x2" "3" => "x3" "4" => "x4" "5" => "x5"␤»
daxim is a named variable strictly needed for hyper ops? 11:49
moritz well, you can always cheat 11:53
r: given <1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2> { say *.list Z=> ( 'x' X~ .list)).uniq.sort) } 11:54
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 2, near ").uniq.sor"␤»
moritz r: given <1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2> { say (.list Z=> ( 'x' X~ .list)).uniq.sort) }
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse blockoid, couldn't find final '}' at line 2, near ") }"␤»
moritz r: given <1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2> { say (.list Z=> ( 'x' X~ .list).uniq.sort) }
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«1 x1 2 x2 3 x3 4 x4 5 x5␤»
moritz r: given <1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2> { say (.list Z=> ( 'x' X~ .list).uniq.sort).perl } 11:54
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«("1" => "x1", "2" => "x2", "3" => "x3", "4" => "x4", "5" => "x5").list␤»
moritz r: say (<1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2> Xxx2).map(* => 'x' ~ *).uniq.sort 11:58
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Unable to parse postcircumfix:sym<( )>, couldn't find final ')' at line 2, near "<1 2 3 4 5"␤»
moritz r: say (<1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2> Xxx 2).map(* => 'x' ~ *).uniq.sort
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«"1" => "x1" "2" => "x2" "3" => "x3" "4" => "x4" "5" => "x5"␤»
daxim neat 11:59
although I can foresee a blog post in the future: "40 uses of »*« (you didn't know about)" 12:00
9 uses of {} is p5 is confusing enough
colomon nr: say (<1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 2 2> Xxx 2).map(* => 'x' ~ *).uniq.sort 12:01
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«"1" => "x1" "2" => "x2" "3" => "x3" "4" => "x4" "5" => "x5"␤»
..niecza v21-28-g3a38229: OUTPUT«val("1") => "x1" val("2") => "x2" val("3") => "x3" val("4") => "x4" val("5") => "x5"␤»
colomon oh, Xxx 2 ! sneaky 12:02
moritz could have written >>xx>> 2 too :-)
moritz (note that I don't write production p6 code like that, I reserve it for golfing or showing off) 12:03
colomon surely though using .map({ $_ => "x$_"; }) is the cleanest way to do it?
moritz yes
(though rakudo might need {; $_ => "x$_" } to not make it a hash)
pmurias sorear: re predicting the seed, what game was that? 13:03
daxim pmurias, last link in nethackwiki.com/wiki/Random_number_generator 13:25
colomon 's new rand for Niecza, when given 10.rand, always seems to return "8" or throw an array index is out of range exception. 14:17
moritz colomon: that sounds very XKCD random :-) 14:20
dalek rlito: e9bb73a | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (3 files):
Revert "Perlito5 - js3: autovivify at runtime only"

This reverts commit 051330579fa45a7e3805eac530fede1688c502ae.
rlito: 0aabeec | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Revert "Perlito5 - js3: use more lvalues"

This reverts commit be269030092f47a4bac6f600e8f032e44b231e1f.
rlito: 4ee7aa4 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Revert "Perlito5 - js3: use more lvalues"

This reverts commit 6350da957b557bdf3fc7bb7cbf42d67a1de53dd5.
rlito: de8dc24 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (3 files):
Perlito5 - js3: implement "lvalue"; fix incr/decr
flussence star: use Grammar::Debugger; grammar blargh { } 14:21
p6eval star 2012.07: ( no output )
flussence it barfs with "Invalid BUILDALLPLAN" locally :/
spacebat_ is there much in the way of introspection in rakudo - such as in python there help(dict) might tell you more than you wanted to know about dictionary types 14:27
colomon spacebat_: I believe rakudo has that, but I don't recall the way to trigger it off the top of my head. 14:28
spacebat_ so, not introspection per se, but inspectable docstrings
colomon right
arnsholt Documentation is a bit of a sore point, IIRC, but introspection via the MOP we have in spades 14:29
colomon (there is real introspection as well)
arnsholt Although the p6doc project is helping on the docs front 14:29
colomon spacebat_: tadzik++ did the work to implement it, I just wasn't paying close enough attention to remember how to do it.
Su-Shee is help() in python a mix of pydoc foo and foo.WHAT so to speak? 14:30
tadzik I dunno what's help() in python
spacebat_ it pulls the docstring of the object (which may be a module) and formats it nicely
tadzik we could write that 14:31
Su-Shee spacebat_: what's the difference to pydoc if I may ask stupidly?
spacebat_ help is available at the python repl
I'm no python expert - haven't used it a long time - perl5 is my dayjob
moritz well, the idea is that you can &foo.WHY and get the Pod back 14:32
Su-Shee spacebat_: oehm then I have no clue :)
spacebat_ ok so perl6doc and perl6 --doc seem like pydoc for scripts and modules
colomon r: &say.WHY
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: ( no output )
moritz most of the infrastructure for that is in place, but some pieces are still missing
colomon r: say &say.WHY 14:33
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
spacebat_ I'm just playing around, got an IO::Path object, wondered what I can do with it
moritz in particular the link between the perl6/doc repo and $obj.WHY is still missing
spacebat_: I think that's described in S32::IO
spacebat_ yup, I just wondered if I was missing out on some self documentation features 14:34
colomon phenny: tell sorear it turns out my array index bound error was a BigInteger bug: sending the constructor the number 0 stored as two or more bytes fails.
phenny colomon: I'll pass that on when sorear is around.
pmurias #= for inline POD is implemented? 14:41
moritz yes, I think so 14:41
not for every object type though
but it should work for subs
tadzik subs, classes, methods 14:43
not for variables though
last time I tried it was segfaulting :)
but that was long ago, could be differentnow
also module, package etc
spacebat_ so for introspection, say I have an object, what's the best way to list the methods and attributes of the object or its class? 14:45
hoelzro $obj.^attributes
spacebat_ thanks :)
hoelzro =)
sisar Null PMC access error: gist.github.com/3776279. I know, line 7 should be "$n.say" instead of ".say", but I was not expecting a Null PMC error. Is this already reported ? 14:46
colomon rn: say 10 ** 10000
p6eval niecza v21-28-g3a38229: OUTPUT«1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000…
..rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000…
moritz sisar: at least I am aware of this error 14:48
colomon rn: say (10 ** 1000).rand 14:49
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0, niecza v21-28-g3a38229: OUTPUT«Inf␤»
sisar moritz: do you know what the actual error is ? I'm unable to golf it further. 14:52
moritz r: (-> { .say }).() 14:58
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
moritz r: (-> $n { .say }).($n)
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Variable $n is not declared␤at /tmp/HVDgHIqTTY:1␤»
Su-Shee NOW if THAT isn't the best hug-related image EVER then I don't know! :) 0.asset.soup.io/asset/3782/2416_3a53.jpeg
moritz r: (-> $n { .say }).(2) 14:59
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
[Coke] Su-Shee++ 15:02
moritz r: for 1 -> $n { .say } 15:07
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
moritz r: for 1 -> $n { if 1 { .say } } 15:07
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('say')␤ in block at /tmp/dhx0itYLo5:1␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5239␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5141␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5141␤ in method gimme at src/gen/CORE.setting:5519␤ in m…
moritz r: if 1 -> $n { if 1 { .say } }
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
moritz sisar: seems to require an 'if' inside a 'for'
sisar moritz: hmm. Does this look similar: rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=113904 ? 15:09
sisar afk 15:11
moritz sisar: yes, same problem 15:13
cognominal hum. nqp has a sort function that use a comparator, bt apparently non <=> or cmp 15:14
colomon is it just me, or are the S32-list/pick.t tests starting at line 108 or so really, really broken? 15:17
oh, not broken, just weird 15:18
I guess written without uniq
dalek ast: 2d6c012 | (Solomon Foster)++ | S32-list/ (2 files):
Add tests for roll and pick given a huge integer range.
colomon those probably need fudging for rakudo. don't work in niecza yet, either. 15:27
colomon is currently spectesting a patch for it. 15:30
colomon 's spectest run is not going to finish before he has to go fetch his son from preschool. :( 15:46
kresike bye folks 16:00
dalek ecza: e3c9e71 | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/ (3 files):
Fix bug with large 0 initialization in BigInteger. Add bigrand C# function. Use it to properly implement integer Range.roll (and by extension, Range.pick).
dalek ecza: 5626cc3 | (Solomon Foster)++ | lib/Builtins.cs:
Use Niecza's standard Random number generator instead of creating a fresh one just for bigrand.
sirrobert in general if I'm going to write my own accessor for an object property, should I declare the property as $! instead of $. ? 16:26
are there other effects of using $.foo that I should know about?
(besides creating meta methods)
tadzik probably. IIRC $.foo declares a multi method anyway
colomon n: say 1 16:26
p6eval niecza v21-28-g3a38229: OUTPUT«1␤»
tadzik sirrobert: $! is probably the way to go 16:27
sirrobert ok, thanks
colomon evalbot: rebuild niecza 16:28
p6eval: rebuild niecza
tadzik evalbot rebuild niecza
p6eval OK (started asynchronously)
colomon tadzik++ 16:29
tadzik bows
colomon n: say 1 16:34
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«1␤»
colomon n: say (1..10**1000).pick(3)
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«8352343316367051719535682886505684717364232081454091004608011832671811437135322363635737089230612143341797556189319616076667164518861164658605022207595578853580162174086748553659887834144464471190386311711860238404045877380277115192134737186223384038784034…
colomon n: say (1..10**1000).pick(3).map(*.log) 16:50
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«2300.5410696508461 2302.2650395859964 2300.7792676594859␤»
colomon n: say (1..10**1000).pick(3).map(*.log10)
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«999.93091873202661 999.6052140959921 999.92102784624421␤»
colomon :) 16:51
[Coke] n: say (1, 3, 7 ... * > 10**1000)[12345]; 16:52
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«Unhandled exception: Unable to figure out pattern of series␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 1437 (die @ 5) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3203 (get-next-closure @ 37) ␤ at /home/p6eval/niecza/lib/CORE.setting line 3215 (ANO…
[Coke] yah, I wonder what I was thinking there, p6eval.
colomon n: say (1..10**1000).pick(10).map(*.log10) 16:54
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«999.90048465599386 999.691347113721 999.83381805044053 998.57659083751332 999.65561938205019 999.8384277345109 999.70608497679632 999.84154707939138 999.94576132351165 999.994153811664␤»
colomon n: say (2**1345-1).is-prime 16:55
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«False␤»
colomon n: say (1, 2, 4 ... *).grep(*.is-prime)[^100]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 16:56
colomon n: say (1, 2, 4 ... *).grep({ ($_-1).is-prime })[^50]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
spider-mario n: (1 .. 10 ** 1000).pick(10)».log10.say 16:57
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«999.73396306554241 999.99977216638456 999.81859410595416 998.7289671874878 999.63204745742416 998.46853023643462 999.13214482450564 999.83413333966689 999.7473622348158 999.29581558199072␤»
colomon n: say (1..*).map(* ** 2).grep(*.is-prime)[^10]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 16:58
spider-mario whoa, .is-prime is built-in?
[Coke] as of a week or so ago, yes.
spider-mario n: (1 .. 20).grep: *.is-prime
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: ( no output )
spider-mario n: (1 .. 20).grep(*.is-prime).say
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19␤»
spider-mario not bad :|
colomon n: say (1..*).map(* ** 2).grep(*.is-prime)[^4] 16:59
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
colomon that should not be slow. :(
moritz huh? there's no single square number that is also a prime 17:00
colomon n: say (1..4).map(* ** 2).grep(*.is-prime)
[Coke] colomon: something too eager?
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«␤»
colomon must be
n: say (1..4).map(* ** 2 - 1).grep(*.is-prime)
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3␤»
[Coke] or what moritz said!
colomon oh, duh!~
[Coke] moritz++
colomon n: say (1..*).map(* ** 2 - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^4]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 17:01
moritz r: say (1..*).map(* ** 2 - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^4]
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
moritz r: say (1..*).map(* ** 2 - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[0]
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«3␤»
moritz r: say (1..*).map(* ** 2 - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^2]
colomon n: say (1..100).map(* ** 2 - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^4]
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 17:02
niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3 Any() Any() Any()␤»
.oO( ... )
moritz r: say (1..*).map(2 ** $_ - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^2] 17:02
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized variable $_ of type Any in numeric context in block at /tmp/kLPii1Yr5U:1␤␤No such method 'count' for invocant of type 'Int'␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5218␤ in method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:5141␤ in method reify at src…
colomon dang it, backwards again
n: say (1..100).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^4]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3 7 31 127␤»
colomon n: say (1..100).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^10]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3 7 31 127 8191 131071 524287 2147483647 2305843009213693951 618970019642690137449562111␤»
moritz r: say (1..100).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[^10] 17:03
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«3 7 31 127 8191 131071 524287 2147483647 2305843009213693951 618970019642690137449562111␤»
colomon n: say (1..100).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[20]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
colomon n: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[20]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
colomon n: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[11] 17:05
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«170141183460469231731687303715884105727␤»
colomon n: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[12]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
moritz r: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[11] 17:06
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«170141183460469231731687303715884105727␤»
moritz r: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[12]
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«6864797660130609714981900799081393217269435300143305409394463459185543183397656052122559640661454554977296311391480858037121987999716643812574028291115057151␤»
moritz r: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[13]
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«531137992816767098689588206552468627329593117727031923199444138200403559860852242739162502265229285668889329486246501015346579337652707239409519978766587351943831270835393219031728127␤»
moritz r: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[15]
colomon libtommath++
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«1475979915214180235084898622737381736312066145333169775147771216478570297878078949377407337049389289382748507531496480477281264838760259191814463365330269540496961201113430156902396093989090226259326935025281409614983499388222831448598601834318536230923772641390209…
moritz r: say (1..*).map(2 ** * - 1).grep(*.is-prime)[16] 17:07
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
moritz wasn't the supposed formula for primes 2 ** (2 ** $_) - 1 ? 17:09
colomon moritz: depends on what you mean by "supposed" 17:11
the [^10] calculation both niecza and rakudo do easily took 300 years of math to establish! 17:12
n: say (1..258).map(-> $n { $n => 2 ** $n - 1).grep(*.value.is-prime)[12] 17:14
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Unable to parse block at /tmp/JJwyGDD4U6 line 1:␤------> say (1..258).map(-> $n {⏏ $n => 2 ** $n - 1).grep(*.value.is-prim␤Couldn't find final '}'; gave up at /tmp/JJwyGDD4U6 line 1:␤------> y (1..258…
colomon n: say (1..258).map(-> $n { $n => 2 ** $n - 1}).grep(*.value.is-prime)[12]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
colomon n: say (1..258).map(-> $n { $n => 2 ** $n - 1}).grep(*.value.is-prime)
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«2 => 3 3 => 7 5 => 31 7 => 127 13 => 8191 17 => 131071 19 => 524287 31 => 2147483647 61 => 2305843009213693951 89 => 618970019642690137449562111 107 => 162259276829213363391578010288127 127 => 170141183460469231731687303715884105727␤»
colomon is starting to wonder to what extent libtommath is cheating... 17:21
colomon or if it is cheating, or just optimizing for very large numbers. 17:23
[Coke] r: my $primes := (1..*).grep(*.is-prime); for 1..1000 -> $i { if $primes[$i]+2 == $primes[$i + 1 ] { say $primes[$i] ~ ":" ~ $primes[$i+1] } }
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«3:5␤5:7␤11:13␤17:19␤29:31␤41:43␤59:61␤71:73␤101:103␤107:109␤137:139␤149:151␤179:181␤191:193␤197:199␤227:229␤239:241␤269:271␤281:283␤311:313␤347:349␤419:421␤431:433␤461:463␤521:523␤569:571␤599:601␤617:619␤641:643␤659:661␤809:811␤821:823␤827:829␤857:859␤881:883␤1019:…
[Coke] Can someone sixify that more?
I know a guy who did that as his masters thesis, would love to show him a single line of perl6 for it. :) 17:24
colomon ;)
[Coke] (of course, that was 20 years ago.) 17:25
[Coke] I was trying to think of a nice way to take a series and do a lagging calculation on it, but was stumped. 17:25
colomon List::Utils sliding-window. ;) 17:25
r: say (1..*).grep(-> $n { $n.is-prime && ($n + 2).is-prime }).map(-> $n { $n ~ " : " ~ $n + 2 }) 17:27
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«(timeout)» 17:27
colomon r: say (1..*).grep(-> $n { $n.is-prime && ($n + 2).is-prime }).map(-> $n { $n ~ " : " ~ $n + 2 })[^1000] 17:28
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«(timeout)»
colomon r: say (1..*).grep(-> $n { $n.is-prime && ($n + 2).is-prime }).map(-> $n { $n ~ " : " ~ $n + 2 })[^100] 17:28
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«3 : 5 5 : 7 11 : 13 17 : 19 29 : 31 41 : 43 59 : 61 71 : 73 101 : 103 107 : 109 137 : 139 149 : 151 179 : 181 191 : 193 197 : 199 227 : 229 239 : 241 269 : 271 281 : 283 311 : 313 347 : 349 419 : 421 431 : 433 461 : 463 521 : 523 569 : 571 599 : 601 617 : 619 641 :…
colomon n: say (1..*).grep(-> $n { $n.is-prime && ($n + 2).is-prime }).map(-> $n { $n ~ " : " ~ $n + 2 })[^100] 17:29
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3 : 5 5 : 7 11 : 13 17 : 19 29 : 31 41 : 43 59 : 61 71 : 73 101 : 103 107 : 109 137 : 139 149 : 151 179 : 181 191 : 193 197 : 199 227 : 229 239 : 241 269 : 271 281 : 283 311 : 313 347 : 349 419 : 421 431 : 433 461 : 463 521 : 523 569 : 571 599 : 601 617 : …
colomon rn: say (1..*).grep(-> $n { $n.is-prime && ($n + 2).is-prime }).map(-> $n { $n ~ " : " ~ $n + 2 })[^200]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3 : 5 5 : 7 11 : 13 17 : 19 29 : 31 41 : 43 59 : 61 71 : 73 101 : 103 107 : 109 137 : 139 149 : 151 179 : 181 191 : 193 197 : 199 227 : 229 239 : 241 269 : 271 281 : 283 311 : 313 347 : 349 419 : 421 431 : 433 461 : 463 521 : 523 569 : 571 599 : 601 617 : …
..rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«3 : 5 5 : 7 11 : 13 17 : 19 29 : 31 41 : 43 59 : 61 71 : 73 101 : 103 107 : 109 137 : 139 149 : 151 179 : 181 191 : 193 197 : 199 227 : 229 239 : 241 269 : 271 281 : 283 311 : 313 347 : 349 419 : 421 431 : 433 461 : 463 521 : 523 569 : 571 599 : 601 617 : 619 641 :…
[Coke] colomon++ 17:30
colomon of course, this version takes twice as long
colomon_ am I still on here? 17:43
colomon \o/
[Coke] r: my$p:=(3..*).grep(*.is-prime);(1..*).grep({$p[$_]+2==$p[$_+1]})[^200].map({$p[$_]~":"~$p[$_+1]}).say # this only calcs primality once. 18:17
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«5:7 11:13 17:19 29:31 41:43 59:61 71:73 101:103 107:109 137:139 149:151 179:181 191:193 197:199 227:229 239:241 269:271 281:283 311:313 347:349 419:421 431:433 461:463 521:523 569:571 599:601 617:619 641:643 659:661 809:811 821:823 827:829 857:859 881:883 1019:1021…
[Coke] r: my$p:=(3..*).grep(*.is-prime);(0..*).grep({$p[$_]+2==$p[$_+1]})[^200].map({$p[$_]~":"~$p[$_+1]}).say # this only calcs primality once.... and this one doesn't miss 3:5, whoops
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«3:5 5:7 11:13 17:19 29:31 41:43 59:61 71:73 101:103 107:109 137:139 149:151 179:181 191:193 197:199 227:229 239:241 269:271 281:283 311:313 347:349 419:421 431:433 461:463 521:523 569:571 599:601 617:619 641:643 659:661 809:811 821:823 827:829 857:859 881:883 1019:… 18:18
[Coke] if I squint, that looks like perl. ;)
GlitchMr I've made a completely pointless task at Rosetta Code
Also, shouldn't the primarity be memoized? 18:19
colomon GlitchMr: I was thinking about that, but I'm not sure it's a good idea
there are a LOT of prime numbers.
GlitchMr Why not?
oh, ok
TimToady colomon: no, there are more than that, I suspect 18:20
colomon I guess if the cache was smart enough to drop off older / larger entries...
TimToady: more than a LOT? prove it!
TimToady I don't want to prove it, which is why I said "I suspect"
colomon is eager to hear if the latest niecza helps on the rc prime chain problem.... 18:21
though I guess we wouldn't know the answer for hours even if you started now, right? 18:22
[Coke] finds the original twin primes paper he was referring to, where they say "A client takes an average of 60 minutes to process a 18:24
range of 10 billion numbers"
[Coke] I am tempted to kick off that line to see how long it takes rakudo on feather. 18:24
(cgi2.cs.rpi.edu/~szymansk/papers/hpdc.98.pdf in case anyone wants to read it. ... huh. I'm in the Acks at the end. nifty.) 18:27
colomon just started attempting to find all the primes to 10000000000 under niecza. 18:28
colomon suspects it will take a while
FROGGS .oO( perhaps more than a while? ) 18:29
tadzik I'm not sure I understand why is-prime is core 18:30
I find it hard to imagine a program, whose the purpose is something else than calculating primes, to make use of it
flussence +1 18:31
colomon tadzik: crypto
tadzik well, ok. Are gonna push RSA into core as well?
s/Are/Are we/
I think it's just too niche of a usecase to be in core. A module, of course! But core? 18:32
[Coke] "and those shoes!"
tadzik yes, one day we'll be loading all these ondemand. But until this day we'll whimper at how heavy we got from all those features we (almost) never use 18:33
ok, I'm shutting up again
colomon tadzik: the thing is, it's hard for a module to do well
that is, rakudo is calling straight into its underlying bignum library, and niecza is doing the same for the expmod portion. 18:34
maybe when the module ecosystem is more developed, it will be easier to move them out to a module...
FROGGS there should be a way to do that in a module though
PerlJam FROGGS++ (assuming that really was meant as humor :) 18:35
FROGGS no, I know that there are (or better will be) modules that need a bit more hardcore stuff and these modules will need to talk to nqp or mono or whatever 18:36
for performance reasons for example
colomon FROGGS: right, but to do it smoothly, we need to be able to create a module which 1) can talk directly to nqp or mono or whatever and 2) do the right thing no matter what system it is using. The ecosystem isn't nearly that well developed yet. 18:37
FROGGS basically you just can have submodules you load when detecting the right system 18:38
like File::Spec doesnt load ::Win32 stuff on linux (because Win32 might include Win32 modules that cant be installed on other systems)
I dont think there will be some magic that picks the right system specific code for you out of a bag 18:39
PerlJam FROGGS: as long as we have the same interface no matter the underlying implementations. That's where the "magic" is 18:40
FROGGS I am talking about not using some sort of interface/layer in between 18:41
I know from the work on the SDL module that this won't be enough in every case
PerlJam FROGGS: not for the every-day programmers, but it'll have to be *somewhere* 18:42
masak o/, #perl6 18:43
FROGGS I can imagine a module that does the mapping for you though, but I think at the point where the function call to mono differs from the one to parrot of javascript, you cant have a mapping there 18:44
hi masak
GlitchMr That is fun 18:48
(not really)
FROGGS GlitchMr: you can talk using statement modifiers like my son does 18:49
"That is fun"
... pause ...
masak like Borat. 18:52
moritz ... 18:53
GlitchMr This is not very interesting
Double negatives because why not? 18:54
.oO( I was trying to say something 20 minutes ago, but somehow I've ended up on the wiki page for doorbells instead... )
cognominal there is also the double positive that rings as negative : 18:57
"yea, right!"
GlitchMr double positive is double negative except when it isn't 18:57
masak yeah, yeah. 18:58
sirrobert hey moritz: How do I pass in "NULL" in DBIish?
moritz sirrobert: any undefined value should do. I usually use Any 18:59
sirrobert moritz: ok, thanks
masak nr: say Nil.defined
moritz Nil has the habit of vanishing in list context
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0, niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«False␤»
sirrobert huh
masak nr: say +(Nil)
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«0␤»
..rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Nil in numeric context in block at /tmp/nceO31LI9D:1␤␤0␤»
moritz nr: say +(Nil, ) 19:02
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«1␤»
..rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«0␤»
moritz wonders what masak will make of that
masak a witch! 19:03
masak I mean, a bug! 19:03
cognominal www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/mem/quotes.html I thought Feynman was the guy who interrupted the lecture in linguistic with his "yeah, right"
PerlJam cognominal: nah, that was the answer that Feynman gave for stealing a door.
masak moritz: fwiw, I can't imagine what Niecza thinks is the element there. 19:04
Nil, probably.
moritz masak: Nil :-)
.oO( Mu )
masak but isn't that just a case where it should collapse?
moritz IMHO yes 19:05
masak n: say (Nil, )[0]
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
masak submits nieczissue
moritz nr: say (Nil, Nil, Nil).perl
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0, niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«(Nil, Nil, Nil)␤»
masak o.O
moritz nr: say (Nil xx 3).perl
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0, niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«().list␤»
masak huh.
moritz well, rakudo is consistent.
masak nr: say "all you ever talk about is ", (Nil, Nil, Nil).perl
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0, niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«all you ever talk about is (Nil, Nil, Nil)␤»
moritz nr: say (Nil xx 3).elems 19:06
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3␤»
..rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«0␤»
masak nr: say Nil.perl.subst(/i/, 'ie').subst(/l/, 'ls Bohr') 19:07
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0, niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«Niels Bohr␤»
masak \o/
moritz chuckles
sirrobert r: use Test; my Str $str; is_deeply {b=>2}, {a=>$str, b=>2}, "wat"; 19:08
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«not ok 1 - wat␤# got: {"b" => 2}␤# expected: {"a" => Str, "b" => 2}␤»
sirrobert r: use Test; my Str $str; is_deeply {a=>$str, b=>2}, {a=>$str, b=>2}, "wat";
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context in sub is_deeply at lib/Test.pm:217␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context in sub is_deeply at lib/Test.pm:217␤␤ok 1 - wat␤»
sirrobert It can handle the sad path ok, but not the happy? 19:09
masak it definitely shouldn't emit a warning from within is_deeply like that. 19:11
please submit a rakudobug.
sirrobert that's what I thought =)
sirrobert wilco 19:11
cognominal_ much ado about nothing^WNil 19:12
moritz r: say { a => Str } eqv { a => Str } 19:13
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context in block at /tmp/NlpxdbePaA:1␤␤use of uninitialized value of type Str in string context in block at /tmp/NlpxdbePaA:1␤␤True␤»
moritz that's where the warning comes from
moritz tries a patch 19:14
r: say Int eqv Int
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«Parameter '' requires an instance, but a type object was passed␤ in method Bridge at src/gen/CORE.setting:2814␤ in sub infix:<cmp> at src/gen/CORE.setting:3047␤ in sub infix:<eqv> at src/gen/CORE.setting:2380␤ in block at /tmp/XiKS_aaeIa:1␤␤»
moritz ok, warnings are gone, now I need to wait for the spectest to finish 19:21
eqv.rakudo passed, that's good :-) 19:22
masak moritz++ # untiring LHF picker 19:24
moritz masak: it's good that you have that impression, because I feel my contributions have decreased these past weeks 19:26
masak well, my perception may be somewhat coloured by not being around a lot in the past week or so. 19:27
PerlJam wonders what color masak's perception actually is ... 19:43
sirrobert dang, I know I've asked this before but ... How do I merge two hashes? 19:51
(don't care about priority) 19:52
masak r: my %h1 = foo => 2; my %h2 = bar => 5; my %h = %h1, %h2; say %h.perl 19:53
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«("foo" => 2, "bar" => 5).hash␤»
PerlJam sirrobert: what do you mean by "merge"? Perhaps you want %hash.push ?
sirrobert PerlJam: I think masak's solution might be sufficient. Maybe I do want %hash.push... playing now =)_ 19:54
it's such a simple operation I keep forgetting it
masak I'm kind glad we kept that bit from Perl 5. 19:55
PerlJam sirrobert: I thought you'd want masak's solution too, but I couldn't pass up an opportunity to inject seredipity :)
masak it's like, in the space between arrays and hashes, things are just elements of lists, floating around in the ether. 19:56
flussence %hash.push is probably better for big hashes, since you're not copying both the originals
masak r: my %h1 = foo => 2; my %h2 = bar => 5; my %h = %h1, baz => 42, %h2; say %h.perl
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«("foo" => 2, "baz" => 42, "bar" => 5).hash␤»
masak case in point.
flussence: yeahbut. mutability. eww! :P 19:57
sirrobert r: my %h; %h ,= a=>1, {b=>2}; say %h; 19:59
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«("a" => 1).hash␤»
sirrobert is there a way to modify ,= to get the b=>2 added in?
rindolf Hi all. 20:03
Oh, fglock is not here. :-( 20:04
sirrobert \o
moritz r: my %h; %h ,= (a=>1, {b=>2}); say %h
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«("a" => 1, "b" => 2).hash␤»
sirrobert ok, explicit parcelization
moritz just precedence 20:05
sirrobert I feel like something like .... %h ,=: would be cool
dalek rlito: 3b60516 | (Flavio S. Glock)++ | / (2 files):
Perlito5 - js3 - proxy objects
kudo/nom: 16f22b8 | moritz++ | src/core/ (3 files):
avoid undef warnings in infix:<eqv>
ast: 3ec12fb | moritz++ | S32- (2 files):
rakudofudge new tests
sorear good * #perl6 20:30
phenny sorear: 14:34Z <colomon> tell sorear it turns out my array index bound error was a BigInteger bug: sending the constructor the number 0 stored as two or more bytes fails.
sirrobert What's the name of that site where I read some ... sort of zen meditation stories about codestuff? 20:37
they were written in the style of ancient japan, sort of
koans, maybe
arnsholt thecodelesscode.com/contents perhaps? 20:38
sirrobert looking ...
yep, thanks!
colomon n: say (10**200).rand 20:41
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«1.9789294907725088E+199␤»
colomon n: say (^10**200).roll
p6eval niecza v21-30-g5626cc3: OUTPUT«3730272213122800372038597066590769473588052458040457760369967781397527398858884683666092323458521639921390133782509837155048810748495044452957574041583858513499136076213452595064559232184559620069132␤»
colomon r: say (^10**200).roll 20:46
p6eval rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«73106935604391846709646637334391297033075072750660509583045411849926913306228805242955261659345982704104376311048852855326591615968251842470610764545921208760514261773484120965830550780545292849643520␤»
sorear "eek, it's not consistent with rakudo" 20:47
masak sorear! \o/ 20:49
well, sorear is here. time for me to go to bed. :P 20:50
'night, #perl6
sorear knight, masak.
dalek ecza: f982881 | sorear++ | / (3 files):
Inject references into CompilerBlob in a way that still works to fix the bootstrap
ecza: 3b04575 | sorear++ | docs/announce.v22:
Draft v22 announcement
sorear spectest run finished 22:44
colomon: ping
colomon: deping, my fault 22:49
sorear looks like no real failures 22:50
colomon sorear: yeah, I don't know what's up with the transient failures 22:56
sorear colomon: one set of failures was version skew, I was trying to test your new pick.t without your pick patches 22:58
(apparently this causes the test to go into an infinite loop which I killed after 90m)
the chdir.t tests, I blame the fact that I was doing funny things with the t/ dir and symlinks 22:59
some other failures were caused by TEST_JOBS=3 and niecza's dislike of concurrent access to the module cache
the quoting.t stuff is a mono bug which I reported a few weeks ago but nothing has been done with 23:00
which just leaves a TODO pass in eqv.t :D
sorear so all I'm waiting for now is a +1 on the announcement itself 23:01
colomon +1 on the announcement 23:33
sorear: ^^
I'm getting failures in t/spec/integration/lazy-bentley-generator.t and t/spec/integration/lexical-array-in-inner-block.t fairly frequently during the spectest.
but they always are fine when I test them by themselves. 23:34
that's on both OS X and Linux.
sorear colomon: do you run the spectest with TEST_JOBS? 23:35
I think it's relevant that those are two very early tests
I think they're failing because of contention on the module cache 23:36
colomon yes, that's runs with TEST_JOBS=4 23:46