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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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tbrowder__ lizmat: i obviously set the publish time wrong--sure wish they could show time in 24 hr format, and make 13:57
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lizmat tbrowder_: rescheduled 16:59
[Coke] is everything christmas themed this year or do we still have a mix of christmas stuff and more general blog posts?
(No judging, just curious) 17:00
lizmat a mix so far 17:01
17:02 jpn left 17:05 mort joined
mort x 17:05
Hi! With a raku grammar, how do you deal with two options which share the same prefix? 17:06
lizmat thanks to Longest Token Matching you don't have to worry about that 17:07
mort isn't that a regex thing rather than a grammar thing?
lizmat m: say "foobar" ~~ / fooba | foobz / 17:08
camelia ï½¢foobaï½£
lizmat a grammar is basically just a class with named regexes as methods
mort I'm talking about essentially: `rule expression { <assign-expr> | <func-call-expr> } rule assign-expr { <identifier> '=' <expression> } rule func-call-expr { <identifier> '(' ')' }`
assign-expr and func-call-expr both start with the same rule, <identifier>; this seems to be causing issues 17:09
actually, this might be something else... 17:17
yeah never mind 17:19
lizmat LTM is your friend :-) 17:22
.vushu you could swap them around so the precedence changes <fun-call-expression> | <assign-exp> 17:23
ab5tract hey .vushu, does the snowfall example work for you with `load-font-ex` using a unicode symbol? I still can't get it to work 17:31
I know you had 'Ab5tract' working but I wonder if you've managed with unicode 17:33
I'm currently writing an advent post on the snowfall simulator :) 17:35
.vushu Hi @abstract That really cool 😄 I have not yet tried with unicode I will see if I can get it working. 17:46
17:51 japhb left
tbrowder__ lizmat: thanks so much, i really don't grok wordpress :--( 17:55
Geth advent/main: db3468ed35 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2023/authors.md
Schedule Wim Vanderbauwheede's post
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