🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:01 Tirifto left
japhb .tell Xliff I found the problem in your Terminal::Widgets issue, and replied to it. Also, since MUGS-UI-TUI is based on Terminal-Widgets these days, Geth reports into #mugs (here on Libera.chat, of course); you may wish to join there. 00:01
tellable6 japhb, I'll pass your message to Xliff
00:01 Tirifto joined 00:10 buildable6 left 00:12 buildable6 joined
[Coke] wonders if it's worth getting rid of jquery. 00:33
(on our various sites)
Geth ¦ raku.org: coke assigned to finanalyst Issue Make code samples runnable/editable in the browser github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/81 00:46
raku.org/whatever: 605fbe7f38 | (Will Coleda)++ | source/whatever/index.html
Remove zef from whatever page

it's in the footer on every page.
raku.org: coke++ created pull request #194:
Remove zef from whatever page
00:59 jpn joined 01:04 jpn left 01:06 dbonnafo joined
Geth ¦ raku.org: coke assigned to codesections Issue Raku® github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/196 01:10
01:10 dbonnafo left 01:12 buildable6 left
Geth raku.org/fun: 69352d835d | (Will Coleda)++ | source/fun/index.html
remove unnecessary abbr.
raku.org: coke++ created pull request #197:
remove unnecessary abbr.
01:15 buildable6 joined
Geth raku.org/repeat: ac7e90ae3c | (Will Coleda)++ | source/about/index.html
Remove 14-year old typo
raku.org: coke++ created pull request #199:
Remove 14-year old typo
[Coke] ... that's embarassing. 01:27
(as is my typo on the previous line) 01:28
01:33 Guest85 joined 01:37 jpn joined 01:41 jpn left 02:12 dbonnafo joined 02:15 buildable6 left 02:17 dbonnafo left 02:18 buildable6 joined 02:22 buildable6 left 02:23 buildable6 joined 02:44 dbonnafo joined 02:48 dbonnafo left 02:49 itaipu left 03:15 dbonnafo joined 03:18 buildable6 left 03:20 buildable6 joined, dbonnafo left 03:26 jpn joined 03:31 jpn left
Geth raku.org/6.0: 6835c43f50 | (Will Coleda)++ | source/specification/index.html
Update text of literal quote to avoid 6.0.0

Closes #68
Use brackets to indicate we've changed the quote to clarify.
raku.org: coke++ created pull request #202:
Update text of literal quote to avoid 6.0.0
04:15 Guest85 left 04:20 buildable6 left 04:23 buildable6 joined 04:27 buildable6 left 04:28 buildable6 joined
Geth raku.org: coke self-assigned remove jquery github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/204
coke self-assigned update how to contribute github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/198

coke self-unassigned Add intended audience to the resources github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/72 coke self-unassigned Compilers: should we mention subclassing across the p5/p6 border? github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/28 coke self-assigned Some Feedback github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/35 coke self-assigned The RSC is not mentioned anywhere on the site that I can find github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/190 a35e5b6874 | (Will Coleda)++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | source/community/index.html fix typo
05:23 buildable6 left, buildable6 joined 05:39 CIAvash joined 05:42 dbonnafo joined 05:46 dbonnafo left 06:23 dbonnafo joined, buildable6 left 06:24 buildable6 joined 06:27 dbonnafo left 07:10 dbonnafo joined 07:24 buildable6 left 07:26 buildable6 joined 07:50 lichtkind joined 07:54 dbonnafo left 08:02 jpn joined 08:06 jpn left 08:07 jpn joined 08:26 buildable6 left 08:28 buildable6 joined 08:37 golu8 joined 08:44 CIAvash left
raku.org: fd4b6e380b | (Will Coleda)++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | source/whatever/index.html
Remove zef from whatever page

it's in the footer on every page.
raku.org: 929135e196 | (Will Coleda)++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | source/fun/index.html
remove unnecessary abbr.
raku.org: e095f9c5ba | (Will Coleda)++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | source/about/index.html
Remove 14-year old typo
raku.org: 26e13192f6 | (Will Coleda)++ (committed by Elizabeth Mattijsen) | source/specification/index.html
Update text of literal quote to avoid 6.0.0

Closes #68
Use brackets to indicate we've changed the quote to clarify.
08:50 timo joined 08:59 Sgeo left 09:14 golu8 left 09:27 jpn left 09:28 buildable6 left, sena_kun joined 09:30 buildable6 joined 09:47 jpn joined 09:50 sftp joined, dbonnafo joined 09:51 lizmat left 09:55 dbonnafo left 09:56 jpn left 09:57 sena_kun left 10:12 dbonnafo joined 10:30 buildable6 left 10:34 buildable6 joined 10:52 sdfgsdfg joined 10:54 antim0d3s left 11:18 dbonnafo left 11:34 buildable6 left 11:36 buildable6 joined 11:58 edr joined 12:36 buildable6 left 12:37 buildable6 joined 12:42 buildable6 left, buildable6 joined 12:44 constxd left 12:47 constxd joined 13:19 constxd left 13:22 constxd joined 13:25 itaipu joined 13:33 jgaz joined 13:37 buildable6 left 13:38 buildable6 joined 13:42 buildable6 left 13:43 buildable6 joined 14:05 justHaunted is now known as justache 14:12 lizmat joined 14:15 lizmat_ joined 14:18 lizmat left 14:22 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 14:38 buildable6 left 14:41 buildable6 joined 14:45 buildable6 left, buildable6 joined 14:59 AssCrackBandit joined, teatime joined
[Coke] wonders if "justache" is "just ache" or like a mustache. 14:59
also: hi
justache justache like mustache 15:05
15:12 AssCrackBandit left
nemokosch mustache for java 15:12
15:15 dbonnafo joined 15:20 dbonnafo left 15:38 constxqt left 15:41 buildable6 left 15:42 buildable6 joined
[Coke] ahhh 15:44
nemokosch just a bluff, any correspondence with reality is completely coincidental 😛 15:46
16:26 MoC joined 16:30 AssCrackBandit joined 16:42 buildable6 left 16:45 constxqt joined, constxd left, buildable6 joined 16:47 constxd joined
Geth planet.raku.org: 136b2565a9 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | README.md
Update README.md
16:49 dbonnafo joined 16:56 AssCrackBandit left 17:12 dbonnafo left 17:29 Guest97 joined 17:30 Guest97 left 17:44 MoC left 17:45 buildable6 left 17:47 buildable6 joined
[Coke] lizmat++ 17:49
18:13 grondilu left 18:47 buildable6 left 18:48 buildable6 joined 18:50 sena_kun joined 19:13 dbonnafo joined
Geth raku.org: coke self-assigned 404s in footer github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/206
47c85bbd8a | (Will Coleda)++ | includes/footer

Closes #206
[Coke] lizmat: I'll probably go ahead and make bunch of changes to raku.org directly but put any slightly bigger stuff into a PR going forward.
[Coke] lizmat: any thoughts on github.com/Raku/raku.org/issues/200 ? 19:21
(oops, raku.org updates come here, but I meant to send most of my sends to raku-dev, apologies) 19:22
lizmat no worries
Geth raku.org: 1ea67d7b91 | (Will Coleda)++ | source/resources/index.html
Add mastodon link

Reorg slightly
Closes #200
raku.org: 1ef3fd9bde | (Will Coleda)++ | README.md
Update planet.raku.org instructions

  (This hasn't been me in a decade)
Closes #205
raku.org: d11f840eb0 | (Will Coleda)++ | source/resources/index.html
Add missing )

Closes #201
raku.org: 9ed0e16633 | (Will Coleda)++ | source/community/index.html
Fix grammar-o

Closes #195
19:48 buildable6 left 19:52 buildable6 joined
librasteve macos rakubrew moar-2023.10 zef install Linenoise is failing... ===> Testing [OK] for File::Which:ver<1.0.4> ===> Testing: File::Find:ver<0.2.1>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules> ===> Testing [OK] for File::Find:ver<0.2.1>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules> ===> Testing: Shell::Command:ver<1.1>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules> ===> Testing [OK] for Shell::Command:ver<1.1>:auth<zef:raku-community-modules> ===> Testing: 19:52
LibraryMake:ver<1.0.3>:auth<zef:jjmerelo> [LibraryMake] # Failed test 'code dies' [LibraryMake] # at t/01-basic.t line 35 [LibraryMake] # You failed 1 test of 2 [LibraryMake] # Failed test 'did we throws-like X::AdHoc?' [LibraryMake] # at t/01-basic.t line 35 [LibraryMake] # You failed 1 test of 1 [LibraryMake] # Failed test 'Errors correctly if it can't' [LibraryMake] # at t/01-basic.t line
33 [LibraryMake] # You failed 1 test of 3 ===> Testing [FAIL]: LibraryMake:ver<1.0.3>:auth<zef:jjmerelo> Aborting due to test failure: LibraryMake:ver<1.0.3>:auth<zef:jjmerelo> (use --force-test to override)
this is me retrying what zeekar reported here www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...n_v202310/ 19:53
[Coke] is it github.com/retupmoca/P6-LibraryMake/issues/48 ? 19:55
which is github.com/azawawi/raku-file-which/issues/26 19:56
ugexe looks like it. however, the issue referenced is for LibraryCheck (which installs fine for me on macos)
librasteve Last login: Wed Nov 1 19:26:48 on ttys000 ~ > zef install LibraryCheck ===> Searching for: LibraryCheck ===> Testing: LibraryCheck:ver<0.0.12>:auth<zef:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0> ===> Testing [OK] for LibraryCheck:ver<0.0.12>:auth<zef:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0> ===> Installing: LibraryCheck:ver<0.0.12>:auth<zef:jonathanstowe>:api<1.0> ~ > 19:57
^^ installs ok for me
Geth raku.org: deae945617 | (Will Coleda)++ | 2 files
Move merch to "Fun"

Part of #189
tbrowder__ would it be fair to say raku module distros are similar to "micro services?" 20:14
[Coke] no, a micro service a specific thing.
a kind of application architecture. 20:15
it's more like a nuget package or an npm distro if you're looking for an analog. 20:17
Geth raku.org: c5590ce46a | (Will Coleda)++ | 3 files
Update "Whatever" Menu item to "IDEs"

  * Don't change URL yet, just menus
  * move one misc. item to resources
20:52 buildable6 left 20:55 buildable6 joined
Geth raku.org: 3c5bdf931d | (Will Coleda)++ | source/about/index.html
Update contribution instructions.

Closes #198
raku.org: 4f39afe54f | (Will Coleda)++ | source/getting-started/involved.html
Fix missed Perl 6
21:11 teatime left 21:19 dbonnafo left 21:23 teatime joined
Geth raku.org: 00d79931ab | (Will Coleda)++ | source/index.html
Remove reference to 2023 Con

It's done, and we'll add video links when they come online.
Closes #203
21:32 AssCrackBandit joined 21:50 samebchase left 21:51 samebchase joined 21:55 buildable6 left 21:57 buildable6 joined 21:59 unicodable6 left, unicodable6 joined 22:01 buildable6 left, buildable6 joined
Geth raku.org: c878907993 | (Will Coleda)++ | app.psgi
update startup plackup message
22:08 bigdata joined 22:11 Sgeo joined 22:13 samebchase left, samebchase joined 22:44 sena_kun left 22:50 Guest70 joined 22:57 buildable6 left, buildable6 joined 23:00 abraxxa-home joined, bigdata left 23:02 unicodable6 left, committable6 left, unicodable6 joined, committable6 joined 23:04 Guest70 left 23:21 abraxxa-home left 23:22 abraxxa-home left, dbonnafo joined 23:27 dbonnafo left, lichtkind left 23:43 teatime left, teatime joined
Geth raku.org: f846942c4b | (Will Coleda)++ | source/downloads/index.html
add github, bug reporting, emphasize Rakudo
raku.org: 1102ab8305 | (Will Coleda)++ | source/compilers/index.html
Say Perl 6 less.
raku.org: a7a036e3de | (Will Coleda)++ | includes/footer
slight typographic cleanup
23:57 buildable6 left 23:59 buildable6 joined