tonyo is there concern or just wanting info? 16:45
16:55 lizmat_ joined 17:00 lizmat left 18:28 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined
sjn tonyo: well, "changes are afoot", one could say. :-) 20:59
I'm happy to share some of my findings (and I think these are likely to be super useful and/or interesting in addition to important and reqiured) – if someone here is interested :-) 21:00
there several concerns to be aware of regarding metadata fields, their whys and whats, and on how this metadata should be updated and later made available to the different actors/roles/services found throughout the ecosystems and supply-chain 21:02
jjatria sjn: only aggregates data from other sources (mainly, the META files from the distributions uploaded to the various ecosystems, and the author / org data exposed by zef). So we will reflect the changes in the data upstream 21:11
I'm interested in the work of the CPAN security group in general, but I might find it difficult to find time to talk soonish (I've got a newborn at home) 21:12
sjn jjatria: no hurries, though some of the material may require a good think/discussion :-) 21:35
jjatria: are you planning on attending LPW? 21:37