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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:21 explorer left
nemokosch Not 5? šŸ˜„ 01:49
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guest912 Iā€™m getting really confused how Nil works in Raku 07:39
First I build a data structure with some optional values as ā€œSomeType:D | Nilā€ and when I set it to Nil later itā€™s somehow transforms to something else of ā€œAnyā€ type.
It fails to type check and ā€œ* ~~ Nilā€ returns False. But ā€(* // Nil) ~~ Nilā€œ returns True 07:40
I have no idea whatā€™s going on, does anyone have any clue?
Iā€™m thinking of defining a new type like ā€œsubset NilIsh where !.definedā€ in order to avoid this issue 07:42
Can ā€œNilā€s somehow change when you apply .Hash method for example to a list of pairs? 07:43
07:46 abraxxa-home joined
kjp guest912: Not a complete answer to your questions, but when you assign Nil to a container, the default value of that container is stored instead. Ferquently that default value will be (Any). 07:57
m: my $a is default(42); $a = 23; say $a; $a = Nil; say $a;
camelia 23
kjp m: my Int $a = 42; say $a; $a = Nil; say $a; 07:58
camelia 42
07:58 abraxxa-home left
kjp Note the default type there is {Int} since the variable is so defined. 07:58
* (Int)
More details at docs.raku.org/type/Nil 08:00
guest912 Okay, that clears things up. The question though is what is the best way to explicitly type optional values? 08:06
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kjp Sorry -- I'm going to have to leave that to you. 08:22
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gfldex m: my Any:D $foo = Nil; 09:39
camelia Type check failed in assignment to $foo; expected Any:D but got Any (Any) (perhaps Nil was assigned to a :D which had no default?)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
gfldex guest912: ^^^
guest912 m: my Str $foo = Nil; $foo.raku.say; ($foo ~~ Nil).raku.say; 09:55
camelia Str
guest912 m: subset OptionalStr where * ~~ Nil | Str:D; my OptionalStr $str = Nil; ($str ~~ Nil).raku.say; 09:56
camelia Bool::False
guest912 This is really confusing. 09:57
How do I refer to a method by reference? Without calling the method but taking it as a value? 10:22
ā€œfoo.some-methodā€ would already call ā€œsome-methodā€ 10:23
:m my Str:D $foo="test"; ($foo.^find_method("chars") ~~ Callable).say 10:25
m: my Str:D $foo="test"; ($foo.^find_method("chars") ~~ Callable).say
camelia True
guest912 Would this be the right solution?
kjp Well the name of the method is something like &class::method 10:29
10:30 sena_kun joined
gfldex m: my $name = 'grep'; my @a = lines; @a."$name"('the' ~~ *).say; 10:36
camelia ()
gfldex m: lines.say; 10:37
camelia (Ā»Wann treffen wir drei wieder zusamm?Ā« Ā»Um die siebente Stundā€˜, am BrĆ¼ckendamm.Ā« Ā»Am Mittelpfeiler.Ā« Ā»Ich lƶsche die Flamm.Ā« Ā»Ich mitĀ« Ā»Ich komme vom Norden her.Ā« Ā»Und ich vom SĆ¼den.Ā« Ā»ā€¦
gfldex m: my $name = 'grep'; my @a = lines; @a."$name"('die' ~~ *).say;
camelia ()
gfldex m: my $name = 'grep'; my @a = lines; @a."$name"(*.contains('die')).say;
camelia ( Ā»Um die siebente Stundā€˜, am BrĆ¼ckendamm.Ā« Ā»Ich lƶsche die Flamm.Ā« Und die BrĆ¼cke muƟ in den Grund hinein.Ā« Ā»Und der Zug, der in die BrĆ¼cke tritt Um die siebente Stundā€™?Ā« Und die BrĆ¼cknersleutā€™ ohne Rast und ā€¦
gfldex guest912: You just quote the method-name. 10:38
guest912 :m my Str:D $foo="test"; ($foo."chars" ~~ Callable).say 10:40
m: my Str:D $foo="test"; ($foo."chars" ~~ Callable).say
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'.
at <tmp>:1
------> my Str:D $foo="test"; ($foo."chars"ā ~~ Callable).say
guest912 gfldex, it seems like just a way to call the method with undetermined name. But I donā€™t want to call it. 10:41
I want to take is as a value.
Like a first-class-citizen thing
gfldex Then you have to use the MOP. .^can works for most cases.
Please note that you make your program very fragile indeed if you do so. 10:42
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nemokosch "Sad but true" 12:35
lizmat why is that sad?
nemokosch Nil is indeed very confusing and it is rather disappointing that there is no proper way to retrieve a method as data 12:36
lizmat m: dd 42.^find_method("Str")
camelia Mu Str = proto method Str (Mu: |) {*}
lizmat m: dd 42.^find_method("Str")(42) 12:37
camelia "42"
lizmat m: dd 42.^find_method("Str")(42, :superscript)
camelia "ā“Ā²"
nemokosch Theses are poorly standardized metamodel solutions
Basically it takes the same effort to retrieve a method and define a class on the fly 12:38
lizmat that method is documented as many others docs.raku.org/type/Metamodel/Defin...ind_method 12:40
so I don't get the "poorly" 12:41
or do you think it's poorly because it uses snake-case ?
nemokosch It's "documented" but even the documentation says that the metamodel is Rakudo-specific and shouldn't be counted on 12:44
lizmat "Warning: this class is part of the Rakudo implementation, and is not a part of the language specification." 12:45
so where does it say it cannot be counted on *in Rakudo* ?
nemokosch Why moving the goal posts? 12:48
Nobody added "in Rakudo"
lizmat *you* added "and shouldn't be counted on" 12:49
my point is that you *can* count on them, in Rakudo
nemokosch But "in general" you can't 12:50
Anyway, people keep stomping on these things 12:52
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melezhik . 13:03
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melezhik .tell tonyo: I've my comment on your grant proposal 13:04
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to tonyo
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nemokosch By the way, come to think of it, there is a banal high-level solution 13:13
my &stored-method = -> |args { $object.my-method(args) } 13:14
lizmat and where does $object come from? 13:16
my &stored-method = -> $invocant, |args { $invocant.my-method(args) }
feels more correct?
also: that does add another indirection, whereas .^find_method does not 13:17
afk& 13:18
guest912 lizmat, the point is that itā€™s not part of the language or standard env. Itā€™s environment-specific thing. 13:30
Just by using it in your code your are immediately glueing it to particular Raku implementation. 13:32
-- 13:33
I have a couple of ā€œmulti sub MAIN('foo')ā€s, and ā€œUSAGEā€. I consider this a bug that if you type jibberish as your subcommand it succeeds
I can call my script like ā€œ./foo.raku absolute-nonsenseā€, itā€™ll print USAGE but the exit code is 0 13:34
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[Coke] instead of trying to make a type that is optional, i'd mark the parameter tiself as optional with ? 14:16
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lizmat guest912: that may be worth an issue 15:07
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ugexe well according to github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/fb...42d8d427d5 USAGE is apparently deprecated 15:33
also something about a GENERATE-USAGE that doesn't seem to work 15:34
ah, i was defining it `sub GENERATE-USAGE {}` but it needs some arguments passed to it 15:36
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