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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
samcv did anyone look into the run() memory use issue? 03:12
loop { my $cmd = run « cat ubuntu.iso », :out; $cmd.out.close }
and shows memory usage like this after 5 calls
my friend's server keeps getting OOM for a long running script and it kills his server 03:14
they're not specifically catting an ubuntu iso, but that just causes it to be visible much faster 03:15
MasterDuke samcv: i think peak consumption is misleading because that libuv function also frees the memory. leaked might be the more interesting metric to look at 03:19
MasterDuke i tried that example, but not in a loop(). i did something like for ^10 and for ^100 but saw the same values for leaked. which would seem like it reaches a steady state very quickly 03:22
timotimo i would expect peak consumption to also take into account when stuff gets freed 12:22
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timotimo ==24106== 1,072,693,120 bytes in 2,770 blocks are still reachable in loss record 2,626 of 2,626 15:05
==24106== by 0x5277FC3: on_alloc (procops.c:516)
==24106== by 0x534CC67: uv__read (stream.c:1161)
so yeah, that's that
but actually, after closing you can still read bytes from the pipe 15:06
so it's literally just keeping all the bytes for you to read
so the question is: if you're running the cat and not interested in reading the output, why not just use :!out to ignore it? 15:16
maybe all we need is to have filling up read buffers from subprocesses increase the pressure on the GC so it runs more often, thus cleaning up after a finished process earlier 15:18
samcv timotimo, well the issue is my friend is using run() and capturing the output. and it is leaking 17:43
and then consumes the entire system's memory. and it isn't present if they don't use run() 17:44
timotimo, it doesn't. that is peak 17:47
i'm running my script and it's at 8GB memory usage
and this is closing the $proc.out each loop
ah i see what you're saying. even after close it's not freeing it 17:48
timotimo, is there any reason we wouldn't be able to free all the space after file close? we shouldn't be able to read from a closed handle right? 17:49
lizmat could it be that the thing that gets loaded (which is ~2GB) is never in the nursery but handled differently ? 17:52
samcv lizmat, 17:53
timotimo yes, the data doesn't land in the nursery, it's "unmanaged" data 17:56
which just means it gets allocated with malloc or the fixed size allocator
rather than GC-owned data
well, i made a heap snapshot of reading a smaller file, but it's got about 180 snapshots in it and the old format balloons up too big for usage, and the new format is probably small enough, but can't yet be written by moar or read by moar-heapanalyzer :) 18:05