🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:13 Joanna joined 00:23 constxqt_ left 00:27 constxqt_ joined 00:34 constxqt_ left 00:36 constxqt_ joined 00:43 constxqt_ left 00:49 constxqt_ joined 00:54 constxqt_ left 01:05 Manifest0 left
antononcube Great! 01:45
02:26 Xliff joined
Xliff \o 02:26
.seen danvu 02:27
tellable6 Xliff, I haven't seen danvu around, did you mean dracu?
02:27 jpn joined
Xliff .seen vushu 02:27
tellable6 Xliff, I saw vushu 2023-12-17T20:03:54Z in #raku-dev: <.vushu> ur welcome, I’m happy to contribute to the Raku ecosystem!
Xliff .tell vushu Love your article about the Raylib bindings. I've been working with them for a bit. Noticed some issues. Email to discuss, please? [email@hidden.address] 02:28
.tell vushu Love your article about the Raylib bindings. I've been working with them for a bit. Noticed some issues. Email to discuss, please? clifton.wood@gmail.com
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to .vushu
02:31 jpn left 02:33 hulk joined 02:34 MasterDuke joined, kylese left 02:55 tjr left 03:15 hulk left, kylese joined 03:17 edr left 03:45 Joanna left 03:58 derpydoo left 05:52 Xliff__ joined, Xliff left, Xliff_ left, Xliff joined 06:23 jpn joined 06:28 jpn left 06:40 dbonnafo2 joined
.vushu .Xliff 07:33
tellable6 2023-12-19T02:28:12Z #raku <Xliff> vushu Love your article about the Raylib bindings. I've been working with them for a bit. Noticed some issues. Email to discuss, please? [email@hidden.address]
2023-12-19T02:28:12Z #raku <Xliff> vushu Love your article about the Raylib bindings. I've been working with them for a bit. Noticed some issues. Email to discuss, please? clifton.wood@gmail.com
.vushu Hi .Xliff thanks, I see there are some issues, I saw you have forked the repo, the thing is the Bindings.rakumod is more the result of the action, so to add your changes we need to fix the action to generate the right Bindings. 07:35
.lizmat thanks for fixing the code example and typos 🙂 07:41
07:52 dbonnafo2 left 07:58 frost joined 08:07 abraxxa-home joined 08:12 frost68 joined 08:14 frost left 08:16 Joanna joined 08:26 abraxxa-home left 08:27 abraxxa-home joined 08:36 frost68 left, frost joined 08:48 abraxxa-home left 09:07 Manifest0 joined 09:15 dakkar joined 09:21 sena_kun joined 09:25 Sgeo left 09:32 jpn joined 09:39 frost left 10:56 jpn left 11:01 jpn joined 11:07 jpn_ joined 11:09 jpn left 11:48 mark22k left 11:50 mark22k joined
.Xliff I have fixed the code generation to do this github.com/vushu/raylib-raku/commi...b2ee2a6d3f 12:31
Is this sufficient? 12:32
nemokosch what is this uppercase HAS? 12:36
.vushu I think it's preferred for value types, in the docs it say it's getting embedded in the class, meaning it has it default instantiate i think docs.raku.org/language/nativecall#...s_with_HAS 12:39
nemokosch ahh gotcha 12:48
not easy to look up...
.vushu only found out today 😅 12:50
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[Coke] very quiet today! 18:13
lizmat I guess everybody is trying to get ready for the holidays? 18:14
tonyo busy sending you all a grant endorsement request : ) 18:24
i think lizmat's email server thought it was spam 18:25
lizmat it also haz greylisting...
tonyo ok to pm you lizmat?
18:30 MoC left 18:46 jpn joined
tonyo okay, rsc has mail 18:55
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patrickb m: sub foop() { Lock::Async.new.protect: { return 5; } }; say foop; 21:09
camelia Nil
patrickb m: sub foop() { { return 5; }() }; say foop;
camelia 5
patrickb Is this a bug or am I missing something?
m: class LA { method a() { return; }; method b(&code) { LEAVE { self.a() }; code() }; method c() { self.b: { return 5 } } }; say LA.new.c; 21:30
camelia Nil
patrickb That's a golf
I've just dug up github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4521 21:32
Not fixed on RakuAST 21:35
ab5tract .vushu: I finally had some time today to read your post. great work! Reallly excited to see github.com/vushu/chip-8-raku as well 21:40
21:41 epony left 21:54 Joanna joined
patrickb Are phasers a Rakudo or Moar thing? 21:57
22:03 Joanna left 22:04 jpn joined
.vushu .ab5tract Thanks glad that you like it! 😁 Yeah it was a fun project making the emulator, Im just missing the sound 😊 22:07
22:09 jpn left 22:10 jpn joined 22:19 jpn left
ab5tract right, the sound issue... 22:20
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Geth advent/main: c57310d0d3 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2023/authors.md
Swap days 21/22
lizmat patrickb: phasers are a Rakudo thing 22:46
jdv set phasers to stun 22:48
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.vushu .ab5tract playing sound works fine like, sadly just not when you want to play with the audio stream which I want for the emulator 😅 23:29
jdv wuts with dot
.vushu patrikb said we can extent moarvm in this issue github.com/vushu/raylib-raku/issues/2 , if anybody can help with that it would be sweet. 23:30
I dont if the dot i necessary but I just saw some people use it 23:31
jdv idk why but ok:) 23:32
.seen but not .nick
tellable6 jdv, I haven't seen but around, did you mean rbt?
.vushu Im from the discord world talking to you guys in irc world 😂
jdv .seen luzmat
tellable6 jdv, I haven't seen luzmat around, did you mean lizmat?
jdv .seen lizmat 23:33
tellable6 jdv, I saw lizmat 2023-12-19T22:46:50Z in #raku: <lizmat> patrickb: phasers are a Rakudo thing
jdv irc forever!
.vushu seem like irc is a better way to talk? 😅
jdv ;)
eh. different. 23:34
but better:)
.vushu but how do i refer to a person from discord to irc 23:35
in discord you write @name
but how in irc?
jdv just "$name:" or such 23:36
lizmat: hi 23:37
like that
.vushu $jdv hello test 23:38
jdv: yoyo
23:38 Sgeo joined
jdv hello. huh. i think the bridge "break" it:( 23:41
anyway. try irc. why not. 23:42
we be old peeps
.vushu I will consider it thanks 😄 23:46
antononcube @.vushu To me all the IRC people look and sound the same. 23:51
jdv anton: relax! :) 23:52
antononcube Hmm... relaxation is not a suggestion heard ofter here... 23:54
jdv robots...
antononcube and AIs.
Also, I cannot relax, I am supposed to deliver another advent article. 23:55
And since @.vushu and @ab5tract do not want make chessboard images I am looking for alternatives... 23:56