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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
02:50 discord-raku-bot left, discord-raku-bot joined 02:58 AlexDaniel left 04:17 lucs left, lucs joined 08:27 samcv left, samcv joined
nine I would not give module authors a means to detect running with RakuAST grammar. They should not have to care. 08:47
09:39 sena_kun joined 10:59 sena_kun left 11:16 zostay left, zostay joined
librasteve rakudo.org/ is not reachable anymore - Origin is unreachable Error code 523 <== raku.org is down (just copying over from the Discord raku channel is case there are more folk over the bridge 11:23
lizmat yes, I also just noticed, infra team is on it 11:25
nine Unfortunately I don't have any direct access anymore, since I don't work at Atikon anymore 11:34
librasteve ++ 11:58
nemokosch raku.org is also pretty much dead, for what it's worth 12:22
lizmat yeah, the problems are known :-( 12:38
13:04 Util left, Util joined 14:45 sena_kun joined
Geth roast: 31115d7f21 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | S05-grammar/example.t
Re-add test for grammar {token <return> {}}

This test was previously todo'ed and then removed. The bug preventing it from passing has now been fixed rakudo/rakudo commit bd2c719ed4126a5738cda52e114906accf6d9b3c.
codesections Ha, I'd kind of meant ^^^ to be a PR rather than a commit (I pushed to `upstream` instead of `main`) 15:04
But I don't think it's controversial/worth reverting and doing the PR
(please feel free to revert if you disagree)
S/`main`/`origin`/ 15:05
*shakes head at self*
ab5tract_ nine: any remaining concerns on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5453 or github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5462? 15:50
tbrowder__ ab5tract_: are you the one who gave “Mind-bending* talk last week? 15:56
codesections ab5tract_: I haven't followed those PRs super closely; where do the land on rakudo/rakudo#5455
linkable6 RAKUDO#5455 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5455 [Addressed in RakuAST] Rakudo should detect multi sub duplicates at compile time
ab5tract_ That’s me
codesections Will multi-sub dups now be a worry? Or sorry? Or panic? 15:57
tbrowder__ i’m watching it again as i am washing dishes 😎 what is a “blorst?” sounds like a sausage? or a chunk of RakuAST? 15:58
nemokosch block or statement 15:59
ab5tract_ codesections: the consensus was to make it a worry, with perhaps an eye towards eventually making it a sorry or otherwise resolve dispatch such that `my Int $f = 5; .*&foo` would call all `&foo(Int $)` candidates in succession
nemokosch BL OR ST
ab5tract_ tbrowder__: it’s once it starts sounding natural that you know you’re really stewing in the Rakudo internals :) 16:00
codesections tbh, I'd eat a “blorst” ☺ 16:01
> .*&foo` would call all `&foo(Int $)` candidates in succession
in order of declaration?
ab5tract_ codesections: that part wasn’t specified, but that would make sense. I guess another option would be lexical locality. 16:03
That’s for a whole new ticket and discussion though :)
tbrowder__ ah i’m waking up now, vague memory of you saying that in talk… 16:05
makes me wanna dive in the “soup” 16:12
ab5tract_ Codesections: good! Hop in! 16:13
codesections S/codesections/tbrowder__/ ? 16:14
ab5tract_ yes, sorry 16:15
tbrowder__ so is the drill something like: take a basic or roast test that fails and tackle it?
ab5tract_ Yeah, that’s one approach.
Another is to pick up a ticket marked with `RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1` 16:16
tbrowder__ i’ll take a peek…bye for now 16:17
ab5tract_ rakudo/rakudo#5446 is probably a good one
linkable6 RAKUDO#5446 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5446 [RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1] Token proto definitions do not work
ab5tract_ It can be a bit hard to gauge just how difficult something is to fix at the outset 16:18
If you find yourself in the weeds or you have any questions at all really, don’t hesitate to ping me 16:19
Not because I’ll necessarily know what’s going on but because I’m willing to dig in with you and figure it out. 16:21
16:27 elcaro left, elcaro joined 16:46 ab5tract_ is now known as ab5tract
tbrowder__ thnx so much. prob won’t get there soon. advent post…etc 17:30
ab5tract gotcha 17:35
nine Seems like tests are failing for me on current main: 20:56
nine@sunshine:~/rakudo (main =)> make && RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 ./rakudo-m --ll-exception -Ilib t/04-nativecall/01-argless.t 20:57
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
No such method 'new' for invocant of type 'VMNull'. Found 'new' on
type 'Mu'
at SETTING::src/core.c/Exception.rakumod:65 (/home/nine/rakudo/blib/CORE.c.setting.moarvm:throw)
from src/Perl6/Metamodel/Configuration.nqp:60 (/home/nine/rakudo/blib/Perl6/Metamodel.moarvm:throw_or_die)
from src/Perl6/bootstrap.c/BOOTSTRAP.nqp:4227 (/home/nine/rakudo/blib/Perl6/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.moarvm:)
from /home/nine/rakudo/lib/NativeCall.rakumod (NativeCall):1 (/home/nine/rakudo/t/04-nativecall/.precomp/0ACB0BE507596498D0A5B81A8BB94F2BEE3B3E25/F1/F15ABDADCE43D098A24E37FC2D59D2FCF6B8194B:<unit>)
ugexe i think that test has been broke since github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5334/files 21:04
we can revert that commit, i just don't think anyone knows if that commit is doing anything wrong and raku ast is just missing a piece for it to work 21:06
nine I wonder why there is a global setup-lock in the first place. Can we not run multiple native routine setups in parallel? 21:13
Unfortunately that commit's message does not say in what situation exactly we failed or why the previous implementation was wrong. 21:14
ugexe I didn't know if it was wrong. But I also couldn't think of why the change I applied would be wrong 21:22
nine In a reduced example that line actually does fine on RakuAST 21:24
ugexe I think the issue is also tied to roles and/or traits in some way 21:30
at least i think i remember that being the case when i was trying to solve the issue my change was trying to work around 21:31
coleman rakudo.org hosted binaries that many packagers depend on. It will be broken until those binaries are re-hosted somehow. github.com/rakudo/rakudo.org/issues/94 23:20
I am signing off tonight I will work on this tomorrow by building this site from scratch. If anyone knows about backups, please comment on the issue 23:21
ugexe i wonder if we could host binaries on github 23:29
23:32 sena_kun left