»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
Kaiepi i encountered some bizarre issue where Channel.send doesn't seem to do anything, as in whenever block listening on the channel never runs after calling Channel.send 01:27
wrapping Channel.send in Promise.in(1).then({ ... }) mitigates it fsr 01:28
i'll see if i can golf something to replicate the issue tomorrow
i also tried $*SCHEDULER.cue({ ... }, at => now + 1000) but that didn't work 01:29
er 01:30
$*SCHEDULER.cue({ ... }, at => now + 1)
keep forgetting timeouts are seconds, not milliseconds like in node 01:31
elcaro is there a "better" way to get the bit length of an integer other than *.base(2).chars 03:37
MasterDuke elcaro: .msb perhaps? 03:40
elcaro oh, cool 03:46
Geth doc/coke/clean-spell: 7bde33abc1 | Coke++ | util/clean-spell
Utility script for cleaning up dictionary files

After recent fixes to the spell checker, we have a lot of "words" that aren't needed.
Also finding some that just aren't used anymore.
Also finding some that are included in the dictionary now.
doc/coke/clean-spell: 94702ee04c | Coke++ | 2 files
remove words that are no longer needed

  * Now in dictionary
  * Now unused
  * No longer mistakenly marked as incorrect by xt/aspell.t
doc: coke++ created pull request #2662:
Coke/clean spell
SmokeMachine kawaii: kinda: github.com/FCO/Red/blob/master/exa...2/index.p6 06:31
Geth perl6.org: a04d789fb6 | (Moritz Lenz)++ | source/snippet.pl
Remove snippet.pl

it does not seem to be used anymore, and causes internal server errors
antoniogamiz Hi :) 07:53
00-POD6-CONTROL (github.com/perl6/doc/blob/master/d...6-CONTROL) follows some standard format? 07:54
lookatme_q :? 08:56
lizmat clickbaits p6weekly.wordpress.com/2019/03/11/...sed-a-lot/ 10:31
discord6 <kawaii> Hah, looks like I released my module just in time for perl6weekly to pick it up yesterday then 10:37
AlexDaniel lizmat++ 11:22
antoniogamiz anoyone knows if regula falsi or newthon method are included in some module of perl6? 11:45
I've looking for in modules.perl6.org and I've not found anything similar but I want to be sure
I ask this because I've already learnt a bit of perl6 and I want to practice coding some math modules+ç 11:46
lizmat doesn't know of any, but that is by no means intended to be authoritative 11:47
antoniogamiz ah okay, I'll try to make it one then :) 11:58
lizmat ++antoniogamiz
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Date-Names-Perl6 (2.0.2) by 03TBROWDER 12:12
Xliff m: 65536.msb.say 13:37
camelia 16
Xliff m: 65537.msb.say
camelia 16
Xliff m: 65536.base(2).chars.say 13:38
camelia 17
Xliff m: 65535.msb.say
camelia 15
lizmat perlcon.eu/talk/29 # jmerelo++ 13:48
.tell jmerelo s/Stefaner/Lenz/ 13:50
yoleaux lizmat: I'll pass your message to jmerelo.
Geth doc: abbb9b5b77 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | CREDITS
Update my personal info
Geth doc: da35fc764e | (JJ Merelo)++ | doc/Language/packages.pod6
Addresses the non-indentityness of packages

Eliminates the wrong paragraph that included that, and adds an explanation and example to clarify that. Closes #2659
lizmat commute to Amsterdam.PM& 14:30
Xliff m: if (my $a = 42).^name eq 'Int' { 'Yo'.say }; $a.say 15:05
camelia Yo
Xliff m: if my $b = (my $a = 42).^name eq 'Int' { 'Yo'.say }; $a.say; $b.say; 15:07
camelia Yo
Geth doc: kawaii++ created pull request #2665:
replace 'sigilled' with 'sigiled'
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! DB-MySQL (0.4) by 03CTILMES 16:01
pistacchio hi, can you suggest a library to manipulate images? i'm looking for something like python's PIL that lets you read, edit (possibly even pixel by pixel) various image formats and finally save the image back to disk. thanks 16:13
jaja pistacchio: github.com/azawawi/perl6-magickwand might be what you want 16:21
actually nevermind, im not sure if this only allows imagemagick modifications 16:22
Geth doc: f37df01206 | Coke++ | 2 files
Brace, not bracket.

Since the remaining issue in this file comes from rakudo itself, skip the problem text explicitly and refer to the rakudo bug.
AlexDaniel how do I even trigger that error message 16:42
AlexDaniel moritz, jnthn: maybe you remember some context? R#2672 17:00
I think “#` foo” was forbidden, but not anymore
pistacchio jaja: thanks, but i already evaluated it and, as you noted, it's a wrapper around imagemagick, while i'd need pixel by pixel access 17:11
jnthn m: #` it's ok? 17:12
camelia ( no output )
jnthn m: #`(foo 17:13
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Couldn't find terminator ) (corresponding ( was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3#`(foo7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
jnthn m: #`
camelia ( no output )
jnthn m: #`(
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Couldn't find terminator ) (corresponding ( was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3#`(7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
jnthn I'm not convinced the code in question is reachable
token comment:sym<#`(...)> { 17:14
'#`' <?opener> {}
[ <.quibble(self.slang_grammar('Quote'))> || <.typed_panic: 'X::Syntax::Comment::Embedded'> ]
discord6 <kawaii> AlexDaniel: want to make the jump over the bridge to IRC, know any OPs I can pester about seeing if my handle can be freed up? 😃 17:15
jnthn If quibble fails to parse a quote it's 'cus it's missing an ending, and that errors
I don't see any way that you could ever trigger the error in question, plus it looks like it dates back to a previous change
uh, to a previous spec
AlexDaniel previous spec? 17:18
7 years ago there wasn't really any spec?
AlexDaniel mst: ↑ there's a question from kawaii about using a nickname that is maybe no longer used 17:20
AlexDaniel .seen kawaii 17:20
yoleaux I saw kawaii 1 Feb 2019 21:26Z in #perl6: <kawaii> Oh, looks like I just found it actually
AlexDaniel that's not what I was looking for :)
discord6 <kawaii> That was me, using the nick unauthenticated 😃 17:21
mst if you join, and ask me in /msg while using the nick, I can arrange for it to be expired for you 17:22
AlexDaniel mst: if it matters, they use the same handle on github (github.com/kawaii) and the account doesn't look new 17:23
mst it's a nick grouped to an account that has shitloads of them and the account hasn't used it in more than long enough for it to be expired, I give zero fucks tbh
El_Che And I thought that mst was a giver 17:24
discord6 <kawaii> mst: thanks, I've done so. 17:25
AlexDaniel why shout from the other side? :) 17:26
mst AlexDaniel: WHY ARE YOU NOT LOGGED IN 17:30
AlexDaniel mst: fixed 17:30
mst egads, I go to all the trouble of giving you a hand made cloak and then you don't even wear it, you'll catch your death of cold
AlexDaniel mst: I use it, but it gets lost on reconnects… 17:31
I should fix that
kawaii success, I'm now in IRC proper :)
mst AlexDaniel: now you just need to volunteer him for some stuff and tell me to replace 'newbie' :D 17:31
AlexDaniel kawaii: can we not have a “newbie” thingie for our next release manager? 17:32
mst AlexDaniel: huh? 17:32
he's going to be shipping things?
AlexDaniel mst: yes
at least that's the plan right now :) 17:33
CLA was sent but not received yet
mst better? 17:33
AlexDaniel yes
kawaii yep, I'll be learning™ things and helping out with rakudo/star releases eventually
AlexDaniel kawaii: well, star has its own team now and things look fine 17:34
clarkema lizmat: that was the world's quickest review! 17:35
kawaii AlexDaniel: ah okay :) well, hopefully with some hand holding we can get a smooth release next time 17:37
btw, do I need to be a member of the rakudo org on github too?
timotimo there's no need for a CLA for rakudo/, right? only for perl6/? 17:38
AlexDaniel timotimo: other way around
timotimo oops 17:39
kawaii wonder if my email got bounced, I do run my own mail server so it's not uncommon
AlexDaniel kawaii: yes, but we'll need to wait for your CLA first 17:42
lizmat clarkema: you're welcome
AlexDaniel there's some activity from [Coke] on github but they're not here, hmm…
kawaii speaking of star, I was told by a colleague that there was an rc available for this months release? I checked the repository but couldn't see anything 17:51
AlexDaniel currently available here: www.hankache.com/rakudostar/ 17:52
kawaii Perfect, thanks
sortiz \o #perl6 19:42
Skarsnik Hello 20:27
hm Config::INI seems to be gone from the ecosystem but there is not PR/Commit going toward this :(
moritz removed March 10th 20:29
Skarsnik github.com/perl6/ecosystem/commit/...b6ce017d51 Look like a oopsie? 20:30
moritz ask the author? 20:31
timotimo yeah that doesn't look intentional 20:32
tadzik who removed Config::INI :o 20:58
sortiz m: gist.githubusercontent.com/salorti...arargs.pl6 21:18
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
at <tmp>:1
------> 3https:7⏏5//gist.githubusercontent.com/salortiz/4c
expecting any of:
colon pair
sortiz hum, I want to show you gist.github.com/salortiz/4cf07738f...31f825b7de 21:21
sortiz m: gist.github.com/salortiz/4cf07738f...31f825b7de 21:45
camelia hi
Hello perl6
Age: 10
moritz sortiz: nice! 21:47
Geth ecosystem: 1687867d8e | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Readds line deleted accidentally

Thanks to @moritz noticing it.
sortiz It was inspired by this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/495860...nativecall 22:00
tbrowder kawaii: hi, what mail server prog do you use? 23:24
tbrowder i used mailman some years ago, but now i'm in process of installing and using sympa, perl 5 based! 23:26
clarkema /quit 23:38