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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:18 jpn joined 00:23 jpn left 00:25 jjido left 01:15 jpn joined 01:20 jpn left
ugexe librasteve: i dunno about deprecating it, but I'd say you almost never want to `use lib ...` in a file contained in a distribution. if the code containing `use lib ...` wouldn't otherwise be distributed (i.e. private code) then it can make sense 01:48
01:50 jpn joined
ugexe imagine a `bin/foo` with a `use lib "lib"`. when the distribution containing `bin/foo` is installed and the user executes it, they likely won't be in the directory of that distribution so the `use lib "lib"` is not only pointless (the modules are being provided from the installation), its actually a potential security issue in that a malicious user could create a lib directory somewhere they have 01:54
permissions hoping that a high priv user will run bin/foo from the parent of the malicious lib
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ugexe use lib $?FILE.parent.absolute or some such gets around the security issue, but it still would be pointing to a library path that doesnt exist when whatever module/file using that is loaded from an installation repo 02:36
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Xliff \o 17:07
librasteve thanks for the explanation…
Xliff Can you decompose a hash in a signature?
m: sub a (%a (a => True ) ) { %a.gist.say }; a; 17:08
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Invalid typename 'a' in parameter declaration.
at <tmp>:1
------> sub a (%a (a⏏ => True ) ) { %a.gist.say }; a;
Xliff m: sub a (%a { a => True } ) { %a.gist.say }; a;
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> sub a (%a ⏏{ a => True } ) { %a.gist.say }; a;
librasteve Xliff: my small brain thinks that "decomposing a hash in a signature" is just another way of saying "named arguments" ... the example you give is composing the hash in the signature afaict 17:12
Xliff Yeah, but I want to use a slurpy and assign defaults.
librasteve oh - I see ... let me think 17:13
Xliff Thanks!
librasteve m: sub fn( :$a = 1, :$b = 2, *%h ) { say $a, $b; say %h; }; fn( |%(a=>1, b=>2, c=>3) ); 17:20
evalable6 12
{c => 3}
Raku eval 12 {c => 3}
librasteve so that's what I have in mind when you say decompose a hash in a signature with defaults and with a slurpy ... sorry I this is a pretty dumb answer likely I do not understand what you are asking 17:21
17:23 abraxxa-home joined
oh, maybe you want to pass in a single hash and have the signature set value defaults for some of the hash items 17:24
sorry don't know how to do that ;-( 17:29
ugexe you can't defaults on the hash itself, but you can on named parts of it 17:38
m: sub foo(%_ [:$foo = 42, *%]) { say %_.raku; say $foo }; my %x; foo(%x) 17:39
camelia {}
librasteve m: multi sub fn(:$a=1,:$b=2,*%r) {samewith %(|%r, :$a, :$b)}; multi sub fn( %h ) {%h.say}; fn( |%(a=>1,c=>3) ); 17:40
evalable6 {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}
Raku eval {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3}
librasteve ^^ just an idea with multis
17:45 abraxxa-home left 18:20 jpn joined
Xliff librasteve: That is close, but the extra multi makes it difficult for my use case.... I would need to reorganize a LOT of code. 18:50
librasteve++: Thanks, anyways! 18:51
librasteve no problem 18:55
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guifa Assuming the answer is no but.... do we have compiler hooks yet for RakuAST mischief? 20:43
I'm in an analysis class right now and realizing how nicely I could most of this in LLVM analysis could apply to RAST 20:44
antononcube @guifa Interestingly, right now I am considering how too use LLMs instead of RakuAST. 20:46
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Xliff LLM? Large Language Models? 21:20
21:29 Sgeo joined 21:51 jpn left
antononcube @Xliff Yes. 22:05
Xliff How would you use LLMs in place of RakuAST? 22:12
Or is it just that you are putting more effort into LLMs? 22:13
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antononcube @Xliff What is the mission of RakuAST? I assume it is better Raku code generation. (Faster generation, more reliable and maintainable, easier to read.) 23:25
Well, that is the main RakuAST mission, then Raku generation can be delegated to LLMs using the related reliable, easier to manager workflows. 23:26
Ideally, the transition of NQP code to RakuAST should be supported by LLMs. (Or event completely outsourced to them.) 23:27
lizmat antononcube there is no NQP code to be transitioned to RakuAST? 23:36
23:47 jpn joined
Xliff antoncube: Actually, RakuAST is also used as output for the parser. 23:50
Parse the code, you get a RakuAST tree. Walk the tree you can either get the Raku code back, or something akin to bytecode. 23:51
At least that's how I understand it.
23:53 jpn left