»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
guifa jnthn++ as always 00:17
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! POSIX::getaddrinfo (0.0.1) by 03MLDEVINE 00:23
Grinnz AlexDaniel: agreed with the transferring individual repos idea, github has very good compatibility set up for this case and it sounds like they don't for the org transfer 02:54
AlexDaniel Grinnz: yeah, well. Just out of curiousity, I wonder if gitlab handles transfers better 02:57
Grinnz no idea on that
Xliff \o 03:28
Is there an ^add_method equivalent for packages? 03:29
How would I dynamically add a sub to a package? 03:34
m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'fpp' 03:46
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/mTJAQHIViW
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/b3d6075838b7804efc...84db55c042
Xliff m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod<is>(:export, &a) }; 03:48
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/HZUYVNpqt9
Undeclared routine:
trait_mod used at line 1
Xliff m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) };
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/7Vz2NGdfLv
Missing block
at /tmp/7Vz2NGdfLv:1
------> 03ame } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) }; 08⏏04<EOL>
Xliff m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) } };
Xliff m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) } }; foo;
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/SFnOpKWK3r
Undeclared routine:
foo used at line 1
Xliff m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) } }; use A; foo; 03:49
evalable6 (exit code 1) ===SORRY!===
Could not find A at line 1 in:
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/7952e189b2735575bf...6931a0c75a
Xliff m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) } }; use A::foo;
evalable6 (exit code 1) ===SORRY!===
Could not find A::foo at line 1 in:
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/f5412725711f07b794...86e83a7d58
Xliff m: module A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) } }; use A::foo;
evalable6 (exit code 1) ===SORRY!===
Could not find A::foo at line 1 in:
Xliff, Full output: gist.github.com/1b9603fb320846dd88...c8d22c8b54
Xliff m: package A { BEGIN { my $name = 'foo'; sub a { say 'OHAI!' } but role { method name { $name } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) } } }; use A::foo; 03:51
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/j9hKiAVO2v
Unexpected closing bracket
at /tmp/j9hKiAVO2v:1
------> 03me } }; trait_mod:<is>(:export, &a) } } 08⏏04}; use A::foo;
Xliff .tell moritz gist.github.com/moritz/2366919 03:58
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to moritz
sortiz m: package A { }; A::<&foo> = -> { say "ohai" }; A::foo(); # Xliff 04:25
evalable6 ohai
Xliff sortiz++ 04:44
Can I do that from within the package? I want to alias a sub to another name. 04:45
Or could I just "constant alias is export := &orig" ?
Also, how can I send to stdout without a CR?
Woodi print ? 04:48
hi today :)
sortiz m: package A { our sub foo() { say "ohai"} }; package B { constant bar = ::("&A::foo"); }; B::bar(); 04:50
evalable6 ohai
sortiz m: package A { our sub foo() { say "ohai"} }; package B { our &bar = ::("&A::foo"); }; B::bar(); 04:55
evalable6 ohai
sortiz o/ Woodi 04:56
m: package A { our sub foo() { say "ohai"} }; package B { our &bar is export = ::("&A::foo"); }; import B; bar(); 04:59
evalable6 ohai
Xliff m: my @qp = (1, :all); say |@qp; say @qp.gist 05:09
evalable6 1all => True
[1 all => True]
Xliff m: sub a ($a, :$b) { say 'ohai' }; a(:full) 05:15
evalable6 (exit code 1) Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
in sub a at /tmp/_MYtSUhasc line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/_MYtSUhasc line 1
Xliff m: sub a ($a, :$b) { say 'ohai' }; a(1, :full)
evalable6 (exit code 1) Unexpected named argument 'full' passed
in sub a at /tmp/P_Mo1CKwBa line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/P_Mo1CKwBa line 1
Xliff m: sub a ($a, :$full) { say 'ohai' }; a(1, :full)
evalable6 ohai
Xliff m: sub a ($a, :$full) { say 'ohai' }; a(:full)
evalable6 (exit code 1) Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
in sub a at /tmp/26pPDBRPGI line 1
in block <unit> at /tmp/26pPDBRPGI line 1
Xliff m: my @a = (:full); sub a ($a, :$full) { say 'ohai' }; a(|@a)
evalable6 ohai
Xliff This is the right way to define an all-args proto, yes? "proto method query_duration (|)" 05:20
moritz Xliff: yes 06:45
tellable6 2019-08-31T03:58:50Z #perl6 <Xliff> moritz gist.github.com/moritz/2366919 06:46
Geth doc: 568ff30797 | (JJ Merelo)++ | .circleci/config.yml
Adds CircleCI to generate documentation refs #2983
doc: e0533eb223 | (JJ Merelo)++ | .circleci/config.yml
Re-testing documentable refs #2983
Geth doc: 2a812ba812 | (JJ Merelo)++ | .circleci/config.yml
Re-testing documentable refs #2983
doc: 50f7448797 | (JJ Merelo)++ | .circleci/config.yml
Re-testing documentable refs #2983
Geth doc: 909c52092a | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Adds CircleCI badge refs #2983
doc: b7a24c79c4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | README.md
Fixes CircleCI badge refs #2983
doc: 3eb02cc8a7 | Antonio++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md
Update README.md
Geth doc: 5eaaad68d0 | Antonio++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md
Update README.md
jjmerelo This is badge-driven development... 07:29
Xliff \o jj!
antoniogamiz o/ 07:37
Xliff \o 07:38
antoniogamiz what do you think of this super complex github-hook? => gist.github.com/antoniogamiz/8837c...a59dc56fe4 07:41
recommendations? is to auto-update the documentation of perl6
rba antoniogamiz: you can consider too, to let the auto-update run on the server using cron in regular intervals 07:42
antoniogamiz I know, but we want to update it when someone pushs 07:43
Geth doc: c7a38214cd | (JJ Merelo)++ | .circleci/config.yml
Changes to documentable container refs #2983
jjmerelo rba: we were thinking about creating a webhook 07:46
rba antoniogamiz: so we install the above hook on the server? 07:47
you have to consider port-scanners. 07:48
jjmerelo rba: hum
rba: so it's safer to pull than to get pushed?
rba antoniogamiz: no, we have to consider some minimal security. mainly to avoid denial of service 07:49
antoniogamiz rba: mmm
rba: and could have docker installed? 07:50
we have a container with everything ready-to-use
to avoid installing perl6 and a lot of dependencies
rba antoniogamiz: developer.github.com/webhooks/securing/ 07:51
docker will be installed, yet not not planned atm on the host we currently run the websites. 07:52
jjmerelo: for testing, you can let run the hook without security though... 07:55
jjmerelo rba: you mean we can install a hook as long as we provide it with some kind of security? 07:58
rba: we could still have a DoS attack, though. Although I guess we run the risk of having it anyway as long as we serve HTTP ports 08:00
antoniogamiz rba: and if we redirect a url from nginx? 08:02
I mean, Rediret the hook using nginx (wheRe we use https) 08:03
rba jjmerelo: you‘re right. above token for only validate, that the request is come from github. 08:08
antoniogamiz: we can redirect it from nginx, yes. 08:09
Geth doc: 4fa72d037b | (JJ Merelo)++ | .circleci/config.yml
Eliminates annoying progress bars, refs #2983
rba jjmerelo: you like to do this yourself on the host where docs-stage is served? 08:11
jjmerelo rba: so the basic idea would be to configure nginx to listen to an URL, and also to validate where the request is coming from, and only run in that case
rba coming from might be difficult, as github might run a bunch of hosts.
jjmerelo jjmerelo: yep, I guess so. Would be the easiest. The web hook would run documentable update, and then rsync the result to /var/www/ 08:12
rba: what do you suggest?
rba jjmerelo: just try it out. 08:13
signature could be added later.
jjmerelo rba: OK. 08:15
jjmerelo rba: I think we're going to start a doc-infra repo and start to put everything in there, including all the stuff that's needed to actually build the documentation 08:15
like node, for instance. 08:16
antoniogamiz yep, good idea 08:17
rba makes sense 08:18
El_Che p 08:19
If you run docker, the Dockerfile with comments could be a good doc for the part it runs 08:20
jjmerelo rba: what do you suggest as a bootstrap script to install everything that's needed for this? Ansible? A simple shell script? 08:21
El_Che I am not rba, but to me it sounds you're thinking into the right lines. You can also migrate to a automated setup piece by piece 08:23
El_Che (I like the ideas of containers because it's easy to move stuff around to a new host. Distro and version of the host don't matter 08:25
rba We haven‘t decieded yet which tool (Ansible, Jenkins, Chef, ...) we like to use. Like to start first using docker and CI tools, then look more into this.
Shell script is fine atm. 08:26
jjmerelo rba thanks 08:28
rba also, I would try to install everything in userspace
antoniogamiz can I invoke MAIN Functions from another module? 08:33
tadzik what happens if you try? :)
also, yes
antoniogamiz I have tried it, but it does not wokr :,/ 08:34
tadzik what does the error say?
have you `is export`ed them?
antoniogamiz could not find symbol &MAIN
I have added it to proto MAIN
maybe i need to add it to every main
tadzik I just see all my MAINs exported in my module, maybe there is a better way 08:35
antoniogamiz mmm
I have the main's statements inside a package 08:36
maybe that's Related?
rba jjmerelo, antoniogamiz: I will be afk for the majority of the day. In case you need urgent help, send me a private irc message and I will go online as soon as I can... 08:37
antoniogamiz rba: ok, thanks for your help :) 08:38
tadzik hm, mine are in the module :)
rba jjmerelo: when you restart nginx, run „nginx -t“ before, as the nginx servers all the sites.
antoniogamiz tadzik: I had to delcare proto main with our! 08:39
jjmerelo rba have fun, thanks a lot. I don't think we'll be doing much now... 08:41
tadzik antoniogamiz: oh? Are you calling it with the fully qualified name then? 08:49
antoniogamiz yep
tadzik if yes, then you shouldn't need to export them
but of course you need to our them, yes :)
antoniogamiz oh thanks :) 08:50
tadzik what exporting does it it makes you use the name as "your own", in other modules, without the prefix:: thingy
antoniogamiz ah great 08:53
m: "a" ~~ !/a/ 08:55
antoniogamiz m: say "a" ~~ !/a/ 08:56
evalable6 False
antoniogamiz is there another way to negate an entire Regex?
I want to negate the regex inside the regex, I mean, a Regex to match strings without 'a', for instanec
ah moritz has the answer! stackoverflow.com/questions/473961...-in-perl-6 09:00
Xliff Why not use iptables to restrict anything to that port from an unknown IP? 09:20
I doubt github runs from that many hosts.
^^ jjmerelo, rba
jjmerelo Xliff: not in my pay grade, I can only change nginx configuration. rba could do it, anyway 09:21
Xliff Just a thought. Good luck! 09:23
jjmerelo: Oh! Check this out! github.com/Xliff/p6-GStreamer 09:24
I need to make install instructions though. It's the same as github.com/Xliff/p6-COGL but with the p6-GStreamer repo 09:25
Xliff antoniogamiz: \o -- How did that negative regex work out? 09:27
antoniogamiz not good i think x'd 09:32
jjmerelo Xliff: cool! Starred! 09:35
Xliff: so you have a new home for all GTK projects... 09:36
.tell rba first documentation build in the staging server. It takes 15 minutes, more than the circle-ci server, but it works. 09:43
tellable6 jjmerelo, I'll pass your message to rba
Geth doc: cdb3cb53a4 | (JJ Merelo)++ | cpanfile
For the time being, pins that version refs #2993
rba .tell jjmerelo: Do you prefer to build it on the circle-ci server and then? Are you able to just push the change to the webhosting using rsync? 11:07
tellable6 rba, I'll pass your message to jjmerelo
Xliff \o/ 11:54
gist.github.com/Xliff/5bec8c5a2c30...6a45d16e91 11:57
timotimo i think doc.perl6.org should put the FAQ in a similar style to the four links in the middle 12:08
timotimo maybe we should remove the mention of sixfix from perl6.org/resources; it gives a 502 at the moment 12:18
.seen nigel
tellable6 timotimo, I haven't seen nigel around, did you mean nige?
timotimo .seen nige
tellable6 timotimo, I saw nige 2018-12-10T13:34:03Z in #perl6: <nige> ludovic-tc++ you can take my slot on the 17th for your advent entry
Geth doc: 32094f9794 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/HomePage.pod6
frontpage: make FAQ more prominent, add mention of community/chat
Geth perl6.org: 4d30abe3a9 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/community/index.html
put a discord invite on the community page
perl6.org: 53ffb70e07 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/community/irc/index.html
put discord invite on the IRC page as well
timotimo the sixfix entry could probably be replaced with the weekly challenge 12:37
Geth perl6.org: 8df93792e9 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/resources/index.html
sixfix is down, replace it with perlweeklychallenge
perl6.org: 706988f66e | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/resources/index.html
add js to p6 migration guide
rba timotimo: I was asked once in the last few months to make a rewrite permanent from doc.perl6.org to docs.perl6.org. So I assumed the main website name is docs.perl6.org? 12:59
tellable6 2019-08-31T09:43:28Z #perl6 <jjmerelo> rba first documentation build in the staging server. It takes 15 minutes, more than the circle-ci server, but it works.
timotimo not sure
i always confuse the two
rba atm the same content is served by both names. 13:00
see: docs-stage.p6c.org/ for the current staging area 13:01
timotimo how is updating handled at the moment? 13:03
ah, the Pod::To::OnePage isn't installed there it seems 13:04
i wonder why the "chat with us" link isn't there?
rba I wonder too. Yet it's work in progress... 13:06
timotimo sure, sure
i wonder what's commonly used to collect logs from many places and show them centrally
even if it's just for simple things like "docs.perl6.org update started/finished" or "no changes to source detected in docs.perl6.org" or whatever 13:07
rba timotimo: unix log files?
the idea is to partially update docs.perl6.org using a github webhook. 13:08
timotimo i'm more interested in a web interface to see everything from logs in one place
Xliff *yawn* 13:09
.oO( So much for napping... )
Has the docs build been parallelized, yet?
rba timotimo: do you like to see if the websites got updated sucessfully after doing a change in the repo?
Xliff: jjmerelo or antoniogamiz shold be able to answere it. 13:10
timotimo ah, that'd be cool, i think there's a feature for that on github 13:14
Geth doc: Xliff++ created pull request #2995:
- MInor changes to independent-routines.pod6 to clarify options for run()
Xliff Took me 13 minutes to do a "make" in p6-doc 13:28
timotimo yeah, we're not fast at this 13:29
Xliff I'm not sure the HTML portion is done in parallel.
timotimo not by default 13:29
it used to be pretty crashy, dunno how it is at the moment 13:30
Xliff is "make -j" sufficient to do it or do I need to do something else?
timotimo maybe there's a target for the parallel mode 13:31
Xliff I'll look in a second. Working on p6-VisualGrammar ATM 13:32
timotimo heck yeah
tbrowder .tell jjmerelo note the docs page on the io page is missing the reference section 13:41
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to jjmerelo
lucasb with regard {doc,docs}.perl6.org, I think, in the past, doc.perl6.org was a redirect to docs.perl6.org. But now I see they are served in both adress, which I don't think is a very good a idea. One should be a redirect to the other. I prefer doc.perl6.org (in singular) to be the canonical one. I have proposed this in the past, but people prefered 'docs' in the plural. 13:49
rba: ^^
rba lucasb: hmm. 13:50
sena_kun (clearly remembers we changed `docs` to `doc` in past) 13:51
lucasb sena_kun: ah, that's good. I wasn't aware. sorry :)
Xliff \o sena_kun
sena_kun o/
rba I agree we just need to stick with one only and redirect the other.
I have no preference. 13:52
lucasb IMO, +1 for singular 'doc' 13:53
sena_kun google clearly knows about `docs`, but not `doc`
rba .tell jjmerelo doc.perl6.org or docs.perl6.org? 13:55
tellable6 rba, I'll pass your message to jjmerelo
tbrowder rba: i think that may be temporary during dev of docs v2 14:38
Geth doc: 327f852677 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/faq.pod6
tweak punctuation
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/faq
kawaii rba: doesn't `docs` make more sense? 15:24
since they're a lot of documents
as opposed to a single document
rba kawaii: For me both is ok. But we need to choose one and the other as a redirect. 15:37
Geth doc: e9dc2466fd | (Clifton Wood)++ | doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
- MInor changes to independent-routines.pod6 to clarify options for

synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/type/independent-routines
doc: 817f78c053 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
Merge pull request #2995 from Xliff/op-setbagmix-changes

  - MInor changes to independent-routines.pod6 to clarify options for run()
Geth doc: a98c4209ca | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
add comment on comments

also tweak punctuation
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/syntax
tbrowder oops, added a typo...fixing 18:32
Geth doc: 88cceb8462 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
fix my typo
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/syntax
lucasb oops, a stray quote :) 18:37
Geth doc: 3134f2c510 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/syntax.pod6
fix finger fumble
holyghost-androi Hi 19:56
I'm going to restart work on monday, I am going to work on a graphics pipeline, soft 3D
maybe unto a pixel array 19:57
then blitting is polyvalent on that array
AlexDaniel holyghost-androi: sounds interesting 20:00
holyghost-androi sure
holyghost-androi I have a convex and concave model search already 20:01
IT should use lots of optimizations 20:02
holyghost-androi It's on Xliff's server 20:03
El_Che We made slashdot: developers.slashdot.org/story/19/0...ng-renamed
El_Che of course, Slashdot being Slashdot the level of the comment is low 20:07
tbrowder El_Che: slashdot sounds like twitter: full of anonymous, foul-mouthed, juvenile, hateful people 20:14
tadzik except it's not cool anymore so it's only full of old-school nerds :P 20:17
tbrowder good point, and "juvenile" still applies 20:20
El_Che indeed 20:24
it turned into a sad place
Grinnz apparently they haven't upgraded from the 1990s view on LGBT 20:30
AlexDaniel wow that thread is some concentrated cancer 20:31
tbrowder how are the rakudo build changes going to affect new users? will i be able to define standard system-wide env vars so, whether i am an ordinary user or root, the same location will be used (including for zef)? 21:04
tobs oh that's a good question. More concretely, will I be able to just rely on this as always or are changes needed? github.com/zoffixznet/r 21:12
TreyHarris I just liked the idea of being able to say "Perl 6 is now 楽 (Raku)" (meaning easy, joyous, simple) 21:21
tbrowder reason i asked is i just saw the new (to me) env vars RAKUDO_PREFIX and RAKUDOLIB 21:24
AlexDaniel vrurg: ↑ ? 21:25
tbrowder i guess i need to see if zef help says anything... 21:26
don't see anything about env vars... 21:28
as a root user, i would like to have a rakudo tool to install all ecosystem p6 modules that pass tests, i'll file some issues with zef and see what nick says 21:30
TreyHarris tbrowder: RAKUDOLIB can't be just the new canonical name of PERL6LIB, can it? B/c then other non-Rakudo implementations would have to implement "RADKUOLIB" as well... 21:32
tbrowder yes, i assumed RAKUDOLIB is same as PERL6LIB 21:33
TreyHarris So a non-Rakudo implementation *would* need to implement "RAKUDOLIB" rather than or in addition to "{$other}LIB"? 21:34
I can see where you might wante a "{$compiler}LIB" *in addition* to a PERL6LIB--if your implementation needed certain specific libraries, or stored system-dependent artifacts, but you still need a variable that all programs can use without immediately tying them to one implementation 21:37
tbrowder Hm, i can't answer that--i have a hard time imagining a non-rakudo implementation now. 21:45
oh, maybe what i'm missing is RAKULIB (my head hurts...) 21:46
time for a brewski in utc-5 21:47
TreyHarris That makes sense. RAKULIB would equal PERL6LIB, RAKUDOLIB would be something else
tbrowder sounds good to me--thats the way i was reading it anyway :-( 21:49
vrurg AlexDaniel: RAKUDO_PREFIX first appears in 98966bf15722c17e80977a42b4d847e40121dff0 as a rename for RAKUDO_PRECOMP_PREFIX. 21:56
tbrowder back to sysadmin installation: i would appreciated a curated script to use with zef to install all testable ecosystem modules and install into $RAKULIB. of course it would use concurrency and parallelization to save time (and be usable in a cron job).
*RAKULIB or whatever is decided (RAKU_PREFIX?) 21:58
TreyHarris tbrowder: If you're writing up an actual feature request, you may want to specify that parallelization of processing is what's needed in priority to parallelization of I/O (which might help on some systems, but on most will hurt or at best do no good) 22:06
tbrowder good point! 22:12
Kaiepi do actions classes need to make anything if you don't actually do anything with what they parse outside of parsing? 22:25
timotimo no need to make anything 22:31