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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:00 oodani left 00:01 oodani joined 00:29 dbonnafo joined
antononcube That image of a cat and a butterfly reminded me that a few days ago @nemokosch was mean to me too. I labored so much on a certain DALLE3 painting of raccoons and pears in a Rube Goldberg machine, and then on another painting with wolfs and rams, and when I shared them with him, he told me that they look the same!!! I was going to complain publicly about it -- like I am doing now -- but I started reading certain 00:32
speculations about happenings in Middle East, so, I kind of forgot...
00:34 dbonnafo left 00:55 guifa joined
guifa o/ 00:56
tellable6 2023-10-19T13:01:40Z #raku <tonyo> guifa: i'll take a look. the new fez serv is almost ready to rock pending a lot of testing and with it will come ingestion logs
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Geth ¦ App-Rakubrew: patrickbkr self-assigned 'Failed to extract archive.' on download | windows 10 github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/issues/73 07:57
¦ App-Rakubrew: patrickbkr self-assigned `rakubrew init` poor advice on Windows github.com/Raku/App-Rakubrew/issues/76 07:59
¦ rakubrew.org: patrickbkr self-assigned /files route returns 403 error github.com/Raku/rakubrew.org/issues/20
08:09 melezhik joined
melezhik o/ 08:09
tellable6 hey melezhik, you have a message: gist.github.com/d34d22f6412aeae1e0...cabbe879b1
melezhik nemokosch: ++ 08:10
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thebb so I'm doing the exercism raku track and running prove6 gives all tests successful, but it complains about non-zero exist status, "Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output" 08:39
doing a search with that error refers to some perl5 issue apparently 08:40
it's ok otherwise but exercism will not let you pass that exercise because of that error 08:41
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nemokosch Are you sure it's the Perl 5 version of TAP? 10:21
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grondilu Isn't the + quantifier supposed to work as ** 1..* ? 10:55
tellable6 2023-06-23T20:48:20Z #raku <lucs> grondilu: An interesting read: cacm.acm.org/blogs/blog-cacm/27357...s/fulltext
2023-06-23T22:44:42Z #raku <Voldenet> grondilu: I've tried some tasks, in general gpt3.5 was good at generating things that didn't even compile, but for instance using linux apis is a lot faster with gpt3.5 even with some broken code to fix
grondilu m: say grammar { rule TOP { <digit>+ } }.parse: "3 5 5 1"; 10:56
camelia Nil
grondilu m: say grammar { rule TOP { <digit>** 1..* } }.parse: "3 5 5 1";
camelia Nil
grondilu hang on
m: say grammar { rule TOP { <number>** 1..* }; token number { 0|<[1..9]><.digit>* } }.parse: "3 50 5 1"; 10:57
camelia Nil
grondilu damn ti
say grammar { rule TOP { <number> ** 1..* }; token number { 0 | <[1..9]><.digit>* } }.parse: my $x = ^100 .roll(10).join(' '); 10:59
evalable6 ï½¢47 3 2 27 23 37 52 64 77 71ï½£
number => …
grondilu, Full output: gist.github.com/cd0f2117fef7ec3d18...d74470f0ed
grondilu m: say grammar { rule TOP { <number> ** 1..* }; token number { 0|<[1..9]><.digit>* } }.parse: "3 50 5 1"; 11:00
camelia ï½¢3 50 5 1ï½£
number => ï½¢3ï½£
number => ï½¢50ï½£
number => ï½¢5ï½£
number => ï½¢1ï½£
Voldenet m: say grammar { rule TOP { <number> + }; token number { 0|<[1..9]><.digit>* } }.parse: "3 50 5 1"; 11:03
camelia ï½¢3 50 5 1ï½£
number => ï½¢3ï½£
number => ï½¢50ï½£
number => ï½¢5ï½£
number => ï½¢1ï½£
grondilu so the space matters, well I guess it does inside a rule but it's not intuitive
nemokosch that's like the main property of a rule 11:08
tbh rule feels like an unfeature 11:09
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tbrowder__ .ask ugexe can zef reliably copy a zef store's contents to another store? my use case is upgrading a binary download of rakudo and using the store of the previous version. 11:58
tellable6 tbrowder__, I'll pass your message to ugexe
ugexe why would you need to copy it? 12:02
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ugexe like why not just let zef use the same default store regardless of rakudo version 12:04
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tbrowder__ the upgrade would be in a different location and have its own store (unless its ok to copy the upgaded binary over the previous one). 12:05
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ugexe zef store is ~/.zef/store 12:05
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ugexe when you upgrade rakudo that path doesn't change 12:05
when you upgrade zef that path doesn't change 12:06
when you install a different version of raku it doesn't change 12:07
so i all of the above scenarios zef is going to use the same store
thus i'm not sure why you'd want to copy the store anywhere for reuse purposes
it is already reused
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tbrowder__ ah, i'm confusing store with something else. i'm experimenting with debian 12's raku/zef 14:09
and root's store is as you said 14:10
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tbrowder__ what needs to be copied is any bin files in inst-dir/lib/perk6/site/bin 14:43
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[Coke] in review, but Raku uses the same TAP, so a plan is also required to complete without warning. 14:57
ugexe those paths are Raku, not zef
anything in site/bin is going to rely on all the other files in site/ 14:58
including the rakudo-version-specific precompilation files
[Coke] docs.raku.org/type/Test#sub_plan
15:02 guessed left
ab5tract_ [Coke] What’s in review about TAP? 15:09
tbrowder__ so, after upgrading raku, all the modules there would have to be reinstalled with the new raku 15:28
but 15:29
hm, given the case of my user-installed modules, do they automatically get recompiled after a raku upgrade? 15:31
at first use after the raku upgrade?
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ugexe yes. custom repository locations would not though 15:51
[Coke] ab5tract_: someone ws complaining about the missing plan warning 15:56
irclogs.raku.org/raku/2023-10-20.html#08:39 15:58
ugexe could also use done-testing() if you dont want a plan 16:01
[Coke] +1 16:13
The main issue with done-testing is that then you don't know if some tests weren't run for some reason.
ab5tract_ Still not sure what’s under review about it :) 16:28
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[Coke] ? 16:39
the review of the chat
I hadn't caught up to real time when I said that.
Sorry about the confusion 16:40
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ab5tract_ ah! 16:59
Now I comprehend :D
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