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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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japhb Just going to leave this here, because I'm proud of how it turned out: gist.github.com/japhb/bb896afd7292...73236f9857 02:46
It's an example of the markup required to make a menu translatable in the newest Terminal-Widgets release (0.1.1)
And an example of what a translation table looks like: github.com/Raku-MUGS/MUGS-UI-TUI/b...st.rakumod 02:52
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librasteve japhb: that's very cool! 05:06
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tbrowder__ leont: the YAMLish PR should work now 18:22
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leont Yeah, will clean it up and merge it. 19:11
I am wondering what the example-config.t is doing? What is it actually testing? Aren't other tests already doing that much more in depth? 19:12
Like if it's supposed to test the that the example in the doc is correct, it sounds more like an author test 19:25
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lizmat fg 19:49
sjn kill -CONT %1 20:22
aah, that's not fg :-P 20:23
that's bg :-D
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japhb I think SIGTSTP is suspend ("Terminal SToP"), SIGCONT is CONTinue 21:48
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japhb See github.com/japhb/Terminal-LineEdit...#L570-L588 21:49
leont Yeah, SIGTSTP is the little brother of SIGSTOP (difference is that the latter can't be blocked but the former can) 22:31
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SmokeMachine Anyone have any idea of why this is breaking? gist.github.com/FCO/e08b717af87627...8147c08b7e 22:54
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guifa o/ 23:01
guifa is alive 23:02
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librasteve smokemachine: did you try parens in/around the where clause? 23:10
(maybe precendence is biting you) 23:11
SmokeMachine yes... I did... this was how I found that problem: github.com/FCO/HTML-Component/blob...akumod#L38 23:12
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