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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
Geth_ MoarVM: 56fa7a0cc8 | (Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev)++ | README.markdown
Refer to Rakudo as just “Rakudo”
Geth__ MoarVM/fix_spesh_plugin_guard_set_threading_issue: 93366e5fbb | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 13 files
Fix access to freed memory in resolve_using_guards

Commit acb04a448bd7b067f1a0943b6fd521e21057c96e fixed outdated pointers in the guard set, but it was still possible that the guard set was freed while still in use by resolve_using_guards as the next GC safe point may occur in evaluate_guards. Fix this by turning SpeshPluginState into a 6model object, so we can let the GC figure out whether the state is still in use somewhere or not
nine rebased 12:41
Guest13443 nine: are there still things to fix or is it merge time? 12:47
nine Guest13443: it's been waiting for jnthn's review for a couple of weeks now 13:15
jnthn nine: D'oh... Though now my head isn't full of rename stuff...I should get to it soonish :) 13:18
nine :)
jnthn: do you still know what code looks like? ;) 13:19
jnthn Yes, I'm not quite *that* management yet :)
s/yet// :D 13:20
.oO( What am I thinking?! )
I guess the next code I "should" be writing in MoarVM is to try and finish up the current round of EA stuff, though is...scary :) 13:21
nine Yeah, that's what I'm always telling myself, too... 13:22
Guest13443 jnthn: weren't you multitasking with some frame opts as well? 13:25
Guest13443 nine: we do have at least one spectest file which valgrind doesn't like very much 13:46
Ulti `/win 12 15:58
timotimo we lost that bot :( 16:35
Geth_ MoarVM: patzim++ created pull request #1193:
Make MVM_file_is_rwx honor root and groups
dogbert17 nine: are you still up and about? 19:05
if you are then might be of interest to you and/or Kaiepi 19:09
brb &
timotimo just added "search for objects with a ref named 'foo'" to moar-ha and moarperf 19:12
just tried it with "search for all objects that have a reference named '$_' 19:13
it's obviously useful to look for variables
nine dogbert17: unfortunately there seems to be a regression from my NativeCall work that I need to look into 19:26
Though of course if anyone else has an idea why this fails, that would be very much welcome :) 19:27
m: use NativeCall; BEGIN sub calloc(size_t, size_t --> Pointer) is native(Str) { * }; calloc(1, 1)
camelia Type check failed for return value; expected NativeCall::Types::Pointer but got Whatever (*)
in sub calloc at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Geth_ MoarVM: a5d553cd54 | (Ben Davies)++ | src/core/interp.c
Add missing concreteness checks to most array ops

This fixes a ton of segfaults when type objects are passed to array ops, along with one case in particular where splicing a type object on index 0, inserting 0 elements from another type object would cause moar to attempt to allocate an 18 quintillion element array.
MoarVM: 07b00bbd76 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core/interp.c
Merge pull request #1128 from Kaiepi/array-op-concreteness

Add missing concreteness checks to most array ops