🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
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[Tux] Rakudo v2023.04-89-g10742c991 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2023.04-1-g965be0af5
csv-ip5xs0.845 - 0.911
csv-ip5xs-205.342 - 5.767
csv-parser3.449 - 3.576
csv-test-xs-200.381 - 0.396
test6.790 - 7.415
test-t1.343 - 1.374
test-t --race0.844 - 0.878
test-t-2020.311 - 20.376
test-t-20 --race7.047 - 7.501
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lizmat seems to draw a blank 11:06
given a native type "num", how do I get the non-native equivalent for that (aka Num) ?
no name trickery, please
nine m: say num.^mro[1] 11:07
camelia (Num)
lizmat ah, duh! 11:08
nine m: use nqp; say nqp::hllboxtype_n() 11:11
camelia (Num)
nine seems safer 11:12
lizmat yeah, but needed it to be more general
not just for num, but also for int / str
trying to fix the "my Int $x = NaN" compile time error in RakuAST
nine Well there are also hllboxtype_i and hllboxtype_s :) 11:13
lizmat m: subset MyInt; dd MyInt.^mro # this feels LTA 11:55
camelia No such method 'mro' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::SubsetHOW'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
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nine But it makes sense since the subset type itself doesn't have any ancestors. 12:08
lizmat not even Mu ? 12:09
nine Well it delegates type checks and find_method to its refinee 12:10
lizmat so shouldn't a mro method do that ? 12:12
m: subset A; dd (A,).are'
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> subset A; dd (A,).are⏏'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement m…
lizmat m: subset A; dd (A,).are
camelia A
lizmat m: subset A of Int; dd (A,).are
camelia A
lizmat m: subset A; dd (A,A).are
camelia A
lizmat m: subset A; dd (A,int).are
camelia No such method 'mro' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::SubsetHOW'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
nine That depends on whether you want to define ^mro as a required method for all meta types. 12:14
lizmat m: subset A; dd (True,False).are 12:15
camelia Bool
lizmat m: subset A; dd (True,Same).are
camelia Int
lizmat seems to work for enums already, what else do we have?
nine m: dd (module Foo { }, package Bar { }).are 12:18
camelia No such method 'mro' for invocant of type 'Perl6::Metamodel::ModuleHOW'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Geth rakudo/main: 01790de4c0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/RakuAST/Raku.pm6
RakuAST: don't bother with twigils if there are none
rakudo/main: bc51ff4643 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Exception.pm6
Streamline X::Syntax::Number::LiteralType a bit

  - add some sensible defaults
  - format the text at run-time
rakudo/main: 7e78588391 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Perl6/Metamodel/SubsetHOW.nqp
Give subsets their .^mro method

Mostly because we expect the .are method to be able to be run on any selection of types, including subtypes.
   subset A of Int;
   subset B of A;
   dd B.^mro; # (B, A, Int, Cool, Any, Mu)
roast: e232b04437 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S12-subset/type-subset.t
Fix test, because in RakuAST this is a compile time error

And in legacy grammar, this is a runtime error when it *could* (and probably *should*) have been a compile time error. Marked as todo for now.
rakudo/main: 4f6da10a6e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Raku/ast/variable-declaration.rakumod
RakuAST: add type check in simple variable declarations

If the initializer is a literal, then check with the variable type and issue a sorry if they do not match.
rakudo/main: 6e20165a1f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Exception.pm6
Don't mangle the type name too much
lizmat 824/1355
tbrowder__ hi, trying to create a hash of keys whose values are arrays (NOT lists): 13:50
m: my %h = { a = [1,2]}; say %h<a>.WHAT 13:52
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix = instead.
Did you make a mistake in Pod syntax?
at <tmp>:1
------> my %h = { a =⏏ [1,2]}; say %h<a>.WHAT
tbrowder__ m: my %h = {a => [1,2]}; say %h<a>.WHAT 13:53
camelia Potential difficulties:
Useless use of hash composer on right side of hash assignment; did you mean := instead?
at <tmp>:1
------> my %h = {a => [1,2]}⏏; say %h<a>.WHAT
tbrowder__ why do i need the ':=' binding operator? 13:55
that may be the root of a lot of problems i've had with hashes lately 13:56
nine You don't:
m: my %h = a => [1, 2]; dd %h
camelia Hash %h = {:a($[1, 2])}
vrurg tbrowder__: Basically, internally, a hash is created only to be used as a producer of iterator of pairs to initialize the hash on LHS. The compiler just warns you about the very ineffective way of doing something. 13:59
tbrowder__ m: my %h = a => [1,2]; say %h<a>.WHAT 14:00
camelia (Array)
tbrowder__ ok, got it. the {} confused the issue, THANKS
m: my %h := { a => [1,2]}; say %h<a>.WHAT 14:02
camelia (Array)
tbrowder__ nine, vrurg thanks 14:03
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Geth rakudo/main: 6f482ca006 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 3 files
Separate =input/=output from =code

  - introduces the Pod::Block::Input and Pod::Block::Output classes,
   subclasses of Pod::Block::Code (so that current renderers will
   still be able to see them as Pod::Block::Code blocks).
  - adapt the legacy grammar to create these new classes for =input
   and =output pod
  - adapt RakuAST legacy podification also accordingly
This will now allow pod renderers to render =input and =output pod differently from =code pod.
[Coke] Nice - we had adopted :lang<output> as a way to get some kind of classification in the raku docs, we should consider updating. 19:58
vrurg BTW, speaking of the docs. Our docs say that if there are extra docs they're to be put under doc/. But the directory is not installed with the distribution, thus these are not available for rakudoc. Isn't it something overlooked in distribution design? 20:05
And either way, what would be the approach of keeping documentation separate from modules? 20:07
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