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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
brrt \o 07:52
nwc10 o/
timotimo o/ 08:59
jnthn o/ 09:06
AlexDani` \o/ 09:16
japhb vOv vOv \o\ |o| /o/ vOv vOv 15:33
Geth MoarVM/p6o-setup: ddb1f1c24e | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 5 files
Implement object setup at initialize in P6opaque

  * Allows specification of setup_prototype, which indicates that we
   should set up the object with the specified value at creation time
  * Basic code-gen of this when lowering to fastcreate
timotimo finally perl6 admits that prototype-based OO is the best way to go 17:39
brrt I think perl6 was always sort of prototype-based.../ 17:40
I don't actually, really, know
timotimo well, we've got support for that in 6model
jnthn Maybe prototype wasn't the best word for that :) 17:41
timotimo "template" :P 17:42
looking for the right place to put the ".linenumber and .filename on an MVMStaticFrame need a getcodelocation + smart_*ify rather than getattr_o emitted" special case so i don't have to force people to write lineno(sf) or similar in the confprog 17:45
one of the design considerations of the language was "no need to make it too user friendly", though 17:48
Geth MoarVM/p6o-setup: 31046b6285 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c
Don't emit auto-viv ops for setup attributes
jnthn Before: JIT was successful and compilation took 802us 18:24
Bytecode size: 7232 byte
After: JIT was successful and compilation took 640us
Bytecode size: 6656 byte
timotimo *nice*
m: say 6656 / 7232 18:25
camelia 0.920354
jnthn Hm, a few new spectest failures from that latest one. Interesting. But...enough for today. 18:35
Kaiepi are compound literals allowed or not? i was wondering since they're c99 19:26
like void *foo; bar(&(char)(foo)) 19:27
ugexe isnt the codebase c89? 19:50
timotimo yeah, we're supporting MSVC 20:00
it's got most of c89
dogbert17 jnthn: it's quite possible that some spectest failures are due to the RAKUDO_FIRST_FLAG problem. I didn't see that fix in your branch. 20:13
jnthn dogbert17: I didn't see that particular one fail, though :) 20:58
dogbert17 this one looks at bit suspicious though, doesn't happen all the time 21:45
dogbert@dogbert-VirtualBox ~/repos/rakudo $ ./perl6 -Ilib t/spec/S15-nfg/many-threads.t
moar: src/6model/sc.c:401: MVM_SC_WB_OBJ: Assertion `!(obj->header.flags & MVM_CF_FORWARDER_VALID)' failed. 21:46
jnthn dogbert17: On branches, or not?
dogbert17 on the branches 21:47
jnthn Ah, phew :)
Geth MoarVM/p6o-setup: 2eda4c1ef6 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c
Explode prototype clone into instructions

The escape analyzer will be able to deal a lot better with these.
timotimo good morning jnthn :)
jnthn :)
Didn't sleep yet ;)
Figured I'd get that bit of relatively easy code churned out tonight so I can look at the trickier things tomorrow
timotimo i just figured out that if i put a stringification thing into the confprog, that'd naively entail allocation of mvm objects :| 22:55
jnthn d'oh, yes 22:59
What do you need to stringify?
timotimo integers :)
but just for log output
so log can just grow a variant that understands integers, and one that can understand nums 23:00
timotimo anyway, confprog can now decide based on a static frame's code location as getcodelocation defines it 23:01
i.e. look at the first annotation and take the file name and line number of that
jnthn ooh, nice 23:02
timotimo that's probably the only thing of interest for profiling
apart from "exclude anything from SETTING::"
Geth MoarVM/p6o-setup: bc65492ec0 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 7 files
Add a no-write-barrier form of sp_bind_o

Since we can know in various cases we generate that the write barrier will never possibly be hit.
MoarVM/p6o-setup: ed4a1b882c | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/6model/reprs/P6opaque.c
Use sp_bind_o_nowb in object setup code-gen
jnthn Another easy one :)
Geth MoarVM/configurable-subsystems: 8f26551470 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 4 files
confprog: implement lineno and filename for MVMStaticFrame
timotimo confprog is speculated to perhaps get support for C strings, fwiw. so stringification of ints and nums isn't off the table 23:44
jnthn Ah, this is telling: with a small nursery and GC debug on I replicate loads of those assertion failures dogbert17 mentioned earlier. But if I disable JIT they go away.
Certainly I'm too tired to work out what exactly is going on there
But it's a good clue for tomorrow 23:45
Curiously, I don't think I changed anything JIT-y in my branch, so I've probably uncovered an existing bug
timotimo quite probably 23:46
will be interesting to see
i'm pretty glad today was a cold and rainy day
jnthn It became rainy here in the afternoon and cooler than it has been 23:51
timotimo nice
jnthn Absolutely hammered it down, filled the drains, and the water in my office toilet started trying to escape :P 23:52
(It failed, thankfully.)
timotimo oh yikes
jnthn Plenty of gurgling/splashing noises, but no mess.
sleep time o/ 23:53
timotimo gnite jnthn! 23:54