»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
guifa How would I go about making a trait to modify/override the get/set methods? 00:14
timotimo i'd expect you'd want to at compose time add your own accessor methods 00:18
guifa Should I add that to the Variable, or to the Variable.var or the Variable.var.VAR 00:20
Xliff guifa: GTK::Simple has a good example of that.
guifa thought a fantastic way to show off the power of traits would be to let you declare a string as “is localized” and automate all the behind the scenes stuff with gettext/Fluent/etc
timotimo there should be examples in the ecosystem
Xliff Actually, those are roles. My bad.
guifa: github.com/perl6/gtk-simple/blob/m...Facade.pm6 00:21
timotimo usually you'll be using the trait to apply a role that then does the work
Xliff Well... there goes the role.
guifa Okay, so looks like I “just” need to check it’s applied to a Str and somehow patch in the proxy for the value. 00:36
Xliff guifa: Do you have any example code of what you are working on? 00:42
Grinnz jnthn: regarding stack overflow, meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/3...6-and-raku is the previous discussion - i remember possibly some issue related to the tag containing a number but i guess it wasn't from that discussion 00:45
guifa Xliff: kind of. This is more or less what the proxy looks like, I’d just need to find some way to bind it with the trait 00:51
tio.run/##hY9BCsIwFET3PcVQ6q4Ibly0...AtGf7DGPAE 00:52
AlexDaniel is it storing the whole code snippet in that link? :D 01:09
Grinnz yeah that's how that site works
AlexDaniel interesting! 01:10
I kinda like that :)
Grinnz it's neat, but not optimal for irc :P 01:11
AlexDaniel I wonder if using zstd with a predefined dictionary can make it noticeably shorter
Grinnz mm, or snappy or something 01:15
Geth doc: sshaw++ created pull request #2990:
Ruby fixes
timotimo if it did work well, we could build a redirector :D 02:06
paste the long link on a page, an ircbot spits out a zstd compressed version to irc
AlexDaniel tio is open-source, can as well implement it on their side 02:12
AlexDaniel “range() integer step argument expected, got float” my blood is boiling 02:16
I don't think there's a reasonable way to write that little thing in something else than Python 02:17
I'm spoiled, so wish me luck
El_Che AlexDaniel: be care of the Dark Side. They have white spaces issues. 06:35
wow, 358 comments HN 06:36
must be the most commented Perl article in a long time (ever?)
Geth doc: 162ffb9069 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/nativecall.pod6
Fixes description, closes #2971
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/nativecall
Geth doc: 07e126a369 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Telemetry/Instrument/ThreadPool.pod6
Revised, it was actually created, closes #2533
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Telemetry::Inst...ThreadPool
Geth doc: JJ assigned to antoniogamiz Issue documentable update errors when revising a class github.com/perl6/doc/issues/2991
42633e0237 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Sequence.pod6
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Sequence
El_Che www.theregister.co.uk/2019/08/30/p...uage_name/ 09:19
Pretty awful article conflating Perl and Perl 6. Sadly enough, I can't blame them. 09:22
muixirt 'splinter group' ? 09:23
kawaii we are clearly revolutionaries ;) 09:29
tadzik wait, Ovid wrote CPAN? 09:37
El_Che Ovid is full of surprises :) 09:41
Curious___ Hello, I was just watching jnthn's talk about performance updates at www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNeu0wK92NE and was wondering if those changes are available to try already? Or when will they be expected to be released? Anyone has an idea? 10:48
scimon My understanding is much if it is already in and the rest is due really soon now (TM). 10:50
(Some of the JIT stuff is still to go into the release)
tadzik Curious___: the numbers match the current release, afaik 10:51
Curious___ ok cool! I am on the latest rakudo star so I guess I should download a standalone version of rakudo to test. Thanks. 10:52
jnthn A few of the numbers were taken using the more-pea branch in MoarVM, which needs some further polishing/testing before it can be merged. 10:56
lichtkind tadzik: greetings, thats delusional development is never cut by names 11:59
tadzik lichtkind: what are you reffering to? :) 12:05
ah, my renaming comment I assume
lichtkind ye 12:08
tadzik fwiw I consider myself convinced by now, having heard other people from the industry with different perspectives 12:12
tadzik my stance was "I don't think name is really the problem", but from what I read the name is actually one of the major ones: and even if it's not the biggest issue, it's still a pretty big one 12:13
Geth doc: 086ecac8d2 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Telemetry/Instrument/ThreadPool.pod6
Fixes grammar
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Telemetry::Inst...ThreadPool
doc: 822649cc3b | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Supplier/Preserving.pod6
More grammar corrections
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Supplier::Preserving
AlexDaniel tadzik: thank you 12:28
tadzik AlexDaniel: I can express that in the comments again if it helps the cause :)
AlexDaniel tadzik: I think it will, yes
El_Che tadzik: to give you an idea 12:30
tadzik curious. When I was writing that comment I had a feeling like the rename is a done deal and it won't change anything
I guess I overestimated the resistance to some degree :)
El_Che tadzik: we had someone fresh out of school here. Didn't know much except the superficial languagues you learn at school.
tadzik: "you want to do this in Go? I don't know Go, but OK" 12:31
tadzik: "you want to do this in Ruby? I don't know Ruby, but OK"
tadzik: "you want to do this in Perl? Perl? Awful, god no! it's the worse"
tadzik: "Do you know Perl? No, but from what I heard it's like COBOL" 12:32
true story
AlexDaniel tadzik: from what I understand, not all reviewers hold the opinion that a rename is actually going to improve things. Personally I don't want them to give in just because the majority wants a rename, I want them to truly understand the issue.
tadzik El_Che: eh, that sucks
and it is a marketing problem, and it's funny how that works when you start to actually teach people these things 12:33
I occasionally teach Python to folks
and a lot of them are people who used to do Perl in the past but now they need Python because it's the cool thing and so 12:34
so I show them all the good stuff, and they like it, and then I show them how it does lexical scoping in closures
and they frown and say "you told us this language is good!"
and I smile and say "I also told you that I do Perl for a living"
AlexDaniel but… but… but that's perl5. For perl 6 you also need to explain what it is and how it's different from perl5 and all that 12:37
tadzik right, but that's not what I do there, I just teach Python. If they ask over dinner, then sure 12:38
but I don't want to digress two much into "let me tell you the whole story about this other language I like" while I'm already timefucked because the client wants to go from zero to writing ansible extensions in 3 days :) 12:39
Geth whateverable: 61cedc184c | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Handle \r\n correctly

It's a single grapheme so other rules are not going to work and it falls back to ␦.
ecosystem: f5fcd7dae8 | Antonio++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Publish new Documentable module and delete previous one
pmurias AlexDaniel: re understanding, for me the issue is how are we going to fare with a name that's not recognizable 14:57
tellable6 2019-08-27T01:16:26Z #perl6-dev <vrurg> pmurias R#3138 breaks js backend build because the directory structure and build process of COREs are changed. Unfortunately, I can't fix JS. Please, get in touch with me if you need any assistance with this.
synopsebot R#3138 [closed]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/3138 [6.e][CORE.setting][WIP] Improve multi-revision support
pmurias vrurg: I'll look into during the weekend
AlexDaniel pmurias: likely better than with a name that is recognized incorrectly 14:59
pmurias AlexDaniel: that's not a real answer
AlexDaniel it's hard to say that conclusively, but that's my feeling because of the experiences I had
pmurias: I agree, but what kind of an answer will be good enough for you?
pmurias AlexDaniel: got to run, will be back later& 15:00
AlexDaniel o/
vrurg pmurias: I'm working on a big merge of makefiles. So, there gonna be another big change.
pmurias: most likely, I'll get rid of gen-js-makefile 15:01
pmurias vrurg: keeping that script doesn't make much sense 15:09
As it's not any better then even the output it generates
AlexDaniel: an answer is how are we going to convince anyone to give Raku a try 15:11
s/is/would be/
Geth ecosystem/JJ-patch-5: 78375073d8 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Changes place (to pass tests)
ecosystem: JJ++ created pull request #465:
Changes place (to pass tests)
Geth ecosystem: 78375073d8 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Changes place (to pass tests)
ecosystem: a050420ea6 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #465 from perl6/JJ-patch-5

Changes place (to pass tests)
jjmerelo releasable: status 15:31
releasable6 jjmerelo, Next release in ≈22 days and ≈3 hours. R6 is down. At least 7 blockers. Unknown changelog format 15:32
jjmerelo, Details: gist.github.com/77eb8ba8ed57fa50c0...38c67ef5d0
jjmerelo squashable: status
squashable6 jjmerelo, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 6 days and ≈12 hours (2019-09-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel squashable6: next
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ⚠🍕 Next SQUASHathon in 6 days and ≈12 hours (2019-09-07 UTC-12⌁UTC+20). See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: how is it going?
SmokeMachine: what about issue text bodies? 15:33
jjmerelo Everyone can check and use now Documentable, the new documentation tool & API github.com/perl6/Documentable, just released into the ecosystem by antoniogamiz
I think that most of the errors have been ironed out, we'll be transitioning into generating and deploying it with this in the next few days 15:34
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I'll do that on this weekend... but I tried to make the issues do not need a body... but I'm adding it anyway...
AlexDaniel cool
SmokeMachine: let me know if you need help using the script
jjmerelo antoniogamiz has done an excellent job; we'd like to incorporate work by noisegul now in the next few weeks.
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: I'll! thanks! 15:35
jjmerelo (because holidays are over and $dayjob is going to take a big bite out of this)
Guest93 jjmerelo: i've noticed on this page doc.perl6.org/type/Telemetry::Inst...ThreadPool that was edited today there is a extra > near the word supervisor, not sure if that's you who i should tell this :D 15:36
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: we should really add tests for non alphanum chars in the output text 15:37
jjmerelo Guest93: Good catch. It's OK if you tell me as long as I'm here, okayer if you raise an issue 15:38
AlexDaniel: an example?
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: the one mentioned by Guest93
jjmerelo: normal text will never have > in it
timotimo or a pull request ;)
jjmerelo AlexDaniel: that part shouldn't have changed. But let me check. 15:39
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: no-no, I'm thinking about doc tests that we have
Guest93 jjmerelo: Yeah, i had intention to raise an issue but can't do that from work, and can forget by the time i get home :)
AlexDaniel jjmerelo: like we check for whitespace and other stuff, let's also check that the output doesn't have bare symbols like < or > or & or @, etc. 15:40
jjmerelo: I wonder, would Documentable make it easier?
Geth doc: 92f241e470 | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Type/Telemetry/Instrument/ThreadPool.pod6
Eliminates extra >
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/Telemetry::Inst...ThreadPool
jjmerelo As a matter of fact, that web you're pointing to hasn't been updated in days 15:42
I just updated the new one, took all of 20 seconds docs-stage.p6c.org/type/Telemetry:...ThreadPool
Guest93: thanks a lot. Fixed. 15:43
AlexDaniel: what Documentable will make sure is that pods are parsed only once. We'll have to make all tools depend on that, including tests 15:44
Guest93 jjmerelo: nice!
jjmerelo AlexDaniel so it's not going to make that easier; only faster. 15:45
Before, we had to run htmlify.p6 to generate documentation, even if only one file had been changed. Now you generate the cache only once, and then you run documentable update to re-generate what's changed. 15:46
AlexDaniel nice nice 15:47
jjmerelo Time for re-generating documentation has gone from 15-20 minutes to a few seconds. Even initial generation is faster, taking around 8 minutes
discord6 <Rogue> Wow, very nice 15:49
jjmerelo documentable is also configurable and you could use it for any module. URL generation as also been decoupled from physical layout in the repo, so that we can move stuff around at our convenience without changing the API 15:50
It's still not perfect (type graphs and highlighted code is not cached, for instance), but I feel it's more solid now; everything is tested and specified, so it's easier to evolve or improve. 15:52
Antonio has really made a great job out of his GSoC project. Is still doing, in fact.
satoriprints lol perl6 15:54
tbrowder jjmerelo: hi, any progress yet with adding a new doc? 15:55
tellable6 2019-08-29T06:34:36Z #perl6 <jjmerelo> tbrowder we're still kind of wary to deploy it in the production server. It will arrive eventually.
jjmerelo tbrowder that's been fixed. It works with update, also, no need to regenerate the cache
tbrowder Pod::To::Cached gets kind of confused with that, but antoniogamiz has worked around it so that it works now. We tested it this morning with a new file (which is _very_ incomplete) 15:56
tbrowder ok, thnx. i shouldn't have added the new doc before i had worked out the bugs (my bad, sorry), the first couple of time the build process failed. 15:58
Kaiepi m: class Foo { has Int $.foo = 1; method CALL-ME(Int $foo --> ::?CLASS) { self.new: :$foo } }; my Foo $foo .= 1; say $foo
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/89aZLp3sgY
Kaiepi, Full output: gist.github.com/0047004afc9b125d50...9dc9dba90c
Kaiepi hm 15:59
jjmerelo tbrowder did it? Well, we fixed that yesterday... But no problem absolutely, the old system is still usable. We'll be eliminating it in the next few days, after documentable has been released into the ecosystem
Kaiepi in some code i wrote i accidentally wrote `$!users{$userid} .= $user` instead of `$!users{$userid} = $user` and it somehow ended up calling PSBot::User.CALL-ME
timotimo right, you can $foo.$bar and it'll $bar($foo) 16:00
tbrowder jnthn: i've been admiring the style of your slides in your presentations lately. are you still making them from text source as in your original tooling you put on gitgub? 16:11
that was the tooling you used to make your original doc on the nqp course 16:13
jnthn tbrowder: No; that tooling was used for courses, and for shorter presentations I've pretty much always done 'em with PowerPoint :) 16:19
tbrowder thnx 16:25
that tooling has been very useful to me (thanks again for that), but my needs are simpler for sure. btw, in recent years a nasty bug crept into the tex part of the tooling and i have a hack for it if you ever need it. 16:30
Kaiepi m: my Promise $p .= new; start { react { whenever $p -> $res { say $res; done if $res == 2 } } }; $p.keep: 1; $p .= new; $p.keep: 2; sleep 1 18:07
evalable6 2
Kaiepi m: my Promise $p .= new; start { react { whenever $p -> $res { say $res; done if $res == 2 } } }; $p.keep: 1; sleep 1; $p .= new; $p.keep: 2; sleep 1
evalable6 1
timotimo whoa 18:08
some decont missing somewhere 18:09
Kaiepi m: my Promise $p .= new; start { react { whenever $p -> $res { say $res; if $res == 1 { $p .= new; $p.keep: 2; } elsif $res == 2 { done } } }; $p.keep: 1; sleep 1; $p .= new; $p.keep: 2; sleep 1
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/bkyVrXpqKh
Kaiepi, Full output: gist.github.com/9a56ff20671bf4a25b...c612e58ee1
satoriprints imma play with perl6 19:31
oops wrong channel
APic It looks quite on-topic to me. 19:33
tbrowder jnthn: i add a PR to the github edumentab repo to fix md2tex in case the bug hits someone else 20:04
jnthn tbrowder: Thanks! 20:45
tbrowder jnthn: you're very welcome! 21:00
Xliff \o 22:16
Can someone tell me why I am getting 'Variable $!tl used where no 'self' is available' in this bit of code? -- pastebin.com/fW9nRMyC 22:17
The '»' was my insert.
tadzik where's the class? :)
Xliff This is an excerpt. ;p
tadzik and which line does it complain about? 22:18
Xliff The $!tl's below it don't trigger the error.
Line 22.
timotimo forgot a "method" after "multi"? 22:18
tadzik you mean 23?
yeah, it's a multi sub
Xliff O I C 22:19
tadzik :)
Xliff You know you've been staring too long at a block of code when you miss that.
Thanks timotimo++, tadzik++
timotimo Comma shows methods and subs differently in the structure view :) 22:20
Geth whateverable: 9c256087cd | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | 2 files
Process \r\n correctly (oops)

I always forget how .trans works.