🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
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MasterDuke how do i print stuff when debugging rakuast changes? `nqp::say($foo.raku)`? 00:23
tellable6 2023-04-06T08:55:39Z #raku-dev <lizmat> MasterDuke: I did
MasterDuke hm. testing with `RAKUDO_RAKUAST=1 raku -e 'my sub one { 1 }; say one;'`, in my added `RakuAST::Call::Name.PERFORM-CHECK`, `$resolver.resolve-lexical($name);` is returning `Nil` and `$name` is 'one' 00:34
fwiw, so is `$resolver.resolve-lexical-constant-in-setting($name);`, but i'm trying to take one thing at a time... 00:44
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Geth rakudo/main: d1fe3fee89 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/Raku/Grammar.nqp
RakuAST: update deperecated proto syntax in grammar

The Raku grammar is a modern grammar, so don't have any outdated stuff in it
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lizmat so I'm battling getting grammar support for declarator docs on packages working, and seeing all sorts of weird things 12:40
only to find out that declarator pod parsing is really unreliable
in the legacy grammar
m: dd $=pod; class A {␤has $.a;␤}␤#= trailing 12:42
camelia [Pod::Block::Declarator.new(WHEREFORE => Any, leading => [], trailing => [["trailing"],])]
lizmat note that the declarator WHEREFORE is Any, so it's not attached to anything, whereas it should be attached to the class
m: dd $=pod; class A {␤}␤#= trailing
m: dd $=pod; class A {␤}␤#= trailing 12:43
camelia [Pod::Block::Declarator.new(WHEREFORE => Any, leading => [], trailing => [["trailing"],])]
lizmat m: dd $=pod; sub a {␤}␤#= trailing 12:44
camelia [Pod::Block::Declarator.new(WHEREFORE => Any, leading => [], trailing => [["trailing"],])]
lizmat m: dd $=pod; sub a {␤#= trailing␤} 12:45
camelia [Pod::Block::Declarator.new(WHEREFORE => Any, leading => [], trailing => [["trailing"],])]
lizmat bisectable6: old=2023.01 dd $=pod; class A {␤has $.a;␤}␤#= trailing 12:46
bisectable6 lizmat, Cannot find revision “2023.01” (did you mean “2023.02”?)
lizmat bisectable6: old=2023.02 dd $=pod; class A {␤has $.a;␤}␤#= trailing 12:47
bisectable6 lizmat, Bisecting by output (old=2023.02 new=d1fe3fe) because on both starting points the exit code is 0
lizmat, bisect log: gist.github.com/fa7f9a18aaec23b8f0...6198a6f141
lizmat, (2023-03-27) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/1a...855c1b26e6
lizmat bisectable6: old=2023.02 dd $=pod.head.WHEREFORE; class A {␤has $.a;␤}␤#= trailing 12:48
bisectable6 lizmat, On both starting points (old=2023.02 new=d1fe3fe) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
lizmat, Output on both points: «Any␤»
lizmat bisectable6: old=2023.02 dd $=pod.head.WHEREFORE; class A {␤}␤#= trailing
bisectable6 lizmat, On both starting points (old=2023.02 new=d1fe3fe) the exit code is 0 and the output is identical as well
lizmat, Output on both points: «Any␤»
lizmat bisectable6: dd $=pod.head.WHEREFORE; class A {␤}␤#= trailing
bisectable6 lizmat, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
lizmat, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/a8172577d749b45139...d8a2b0b289 12:49
lizmat, Bisecting by exit code (old=2016.09 new=2016.10). Old exit code: 1
lizmat, bisect log: gist.github.com/0f9ff26312f85b3a3c...1480a1b2dc
lizmat, (2016-09-19) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/96...8c22e356eb
lizmat, Output on all releases and bisected commits: gist.github.com/ada211bb31a53c0063...6bd56b961e
lizmat bisectable6: dd $=pod[0].WHEREFORE; class A {␤}␤#= trailing
bisectable6 lizmat, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
lizmat, ¦6c (67 commits): «Any␤» 12:50
lizmat, Nothing to bisect!
lizmat ok, so broken from the start :-(
m: dd $=pod; sub a {␤}␤#= trailing␤ 12:52
camelia [Pod::Block::Declarator.new(WHEREFORE => Any, leading => [], trailing => [["trailing"],])]
lizmat m: dd $=pod; #| heading␤sub a {␤}␤#= trailing␤ 12:53
camelia [Pod::Block::Declarator.new(WHEREFORE => sub a { #`(Sub|6452520897792) ... }, leading => ["heading"], trailing => [["trailing"],])]
lizmat and that appears to only work if there's also heading doc declarators 12:54
s/heading/leading 12:59
nine: irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/2023-03-13.html#07:35 grrrr :-) 13:11
afk for some ruminating 13:16
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nine lizmat: I guess.....my guess was wrong :) 19:16
20:32 Nemokosch joined
Nemokosch bisectable6: class Dummy { has $.lmao; method gist { $.lmao xx 2 } };my $foo = Dummy.new: :12lmao; say "The answer is ", $foo 20:33
bisectable6 Nemokosch, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
Nemokosch, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/e4c96de673fd61c3e9...dafdf73a85
Nemokosch, Bisecting by output (old=2017.02 new=2017.03) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
Nemokosch, bisect log: gist.github.com/0ea965724df5034690...5a8c9ec8db
Nemokosch, (2017-03-08) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/1e...b29076dc78
Nemokosch, Bisecting by output (old=2016.04 new=2016.05) because on both starting points the exit code is 1 20:34
Nemokosch, bisect log: gist.github.com/eb9856ce0ec959812a...d0ce07e815
Nemokosch, (2016-05-12) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/33...d4efe221de
Nemokosch, Output on all releases and bisected commits: gist.github.com/2df7591a7b6339e843...dce61308f9
Nemokosch Hm, never worked 20:38
... but why not?
vrurg gist is required to return a Str. Nothing else is expected from it. 20:39
It's like .Str would return a Numeric. 20:40
20:40 sjn is now known as sjn_
Nemokosch oh oops 20:41
20:41 sjn_ is now known as sjn
Nemokosch I messed up the string multiplication without noticing 20:41
bisectable6: class Dummy { has $.lmao; method gist { $.lmao x 2 } };my $foo = Dummy.new: :12lmao; say "The answer is ", $foo 20:42
bisectable6 Nemokosch, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
Nemokosch, ¦6c (67 commits): «The answer is 1212␤»
Nemokosch, Nothing to bisect!
Nemokosch cool 20:44
20:44 Nemokosch left
MasterDuke nine: did you catch my question/comment about `.resolve-lexical`? 20:59
21:06 Nemokosch joined
Nemokosch okay, next one... 21:06
bisectable6: my ($foo = 1, $bar = 2); say "$foo $bar";
bisectable6 Nemokosch, Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
Nemokosch, Output on all releases: gist.github.com/f65e7d8f32f1094c1d...70aba2e7eb 21:07
Nemokosch, More than 4 changes to bisect, please try a narrower range like old=2019.11 new=HEAD
Nemokosch if the apparent "default values" don't set anything, why are they allowed? 21:08
seems to be the same issue as github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4522 21:16
21:17 Nemokosch left, sena_kun left