»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
nadim_ evening! 00:28
a simple questio here nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1215439
I'd like to write the two line in the sort block as one line but didn't manage 00:29
nadim_ hmm no more programming late for me, I am too old tofind even simple errors before I ask everyone and then find it :) 00:33
Xliff nadim: LOL! I resemble that remark! 01:14
moysL Where can I get nqp-2019.03.tar.gz? (rakudo.org/files/rakudo is 500) 03:20
moysL goes to bed. Please .tell if there is an answer. Thanks. 03:34
holyghost Good morning 04:40
nadim_ morning 05:37
moritz .tell moysL perlgeek.de/static/p6/nqp/nqp-2019.03.tar.gz 05:48
yoleaux moritz: I'll pass your message to moysL.
nadim_ I added an example of DDT filters, dumping json, for those that are want make their data look even nicer. github.com/nkh/P6-Data-Dump-Tree/b..._filter.pl 09:24
timotimo: ^
patrickb AlexDaniel: How did you thesis defending go? 09:26
AlexDaniel patrickb: it was rescheduled :)
patrickb: tomorrow will be the day 09:27
jnthn AlexDaniel: Best of luck! 09:29
AlexDaniel thanks
timotimo nadim_: that's super slick! 09:41
nadim_ in just a few lines
I want to make you use filters ;) 09:42
jq also displays json with nice colors but when one is inside perl ...
moritz AlexDaniel: good luck! 09:43
AlexDaniel thanks :)
timotimo do as the perlans do? 09:45
nadim_ always! I always smile when I write 3 lines of perl and people tell me "but write it inxx language", hrrrm it's done why shall I re-write it? 09:48
I thought I was going to wraap it in some little utility, Cannot modify an immutable List ... Arff, Perl 6 is great but it breaks my balls sometimes; evenn though I am the one who is wrong here. 09:50
patrickb AlexDaniel: Oh well. Hope it'll be good!
rindolf Hi all! for (2..36) -> $b {(+$_).base($b).lc.say} does not work in perl6 -n - why? 09:51
nadim_ AlexDaniel: I won't say good luck, I am sure you don't need it but "success to you!"
AlexDaniel thank you :) 09:52
nadim_ m: for (2..3) -> $b {(+$_).base($b).lc.say}
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in numeric context
in block at <tmp> line 1
Use of uninitialized value of type Any in numeric context
in block at <tmp> line 1
timotimo i wish you the best of luck around the thing. like, gentle traffic on the way to the location etc :)
nadim_ or be there very early and beat the traffic 09:53
timotimo m: $_ = "99"; for (2..3) -> $b {(+$_).base($b).lc.say}
camelia 1100011
timotimo interesting
rindolf m: $_="9999\n"; for (2..5) -> $b {(+$_).base($b).lc.say} 09:55
camelia 10011100001111
rindolf hmmm
rindolf nadim_: bonjour 09:56
nadim_ rindolf: shalom 09:56
rindolf nadim_: oovrakhah
rindolf nadim_: sup? 09:58
perlbot: help basheval 09:59
perlbot rindolf: The eval plugin. Syntax, «eval: code». Prefixes: w=>warnings, s=>strict, m=>use Ojo. Suffixes: t=>threaded, pb=>pastebin it, nl=>turn \n to ␤. languages: js, rk, r, pl, perl, deparse, rb, cp, bl, cobol, cb, bash, bleed, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, tall, all, rall, 5.6, 5.8, 5.8.4, 5.8.8, 5.10, 5.10.0, 5.12, 5.14, 5.16, 5.18, 5.20, 5.22, 5.24, 5.26, 5.28, 5.30
rindolf echo 99999 | perl6 -n -e 'for (2..5) -> $b {(+$_).base($b).lc.say}' 10:01
nadim_ rindolf: national day, I was supposed to put tiles on a wall,did some Perl 6 instead. now I have to beserious about it :) afk 10:02
rindolf timotimo: how do i convert this pesky Any to Real? 10:06
timotimo the problem isn't that it's an any, the problem is that it's undefined 10:07
so even if you turn it to a Real, which your code already does successfully, it'll just end up as 0 10:08
the output you get is just a warning, you can suppress those
won't make the code right
on the other hand
i don't know why it doesn't have the lines in the $_
that's quite possibly a bug in rakudo
if you assign $_ in front of the for loop, it works properly, and that shouldn't be different from using -n i think
timotimo like, if you just use "for lines() { ... }" around the code it works fine 10:11
holyghost AlexDaniel : good luck with your Thesis Defence 10:19
AlexDaniel thank you :) 10:20
holyghost If they take one day after, you have a good Ph.D I presume 10:22
timotimo Thesis Defense sounds like a spin-off genre of Tower Defense games 10:23
rindolf AlexDaniel: gl 10:24
holyghost timotimo : It's Dutch for Thesis offload, but I will do my best on the Tower Defense Games
holyghost I just came back from the bar, drinking 2 Chimay Blues' so don't harras me :o| 10:26
I'm am going to hack in some good shit in PaganVisions2, if Xliff leads me on 10:27
Today at 19h I mean 10:28
GMT+2 :-) 10:31
rindolf holyghost: www.gradschoolhub.com/faqs/what-is...s-defense/ 10:51
holyghost: it is in english too
Xliff \o 10:53
m: for <a b c> X <e f g> -> ($a, $b) { say $a; say $b } 10:54
camelia a
Xliff m: for <a b c> Z <e f g> -> ($a, $b) { say $a; say $b }
camelia a
Xliff m: Hash.^attributes.say 10:55
camelia (Mu $!descriptor Mu $!storage)
Xliff m: Hash.^attributes.say
camelia (Mu $!descriptor Mu $!storage)
Xliff ^^ Is that order always guaranteed?
m: Array.^attributes.say
camelia (Mu $!descriptor Mu $!reified Mu $!todo)
Xliff m: for Array.^attributes Z Hash.^attributes -> ($a, $b) { Sa.say; $b.say } 10:56
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
Sa used at line 1
Xliff m: for Array.^attributes Z Hash.^attributes -> ($a, $b) { $a.say; $b.say }
camelia Mu $!descriptor
Mu $!descriptor
Mu $!reified
Mu $!storage
Xliff m: for Array.^attributes Z Hash.^attributes.reverse -> ($a, $b) { $a.say; $b.say }
camelia Mu $!descriptor
Mu $!storage
Mu $!reified
Mu $!descriptor
jnthn Xliff: Do you mean does .^attributes return them in the declared order? Yes. 10:58
Xliff: If you mean "can I depend on the internal structure of Array/Hash", then no, not at all.
Xliff Thanks, jnthn
m: for Array.^attributes «Z» Hash.^attributes.reverse -> ($a, $b) { $a.say; $b.say }
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing infix inside hyper
at <tmp>:1
------> 3for Array.^attributes «Z»7⏏5 Hash.^attributes.reverse -> ($a, $b) {
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Xliff m: say <a b> Z <1 2 3> 10:59
camelia ((a 1) (b 2))
Xliff m: say <a b> »Z« <1 2 3>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing infix inside hyper
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say <a b> »Z«7⏏5 <1 2 3>
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Xliff m: say <a b> »zip« <1 2 3>
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing infix inside hyper
at <tmp>:1
------> 3say <a b> »7⏏5zip« <1 2 3>
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Xliff m: say <a b> »[Z]« <1 2 3>
camelia Lists on either side of non-dwimmy hyperop of infix:<Z> are not of the same length while recursing
left: 2 elements, right: 3 elements
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: for roundrobin(Array.^attributes, Hash.^attributes.reverse) -> ($a, $b) { $a.say; $b.say } 11:01
camelia Mu $!descriptor
Too few positionals passed to '<anon>'; expected 2 arguments but got 1 in sub-signature
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

Mu $!storage
Mu $!reified
Mu $!descriptor
Xliff m: say roundrobin(Array.^attributes, Hash.^attributes.reverse)
camelia ((Mu $!descriptor Mu $!storage) (Mu $!reified Mu $!descriptor) (Mu $!todo))
rindolf my golf is down to 40bytes 11:09
my$x=+slurp;$x.base($_).lc.say for 2..36 11:10
holyghost Xliff, there's a subfeatured Cairo gfx backend in PaganVisions2 11:27
I hope that you can help out later on 11:28
moysL . 12:04
yoleaux 05:48Z <moritz> moysL: perlgeek.de/static/p6/nqp/nqp-2019.03.tar.gz
moysL moritz: Thanks! 12:05
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Term::Choose (1.5.8) by 03KUERBIS 12:40
Xliff If I get a type like Positional[Int]... how can I determine the Int part? 12:51
m: Positional[Int].of.say
camelia (Int)
Xliff \o/
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Term::Choose::Util (1.2.9) by 03KUERBIS 12:55
pmurias www.npmjs.com/package/rakudo - are the instructions clear enough? (I'll more about using rakudo.js in the browser later on) 14:04
super hard for me to judge such things myself 14:06
patrickb pmurias: It's pretty much copy paste of the commands there. I think so far it can't be much clearer. Question is, how do you continue from there on? How would a sane project setup look like? 14:30
pmurias patrickb: thanks for feedback, I'll think about what the answers to that questions are 14:33
moritz as an npm user, I'd certainly want to know how to integrate my js and my perl 6 16:20
Geth ecosystem: tmtvl++ created pull request #458:
Add Neural::Net to ecosystem
Geth ecosystem: 958e99de9f | (Tim Van den Langenbergh)++ | META.list
Add Neural::Net to ecosystem

See github.com/tmtvl/neural-net
ecosystem: cf8f16018b | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #458 from tmtvl/master

Add Neural::Net to ecosystem
jdv79 vrurg: i still can't build on this box 16:58
is git pull --rebase && git clean -dfx && perl Configure.pl --gen-moar not enough anymore? 16:59
vrurg jdv79: what error do you get? If it's first run of Configure.pl in some time you might need `git submodule update` for once. 17:00
jdv79 its not the first run - its a checkout that's existed for months 17:13
and this way of updating has always worked 17:14
vrurg jdv79: "First in some time" – meaning that a while ago it's been done in a way that Configure.pl sets submodule.recurse in git config and git pull updates submodules alongside with the repo tree. 17:19
You could've not run Configure since then.
And from the error message I conclude that this is the case. If you repeat `git pull` it'll now update everything and build will work. 17:20
nadim_ is ther something that is like map but doesn't return anything, a loop of sort. I whant to apply a block on all the elements of a list. 17:28
ugexe for loop
jdv79 vrurg: so that's a one time extra step?
it seems to be chugging along now
nadim_ that is not a for loop :) 17:29
ugexe how is it not a for loop?
jdv79 vrurg: i missed the "in some time"
nadim_ @l.apply: {..}
vrurg jdv79: yep, it is. Transition period of a kind.
jdv79 cool. thanks.
vrurg yw :)
ugexe {...} for @l
nadim_ ugexe: I mean I want somethingthat's not a for loop
ugexe why do you not want a for loop for something that applies side effects? 17:30
nadim_ just curious id there is another way to write it
timotimo i think when you just sink the result of a map, nothing will be retained? 17:33
m: (^100_000_000).map(* + 1); say "done";
camelia done
timotimo you can't tell from camelia, but increasing the number here doesn't increase the memory it takes 17:34
nadim_: you can try that on your machine
nadim_ it says "done" 17:37
m:(^100_000_000).map(* + 1); say "done";
evalable6 done
ugexe void context map always grinds my gears
nadim_ it took 8 secs on my machine and I thought it was intantaneous here ;)
ugexe: I agree 17:38
Kaiepi the js backend is really messy 18:03
i'm gonna clean it up and throw in some minor optimizations here and there 18:04
ugexe nadim_: (1,2,3)>>.&{say $_}; # :P 18:06
m: (1,2,3)>>.&{say $_}; # :P 18:07
camelia 1
timotimo ugexe: that returns something tho! 18:08
ugexe ah right
nadim_ hehe 18:33
is there a way to tell dd to print where it was called?
AlexDaniel m: say callframe 18:36
camelia <tmp> at line 1
AlexDaniel m: sub foo { say callframe }; foo
camelia <tmp> at line 1
AlexDaniel m: sub foo { say Backtrace.new }; foo
camelia Backtrace(4 frames)
AlexDaniel m: sub foo { say Backtrace.new.Str }; foo 18:37
camelia in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
AlexDaniel nadim_: that?
nadim_ no, not that, that I can, because DDT can render call frames, what I meant is the rakudo built in "dd", it seems theres one in my code that I can't pin point :) 18:38
now don't laug, or do, but this happens quite often to me
I put debug printouts and then I have to chase them around 18:39
nadim_ DDT has a mechanism to enable display of call site globally ... because I sometime lose the call site 18:40
timotimo m: dd 18:43
camelia block <unit>()
timotimo nadim_: you mean like that? 18:43
it's not the best 18:44
but it's a start
nadim_ I mean that if I have this code at line L of file F: dd @something ... then I'd like dd to tell me it was called at F:L 18:45
ugexe callframe.line(), callframe.file() ? 18:48
nadim_ yes but I want dd to do that, not me. all dd calls, because I have lost where dd is in the code 18:49
ugexe oh right, dd isn't your module
nadim_ dd is rakudo, not even Perl 6 18:50
ugexe i suppose you could &dd.wrap({ ... })
nadim_ ah! that sounds interesting 18:51
ugexe m: &dd.wrap({ say callframe.line; say callframe.file }); dd 1
camelia 1
ugexe m: &dd.wrap({ say callframe.line; say callframe.file; callsame }); dd 42 18:53
camelia 1
ugexe stupid order
nadim_ and I get this error: Too many positionals passed; expected 0 or 1 arguments but got 2 18:55
ugexe you'll have to show your work
nadim_ I just put your code in the begining of my script and I got that error 18:56
ugexe m: &dd.wrap({ say callframe.line; say callframe.file; callsame }); dd my %x = [42,1] 18:57
camelia 1
Hash %x = {"42" => 1}
ugexe you should probably check what values are tripping it up
nadim_ where is precompile code cached? it seems that it's not in lib anymore 19:14
Kaiepi nadim_, it depends 19:22
it can be in $installdir/precomp, $installdir/share/perl6/precomp, $installdir/share/perl6/site/precomp, or in lib if you use `use 'lib'` 19:23
vrurg m: my module A { role B[$x] is export { } }; say B.HOW.^name; 19:25
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared name:
B used at line 1
Kaiepi i'm not sure if there's a way to grep where the precomp file for a specific module is
vrurg m: my module A { role B[$x] is export { } }; import A; say B.HOW.^name;
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOW
vrurg ^ shouldn't it be ParametricRoleGroupHOW???
m: my module A { role B[$x] is export { }; role B is export { } }; import A; say B.HOW.^name; 19:26
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
A symbol 'B' has already been exported
at <tmp>:1
vrurg m: my module A { role B[$x] is export { }; role B { } }; import A; say B.HOW.^name;
camelia Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOW
nadim_ Kaiepi: thanks, I want to remove everything 19:27
bioevolgenec Hello! I am a longtime Perl 5 programmer, trying to learn Perl 6 with the Learning Perl 6 program. I am stuck at the very second exercise in the book (Exercise 0.2). 19:52
I am supposed to run some perl6 code provided by the author as "perl6 find_moth_genera.p6 Butterflies_and_Moths.txt". When I do that, nothing happens as if the program hangs. The top command doesn't show perl6 using the cpu. I tried reinstalling perl6 from source but it didn't help. 19:53
*Learning Perl 6 book, not program
nadim_ bioevolgenec: did you try simple perl 6 programs like "hi".say 19:55
to see if P6 runs
ugexe well, they *are* on the second exercise
bioevolgenec nadim_: Yes, that works.
nadim_ is the code that you want to run long? 19:56
bioevolgenec Well, it's available here: github.com/fluca1978/LearningPerl6..._genera.p6
nadim_ nopaste it somewhere if you can't make it smaller
ok, I look at it 19:57
nadim_ it looks like it's reading from stdin 20:02
if you run it as perl6 program something_whatever (it doesn't matter it is not used) 20:03
nadim_ then you can type a line that contains something that matches the regex 20:04
that line wil be output
timotimo hm. why does it suggest to put *@*ARGS in MAIN as its first argument?
Xliff .seen tadzik
yoleaux I saw tadzik 3 Jun 2019 20:03Z in #perl6: <tadzik> impeachment aside, hostility towards visitors was there long before anyone in particular became president
bioevolgenec Hmm, if I run it like 'perl6 find_moth_genera.p6 < Butterflies_and_Moths.txt', it complains that I haven't given it a file to read. 20:05
timotimo yeah
it's asking for at least one argument to be passed
when you're just passing something to stdin, that's not a commandline argument
the shell eats that up and perl6 doesn't get to see that it ever existed
i don't have a copy of Learning Perl6 so i don't know what exactly it describes 20:08
nadim_ I think the code is supposed to run line P5 when you give multiple files and run a while(<>) loop
but it doesn't
timotimo hm. wasn't the behaviour of lines() inside of MAIN changed a few months back 20:09
hm. 20:10
perl6 -e 'sub MAIN($a, $b) { say $*ARGFILES.perl; .say for lines() }' 1 2
bioevolgenec You can see exercise 0.2 here: books.google.co.uk/books?id=sbRqDw...mp;f=false
timotimo this outputs whatever i enter back at me
hythm_ hello, this grammar sometimes work and other times do not, gist.github.com/hythm7/7f45390cffa...8bac4d19d1 , can someone verify if its working consistently for them before i reopen issue 20:11
nadim_ timotimo: that' it
renaming the sub made it work
timotimo but once you are inside MAIN, you can't get it to take filenames from the commandline any more, it seems like
hythm_: i'll have a look
yeah, it's inconsistent all right 20:12
nadim_ bioevolgenec: are you following?
timotimo that was probably a bit much at once
bioevolgenec nadim_: I'm a bit confused but I'm here.
nadim_ that's why I ask, so I can explain
bioevolgenec: that example worked till a few months ago 20:13
timotimo wow, what exactly is turning the google ui greek when following that link
bioevolgenec timotimo: Probably the "&hl=el" part. Sorry about that
timotimo what does "el" stand for in that? 20:14
hythm_ thanks timo, its probably related to this issue i filed and closed, the only difference is that i changed role to grammar
bioevolgenec In greek, "greek" is written as "ellinika".
hythm_ github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2933
timotimo that explains it
oh no, the "Constant width bold" title is before the page break before the explanation 20:15
nadim_ bioevolgenec: commentout out the sub MAIN ... line 20:16
bioevolgenec: replace it with sub execercise2 or whatever you please
bioevolgenec: call the exercise2 sub
bioevolgenec: you can at least continue from there 20:17
timotimo it'd sure be nice if all examples from LearningPerl6 were turned into a very-easy-to-run test suite
that we maybe run regularly in CI
bioevolgenec nadim_: It worked, thanks so much! :D
timotimo oh btw 20:18
"use v6.c" will fix the problem, too
the argfiles-inside-MAIN thing was changed as part of v6.d i believe
nadim_ even better
timotimo anybody want to send a pull request to bdf?
bioevolgenec timotimo: Good to know. I will try that before asking, next time.
timotimo ah there's already an issue 20:19
i assume tenther on github is bioevolgenec?
bioevolgenec: don't hesitate to ask, though
that way we'll also find out when things are wrong somewhere
nadim_ bioevolgenec: maybe you can send the pull request
bioevolgenec timotimo: Nope, I looked at all the forks to see if someone had modified the exercise and tenther's was the only one I had open at the time.
bioevolgenec nadim:_ I can check if there is an issue already and, if not, I will open one. 20:20
timotimo i added a comment on the issue in the LP6D repo 20:21
bioevolgenec timotimo: Oh, great
Kaiepi how does the repl print (low level object x) for stuff from nqp land when there's no gist or perl method or anything on those low level objects usually? 20:22
timotimo Kaiepi: look in HLL/Backend.nqp or HLL/Compiler.nqp or Perl6/Compiler.nql in nqp, nqp, and rakudo respectively
Kaiepi thanks
i'm adding an eval-nqp command to my bot since i'm sick of typing use nqp; and forgetting about it half the time lol 20:23
timotimo m: use nqp; say "foo bar { nqp::add_i(1, 2) }"; 20:24
camelia foo bar 3
ugexe m: say %(a => 1).DUMP; # i forget if DUMP works for that 20:25
camelia Hash<1>(
timotimo what the fuuuuuuuuu
m: DOC INIT { say "hi" }; use nqp; say "foo bar w{ nqp::add_i(1, 2) }";
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find nqp::add_i, did you forget 'use nqp;' ?
at <tmp>:1
------> 3se nqp; say "foo bar w{ nqp::add_i(1, 2)7⏏5 }";
timotimo m: DOC INIT { say "hi" }; use nqp; say nqp::add_i(1, 2)
camelia 3
timotimo m: DOC INIT { say "hi" }; use nqp; say "{nqp::add_i(1, 2)}" 20:26
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Could not find nqp::add_i, did you forget 'use nqp;' ?
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 "hi" }; use nqp; say "{nqp::add_i(1, 2)7⏏5}"
timotimo what the fffffffuuuuuuuuuuu??
that's super odd
bisect: DOC INIT { say "hi" }; use nqp; say "{nqp::add_i(1, 2)}"
bisectable6 timotimo, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=89f8f60). Old exit code: 0
bisectable6 timotimo, bisect log: gist.github.com/507346c1eae9afe2b8...e88c726df0 20:27
timotimo, There are 25 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
timotimo hythm_: sorry, i got a bit distracted :) 20:29
nadim_ timotimo: there was alreadya pull request, the only one, of course I saw it after making one :) 20:30
timotimo oh, for the example in LP6? 20:31
Kaiepi m: use nqp; nqp::getcomp('nqp').eval('nqp::say("hi!")')
camelia Cannot call method 'eval' on a null object
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo nadim_: did i ever ask for a more convenient API to get a "ddt" that does the grammar dumping stuff?
Kaiepi m: use nqp; nqp::getcomp('nqp').compile('nqp::say("hi!")') 20:32
camelia Cannot call method 'compile' on a null object
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Kaiepi m: use nqp; nqp::getcomp('nqp')
camelia ( no output )
Kaiepi m: use nqp; say nqp::getcomp('nqp')
camelia (Mu)
Kaiepi i guess it won't let me get nqp's compiler because it's restricted?
nadim_ timotimo: not that I remember 20:33
Kaiepi it works on the repl
nadim_ what do you want?
timotimo Kaiepi: i got you, hold on a sec
nadim_ timotimo: think I said, derive a class but then we didn't talk much more about it 20:34
timotimo nadim_: "ddt $parseresult, :grammardump" modulo naming
yeah i know how to make it work
nadim_ I know you know ;)
timotimo i just don't want to have more than a single word to get it :)
nadim_ and what would that line do?
timotimo use Data::Dump::Tree::ExtraRoles ; Data::Dump::Tree.new: :does(DDTR::MatchDetails) ... 20:35
Kaiepi: getcomp only gets you compilers that have been registered; rakudo doesn't actually load the nqp compiler in normal operation 20:36
Kaiepi: but i also wasn't able to get the nqp compiler pulled in easily 20:37
Kaiepi right, i keep forgetting the repl's weird
timotimo hm. 20:38
m: use nqp; use NQPHLL:from<NQP>; say ::<HLL>
camelia No such method 'gist' for invocant of type 'HLL'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timotimo something's in there, but it's a very picky low-level object
it doesn't seem to have a single method on it
it's a KnowHOW, which has all of its features built inside of MoarVM using some "manual" C calls 20:40
hythm_ timotimo: no worries, when you have time. ill also try from home laptop, i dont want to reopen the issue and turns out im running older version.
timotimo hythm_: it's also giving different output each time on my machine 20:41
hythm_ I will reopen the issue then. thanks for testing 20:43
timotimo i wonder if this is a problem with NFAs 20:44
timotimo Grammar::Tracer thinks this: in one instance it tries pkg:sym<name> and that fails. in the other instance it tries pkg:sym<build> and that succeeds 20:44
no, wrong
the order in which it tries those is different every time 20:45
hythm_ just to add, if changed it from grammar to role, it works consistently
timotimo well, that's certainly weird
nadim_ timotimo: apropos Grammar::Tracer, i have another version, same thing more compact output with same amount of info 20:46
timotimo i think i saw it once
is it in a pull request to Grammar::Debugger? 20:47
oh, also, your examples folder (or is it the test folder?) has "jumction" somewhere
in a filename
nadim_ in the test directory, fixed that, thanks 20:49
timotimo: github.com/nkh/P6-Grammar-Tracer-Compact
haven't touched it for a while ymmv 20:50
timotimo a screenshot directly in the readme would be swell
hythm_: when turning on the NQP_NFA_DEB debug stuff, i can see that it's getting the "mergesubrule" calls for different methods of the grammar in a randomized order or something 20:51
i'm not sure why that makes the difference between a parse fail and a parse success, though
oh, nadim_, did you know that you can get a TTY (or PTY really) connected to a process via a socket by using the excelleng "socat" tool? 20:55
i do not yet know all that implies 20:57
but it's surely a thing worth investigating
Xliff Is there a perl6doc? 20:58
Nevermind. Found it. 20:59
nadim_ timotimo: imgur.com/Fa0W0u4 the screenshot, I'll add one when there is a third user inthe world ;) 21:08
nadim_ timotimo: I haven't used socat, netcat yes. I think they mean that you can share your TTY. you can do that with netcat, so your session is on a socket and if you rhave the address and port you get a remote shell 21:11
timotimo netcat doesn't give you a full terminal
i think it gives you line-oriented input?
nadim_ true 21:12
timotimo with a pty input on one side of socat and tcp on the other, you can get at individual keystrokes
so that's nice
nadim_ the socat man page is looong, everytime i look at It i postpone playing with it 21:13
timotimo yeah, socat is immensely powerful with its billions of endpoint types 21:14
it really is a swiss army knife
timotimo you'll usually only ever use like four of the hundreds for any given use case :D 21:15
timotimo nadim_: love how "question" and "answer" accidentally line up like that :) :) 21:16
nadim_ apropos the ddt interface, what about ddt $result, :does(YourSetup); So anyone can write a setup, I can call it after internal setup so you get the dumper and can do what you want with it 21:19
I writea little prototype and get back to you 21:21
kawaii So tomorrow I have a job interview, there will be some paired programming 21:49
I have the advantage since I can choose the language, I'll be using Perl 6 :)
sena_kun kawaii, good luck! 21:50
kawaii thank you sena_kun!
this company use a lot of Rust and Go, I think this will be the first time they've seen P6 :) 21:51
pmurias Kaiepi: if you have questions about things feel free to ask 21:54
Kaiepi aight, thanks pmurias 21:56
pmurias .tell Kaiepi if things seem unclear it's highly possible they actually are and they need to be fixed 21:59
yoleaux pmurias: I'll pass your message to Kaiepi. 21:59
Xliff What does this mean? 22:05
No appropriate parametric role variant available for 'Amazon::AWS::Roles::Eqv'
m: role A[::T] { } 22:08
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: role A::B[::T] { }
camelia ( no output )
Xliff m: role A::B::Eqv[::T] { }
camelia ( no output )
kawaii m: my %hash<value> = 7; 22:38
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Shaped variable declarations not yet implemented. Sorry.
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my %hash<value>7⏏5 = 7;
kawaii oh, okay :(
timotimo that'd be for hashes that are limited to a very specific set of keys 22:41
you can do this tho:
m: (my %hash)<value> = 7; say %hash.perl
camelia {:value(7)}
Xliff Oh! Parametric role requires a parameter! LOL! /o\ 22:42
Xliff How can I get the type of self if I can't use .^WHAT 22:47
lotreck Hello, Are there any common perl6 web frameworks ?
in use ?
Xliff m: class A { method a { say self.^WHAT.name }; }; A.a
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Cannot use .^ on a non-identifier method call
at <tmp>:1
------> 3class A { method a { say self.^WHAT7⏏5.name }; }; A.a
expecting any of:
method arguments
timotimo .^WHAT is rwong
you need .WHAT
Xliff lotreck: There's Baildor 22:48
m: class A { method a { say self.WHAT.name }; }; A.a
camelia No such method 'name' for invocant of type 'A'. Did you mean any of these?

in method a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: class A { method a { say self.WHAT }; }; A.a
camelia (A)
timotimo cro is more of a backend-oriented framework for webby stuff, but if you have a single-page-application it's great
lotreck Xliff, timotimo thanks 22:50
Xliff, timotimo, Is Catalyst still a thing ? or no? 22:52
timotimo that's a perl5 thing, no perl6 port exists at the moment 22:53
lotreck should I be coding in 6? is it prod ready ?
timotimo cro does a lot of async i/o things, which is i think what catalyst is for?
timotimo i'm biased, i'm not allowed to answer that :) :) 22:54
timotimo there's that agriculture-related thing that recently-ish had a talk about it given at a perl workshop 22:56
that's a perl6 web app built with cro 22:57
huh. i can't find it on youtube, but i'm sure i saw it in video form
nadim_ timotimo: what about something like this? gist.github.com/nkh/a33c213563534e...3a4c0853c9
timotimo hmm. i've got a feeling that should be possible without EVAL 22:59
nadim_ it is 23:00
nadim_ this is an example where the modules to use in the custom setup may not be present 23:00
timotimo yeah, with require 23:01
nadim_ no that wouldn't workif thefilters need something from the modules, like enums
timotimo it can't use indirect lookup? 23:02
nadim_ what's that? 23:02
through the class?
timotimo what are these enums used for? is DDT_DISPLAY_NONE one? 23:03
nadim_ yes
timotimo if you've used require to get the module, you can get at the package that defines these enums and grab the one you want via its name as a string 23:06
Xliff nadim: An indirect lookup ::("ThisSymbolMayNotYetExist")
nadim_ never used it, I need a big fat Perl 6 book in 5 tomes that's fun to read and 6 month off
Xliff nadim: So ...| require ::('Module::At::Runtime'); my $a = ::('ASymbolFromModule'); 23:07
Xliff Note that require is lexical, so if you need those symbols elsewhere you will need to use globals. 23:07
Or at least assign them to a value available in the scope you want to use. 23:08
timotimo oh, that requires things in these modules to be declared "our"
nadim_ Am I wrong, that's only good as long there is nothing to compile that need the symboles, in that case only EVAL works
timotimo no, it's possible to do all that at run time 23:09
nadim_ timotimo: declaring them our is not aproblem, it's an enum for external use
timotimo i thought that's how DDT reacts to whether or not Terminal::ANSIColor is installed?
nadim_ it does require
timotimo yeah
i'm not entirely sure how you'd use CustomSetup if you don't already have Data::Dump::Tree installed and usable anyway 23:10
nadim_ indeed and that why EVAL is not needed, just use the modules 23:11
nadim_ but using DDT without Terminal::ANSIColor is like eating English cheese while living in France, one is missing it all 23:12
timotimo or eating american bread in france 23:15
nadim_ lol 23:16
nadim_ can I import symboles from required modules? 23:16
Xliff Now THAT would be something. 23:17
Kaiepi wdym?
yoleaux 21:59Z <pmurias> Kaiepi: if things seem unclear it's highly possible they actually are and they need to be fixed
Kaiepi .tell pmurias, you're gonna have to remind me of the context of that message you sent 23:18
yoleaux Kaiepi: What kind of a name is "pmurias,"?!
jnthn Kaiepi: Presumably your comments on the JS backend :)
nadim_ I mean that "use" gets me the symboles from the module, "require" doesn't
Kaiepi ah
timotimo Xliff: but you can do that, right? with require Blerb <&foo &bar>;
jnthn pmurias++ has done nearly all the work on that :)
timotimo yes! and also increased the test coverage of nqp ops by a whole lot 23:19
which is highly appreciated
jnthn Indeed
nadim_ timotimo: how does one get roles from required modules, that looked like subs 23:19
Kaiepi unit module Foo; our role Bar {...}; require Foo::Bar? 23:20
Xliff timotimo: So... | require ::("ModuleThatMightNotBeInstalled") <&bar &baz>| will work? 23:21
nadim_ with the role defined in another file?
Xliff Or even...
timotimo just leave out the &
m: require ThisDoesntExist <Blerb>; say Blerb.WHAT
camelia Could not find ThisDoesntExist at line 0 in:
timotimo m: try require ThisDoesntExist <Blerb>; say Blerb.WHAT 23:22
camelia (Any)
timotimo look, Blerb exists, it's just set to an undefined value
m: try require ::("DoesNotExist") <Blerb>; say Blerb.WHAT
camelia (Any)
timotimo m: try require ::("Test") <Blerb>; say Blerb.WHAT
camelia (Any)
Xliff timotimo: require ::("ModuleThatMightNotBeInstalled") <DEFAULT>
That imports into the current scope, right? 23:23
nadim_ I get No such method 'IO' for invocant of type 'Signature' for: require :('examples/CustomSetup')<CustomSetup> ;
Xliff nadim_: require ::('examples/CustomSetup') <CustomSetup> 23:24
Better yet...
timotimo Xliff: that just gives you a lexical symbol named DEFAULT
Xliff nadim_: require ::('CustomSetup') <CustomSetup>; # You may need to "use lib 'examples'
timotimo nadim_: you have one : too few 23:25
and there needs to be a space after the )
between ) and <
ugexe m: require ::("Test") <&ok>; 23:26
camelia ( no output )
nadim_ Could not find examples/CustomSetup ...
code: require ::('examples/CustomSetup') <CustomSetup> ;
Kaiepi what's the purpose for `need`? 23:27
i've used require and use before, but never need
ugexe a file path doesnt need indirect name lookup
timotimo so it'd be just require 'examples/CustomSetup' <CustomSetup>; ? 23:28
nadim_ no, I tried that before
ugexe something like that yes 23:29
nadim_ but . is not in the seach path
nadim_ must it be set with use lib? 23:29
ugexe no
require "$*CWD/lib/Foo.pm6" 23:30
nadim_ full path works 23:32
but importing symboles doesn't, can't get a role out of it 23:33
Ah! role must be exported, of course! 23:35
timotimo depends on many, many factors
hm, is it about exportation or about packages, i.e. "our" stuff?
nadim_ require "$*CWD/examples/CustomSetup.pm" <CustomSetup> ; # works fine if CustomSetup is export 23:36
timotimo cool
Xliff \o/
nadim_ indeed, very practical
ugexe dont use $*CWD in whatever you write 23:37
Xliff ugexe: Why not? 23:37
timotimo because that depends on where you're launching the program from
not where the code lives
nadim_ ugexe: doesn't work without
ugexe $*PROGRAM.child(2).add("examples/CustomSetup.pm") is better (changed as appropriae) 23:38
Xliff O_o
Is that documented anywhere?
m: $*PROGRAM.^name.say
camelia IO::Path
nadim_ in ugexe's head
Xliff m: $*PROGRAM.say 23:39
camelia "<tmp>".IO
Xliff m: $*PROGRAM.child(1).say
camelia "<tmp>/1".IO
Xliff m: $*PROGRAM.child(2).say
camelia "<tmp>/2".IO
timotimo hm. we should probably have a bot (or just a command) to search the docs
much like greppable and quotable
ugexe oops i didnt mean child :P
nadim_ the space after the string don't matter, zero, one, ten, all go
ugexe .parent(2), not .child(2)
Xliff m: $*PROGRAM.parent.say
camelia "/tmp".IO
Xliff m: $*PROGRAM.parent(2).say 23:40
camelia "/".IO
Xliff Ahh!
timotimo m: say $*PROGRAM.absolute 23:41
camelia <tmp>
ugexe m: say $*PROGRAM.Str eq $?FILE.Str 23:43
camelia True
ugexe tho that is not always true since $?FILE appends the module names when precompiled, so they end up `/home/foo/bar (Foo::Bar)` 23:44
hence using $*PROGRAM
timotimo or site#sources/4226E6A3EC7B6F5B2601AD9B2A969FC07CED017E (Data::Dump::Tree) 23:45
^- these only depend on the source, right? like, it's a hash of the source file at the point of installation? 23:46
ugexe i don't think $?FILE ever contains anything but an absolute path 23:47
m: say CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.repository-for-name("site").prefix; # but for brevity
camelia "/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site".IO
ugexe m: say "/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site".IO.dir 23:48
camelia ("/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site/short".IO "/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site/precomp".IO "/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site/sources".IO "/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site/resources".IO "/home/cam…
nadim_ $*PROGRAM.absolute contains the name of the program, can't work
ugexe well, yes. hence .parent(2) or whatever 23:49
this is for a test?
timotimo ugexe: can i take a bloop#sources/(.*) and look up what it is with something like perl6-all-modules?
like, it'd let me get the exact version, too 23:50
ugexe zef locate ...
timotimo ok, the file contents aren't what i get when i sha1sum it 23:51
ugexe zef locate ... --sha1 23:52
nadim_ this worked: require ($*PROGRAM.parent(1).absolute ~ "/CustomSetup/CustomSetup.pm") <CustomSetup> ; 23:53
timotimo ugexe: sha1sum /home/timo/perl6/install/share/perl6/site/sources/4226E6A3EC7B6F5B2601AD9B2A969FC07CED017E
944e62ef405d2df2779ff78deb57347753b073ed /home/timo/perl6/install/share/perl6/site/sources/4226E6A3EC7B6F5B2601AD9B2A969FC07CED017E
zef locate 944e62ef405d2df2779ff78deb57347753b073ed --sha1
!!!> Nothing located
ugexe $*PROGRAM.parent.child('CustomSetup/CustomSetup.pm').absolute
i dont know what the first thing you pasted means 23:54
timotimo that's the sha1sum of the file followed by the filename 23:55
and then i put the sha1sum of the file in "zef locate --sha1" and it fails to find it
ugexe for installs sha1 of files is only used for repo-id
its something like sha1 of lib/Name/Path.pm6 ~ DistributionName 23:56
timotimo what i'm thinking about is adding that to the linkify userscript 23:57
i'd prefer not to have to put a whole perl6 + zef + all modules into LocalStorage or whatever to make that work 23:58
nadim_ before I leave, is there a PAR like application for perl 6
ugexe you have to parse META6.json data to do it
timotimo it'd be fine to preprocess all meta6 json entries that exist up front 23:59
ugexe you could create a rainbow table I think though