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Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
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tbrowder i'm using the new RakAst RakuDoc and trying to get a dump of all rakudoc nodes in a Raku file and have had no luck so far. 16:11
lizmat: any way to do that? i try browsing the source code but don't see a common base class (which was a major problem imho in pod6). and i don't know how a reliable way to detect the end of a pod tree, i.e., a leaf node). 16:16
lizmat what does:
RAKUDO_RAKUST=1 raku --rakudoc filename.rakumod 16:17
do for you ?
afk& 16:19
tbrowder i have to confirm when i get home, but when i feed it to the sub walk $node pointed to by [Coke] i get a lot of nodes that i can't interrogate with .^name 16:20
i have briefly tried $node.raku.say but of course that bombs on none defined nodes 16:23
[Coke] can you point me at a sample file? 16:25
(that has the offending rakudoc?) 16:26
tbrowder yes, as soon as i get my act together (tough to do with my scatter brain)... 16:32
ah the file is on 16:52
when i do what lizmat said to do, i notice the output looks like it may need some newlines. the current To::Markdown does a good job--output is as expected. 16:55
that file includes a couple tables and some notes 16:58
[Coke] 17:43
how recent a raku do we need to have for lizmat's one liner to do anything? 17:44
2024.08 here, it is silent 17:45
tbrowder yes, forgot the blob, sorry
hm, i’m using 2024.08 17:46
and can you tell me *again*, pls where yr orig walk sub is? i may have messed it up 17:48
i promise i’ll save it this time 17:50
um, let me see what i did with lizmat’s code… 17:53
i put her code inside a shell script 17:55
and it dumped the transformed txt to stdout 17:56
i’ll gist the script after i do the lunch cleanup (the price of living with an unpaid cook who insists on cooking most every meal) 18:04
[Coke] it's in raku/doc - here: 18:06 18:07
(cleanup) nice problem to have, I guess! :)
tbrowder whew, done. thnx for link. were you able to output with a shell script? 18:48
[Coke] when I run lizmat's oneliner against your file, I get no output at all 19:07
tbrowder bummer, for some reason my version of the doc:main wasn't fully synched--thinks it's okay now. trying the validate test... 19:34
well, not there yet, but i did something different when i told you i used a script. the script callled the pod file from my /dev directory so exec line inside the has a different path 19:43
arg, my doc dir is detached from rakudo so i think i need to restore the original repo...bye 20:06
raku, that is 20:07
all right! got my module's rakudoc passing--needed 2 instances of V<> to pass 20:48
let's see what mi6 does with the fixes...
22:03 sena_kun left
tbrowder ok, i dropped the test file and Test-Pods module in my lib and xt dirs and it works fine. 22:57
now i’m going to try to do some debugging on those pod nodes
and, voila! every node has .^name defined, every node reports .raku with usable info! godd job, [Coke] and lizmat 23:44
[Coke] \o/