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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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jdv CIAvash: should be done 02:12
tellable6 jdv, I'll pass your message to CIAvash
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stanrifkin rakubrew download -> 599 error Anyone does have the same error? 04:42
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stanrifkin seems it has something to do with my recent perl-38.2 install 05:28
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CIAvash jdv++ patrickb++ 07:13
tellable6 2023-12-24T02:12:46Z #raku <jdv> CIAvash: should be done
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melezhik o/ 10:45
Raylib::Bindinds installation using alpine Linux package manager 10:46
If someone interested in adding their Raku modules please let me know 10:48
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antononcube @ingy Can you suggest any documents discussing why YAMLScript should be looked at/adopted/used? 14:30
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nemokosch They say volunteer work is non-fungible 15:08
That's what I hope with this
I hope this doesn't happen instead of anything 15:09
melezhik++ 15:10
ab5tract nice work melezhik! 15:12
antononcube imgur.com/a/dPHqQ4U 15:27
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thowe Can the IO methods be used to somehow tail a file? I want to watch and deal with new lines appended to a log file. It would be nice to also have the option of dealing with all file lines that exist first, and then start tailing as they are added... It's not obvious to me from the IO Handle docs how to achieve this, if it can be done. 17:09
Basically I want "tail -f" or better yet "tail -F" 17:11
antononcube @thowe Hmm... I think can always use run or shell with tail to do that "tailing". (Assuming you ware running on a UNIX-like OS.) 17:12
thowe Really hoping to figure out how to do it without calling outside tools. There is a module called IO::TailFile, but it does things I don't readily understand. 17:15
Also, -F in tail is able to continue after a file rotation... That would be neat. 17:17
IO::TailFile might be able to do that too... I'm not sure what the inode handling is meant to do in the code. It uses nqp as well, and I'm not sure why but might have something to platform specific inode handling(?) 17:21
and apparently github now requires the use of a smart phone 17:24
antononcube Yeah, or other form of two-level authentication. 17:28
thowe other paid form... they don't support WebAuthn 17:31
antononcube I think I use Google's "Authenticator" app, which can be used on a tablet or laptop. 17:32
thowe but don't you still need your phone to get to that setup for it?
antononcube Hmm... I forgot the setup steps I went through. It might be the case, but I think I just did via email. 17:33
thowe don't usually use Google anything if I can avoid it. Time to ditch github for gitlab entirely I guess.
librasteve nah - it's the MS authenticator app 17:34
antononcube @thowe Sure. I do not like the alternatives of GitHub that much, so far. I tried both GitLab and SourceForge. 17:36
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thowe so, anyway... Is IO::TailFile my best bet? Or is there a way to do this without extra modules? 17:49
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lucs Not sure why you want to avoid getting the module, but you could copy its source into your own project. 17:55
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thowe Well, I'm not really trying to avoid it... I just kind of want to understand if I can replicate what I get from it myself. 17:58
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lucs I'd start by copying the original :) 17:58
antononcube @thowe Where do you run your tailing program? In an IDE, in a notebook, in a UNIX terminal? If the latter, then using tail -F is not that external. 18:02
thowe This is for a program I want to run on my *nix servers. 18:04
I want to replace a few tools with an all-in-one thing. Want to tail files to replace the fail2ban stuff. 18:05
need a config file with patterns, build functions based on those patterns, do things like report upstream to shared data, add to pf tables, etc... 18:06
but intelligent tailing of log files shouldn't be as hard a problem as it must be. especially -F which can "see if the file being followed has been renamed or rotated". 18:08
I don't need this to run on non-unix-like systems if that helps.
18:10 constxqt_ joined
antononcube @thowe I think you should do an MVP using run 'tail', '-F', '<file-name>' and try it in your workflows. (And then replace it with whatever Raku package.) 18:12
thowe MVP? 18:13
antononcube Sorry, MVP = Minimal Viable Product. 18:15
thowe Ah. Well, then I need my Raku thing to act like a FIFO 18:16
if it checks the file and there are no new lines, won't it just think it is done? How do you just keep checking in case there is more? 18:17
ingy antononcube: yamlscript.org/posts/advent-2023/index/ are the best documents I have at the moment for using YAMLScript... 18:20
antononcube @ingy I browsed those -- did not say any "motivational" or "marketing" documents.
ingy antononcube: But maybe most important to raku programmers is that the raku YS module will be by far the best YAML loader option for raku. 18:21
since almost all yaml files are valid ys files and load the way a yaml file would with yaml 1.2 semantics 18:23
antononcube @thowe Hmmm... maybe you need a way to "cronify" your file check-and-dump. (Say, using a loop.)
@ingy Yeah, I read a similar statement in yamlscript.org/posts/advent-2023/index/ . 18:24
thowe Yeah, I need to loop; ask "got more file for me? ; if so process those lines 18:26
but how to check if file rotated or changes names? Does the inode stay the same? Can I check file name and close and grab new file if it changed? Not really a Raku question... 18:27
antononcube See/find the "cronify" examples by Moritz Lenz and JJ Merelo. 18:28
18:29 jpn left
thowe mm, I have Perl 6 Fundamantals, parsing with grammars, and Raku Recipes... You mean in one of those? Guess I should have checked Recipes... 18:31
antononcube Yeah, the second one had cron examples. (I think.) 18:32
I meant this book by Moritz Lenz: "Raku Fundamentals: A Primer with Examples, Projects, and Case Studies". 2nd ed. (2020), Apress. 18:33
thowe The parsing book has a cronify example? I do see a change detection method in the Recipes book... I'll play with some code and maybe ask more intelligent questions when I have some.
I have that one, but it is the older one that still says "Perl 6" 18:34
Chapter 6? "Silent Cron, A cron wrapper"? 18:35
antononcube Yes. 18:36
@thowe In "Raku Recepies" there is a chapter "Recipe 2-5. Watch a File for Changes". 18:37
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thowe Yeah, that's the one I was saying I saw... Not sure why it would be better than .modified and .changed. I don't think I can use tail -f to feed data in to my program. If piped -f or -F is a noop 18:44
I thnk I need to track what line I am on, somehow ignore reaching the end, and read each new line if more. 18:45
er, wait, there actually is a tail -f example... 18:46
I should play with that with -F and see what happens on file rotation... 18:47
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thowe then I think I need to generate functions based on the patterns and run them in some kind of non-blocking event loop, but one thing at a time... 18:59
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melezhik tellable6: thowe: maybe no exactly what you are after but you could spin up a Sparky cron job to watch file changes and react upon 19:40
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to thowe
melezhik github.com/melezhik/sparky#run-by-cron 19:41
denofT Hi, i have lost all my saved money to FTX jews around 20000 dollars.
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xinming in main function, when we do multi MAIN ($amount where { $_ (elem) <a b> }); multi MAIN ($amount where { $_ (elem) <c d> }); In this case, when the command auto outputs help, It shows 2 command line with same amount arg, How can we change $amount with something like amount=a|b amount=c|d so these 2 command line can be distinct? 19:57
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