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[Coke] | coleman: so we have a type-graph.txt file- jj spun off the processing for that into a separate repo (which I think we are the only one that uses it) - but there's no tooling to automatically generate the data that goes into it - there's a "missing types" util but that checks the file we already have against "is there a doc file for this type" - that should be moved to a TODO test that | 21:15 | |
s/that$// | |||
I'll work on a util that generates a JSON version of that file, with type, class, [is], [does] | 21:16 | ||
we can consider having a separate JSON for each .rakudoc in the type folder with JUST that type's info | 21:17 | ||
coleman | is every type we'd need to document in Rakudo? or are there some in nqp, too? we have RakuAST at our disposal now, so deriving data from (a subset of) the real implementation should be possible | 21:57 | |
[Coke] | our check will be: can find all the types that we are currently documenting | 21:58 |