»ö« Welcome to Perl 6! | perl6.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: irc.perl6.org or colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/perl6 | UTF-8 is our friend! 🦋
Set by Zoffix on 25 July 2018.
tejr ~/.local/src/lang$ mv perl/perl6 raku 00:14
~/.local/src/lang$ mv perl/perl5/* perl ; rmdir perl/perl5
AlexDaniel Doc_Holliwood: ↓ 00:22
.seen Xliff
tellable6 AlexDaniel, I saw Xliff 2019-10-10T00:57:54Z in #perl6: <Xliff> No. nextsame
moon_child there is a .do tld 01:32
raku.do? 01:33
sjn yup 01:34
sjn likes that domain
Grinnz perlbot: .do 01:35
perlbot Grinnz: Dominican Republic, A country in the caribbean that is located on an island east of Cuba and west of Puerto Rico
japhb .seen Doc_Holliwood 02:17
tellable6 japhb, I saw Doc_Holliwood 2019-10-13T20:21:27Z in #perl6: <Doc_Holliwood> <RaycatWhoDat> .seen Xliff
timotimo .seen japhb 02:18
tellable6 timotimo, I saw japhb 2019-10-11T17:49:41Z in #moarvm: <japhb> Picky, picky. ;-)
timotimo damn it.
japhb .tell Doc_Holliwood Happy to answer your questions, but you have to stay online if you want long answers.
tellable6 japhb, I'll pass your message to Doc_Holliwood
japhb timotimo: It doesn't consider commands to bot to be visible? 02:19
timotimo no idea
japhb Try .seen japhb again?
timotimo .seen japhb
tellable6 timotimo, I saw japhb 2019-10-14T02:19:49Z in #perl6: <japhb> Try .seen japhb again?
timotimo interesting.
japhb Looks like a bug 02:20
DMs to the bot should be invisible, but in-channel commands should count.
sacomo hi all 02:35
huyna can i ask if there any HTML parser module recommended for Window system, i try to install Gumbo but failed with the c native libary. 03:55
Grinnz I'm pretty sure there's a DOM::Tiny that shouldn't need a C library 04:13
huyna thanks Grinnz it's worked :D, i try both your suggestion and this github.com/tony-o/perl6-html-parser-xml, this seem that your suggestion is better in parse time than HTML::Parser::XML 04:30
HannoWOB Any idea what is else to do to make Comma IDE plugin work in IntelliJ (still get "SDK is not specified"); have checked every setting; both are up to date versions. (yes, I know more details should be given but maybe I missed some obvious part) 06:00
SmokeMachine HannoWOB: try to CMD + ; to set the SDK... 06:09
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to HannoWOB
huyna tyil it worked but take so much time to parser 07:05
tyil huyna: Perl 6 grammars are quite slow in my experience, sadly 07:06
huyna yeah tyil hope we can improve it, right now the DOM::Tiny is faster, with this page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Bieber, DOM::Tiny take 7-8s to parse while HTML::Parser::XML take 17-19s 07:07
tyil that's a decent improvement :p
huyna i will try one again with Gumbo, which use native C, i think it will more better in performance 07:09
huyna tyil with Gumbo it increases a lots, only 0.8 -> 1s 08:14
tyil but that didn't work on Windows, you said elsewhere, right? 08:15
huyna yeah on my Ubuntu
also when using HTTP::UserAgent on my Ubuntu, the request time must faster
5x better
huyna on Window: 08:16
tyil in my experience, GNU+Linux has been much faster than Windows in every task I throw at it 08:16
huyna get time: 5.12s, parse time: 7.36s 08:17
Linux: get time -> 0.81s, parse time: 0.87s
yeah it much faster
may because the underlying native library they use 08:18
also some of Perl6 library still can run only on Linux like XML, i run test failed on Window but success on Linux 08:19
Doc_Holliwood i found this on the webz: sub combinations { combinations( @^dict, $^n - 1 ) X @dict if $n > 0 } 08:56
tellable6 2019-10-14T02:18:42Z #perl6 <japhb> Doc_Holliwood Happy to answer your questions, but you have to stay online if you want long answers.
Doc_Holliwood what is @dict and $n? 08:56
magic symbols 08:57
jnthn Note the ^ in the first usages; those are placeholder parameters. The signature is generated automatically from them, putting them in alphabetical order
tellable6 2019-10-12T20:01:17Z #perl6-dev <vrurg> jnthn R#3199 is awaiting on your approval for merge. With regard to the new operators: may I suggest accepting them as an experimental feature? If they cause any trouble we can always remove them before 6.e is released.
synopsebot R#3199 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/3199 [WIP][roles] [WIP] Implement perl6/problem-solving#103
jnthn So { $^a cmp $^b } is -> $a, $b { $a cmp $b } 08:58
And { $^b cmp $^a } is -> $a, $b { $b cmp $a }
Doc_Holliwood i see, thanks 09:00
Doc_Holliwood m: [1,2,3].map({ $^make-clear-what-this-is + 1 }).say 09:02
camelia (2 3 4)
Doc_Holliwood noice
Doc_Holliwood i just did the sunday the 25th "challenge", and the sunday christmas is about every six years except for two gaps of 11 years (2022-2033) and (2078-2089) 09:16
does anybody know how that comes?
jnthn My first guess - perhaps wildly wrong - would be that leap years are to blame 09:30
Hm, in fact it's the only thing I can think of to blame :)
jnthn is still not very awake yet :) 09:31
antonigamiz o/ 09:44
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel`: What means the Fallback tag on github.com/perl6/problem-solving/issues/76 ? 09:49
antonigamiz mmm I'm insalling App::Prove6 but after doing it I do not have the 'prove6' command available 10:28
ah I did not add .perl6/bin to the path 10:30
tbrowder antoniogamiz: hi! 11:20
antoniogamiz tbrowder: o/ :D
tbrowder how is school going? 11:21
too slangy...are you enjoying the new school year? 11:24
antoniogamiz yep! Totally, I'm kind of busy all the time but fine! 11:29
Now i gotta go, lunch time :D I hope you're okay too!
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: usually there's a label and a dev assigned to each label 11:31
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: for example, `language` related issues go to jnthn 11:31
SmokeMachine: sometimes people create a ticket about something that doesn't have a label yet 11:32
Geth_ problem-solving/master: 84 commits pushed by (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++, (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++, (Jonathan Worthington)++, (Vadim Belman)++
review: github.com/perl6/problem-solving/c...669a0d2f22
SmokeMachine AlexDaniel: is it ok to continue with this now? github.com/perl6/problem-solving/pulls 11:49
AlexDaniel SmokeMachine: yes, I'll work on that soon
AlexDaniel mst: so, I have both #raku and #raku-dev configured, the bots are already there and the channels are already logged 11:55
AlexDaniel mst: you mentioned that the moves are going to be fun, so I guess I'm not comprehending the actual difficulty 11:57
mst: so, can you say something about it? Also, what would be the right way to do it, set +f with MLOCK? 11:58
AlexDaniel jmerelo: rakudocs? Separate github organization? 12:22
jmerelo: you know how I “love” separate github organizations, right? 12:23
tyil AlexDaniel: want me to drop Geth in #raku named channels? 12:27
AlexDaniel tyil: you should just git pull and restart it 12:28
tyil: I already did the changes required
jmerelo AlexDaniel: just as a backup site
lizmat AlexDaniel: could you check the redirect now ?
jmerelo AlexDaniel: same as we have perl6docs.github.io
tyil AlexDaniel: I don't run Geth as a standalone service, but as a Docker container in Kubernetes, though
jmerelo Also, I wanted to squat the name, just in case. 12:29
AlexDaniel lizmat: that's better, thanks!
tyil: alright… I don't know how to update that, but the git repo is still relevant, right?
tyil yes
but I will do the update :)
AlexDaniel ok :)
btw github org will take much more time I think 12:30
but maybe not, we'll see how it goes
AlexDaniel tyil: I tried redelivering and nothing happen, I think the previous instance was holding the port or something like that 12:36
tyil: or maybe I screwed up a bit in my changes 12:37
tyil from a GitHub repo?
let me check as well
AlexDaniel tyil: yeah, from rakudo/rakudo
tyil AlexDaniel: it looks to work for me (check #raku), so perhaps the old container was still shutting down when you tested 12:43
can you retest your case, so we can confirm it works for you?
I should also spend some time on that NickServ plugin for IRC::Client 12:44
tyil ah, it also just takes a long time to shut down 12:48
wonder if I can fix that by listening to the specific signal kubernetes sends
AlexDaniel tyil: d'oh! I was redelivering the wrong event
tyil and just immediately disconnecting upon that signal
AlexDaniel it works
thank you
tyil AlexDaniel: ah, that should also help :p
glad that it works again :) 12:49
nine: are you running the other Geth?
kawaii Is there an easy way of measuring how many seconds a subroutine took to run? I'd like to log some console output i.e. "Parse completed in 1.34 seconds" 12:50
AlexDaniel tyil: maybe it's not working fully, actually, because it seems that there's still some output on #perl6-dev
tyil: it did redirect the commit message to #raku-dev though
tyil hmm
AlexDaniel but some other code path is not working as it should…
tyil so it's posting to both, now?
AlexDaniel depends on the payload I think… 12:51
but it should only post to #raku-dev really, that was my intent
tyil that's what I expected it to do from your latest commit 12:52
AlexDaniel tyil: it did, yes, but: “geth/master: 10 commits pushed by (Patrick Spek)++” 12:54
how did that happen :) 12:55
tyil `git push github master`
I think the Geth__ (2 underscores) was running the old docker image, I think 12:56
I restarted Geth when I was pushing the new Docker image, maybe I was too quick with restarting Geth there
AlexDaniel ahh
tyil so that'd be my bad, sorry 12:57
ZzZombo m: sub sub { sub() };sub 13:06
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> 3sub sub { sub() };sub7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
new name to be defined
ZzZombo m: sub sub { sub() };sub()
camelia MoarVM panic: Memory allocation failed; could not allocate 131072 bytes
ZzZombo Wow.
jnthn Infinite recursion is a good way to use all the memory :) 13:13
Oh, maybe your surprise is that you can name a sub `sub` though :)
tadzik did you mean: subrise? ;)
nine tyil: not that I'm aware of, no 13:16
ZzZombo "your surprise is that you can name a sub `sub`": exactly. 13:18
tyil nine: ah, my bad then
it's hosted on *.niner.name, I was hoping that'd be you since your name is quite similar to it 13:19
jnthn package EXPORTHOW { class class is Metamodel::ClassHOW { } } # :) 13:19
tadzik m: my \my = 'oh, my'; say my my # the error is quite funny
camelia ===SORRY!===
No compile-time value for my
nine tyil: well....then it is me, indeed. Even though I'm apparently unaware :)
tyil ah
I don't particularly mind, but I've had some people ask me why I'm running two of them :p 13:20
nine Ah, it's in camelia's VM. Just missed it when looking through the process list the first time 13:21
tyil no worries :> 13:22
nine Ok, I can turn it off or on anytime. Just tell me what to do
tyil I don't think your Geth is receiving any events, so you can turn it off completely I think 13:23
mst AlexDaniel: neither of those channels is remotely configured yet, the group reg isn't done, and moving users from one place to another always takes fucking ages 13:34
AlexDaniel: but other than everything being fucked up, sure, it'll be easy
AlexDaniel mst: right
mst note: don't worry about anything, what you've done so far is a great start 13:35
I'm just depressingly aware of everything else
AlexDaniel ok 13:36
mst: just let me know what I need to do and I'll do it
mst AlexDaniel: giving me some permissions to the channels would help 13:36
AlexDaniel mst: is what I've done now fine? 13:40
mst ... no, because you've let off the Ff permissions I need to actually do things 13:41
AlexDaniel okay
mst: done
AlexDaniel mst: I was actually a bit surprised how chanserv works when you have Ff flags but nothing else, it refuses pretty much any command you send to it except for the one that sets the op flag for yourself 13:43
I guess it makes sense
mst it's old school unixy in a good way in that regard IMO 13:44
as opposed to most of IRC which is old school unixy in a dumpster fire way
but whatever
AlexDaniel – Show me the flags on the channel! – No, you don't have permissions. – Give me the op! – No! – Alright alright, can you set +o on me? – Sure! No preblem!! 13:45
problem* :)
mst :D
also, btw, we may need to be careful with the bots 13:46
AlexDaniel mst: like?
mst like somebody's going to reconfigure sigyn to not murder them but keep an eye out
this is what I mean about there being all sorts of details :) 13:47
mst added flags for staff so they're explicitly invited to help if required 13:47
AlexDaniel mst: nice, but should it be different from what we had on #perl6? “freenode-staff +AORefiorstv” vs “*!*@freenode/staff/* +Aiortv” 13:49
mst doesn't really matter
mst the +o flag is the only one they realistically use 13:49
mst sends email in to get the project registrations faffed with 13:53
AlexDaniel mst: thank you 14:14
mst in terms of making people move 14:17
I'm not convinced a forward is deal
because my experience is that people don't reconfigure their clients
AlexDaniel mst: ok, but why is that a problem? 14:20
mst forwards aren't supposed to be permanent 14:22
AlexDaniel mst: why not? We'd have to let go of #perl6 at some point? 14:23
pmurias how are we going to rename all the project names that contain a 6? 14:30
like 6pad?
AlexDaniel pmurias: it's up to you, I'd say. The 6 by itself is not entirely wrong, but maybe something like rakupad will make more sense in this case 14:35
El_Che pmurias: rpad 14:36
AlexDaniel pmurias: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...10-14#l358
discord6 <tmtvl> I dunno about rpad, R may want that. 14:37
El_Che and racket, and every app with an R, first come, first served 14:39
kawaii I'm not going to bother renaming any of my repos or projects 14:41
timotimo RapAd 14:46
jdv79 there's no real data sciency stuff for raku is there? just read ovid's about Perl. 14:58
also is it, raku/Raku like perl/Perl?
lizmat yeah, think so :-) 15:00
Doc_Holliwood I don't really like the proposed new extensions 15:33
.rakumod is too long.
Doc_Holliwood .rap|-rad for modules, .raf for scripts and .rat for tests? 15:35
AlexDaniel Doc_Holliwood: too late 15:36
I guess 15:37
Doc_Holliwood is it?
AlexDaniel well, good luck 15:38
Xliff o/ 15:39
m: use NativeCall; my uint32 \s = 0
camelia Type check failed in binding; expected uint32 but got Int (0)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: use NativeCall; my uint32 $s = 0
camelia ( no output )
Xliff Am I forced to use containers for native types? 15:40
Xliff m: say 640* 480 15:42
camelia 307200
Xliff m: say 800 * 600 15:43
camelia 480000
timotimo god damn it, my weechat is utf8-b0rked again
Xliff :(
timotimo every time the machine restarts i have to do a whole song-and-dance
Xliff m: my $a; $a = $_ for ^480000; say now - INIT now
camelia 0.04801773
timotimo also, i think the v6 on this machine isn't working? 15:43
discord6 <Aearnus> so, are the META6 files still going to be called META6? 15:52
AlexDaniel Aearnus: yes, for now 15:55
discord6 <Aearnus> Hmm okay 15:56
AlexDaniel nobody needs to rename any files now 15:57
Doc_Holliwood I is possible to use the Perl6 grammar to parse a piece of code, change something, and write out back to code? 16:18
*it is 16:19
Xliff Doc_Holliwood: Don't you mean, "Is it"? 16:31
I know you can take a grammar to parse code and output an AST.
So in that sense, you can write it back out "as code", but that code would more than likely be closer to NQP.
SyrupThinker Sounds like a macro, but taking in text 16:33
El_Che www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/dg...t/f3f86fe/ <-- what is rurban talking about here? 16:48
does he have a working raku compiler on p11? 16:49
moritz rurban likes to claim VMs he's working on are superior to other things, without anything to substantiate that claim. Nothing new here 17:07
He also long claimed parrot's threads were superior to all other thread implementations, despite nobody being able to implement high-level language threading on top of it 17:08
vrurg slashdot.org/submission/10554004/p...offucially – shall we make it to the top? 17:15
discord6 <RaycatWhoDat> >offucially 17:16
<RaycatWhoDat> Let's get it 17:17
vrurg Oh my... It's not editable, it seems. :(
discord6 <RaycatWhoDat> No worries, Slashdot confuses the hell out of me
AlexDaniel tyil: sooo what's going to happen with discord? 17:23
AlexDaniel discord6: another discord room and another bridge? 17:23
tyil: oops ↑
because people are already talking on #raku and #perl6 at the same time, it's a bit annoying to track all 4 channels
Grinnz i would say just rename the discord channel and redirect its bot 17:25
no need to worry about more back compat than is actually needed 17:26
discord6 <RaycatWhoDat> Yeah, we wait for Rogue to come back and he'll make the adjustments
<RaycatWhoDat> That being said, how poppin' is #raku currently? 17:27
<RaycatWhoDat> I'd imagine it's a bit slow still
Grinnz it currently has 59 members and about the same amount of discussion
discord6 <RaycatWhoDat> Solid. 17:28
AlexDaniel the logs are already up so you can see for yourself colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...2019-10-14 colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_lo...2019-10-14 17:31
Xliff has posted twice to the Slashdot article.... 17:34
Ahh... my old stomping grounds.
Can someone tell me if NativeCall's C++ support is good enough to try and attempt binding with Wx Widgets? 17:35
moon_child rename happened 17:41
time to kick everyone and redirect to #raku?
AlexDaniel moon_child: just join #raku while we are figuring things out :) 17:42
moon_child AlexDaniel: did that already
AlexDaniel moon_child: 👍
moon_child :)
Xliff Oohh... 17:45
I'm gonna miss this channel.
I'm still gonna lurk.
AlexDaniel: Might want to create an echoable for this channel into #raku.... 17:46
AlexDaniel Xliff: I can just hang around here and talk to people :) 17:47
Xliff LOL.
If you are then I am, too! :)
moon_child hah
Grinnz based on #mojo's move to freenode, my suggestion would be step 1, change the topic to tell people where to go and make people aware of it if they show up, step 2, +m the channel and have a bot yell about the new channel whenever someone joins 17:55
or s/step/phase/g 17:56
moon_child Grinnz: a channel I was in a while ago set up an autoredirect, where anyone who joined the channel would get redirected to the new channel 18:15
then just kicked everyone
Grinnz yeah, you can do that too, it's a little more drastic
sortiz m: use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native(Str) { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19); 18:16
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected NativeCall::Types::Pointer but got Whatever (*)
in sub calloc at <tmp> line 1
in method new at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
tellable6 2016-06-25T18:51:46-04:00 #perl6-dev <awwaiid> soritz: I fixed the PR :)
2016-07-09T22:22:53-04:00 #perl6-dev <gfldex> soritz: i believe to remember being told that .DEFINITE is a implementation detail. It was removed from S12, yet there are still spectests. It's a design question I can not answer. 18:17
sortiz 6c: use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native(Str) { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19); 18:19
committable6 sortiz, gist.github.com/0f563cb1984e1b0364...131b64e3d7
Xliff use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19); 18:20
m: use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19);
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected NativeCall::Types::Pointer but got Whatever (*)
in sub calloc at <tmp> line 1
in method new at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native() { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19);
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected NativeCall::Types::Pointer but got Whatever (*)
in sub calloc at <tmp> line 1
in method new at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: use v6.c; use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native() { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19); 18:21
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected NativeCall::Types::Pointer but got Whatever (*)
in sub calloc at <tmp> line 1
in method new at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Xliff m: use v6.c; use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native('') { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19);
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected NativeCall::Types::Pointer but got Whatever (*)
in sub calloc at <tmp> line 1
in method new at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
sortiz nine: Your yesterday commit broke this Nativecall use.
bisect: use NativeCall; role LA[::T] { my int $sol = nativesizeof(T); sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native(Str) { * }; method new(::?CLASS:U: Int $size) { with calloc($size, $sol) -> $storage { say $storage } }; }; my $la = LA[Pointer].new(19); 18:22
bisectable6 sortiz, Bisecting by exit code (old=2015.12 new=6f086e6). Old exit code: 0
tyil AlexDaniel: I can map the discord bridge to different channels on IRC
bisectable6 sortiz, bisect log: gist.github.com/25e944a54a30a72eec...16f4676b65
sortiz, There are 4 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
tyil that's a single configfile change iirc, on my end
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! TAP (0.1.0) by 03LEONT 18:23
xinming_ with text "x = 123; c = 456; " How can we write a regex to match this, so we can build a hash based on it?
tyil I'd preferably keep them bridged to the most active channels, and switch them over when the channel redirect is in place
but if people have different wishes I can hear them out and possibly alter my plan
xinming_ m: "x = 123; c = 456; " ~~ / $<key>=[\d+] '=' $<value> = [\d+] /; $/.hash.perl.say; 18:24
camelia {}
xinming_ m: "x = 123; c = 456; " ~~ m:g/ $<key>=[\d+] '=' $<value> = [\d+] /; $/.hash.perl.say;
camelia {}
rindolf3 Hi all 18:27
xinming_ m: "x = 123; c = 456; " ~~ m:g/ $<key>=<[\d+]> '=' $<value> = <[\d+]> /; $/.hash.perl.say; 18:30
camelia {}
Xliff Does anyone know of a package using NativeCall for C++?
rindolf3 to be frank, i suspect as long as TimToady does not claim his well-earned fame as the "invisible" hacker king of the open source/usenet revolution, he will continue to face bad health 18:31
AlexDaniel maybe you all should consider talking on #raku instead :)
I mean, surely we can set up forwarding or add +m or whatever…
Xliff It might help if people were already talking on raku.
rindolf3 AlexDaniel: ah, oh well
AlexDaniel Xliff: they do! :)
Xliff I'm in #raku! 18:32
rindolf3 they turned off the lights 18:34
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! App::Prove6 (0.0.12) by 03LEONT 18:39
New module released to CPAN! App::Prove6 (0.0.11) by 03LEONT
leont Just released prove6 with .rakudotest support 18:40
Erm, .rakutest
Might be the first code change related to path-to-raku
rindolf3 TimToady: one thing i like about en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift (whi became a hacker queen long before i notiiced) is that she is an unapologetic attention whore who will spend large amounts of money and even time to make herself mooore famous a nd wekk regarded)
leont (or at least the first to be released)
Xliff Does anyone know of a package using NativeCall for C++? 18:41
rindolf3 a nd ppl complain about me linking to pages i creaaaated.
Xliff :P :> 18:42
rindolf3 perhaps i shoyld buy some google/ddg/etc. ads...
well, night all
it iis curfew time
leont NativeCall and C++ sound like a really painful combination 18:43
Xliff Yes. I do believe they are.
rindolf3 i think there won't be ww3 but every deaath is a tragedy
sortiz bisect: good=2019.7.1 use NativeCall; role C { sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native(Str) { * }; method new { say calloc(1,1) } }; C.new() 19:14
bisectable6 sortiz, Cannot find revision “2019.7.1” (did you mean “2019.07.1”?)
sortiz bisect: good=2019.07.1 use NativeCall; role C { sub calloc(size_t,size_t --> Pointer) is native(Str) { * }; method new { say calloc(1,1) } }; C.new() 19:15
bisectable6 sortiz, Bisecting by exit code (old=2019.07.1 new=f3dda96). Old exit code: 0
sortiz, bisect log: gist.github.com/88a7e56a164be72cc5...e0419e7ef1
sortiz, There are 4 candidates for the first “new” revision. See the log for more details
tony-o_ m: role A[:$xyz?, :$abc?] { method xyz { $xyz//"xyz:undef"; }; method abc { $abc//"abc:undef"; }; }; class D does A[:xyz<abc>, :abc<123>] { }; say D.new.xzy 19:18
camelia No such method 'xzy' for invocant of type 'D'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat PSA: I've gotten so much shit over me in the past few hours, that I'm not in a state of mind to write a Perl 6 Weekly objectively 19:21
so I won't publish one today
El_Che lizmat: really?
lizmat: are people you attacking privately?
lizmat yes, and in public 19:22
Xliff I'm so sorry, lizmat.
lizmat “I dislike the way Liz made a rename. I still find it extremely amoral” is not what I think I deserved for getting things rolling 19:23
El_Che I guess I missed it. I am sorry to hear it.
lizmat and then there's some private stuff
El_Che lizmat: I thought the person that wrote that is now proposing to host a raku conference?
bartolin is very sad hearing that, too. lizmat++ 19:24
lizmat yes, which I will most likely not attend, nor recommend to anyone
El_Che lizmat: I meant that he went totally overboard and made it personal, but then opted to start with a clean slate, accepting the rename 19:25
lizmat “I dislike the way Liz made a rename. I still find it extremely amoral” I don't consider a clean slate 19:25
nine lizmat: if in doubt, go by what the people close to you say. FWIW I think you took on a very hard but neccessary job and I am so grateful that you did it! 19:26
El_Che it isn't if it's one from after the rename, indeed
anyway, thank you lizmat 19:27
Xliff lizmat++: I will echo nine's comment.
El_Che not only for the great and grinding job, but being great by changing your mind when needed
not a lot of people can do that 19:28
mj41 Liz, great job. btw it is all my fault www.reddit.com/r/perl6/comments/6l...o/dk90m79/ :-) 19:30
nine Going against your own preferences and wishes and emotions because you listen to reason and then taking it a couple steps further by actually spearheading the change? That's not just great, that's sheer greatness. 19:31
El_Che lizmat: so, take some time and start enjoying what you accomplished. Many people are very enthousiastic about it and also think of the people that disagreed but kept being constructive
mj41 Long ago. Don't know if Larry read my comment/proposal :-)
sjn appreciates a *lot* what lizmat has take on. It's been a ride, but I think it's also been necessary and looong overdue. It's painful to change name, but having a clean slate to build from can do a lot of good for us all
Grinnz mj41: hah, I forgot you posted that
sjn so, thanks for all the effort! it's very much appreciated :) 19:32
El_Che mj41: lol, you called it allright :)
nine Btw "the way Liz made a rename" shows how little that person actually seems to know. Liz did not make a rename. Liz followed our process by raising an issue and the core team followed the process to a conclusion that ended in a rename. 19:35
El_Che it's like liz has no morals 19:36
AlexDaniel nine: Andrew seems to fully disregard the problem-solving repo
El_Che I hope he apologizes the the silly "amoral" comment
AlexDaniel nine: that's why we saw “only Larry can rename it” posts earlier 19:37
El_Che I was under the impression that even after the weird accusations and the poison the well tactics on twitter, he had turned the page and wanted to start afresh
AlexDaniel it really hurts to see people involved in making Perl6/Raku great to disrespect our efforts that much
Grinnz it is unfortunate that people continue to respond with negative emotion but it has always been an emotional discussion, I hope it does not continue long and the overwhelming support on the original issue speaks for itself
AlexDaniel lucasb: and this also applies to you 19:39
El_Che Grinnz: there is no problem with emotions. Some people here were very emotional about the issue, and that's OK
Grinnz my problem is specifically when the emotions drive comments like andrew's
sjn It just means that those of us that are optimistic need to compensate a little extra. :) 19:40
AlexDaniel sjn: :)
El_Che emotions is not the opposite of rationality. Some people were very sad/angered/disappointed by the rename, but they didn't call anyone amoral or didn't see Illuminati-like machinations
they just expressed how they felt 19:41
AlexDaniel El_Che: “The hijack lobby”, yes :)
El_Che AlexDaniel: exactly
sjn btw, I'm currently hanging out on the Perl 6 discord. anyone up for a chat? discord.gg/bBggC7K <- invite link 19:42
AlexDaniel sjn++ that's really interesting, btw
I think rba previously mentioned the idea of voice chats, or something like that
I don't use discord but I think the idea is really great 19:43
Xliff Ah. Voice chats.
Can't do that right now. I'm watching Jon Oliver in the background.
El_Che Xliff: the Brexit ones were hilarious 19:44
Xliff Oh, yes. Yes they were.
sjn mj41, rba: do you guys hear me? 19:46
discord6 <mj41> now it works 19:48
<sjn 🇳🇴> alright 19:49
sjn yeah, working mic is needed on Discord. :) 19:50
lucasb AlexDaniel and others: ok, I'm guilt for making a few jokes, but I hope I wasn't disrespectful to anyone, and sorry if I was. 19:51
AlexDaniel lucasb: now if only others were able to chill out while we're working on stuff… 19:53
that'd greatly reduce the pressure and all of us will be more productive 19:54
patrickb .tel tadzik I'd like to move rakudobrew to its own github project. Are you OK with that? 20:01
.tell tadzik I'd like to move rakudobrew to its own github project. Are you OK with that?
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to tadzik
rba This works just fine. So whenever we need to discuss something and don‘t like to type always, thats an possibility.
patrickb .tell tadzik Also I'm pondering renaming it to rakubrew. What do you think about that? 20:02
tellable6 patrickb, I'll pass your message to tadzik
tadzik patrickb: eh, no 20:02
tadzik (to the rename) 20:02
it installs the compiler, and the compiler is called rakudo :)
Xliff tadzik++ 20:03
AlexDaniel patrickb: by its own github project you mean a new github org specifically for rakudobrew? 20:05
or moving it into perl6/raku org?
patrickb I'm fine with both. I just think tadzik/rakudobrew might not be the best place. 20:06
Xliff tadzik: Do you feel rakudobrew is intrinsic to the Raku experience? 20:07
(fwiw... I do)
tony-o_ it hasn't worked on osx for me for a few months 20:08
i've been rebuilding from source, nuking site, and reinstalling when i need to update
tadzik patrickb: +1 to the org :)
patrickb Also I turned it into a cpan installable perl6 distro. To keep it clean and dandy I'd like the repo to be called `App-Rakudobrew` so combining the repo rename with a move suggests itself
tadzik oh that's nice! 20:09
patrickb tadzik: Resoning for the idea of rename was, that the executables one deals with are called raku, and I'm not objected to have it manage different implementations should others come up. 20:10
AlexDaniel I agree that personal repos are less than awesome 20:11
IIRC you can't even give access to the Settings tab to others
but please don't move it before we set up raku github org
AlexDaniel (one redirect is better than two) 20:11
tadzik patrickb: I understand. I don't think the probability of alternative impls in foreseeable future outweights the marketing cost and confusion though 20:12
Xliff m: my $a; $a++; $a.say
camelia 1
patrickb Confusion is a factor not to be neglected.
tony-o_ I'd be interested in more detailed information. I'd like to have rakudobrew working reliably on osx 20:13
tony-o_ patrickb: give me a moment to reinstall 20:14
i haven't bothered since about a week after i discovered it broken
Xliff m: (0 |+ f0 +< 16).fmt('%x).say 20:22
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in quote words; couldn't find final '>' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3(0 |+ f0 +< 16).fmt('%x).say7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
Xliff m: (0 |+ f0 +< 16).fmt('%x)).say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in quote words; couldn't find final '>' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3(0 |+ f0 +< 16).fmt('%x)).say7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
Xliff m: (0 |+ f0 +< 16).fmt('%x').say
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in quote words; couldn't find final '>' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3(0 |+ f0 +< 16).fmt('%x').say7⏏5<EOL>
expecting any of:
Xliff m: (0 +| 0xf0 +< 16).fmt('%x').say 20:23
camelia f00000
Xliff m: (0 +| 0xf0 +< 8).fmt('%x').say
camelia f000
Xliff m: (0 +| 0xf0 +< 2 * 8).fmt('%x').say
camelia 1e00
Xliff m: (0 +| 0xf0 +< (2 * 8)).fmt('%x').say 20:24
camelia f00000
Xliff m: (Nil, 4).max.say 20:40
camelia 4
mj41 m: sub foo { my $a = 10, 20; 0; CONTROL { say "CNT: {$_}" }; return }; foo; 20:56
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
CNT: <return control exception>
Useless use of constant integer 0 in sink context (line 1)
Useless use of constant integer 20 in sink context (lines 1, 1)
mj41 m: sub foo { my $a = 10, 20; 0; CONTROL { say "CNT: {$_}" }; }; foo; 20:57
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant integer 0 in sink context (line 1)
Useless use of constant integer 20 in sink context (lines 1, 1)
mj41 My question once more :-). Does anybody know how to catch this warning message?
Doc_Holliwood did you mean 10, 20, 0? 21:06
note the comma. if not, what do you want to achieve with '0;'? 21:07
if you want to return 0, move that to the end of the block or use an explicit `return` 21:08
mj41 I want to catch this "sink" warnings. These are there by purpose. docs.perl6.org/language/phasers#Ex...ng_phasers 21:09
there is example CONTROL { when CX::Warn { say "WARNING!!! $_"; .resume } in documentation. Going to grep roast for that. 21:10
AlexDaniel mj41: I don't think you can 21:11
mj41 m: sub foo { my $a = 10, 20; 0; warn "my-warn"; CONTROL { say "CNT: {$_}" }; }; foo; 21:15
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
CNT: my-warn
MoarVM panic: Trying to unwind over wrong handler
AlexDaniel o-ops 21:20
mj41 hmm, roast have this to "catch" this warnings github.com/perl6/roast/blob/4eb162...l.pm6#L180 21:23
will look tomorrow, gn
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! TCP::LowLevel (0.0.3) by 03JMASLAK 21:51
New module released to CPAN! Net::BGP (0.1.7) by 03JMASLAK
AlexDaniel who is hosting cpan-p6? 22:13
tyil: ?
cpan-p6 New module released to CPAN! Algorithm::LibSVM (0.0.7) by 03TITSUKI 22:21