🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:18 Nemokosch left 01:56 AlexDaniel joined 02:00 releasable6 left, benchable6 left, greppable6__ left, committable6 left, bisectable6__ left, shareable6 left, tellable6 left 02:02 greppable6 joined, coverable6 joined 02:03 unicodable6 joined, releasable6 joined 02:04 shareable6 joined, linkable6 joined, bisectable6 joined, nativecallable6 joined, committable6 joined, bloatable6 joined, evalable6 joined, tellable6 joined 02:05 benchable6 joined, quotable6 joined, sourceable6 joined, notable6 joined 02:50 hythm joined
releasable6 Next release in ≈1 day and ≈15 hours. 1 blocker. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 03:00
06:01 hythm left 06:04 AlexDaniel left 07:36 sena_kun joined 09:22 sena_kun left 09:37 RakuIRCLogger left, RakuIRCLogger joined 09:44 sena_kun joined, sena_kun left 12:44 Nemokosch joined 16:39 Geth left, Geth joined
Geth rakudo: vrurg++ created pull request #5474:
Fix a regression where exception is thrown for a generic type
rakudo/main: 49ddf5feca | (Vadim Belman)++ | 2 files
Fix a regression where exception is thrown for a generic type

Revealed by tests for `OrderedHash:auth<zef:FCO>`.
Two bugs were actually revealed.
First, when the exception generates a message it reads from ... (8 more lines)
rakudo/main: a2b6e34e09 | (Vadim Belman)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #5474 from vrurg/rakudo-5472

Fix a regression where exception is thrown for a generic type
16:41 Geth left 16:42 Geth joined
Geth rakudo/main: 7eafdc044f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Match.rakumod
Address MasterDuke's comments to b64e683c040e147f
rakudo/main: 5c5a037edf | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump MoarVM for msvc toolchain c11 atomics preps
rakudo/main: 7a8ffa9d40 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Match.rakumod
Revert step 1 of Match refactor

It is breaking some modules in the ecosystem. Since this is now a release blocker, revert that step in a single re-revertable commit to allow the 2023.11 release to go through.
This reverts 7eafdc044fd and b64e683
17:30 Nemokosch left
jdv changelogs are up 17:54
lizmat: ^
18:40 sena_kun joined 18:53 AlexDaniel joined 20:37 Nemokosch joined
lizmat jdv: looks ok to me 20:38
20:38 Nemokosch left 22:01 El_Che joined 22:57 sena_kun left
releasable6 Next release in ≈19 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 23:00
AlexDaniel jdv: are you using blin? is everything working alright lately? 23:23