00:46 domattps left 01:33 domattps joined 01:51 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 01:53 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 02:21 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 03:05 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 03:35 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 04:33 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 04:43 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 04:48 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 05:09 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps
Altreus I discovered that I do actually have Into The Breach 09:01
11:54 holly_ joined
jjatria Excellent game. Bonus points for in-world explanations of game mechanics 13:18
Altreus Games with "just figure it out" tutorials that actually work get a lot of brownie points 13:24
holly_ Would there be interest in making a raku freecol or freeciv ? Which would give us a hacking project together. 14:22
freecol.org freeciv.org
holly_ is getting old :-) 14:23
Altreus As much as I have reverence for these classics I feel like libraries that are only ever developed with these things in mind will never be suitable for modern games 14:27
holly_ Ok, I'll start on it on my own then, I'll keep it modular so there can be features of the game(s) 15:13
The graphics and its engine should be something for later on
The modules can then be used to build such a game out of it as A. said 15:14
I'll start on it tonight, now a bit of rest. CUL 15:15
15:15 holly_ left 15:21 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 16:51 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 16:58 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 18:11 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 18:16 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 18:26 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 20:28 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps 21:45 LizBot joined 22:47 domattps is now known as GoneDomattps 23:39 GoneDomattps is now known as domattps