»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or rakudo:, or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend!
Set by moritz on 22 December 2015.
comborico Vague can mean mysterious. And mysterious can be meaningless. 00:00
Thanks for the help! 00:02
I submitted it. 00:03
comborico1611 Back 00:17
tbrowder check the semi after the sub decl 00:20
sorry, didn't see rest of thread... 00:21
geekosaur :) 00:25
comborico1611 Sorry about that. I will delete that gist thing. 00:29
buggable New CPAN upload: Dist-Helper-0.19.1.tar.gz by TYIL cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TY/...9.1.tar.gz 01:58
buggable New CPAN upload: App-Assixt-0.1.1.tar.gz by TYIL cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/T/TY/...1.1.tar.gz 02:08
Herby_ o/ 04:24
lookatme :P 05:19
Geth doc: 96201864ac | (Luca Ferrari)++ | doc/Language/5to6-perlvar.pod6
Fix code blocks explaining $!.

This corrects my mistakes around two blocks from commit a06f33ab, as for discussion a06f33ab8944ac6bb6e23484831b4987670ea5e6#commitcomment-26642734 this commit does:
  - remove the :skip-test around the try code block, since it can be tested;
  - add a =for code directive with shell language around the output code
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/5to6-perlvar
Nanjizal Good afternoon 14:03
I was wondering how Perl6 compares in features to what I like at the moment Haxe 14:06
moritz Nanjizal: hi. I Don't know Haxe, but if you ask questions about specific features, I can probably tell you if Perl 6 has them 14:07
Nanjizal There are some features spec'd here haxe.org/manual/introduction.html, it's a typed language. 14:09
perlpilot wonders if masak looked at Haxe's macros for any nuggets of information. 14:13
moritz Nanjizal: which one are you curious about? 14:14
jnthn Perl 6 is gradually typed. Generally, there's more safety than in most other dynamic languages on things that are lexically scoped (so, you find out about typo'd variables and sub call names at compile time); OO is fully late-bound. 14:16
Nanjizal Ok I learnt flash is my late 30's so I probably don't know all the computer engineering names. Could I create say a tetris clone easily in Perl6 and run it in the browser and could I also use it with say some shaders 14:20
I find if I can do graphics with a language then it's more interesting to learn. 14:21
for me
perlpilot someone did write a version of tetris on one of the earlier Perl 6 implementations: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2011/12/...on-niecza/ 14:22
I bet it could be updated for modern Rakudo without too much troubl
er trouble
perlpilot looking at the source, it seems that all of the graphics interface would need to be rethought and redone, but not too terribly bad 14:24
Nanjizal This was the experiment I did in haxe it was kind of for job interview but did not get it :( github.com/nanjizal/PolyominoTriangles It's kind of more complex than normal tetris. 14:25
So you don't normally use multiple files for code?
perlpilot when needed, sure. 14:26
mspo you had to write tetris for a job interview?
that seems a little extreme :)
(or maybe not, idk)
Nanjizal Think I took too long. 14:27
Nanjizal And did not use mvc stuff and unit Testing 14:27
perlpilot well, if they asked you "do this simple thing" and you made it way more complicated and didn't quite finish .... them maybe this task accomplished what they were after. 14:28
Nanjizal: This was like a "take home" assignment? (i.e. here's the problem we want you to solve, you have N time-units) 14:29
where the time-units were probably days?
Nanjizal yer I had a week, my solution works with all the graphics toolkits and is more analog tetris and more configurable but took two weeks. 14:31
Ah the Rubic Cube example I should look at from that guys blog to get a feel for Perl6 14:34
Nanjizal or maybe not! 14:35
perlpilot I once knew a guy who was told "write a simple rolodex web-app. Nothing fancy, just record people's names, addresses, phone numbers, and have the ability to search by name. No fancy interface, just plain HTML to add entries and search for them." when he called me, he was 10 hours into the project and hadn't gotten anything close to working. He was suffering from Analysis Paralysis. Unfortunately, this was for a job he already had and because he 14:36
was taking so long, they let him go.
Nanjizal I have got large flash AIR projects shipped, but due to bad management and excessive opensource restrictions after taken over by plc quit after 3 years. But being expert it flash is not needed these days so unsure what direction to take. 14:42
moritz the question is really: what do you want to do? 14:44
web development? application development? backend? devops? project management? agile methodologies? ...
Nanjizal Well I was not overly excited by React when i looked at it. I like visual stuff. 14:45
moritz there is lots of web development that isn't react 14:46
mspo perlpilot: interview for your own job?
brutal 14:47
perlpilot mspo: my last job interview was something like "implement an API for a tic-tac-toe game"
mspo perlpilot: that doesn't seem too bad 14:48
perlpilot it wasn't :-)
mspo whiteboard-able, I'd say
I mean the design and pseudo-ish code parts
perlpilot well, they wanted me to use a few specific Perl 5 technologies
so, yeah, they wanted to see some real working code 14:49
mspo mojolicious::lite :)
perlpilot that technology was not on the list
I think they just wanted me to use Dancer and Moo(se)
mspo put /move/game/*/coords/*
or whatever
timotimo i'd like to get a little bit of support for a linux/hard drive question: gist.github.com/timo/e766094726dd1...2b1d567efa - should i be worried about this disk? 15:03
moritz good question. Do you have SMART data for it? 15:04
moritz or whatever that disk self-reporting protocol is called 15:05
jkramer Ahoy
scimon My Perl6 Library grows a little bit with todays arrival. 15:06
gfldex timotimo: that's bad sectors. Most large disks will get a few of those. If it persists after overwriting those sectors replace the disk. 15:06
scimon Hopefully now I can get my head around Grammars. :) moritz++ 15:07
timotimo i just bought this disk two days ago
gfldex timotimo: did you run `badblocks` on it?
timotimo i did not
gfldex you should do that with any (non-SSD) drive before using it 15:08
moritz scimon: when read it, I'd appreciate feedback
gfldex SSDs will compress and dedup, so you need bigger tools to test those
gfldex timotimo: if the disk is just installed, it might be a cabeling issue too. `smartctl -x /dev/sdf` can tell the difference 15:10
scimon Will do :) 15:12
moritz smile.amazon.com/dp/1484232275/ says "#1 New Release in Perl Programming", and has been since November at least \o/ 15:13
the actual selling ranks aren't as great though :( 15:14
timotimo gfldex: not sure what exactly to look at there 15:16
gfldex: if i want to "badblocks" a hard drive that's currently in use, i.e. copying data onto it, do i have to do something special?
also, if i already ran it for a few seconds before i decided it'd be better to read the man page first, did it destroy any data? 15:17
moritz and why oh why is the kindle version more expensive than print? smile.amazon.com/dp/1484228987
timotimo also, if that was just a bad block, why did zfs call it an unrecoverable error? 15:18
scimon These things are meant to try us. Don't know why but I prefer print for coding books.
I guess the diagrams and code exmaples don't always translate to ebook well. 15:19
timotimo ah, it's unrecoverable as in that block is not going to heal in time; it also said "applications are unaffected", meaning "no data was lost" 15:22
comborico1611 Print for every book. 15:23
The complier complained that I didn't put a braces around return: else { return; }. Is that normal?
moritz m: if 0 { } else { return } 15:24
camelia Attempt to return outside of any Routine
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
moritz m: sub f() { if 0 { } else { return } }
camelia ( no output )
DrForr comborico1611: What did it exactly comlain about? 15:25
moritz but you can#t leave out the {} there, it's not C
DrForr *complain
moritz s/\#/'/
comborico1611 "Missing block"
DrForr comborico1611: Put your code up somewhere we can see. 15:26
moritz m: sub f() { if 0 { } else return }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub f() { if 0 { } else7⏏5 return }
expecting any of:
block or pointy block
moritz like this?
comborico1611 K
DrForr (though I think moritz has your cause down.) 15:27
comborico1611 gist.github.com/clint-who/8d15aa98...21b654e80e
gfldex timotimo: as you are talking about sdf, I assume there is sd[a…e]. I found that one can't trust a bunch of sata cables. Spending some monay there can save you a great deal of time. 15:29
timotimo interesting
three of the cables i just bought recently
i'm transfering data over from a fileserver and i took the disks from there and put them into my computer (because this cpu has AES-NI, whereas the other one does not) 15:30
DrForr comborico1611: Yeah, Perl still doesn't let you do C-style 'return', sorry, you need braces. 15:31
jkramer How do I initialize attributes in a BUILD submethod when BUILD has arguments of the same name?
scimon So with new book, Tau Station and project Euler (Having so much fun writing really small solutions to things).... I probably should be doing some work.
jkramer I.e. submethod BUILD(:$foo) { self.foo = $foo } or whatever 15:32
jnthn submethod BUILD(:$!foo) { }
scimon What he said.
jkramer Ah thanks, that works 15:33
scimon docs.perl6.org/language/objects#Ob...nstruction best thing to look at. (If you want build to do other things).
comborico1611 DrForr, thank you. 15:34
perlpilot comborico1611: or use a ternary
Nanjizal I was wondering does Perl6 have VSC, something like Kode where perl6 compile maybe embedded in the editor? 15:38
( eg: github.com/Kode/KodeStudio ). Is Atom the best editor to use at moment?
comborico1611 It's alright. I actually do prefer the braces.
Thanks, though!
timotimo gfldex: btw, i'm worried that perhaps my computer's PSU might not be sufficient to handle all 6 + 2 disks; how do i tell if the PSU is at its limit, and how do i tell if a problem comes from power? 15:39
Nanjizal Kode is kind of Visual Studio Code with haxe and kha within so you can do single download for editor language and toolkit. It's really nice for starters. 15:40
gfldex timotimo: if you system is fine when the disk spin up all at the same time, it wont be a problem
Nanjizal So thought I would mention in case you had similar approach for perl6
timotimo thanks
comborico1611 Man, I'm just loving the KDE environment. 15:41
timotimo comborico1611: sarcasm or really? 15:42
DrForr Nanjizal: Sounds cool. Got a URL?
comborico1611 Heh. Really.
Nanjizal github.com/Kode/KodeStudio/releases
I mean if you can do that with Perl6 that would be nice for people like me curious, at the moment on a mac I downloaded something I put it my app folder but it is just a folder it's kind of not clear the next step 15:44
DrForr Looks like you'd have to file a bug or make a PR. 15:45
Nanjizal What is the textmate support for perl6 like I seem to have perl.tmbundle installed 15:48
timotimo comborico1611: i'm unhappy with my plasma setup, but it can very well be user error 15:49
DrForr I don't use TextMate, couldn't say.
As you say there's a perl6 textmate bundle file, no idea what it does. 15:51
timotimo we do have plugins for atom, i'd expect they also come with a "run my code" and/or "run my test suite" buttons built-in 15:54
DrForr With tmux they're only ^Bn!! away. 15:56
timotimo :) 15:57
DrForr Not that I dislike GUI editors, I just find they're too helpful. 16:02
DrForr goes back to conference-driven development. 16:03
Nanjizal Well from experiance of trying Haxe with lots and lots of editors I like textmate because it's simple but has no completion etc... cross platform Visual Studio Code seems to be the best for people customising and for general use, I think Visual Studio Code is based on Atom. It's far from perfect but VSC seems quite nice I saw on google there is some stuff but not idea if it's robust? There... 16:04
...is a big difference between a nice code text editor and full on IDE eclipse thing. I think something between eclipse and vim is my preference.
DrForr I have Atom installed, I just haven't found a pressing need for it. I keep thinking if I just force myself ot use it in preference to Vim I'll get the itch to fix the plugin menus and such, but I eventually throw up my preoverbial hands and go back to vim. 16:06
DrForr glares at his keyboard again. 16:07
Nanjizal As I said Kode actually has the Haxe compiler embedded in the app, and the Kha framework so like now I am trying to work out how to setup atom for perl6 and its effort. Vim is keystroke I have devorak keyboard layout and no patients to learn vim. 16:07
DrForr A few core perl6 developers use Atom, so it should get some love. Don't know how it's going though. 16:08
El_Che would love Perl6 support for IntelliJ 16:09
DrForr If nothing else put your atom config into Git and when you find things, commit and push.
comborico1611 I like emacs.
MasterDuke huggable: ide
huggable MasterDuke, nothing found
Nanjizal I guess the view point is allow people to create with a language with the least setup friction, you only to look at stuff like node to realize that. I would not touch the InteliJ stuff for haxe if you paid me but I do know some large games companies etc... that use it like Tivo
MasterDuke huggable: atom
huggable MasterDuke, nothing found
El_Che atom is painfull compared to intellij 16:10
use a proper ide (intellij and the like) or vim
atom uses a sad space in between
DrForr Nanjizal: So where are the friction points you find with Atom and perl6?
mspo :) 16:11
Nanjizal DrForr download Kode and try some Kha.
mspo El_Che: people seem to like it
MasterDuke well, this is what i was trying to find. github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-IDE
El_Che mspo: for perl6? Sure, there insn't much out there 16:12
Nanjizal github.com/Kode/Kha/wiki/Getting-Started
DrForr (he says, waiting for Atom to spool up...)
mspo El_Che: I mean Atom in general
El_Che: although I think VSCode is nicer (in that space)
El_Che mspo: a desktop in JS, geniousç
DrForr Nanjizal: That sounds like not so much pain points as nobody getting around to configure it.
El_Che except when it supposed to be fast
DrForr Huh, haven't touched it in a while and it already throws a configuration error at me. 16:13
Nanjizal DrForr I can just drag a kha project into Kode debug twice and it's running. 16:14
mspo I should try switching to emacs again
hard to stop using vim
DrForr Great, then figure out where Kha reads its configuration file, add the '.pm6' => 'perl6' bit or whatever is needed, ake a pull request and you're off and running. 16:15
eiro mspo, why switching to emacs ?
mspo eiro: I tried looking at vimscript and my head exploded
eiro i mean: sure it's probably much powerfull but i really think it's not that consise to script and use 16:16
mspo eiro: no real reason 16:16
eiro mspo, well ... right ... loooks like python but
DrForr Nanjizal: Also, if you're hoping that someone else will write this for you, then maybe you can dig around for fellow Kha users and see if they have any ideas.
eiro * there is an embedded perl
mspo eiro: I'd have to use evil mode regardless; I genuinely like modal editing
cool kids use emacs :) 16:17
eiro * the async of vim8 changes the why extensions will be developped
really ? :) well ... i'm too old for those things :)
i'm stuck to vim just because i got old 16:18
DrForr grabs the community IntelliJ edition out of curiosity.
comborico1611 I prefer emacs because they help the beginner.
Nanjizal NOOOOOOO!!!
comborico1611 At least in the program itself. It's always nice when things are self-contained.
eiro DrForr, there is an awesome vim mode extension... i was really surprised how good it was
but ... wait ...
mspo eiro: I don't even like ALE (async-version of Syntastic) 16:19
El_Che is a cheapass and had a legal licensed version for free :)
moritz let's start an editor flame war right now!
Nanjizal IntelliJ is eclipse based so if you want to set it up to compile something for two setups good luck!!!
El_Che Nanjizal: you're are talking nonsense
eiro wait for the splashsceen to appears, the features to start
event completion is slow
mspo eclipse didn't have functional maven support the last time I used it
eiro mspo, so it's time to switch to ... builder :) 16:20
gnome-builder seems to be very cool
mspo eiro: I also don't particularly like the completion UI that most editors use
eiro especially the gnome debug integration
DrForr And now at the launch of the editor wars you see the *real* reason I don't play in this arena :)
mspo eiro: I'd prefer a fixed size screen on the bottom or something
eiro :) 16:21
mspo eiro: in vim does that go int othe quickfix or the location list window?
eiro i have to admit i still use vim from a terminal and it's ok for me. especially because i started to use and abuse the ! operator since i tested plan9
mspo eiro: are the builtin fd plugins overriding the 3rd part ones or..? 16:22
yes I also just use terminal
eiro reading the question again ... sorry
mspo native gui don't interest me
Nanjizal github.com/HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe/issues - 175 issues, I will not touch Intellij for any language that is not in the top 5.
mspo so younger people just view the browser as I view the terminal
eiro mspo, sorry i don't get your question
mspo eiro: doesn't matter :) 16:23
eiro about quickfix window
Nanjizal I am not talking rubish Intellij is just too hard to configure for a language. I saw how fast VSC was setup and became useful in Haxe community.
El_Che Perl 5 support is pretty good (third party)
builin java and go support in in the enterprise version are top 16:24
eiro mspo, please try again once please "that go int othe " doesn't make sense for me
mspo eiro: the quickfix and location list windows are, basically, the same thing 16:24
eiro: so if I wanted to get completions drawing into one of those, which would I use and how would I do it?
eiro: my point is that vim is confusing :) 16:25
eiro oohhh ... i use an empty buffer for this
with a fuzzysearch 16:26
but yes: this is viml
not that bad but terrible when you come from perl
cya everyone
TimToady I cma frequently... 16:29
timotimo cook my asparagus? 16:33
Nanjizal El_Che I suggest you try Kode, for creating Mobile/web using Kha and haxe, download Kode, clone Empty ( Kha ), drag project into Kode, debug twice and you have your code running. You can't tell me that Intellij is as simple? Sure it's not so simple from Kode to make android app but once you have your app you can rebuild that with simple command from terminal after installing haxe. 16:35
timotimo comborico1611: do you get the same bug as me where panels will just not re-render for any amount of time?
comborico1611 I don't even know if I use Plasma. Heh. Sorry. 16:36
Panels, panels, panels. . . Hmm. I haven't been using Activity because I don't need it at the moment. I dont' know what Panels are you are speaking of. 16:37
I do know my Kubuntu 17.10 downstairs will not connect to the internet, but the same machine with Kubuntu 14 on a different partition will.
I also had Firefox on my Kubuntu 17.10 downstairs break. 16:38
Nanjizal is there a simple run through on getting the hello world to run from 'atom'. I think Perl6 are assuming perl developers, so they are missing out on a huge slice of possible coders, developers want to try a language quickly and see it's legs but from the website it's not really providing that?
comborico1611 Requesting help: gist.github.com/clint-who/f9480602...ef7b898078
DrForr Nanjizal: Someoe posted a link to using Perl 6 with Atom about 10 minutes ago, look in your /lastlog? 16:39
Nanjizal Ok so I wrote say 'hello world'; and called the file hello.p6 16:39
DrForr github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-IDE 16:40
to wit.
Nanjizal so I drag the folder perl6 with this file into atom. Now how do I get it to run? 16:44
comborico1611 Whoa dang! 16:47
I think I just discovered the power of sigils. 16:48
say "Days: $days "
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/02oDMhQLM8
Variable '$days' is not declared
at /tmp/02oDMhQLM8:1
------> 03say "Days: 08⏏04$days "
comborico1611 Ignore the error message. What I'm trying to say is YOU CAN USE A VARIABLE WITHIN STRINGS! 16:49
jnthn m: my $x = "foo"; say "And even call methods: $x.uc()" 16:49
camelia And even call methods: FOO
DrForr Nanjizal: I'd read the link I posted about Atom for you a few minutes ago? 16:50
comborico1611 I see. Thanks.
comborico1611 NOW sigils finally make sense to use. 16:50
Nanjizal github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-I...rker-rules ?? 16:51
DrForr I am not stupid but wha do I do with this?
DrForr Nanjizal: Not trying to be a smartarse, I simply don't know Atom. 16:52
Not the nav-marker-rules page, there's a nice front page. 16:53
DrForr returns to figuring out a way to do grammar testng that doesn't involve trichotillomania. 16:54
comborico1611 I'm off to lunch. 16:58
DrForr Nanjizal: According to the page I pointed you to it says 'apm install script' will istall the perl6-atom linkage that'll shell out to Perl 6 and run your code for you. 17:00
Ulti can anyone see what Im doing wrong with my named and aliased MAIN parameters in this script? gist.github.com/MattOates/0c54dd01...bd7b008591 17:10
afaik Im doing mostly what's shown in the docs there 17:11
Nanjizal on a mac- download put into application directory and brew installed so probably have two copies. I am in atom and I am not sure how to get the folder with a p6 file to run. The end to end starting process for a new user is not really going to sell perl6 over something like nodejs, at moment perl6 start pages assume a perl or sys admin with interest in perl, rather than any old developer....
...Perl6 has to assume that many developers have a huge number of languages they could start using and if they can't easily try it out then they will probably move on to some corporate sponsored language, before even finding out how useful the language is. I am not intending to be negative just frank.
Ulti with Atom there's a single package to install to get it to do a lot of nice Perl 6 things 17:12
Nanjizal You assuming i know Atom? 17:13
I have managed to install the package despite any screenshots
Ulti Im assuming if you've chosen Atom you know how to find the install modules section and type in "perl6"
ilmari Ulti: :foo(:$bar), not :$foo(:$bar)
Ulti ilmari: awesome thanks! 17:14
ilmari Ulti: docs.perl6.org/type/Signature#Posi..._vs._Named
Ulti makes sense
DrForr No, I don't know atom, and I managed to install the language-perl6 pagckage following the directions.
Ulti I just assumed signatures had some magical different syntax nice to know its not
ilmari also docs.perl6.org/language/functions#sub_MAIN
Ulti did I literally read $ where there are none
wow 17:15
gfldex m: sub s(Int :alias(:$name)) { say $name }; s(alias => 42); 17:15
camelia 42
ilmari m: sub s(Int :alias(:$name)) { say $name }; s(name => 42); 17:16
camelia 42
gfldex m: sub s(Int :$alias(:$name)) { say $name }; s(alias => 42);
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Shape declaration with () is reserved;
please use whitespace if you meant a subsignature for unpacking,
or use the :() form if you meant to add signature info to the function's type
at <tmp>:1…
Nanjizal Ok well so I have a folder I drag into atom, I have a file .p6 how to do I run it.
gfldex Ulti: ^^^ there you error goes
DrForr Nanjizal: It says in the doc that you press Ctrl-Shift-B, on Linux. Dunno what it is on Mac, I don't have one.
Zoffix Nanjizal: I don't know Atom's IDE capabilities; personally, I just have a terminal open and run `perl6 teh-script.p6` to run it 17:17
Nanjizal: we have a User-Experience repo. You could open an Issue there and describe what snags you hit and what annoyed you when trying to figure out how to try out Perl 6: github.com/perl6/user-experience/issues/new
huggable: glot.io 17:18
huggable Zoffix, Run Perl 6 in your browser: tio.run/nexus/perl6 or glot.io
Ulti Nanjizal: the entire process on Mac is like `brew install rakudo-star` then in Atom via the menus you just install the perl6 extensions.... this is basically identical to any other language if you're interested in using Atom to edit 17:18
Zoffix Nanjizal: ^ FWIW, there are also these online evalers, if you were only looking to play around with a bit of code.
Nanjizal: there are some instructions on this page; perhaps they would be of help? github.com/perl6/Atom-as-a-Perl6-I...-execution 17:19
Ulti I think there might be a video somewhere on how to do this also 17:20
ahh its for p5 instead :( 17:21
Herby_ o/ 17:22
Ulti \o
Zoffix comborico1611, sigils are also shortcuts. "my @foo = 1, 2" is shorter than "my Positional $foo = [1, 2]". Extra infos: perl6advent.wordpress.com/2017/12/...ositionlly 17:23
Nanjizal Thanks guys don't intend to be difficult just wanted to quickly try it out. Going to get food thanks for the help.
Zoffix Nanjizal: no problem :) It's hard for us to know what part of introduction to the language suck—I could clone and compile the compiler with command from memory—so your input on what's hard to figure out is helpful. 17:24
There's also perl6intro.com/ for some intro material. 17:25
Zoffix & too
Nanjizal Have a play with Kode it's really nice to start Kha.
Ulti Nanjizal: if you want to play around really quickly there is also glot.io/new/perl6 17:27
which just surprised me in being up to date and running MoarVM 2017.10 17:28
Herby_ Ulti: that's pretty cool, thanks for the link 17:44
Ulti yeah I added p6 support to glot.io with the intention of creating a little online tutorial thats test based 17:45
apparently Im lazy 17:46
Herby_ either way, i bookmarked it :)
tyil how would I test a function that uses a `prompt`? 19:14
jnthn sub foo($arg1, $arg2, :&prompt = CORE::<&prompt>) { my $foo = prompt("Why do you mock me?") } # or some such 19:23
Then pass in a fake
moritz you can also check if &prompt uses $*IN, and if yes, supply your own $*IN 19:34
jnthn Ah, also that :) 19:35
squashable6 Webhook for perl6/doc is now active! Encourage flow. 19:36
AlexDaniel squashable6: status
yoleaux 4 Jan 2018 12:32Z <tbrowder> AlexDaniel: i added another commit to rakudo PR #1339
11:16Z <tbrowder> AlexDaniel: this is your periodic invitation to kindly review rakudo PR #1339 and its tests in roast PR #371
squashable6 AlexDaniel, 🍕🍕 SQUASHathon is in progress! The end of the event in 1 day and ≈16 hours. See github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/Mont...Squash-Day
AlexDaniel, Log and stats: gist.github.com/cacedc66f3affd0c60...2ae99a6d31
AlexDaniel guess what, forgot to set up the webhook :)
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “Make a new language/hashmap”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1682 19:37
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by AlexDaniel++! ♥
AndChat|688961 Why is it when you put computer to sleep, IRC doesn't show disconnect? 19:44
[Coke] depends on the computer, the client, the network... 19:45
mspo because I run irc in a screen on a computer that never shuts off :) 19:46
comborico There it goes. Timeout. Hmm. 19:49
That makes sense.
comborico Mspo, your machine doesn't get slow? 19:49
geekosaur it's a dedicated vps somewhere 19:53
it's not running a gui so it doesn;t have the same order of memory leaks etc,
geekosaur has a vps running nothing but a dedicated znc. why would it get slow? 19:54
[Coke] tpc 2018 (NA) not announced yet? 19:55
19:49 < comborico> There it goes. Timeout. Hmm.
19:49 < comborico> That makes sense.
(oops, accidental cut and paste)
geekosaur as for slow disconnect, it indeed depends on the network. you don't want the server to assume any momentary network blip is a hard disconnect, so it waits a bit before declaring the connection dead. 19:56
mspo comborico: ? 20:06
comborico: yeah I'm on a vps
been running @ panix for years and years
the world's 2nd oldest ISP :)
comborico Crazy. 20:08
squashable6 🍕 coke++ wrote a comment on commit a06f33ab8944: github.com/perl6/doc/commit/a06f33...t-26675339 20:10
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by coke++! ♥
comborico Nice, coke! 20:11
[Coke] O_o; 20:12
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “Proc.status not documented”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1710#i...-355655269 20:19
🍕🍕🍕 First contribution by moritz++! ♥
🍕 AlexDaniel++ edited issue “Table for complexity of …”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1726 20:20
AlexDaniel squashable6: shut up for a second, I'll be editing stuff 20:21
squashable6 AlexDaniel, .oO( Mmmm… pizza! )
AlexDaniel squashable6: I'm done, be loud again 20:37
squashable6 AlexDaniel, ALRIGHT, LET'S DO IT!!!
moritz m: my @x is default([2, 3]); say @x.elems 20:40
camelia 0
moritz is this intended behavior?
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “show that is default works on @list and %hash”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1687#i...-355660492 20:43
AlexDaniel moritz: yes 20:45
m: my @x is default(42); say @x.elems
camelia 0
AlexDaniel ↑ we're not expecting Inf here, right?
so the [2, 3] is what every unset element gets
kind of…
and yes, it does work 20:46
m: my @x is default(42); say @x[5]
camelia 42
AlexDaniel as well as 20:47
m: my @x is default([2, 3]); say @x[5]
camelia [2 3]
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ wrote a comment on “look-around assertion <?[]> is not documented”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1678#i...-355661336
🍕 AlexDaniel++ labeled issue “show that is default works on @list and %hash”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1687
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “show that is default works on @list and %hash”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1687#i...-355662224 20:51
moritz m: my %h = a => 'b'; say 'b' ~~ / %h / 20:57
camelia P6opaque: no such attribute '$!reified' on type List in a Seq when trying to get a value
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
moritz iirc hash variables in regexes are reserved 21:00
Geth doc: 5ac524569b | (Moritz Lenz)++ | doc/Language/regexes.pod6
Document array variables in regexes. Closes #1674
synopsebot Link: doc.perl6.org/language/regexes
squashable6 🍕 moritz++ closed issue “document Array object in…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1674
moritz lizmat, jnthn: do you remember why Proc has a public method status($new_status) to set the status? If so, please comment #1366 21:12
jnthn moritz: Don't recall any particular details around that 21:16
moritz jnthn: ok, thanks 21:28
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ edited issue “Lots of broken links, in…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/561 21:33
🍕 AlexDaniel++ edited issue “Lots of broken links, in…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/561 21:35
travis-ci Doc build errored. Moritz Lenz 'Document array variables in regexes. Closes #1674' 21:35
travis-ci.org/perl6/doc/builds/325609256 github.com/perl6/doc/compare/96201...c524569b6d
buggable [travis build above] ☠ Did not recognize some failures. Check results manually. 21:35
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Lots of broken links, in…”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/561#is...-355671712 21:36
squashable6 🍕 AlexDaniel++ wrote a comment on “Table for complexity of …”: github.com/perl6/doc/issues/1726#i...-355672602 21:40
comborico1611 You know what's weird? 21:52
AlexDaniel ? 21:57
buggable: pizza comborico1611
buggable comborico1611, enjoy this slice of Meatzaa pizza, my friend! Yummy 🍕
comborico1611 Heh. Thanks!
I formatted a partition and installed a new OS, and Xchat knew my username when I installed it . . . 21:58
It must be keeping track of my IP or something.
El_Che it's gets it from your unix username? 21:59
comborico1611 OHHH
timotimo usually that, yeah
comborico1611 Thanks, dude.
El_Che or the NSA is after you
comborico1611 You're right. It is.
No Such Agency.
comborico1611 Okay, another question. 21:59
El_Che the Russians 22:00
comborico1611 What is the command-line in Bash for turning on a drive.
Like you know when you use a File Manager, you see the drive, but it isn't "mounted?" yet
El_Che mount
on the file manager you can mount the drive by clicking on it 22:01
timotimo lsblk is a nice tool to see what's available
comborico1611 What is the option you give to "mount" ?
sudo mount /media BLANK
El_Che timotimo++: I have dmesg stuck in my fingers, but your way is better 22:02
timotimo you need the device node that represents the disk or partition you want
i like /dev/disk/by-id/ for that
El_Che e.g. sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
timotimo but often it's enough to just use /dev/sda through /dev/sdz and then the partition number after that
like /dev/sdb3
comborico1611 Okay. Thanks, guys! 22:03
Aaronepower Hello, what is the name of the perl6 package manager? 23:11
geekosaur zef is the current one 23:12
Aaronepower geekosaur: Cheers!