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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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tbrowder__ elcaro: take a look at App::Mi6 00:00
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tbrowder__ pretty easy to convert to use it. makes module management easy. 00:01
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Xliff m: class A { proto method x { say "CATCH HERE!"; {*} }; multi method x { say 1 }; }; class B { method x { say 2 } }; B.x 06:23
camelia 2
Xliff m: class A { proto method x { say "CATCH HERE!"; {*} }; multi method x { say 1 }; }; class B { method x { say 2 } }; A.x
camelia CATCH HERE!
Xliff m: class A { proto method x { say "CATCH HERE!"; {*} }; multi method x { say 1 }; }; class B { multi method x { say 2 } }; A.x
camelia CATCH HERE!
Xliff m: class A { proto method x { say "CATCH HERE!"; {*} }; multi method x { say 1 }; }; class B { multi method x { say 2 } }; B.x
camelia 2
Xliff m: class A { proto method x { say "CATCH HERE!"; {*} }; multi method x { say 1 }; }; class B { multi method x( :$b is required ) { say 2 } }; B.x(:b)
camelia 2
Xliff m: class A { proto method x { say "CATCH HERE!"; {*} }; multi method x { say 1 }; }; class B is A { multi method x( :$b is required ) { say 2 } }; B.x(:b)
camelia CATCH HERE!
06:24 xinming left
Xliff m: class A { proto method x { say "CATCH HERE!"; {*} }; multi method x { say 1 }; }; class B is A { multi method x { say 2 } }; B.x 06:25
camelia CATCH HERE!
Xliff ^^ guifa
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Geth Raku-Steering-Council/main: fbe2130e20 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | minutes/20230624.md
Add minutes of meeting of 24 June 2023
10:28 Geth left, Geth joined 10:45 tobs left 10:47 tobs joined 11:16 synthmeat left 11:17 synthmeat joined
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/06/26/2023-...damn-cool/ 11:26
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tbrowder__ ref weekly on =finish, actually, the =data tag is designed to replace Perl's __DATA__ 13:52
lizmat but until recently, =data was not supported. And even now, it is only supported in RakuAST 13:53
tbrowder__ regardless, it should be supported. saying =finish is data is awkward 13:55
=finish means ignore all following 13:56
lizmat and make that available in $=finish
tbrowder__ where are the language police when you need them! :-) 13:57
lizmat I'm not saying it's ideal... I'm just saying that it will require a language version bump to remove the $=finish part of the functionality
13:59 rf joined
tbrowder__ it doesn't require a bump. it's documented in S26 14:00
just NYI like a lot of stuff 14:01
lizmat indeed, $=finish is not in S26
=finish is, but $=finish is not
however, there are tests in roast that require the existence of $=finish 14:02
and thus would require a language version bump to have $=finish removed, in favour of using $=data
S26 is speculation, *not* specification, not anymore anyway :-) 14:03
tbrowder__ i don't see any new rakudoc replacing pod6, just rounding corners 14:04
and adding niceties
btw, any idea how long $=finish has been there? 14:05
gotta go, bye 14:06
lizmat looks like at least since 2014 14:14
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tonyo . 14:48
rf: what version is it trying to install? 14:49
tbrowder__ thnx 14:50
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rf tonyo: Latest 15:28
Also, good morning folks
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tonyo 52? 19:03
jdv -10 19:10
[Coke] /2/3/7 19:28
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lizmat weekly: dev.to/lizmat/moving-printf-format...rward-1m3p 19:54
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
tonyo rf: 52? 19:59
rf tonyo: yup 20:03
Works no problem if you exclude this "libz"
tonyo in the META it just says `z:from<native>` are you positive it's 52? 20:04
rf yes.
native will append lib
iirc 20:05
I'll send a screenshot 20:06
imgur.com/a/LionYq8 20:07
Top few lines are from without exclude
lizmat % zef install fez 20:08
===> Searching for: fez
===> Searching for missing dependencies: libz:from<native>
===> Failed to find dependencies: libz:from<native>
Failed to resolve some missing dependencies (use e.g. --exclude="libz" to skip)
I've been needing to add --exclude="libz" for two weeks now, I think 20:09
rf zef install fez --exclude="libz"
===> Searching for: fez
===> Testing: fez:ver<52>:auth<zef:tony-o>:api<0>
===> Testing [OK] for fez:ver<52>:auth<zef:tony-o>:api<0>
===> Installing: fez:ver<52>:auth<zef:tony-o>:api<0>
lizmat same here
[Coke] github.com/tony-o/raku-fez/commit/...9884b56ab5 20:14
committed last week
commit message: "xxx" 20:15
looks like several commits actually, going between zlib libz and z 20:16
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tonyo rf: that's very weird, that message from zef should say `failed to find z:from<native>` and not `find libz:from<native>` 21:19
going to look at the bundle as i may have mucked it up
ugexe :from<native> gets transformed into their platform library name 21:23
m: sub platform-name($name) { $*VM.platform-library-name($name.IO) }; say platform-name("z") 21:24
camelia "libz.so".IO
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ugexe ah you are right though, zef would report that it cant find the name verbatim 21:26
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guifa Xliff: ah yeah, that's very possible. lemme see how wrapping works with that 21:38
Xliff: that's perfect 21:40
Xliff \o/ 21:41
guifa oh wait
no :-(
I guess we could do `class X {Ā method message {Ā self.GENERATE_MESSAGE }; method GENERATE_MESSAGE is implementation-detail { 'X occurred' }Ā }` and then each X would implement GENERATE_MESSAGE 21:49
I don't *think* the Raku language standard stipulates the exact content of an error message 21:50
Geth Ā¦ problem-solving: alabamenhu assigned to codesections Issue Errors should not be adhoc in core github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/374 21:58
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tonyo rf: just uploaded a fixed version, should be available in a coupla 23:07
lizmat too ^^ 23:08
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rf tonyo++ 23:14
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roguerakudev Has anyone ever seen "Non ast passed to WANTED: NQPMu"? 23:36
I just upgraded to 2023.04 and am still getting that error (previously using a 2020 version)
it may have something to do with a ternary using imported enum values? 23:39
I get a different error alongside it which I think is misleading: "Your !! was gobbled by the expression in the middle; please parenthesize"
for context, I'm using the classic chained-ternary pattern from Damian's Perl best Practices, with the values being (non-fully-qualified) enum values imported from a different file 23:43