21 Oct 2024
coleman does zef have a concept of "meta-libraries" such that we can rally around a collection of versions installable by zef 19:50
and then from there implement lower-level optimizations
[Coke] ab5tract: you know Rakudo has builtin JSON support, yes? 19:52
ab5tract you mean the one that's been deprecated for over half a decade? 19:53
I'm talking about something that can operate at native speeds
[Coke] sorry, deprecated? 19:54
but sure, if the goal is "faster", excellent. just trying to be clear. 19:55
(deprecated) ah, yes, the REPL doesn't complain about that until you exit. ;) 19:56
ab5tract the idea is that JSON::Fast is as fast as NQP gets
Java has faster deserializers at hand
so does C
we don't expose VM hashes to the HLL
this is something that caused JSON::SIMD to be unable to achieve much of a performance differential 19:57
leaving JSON support to an after-market module in 2024 is ... a choice 20:01
jdv perl does, no? 20:02
ugexe or java :) 20:05
but Go got the standard library right
ab5tract yeah, neither of those are good examples
perl got bitten by too many internalized modules (which I understand) 20:06
Java is dumbfoundingly useless by itself
it still ships with a CSV parser, iirc
which is a rough equivalent of JSON, era to era 20:07
Anyway, the whole utility of the idea is that nothing in third-party space can fill a VM hash.. therefore leaving it to a third-party module necessarily leaves performance optimization opportunities on the table 20:09
this isn't the case for Perl, or Java
ugexe yeah, although it sort of gets into the "well what about the jvm backend" 20:13
although i guess jvm could just use some module like we already do for other stuff 20:14
some java module
it would complicate things a bit though since the "on jvm do this on moar do that" would presumably need to be applied to a *module* i.e. something in lib/ and not actually in the core 20:15
anyways im sure that problem can be solved so its probably not worth thinking too hard about 20:16
jdv isnt that just doing xs all over again? 20:25
ab5tract in JVM land I would introduce Kotlin and its builtin serialization 20:26
jdv: no, it's really not. it's recognizing that some things deserve to be closer to the VM than NativeCall allows, and those things likewise deserve being in core 20:27
ugexe: I'm not sure I understand, exactly. Any VM would ultimately expose JSON serialization as nqp routines. So the core `JSON` library would look the same from the perspective of the HLL 20:28
|Tux| Rakudo v2024.09-138-gd964ec93a (v6.d) on MoarVM 2024.09-10-g939e64dc8
csv-ip5xs0.261 - 0.262
csv-ip5xs-201.095 - 1.099
csv-parser1.491 - 1.519
csv-test-xs-200.142 - 0.144
test1.859 - 1.877
test-t0.396 - 0.403
test-t --race0.269 - 0.273
test-t-204.723 - 4.813
test-t-20 --race1.163 - 1.179
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4-20.html / tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4.html tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed.log
22 Oct 2024
releasable6 Next release in ≈2 days and ≈11 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 07:00
lizmat hopes jdv's Blin run worked out ok 09:31
jdv lizmat: i got a run in but i haven't curated it. i'll do that tonight but if you're bored here's the raw output: gist.github.com/jdv/eed6eaef8eb874...df7e3258d7 15:26
thanks for that fix
[Coke] why is the menu:simple run complaining about perl6lib - is that coming from your blin? 15:52
ah, likely 16:04
lizmat jdv: looking at them now, as they all seem to be caused by commits I did 17:24
jdv: going afk, the Dan issue is a bit more tricky to decide what to fix 18:53